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does anyone feel like their uncofortable high all the time?

    ive smoked weed  a couple 4 times about 2  years ago, and every single time i smoked i had a panic attack, i freaked out and i didnt like it.
so now ive been having anxiety. and i feel like i used to when i was stoned.  ive been having  the same symptoms. like racing thoughts, and i feel confused cant concentrate. easily distracted. and where i would feel like nothing is unreal. and some other stuff i cant remember,
but the point is , i feel like im unconfortably high all the time.   in the first week i started having anxiety and panic attacks.  i actualy thoughts someone put marijuana on my cigaret.
then again i dont know if it was because i was having a panic attack when i smoked. but i feel weird , and i dont like it.
           does anyone that smoked before  know what im talking about.???
im just curious, ive been feeling this for a while now. and i dont know if i should worry about it or not.
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I feel the same way. I’ve felt this way for about 6 months, I quit smoking weed around the time I started feeling this way. I don’t think my weed was laced because my great aunt grew it. But before that, I’ve been smoking since I was 13 and I’m almost 18 now. My boyfriend feels the exact same way. So does his friend Daniel, and Daniel’s sister. And we never smoked together. They felt that way before that met me.

If anyone knows what this is please let me know. I’m making an appointment with my ENT doctor. I got all tests done and my docter’s say I’m perfectly healthy aside from a slight vitamin D deficiency. I’m going to keep trying. I can’t live like this. I hate it. I feel like I’ll never feel real or normal again.
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Not sure who you're responding to, the original post is 9 years old.  The original poster suffered anxiety while stoned, and it stuck around when he stopped using it.  Is that your problem?  Or is it something else?  If you make a new post, you might get more response, but those who get anxiety while stoned might already have had the propensity for an anxiety disorder and the pot, which drives us inward, can bring it out into the open.  Sometimes it sticks around because that's how chronic anxiety works -- we have a bout of anxiety and we keep thinking anxious thoughts.  If you're saying you smoked pot and it made you feel something physiological, such as spacey, and you still feel that way after stopping, that's something different.  Keep in mind you started long before your brain was fully developed, and if you smoked a lot, it might take your still developing brain some time to straighten itself out by making new neural connections.  Another problem is that pot, like so much in our modern lives, isn't natural anymore, it has been bred to have extremely high THC content.  When I was young we smoked what grew naturally.  Some was stronger than others.  Then some folks decided to make money on it and cross bred it until it was a different drug altogether, much much stronger.  So it affects the brain more.  So it takes more time for the brain to come back around.  Most likely it will.  But again, if you give more detail about exactly what you're going through, since this thread and many more like it have a lot of different posts on it, and if you make a new post where more people will see it, maybe someone can help you more with this.  
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6/18/14.I thought i was the only one who is experiencing this (until i read all your comment guys). Its more than a week now. During the first days it was just like occassional. But its been around four days already when it became temporary. I quitted smoking and drinking 15 years ago and i dont have any vices now. I have a regular gym work out and eat healthy foods. But this feeling of being high (no focus, feeling like i got a cupshot of wine, feeling like loosing balance)is bothering me. I hope someone could help us know what this is.
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6/18/14.I thought i was the only one who is experiencing this (until i read all your comment guys). Its more than a week now. During the first days it was just like occassional. But its been around four days already when it became temporary. I quitted smoking and drinking 15 years ago and i dont have any vices now. I have a regular gym work out and eat healthy foods. But this feeling of being high (no focus, feeling like i got a cupshot of wine, feeling like loosing balance)is bothering me. I hope someone could help us know what this is.
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i had the exact same thing happen to me a year or two ago : when i get high it always feels ****, and i bascally get a panick attacks each time.  two or three years ago, i started to feel the exact same sensation but without getting high, and i found out these are panick attacks. It totally goes away. First i panicked and i thought that the weed somehow stayed in my stystem, and i felt lost and scared ********. the thing you have to do is fully accept the sensation and the feeling, to install yourself in it completely. stop fighting it altogether.  it takes a little practice but eventually it stops completely. stop worrying ;)
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I was a huge pot head for 8 years of my life. I smoked every single day I could. I really enjoyed it. I also have had anxiety since I was a child. I will say getting high made my anxiety worse when i was in large groups of people but I'd just play a guitar or listen to music and I'd be fine. I stopped smoking weed November 13th, 2011. Since then I've tried to smoke again 4 separate times and I had MASSIVE panic attacks. I know every single thing you are describing, my friend.

Unfortunately, I believe you have a severe anxiety/panic disorder just like I do. One big piece of advice, when you feel weird, NEVER LOOK UP THE SYMPTOMS YOU ARE FEELING. You will freak out. Anxiety can and will mimic every symptom of dangerous illnesses all the way up to heart attacks. I've been to the E.R. 3 times for what I thought was a heart attack but turned out to just be anxiety/panic.

If any of you reading this have had that same though that you were about to have a heart attack let me give you the word of advice the doctor at the E.R. gave me on my 3rd visit. "Unless your chest feels like it's completely caving in on you and you absolutely cannot get a breath in, you are not having a heart attack. It's just anxiety." He said a heart attack is the worst pain you will ever experience.

I would recommend you going to the doctor to talk about possible help for your anxiety. I take a low dose xanax only as a last resort...when I can't fight it any longer. There are other options such as therapists and counselors that may work for you too. But for me, having a pill that can make it all go away makes me feel 100% better. Just knowing it's there if i need it. Most of all, your mind is the strongest tool to fighting this. "The antidote is in your head." Remember that.

Stay strong and don't sweat it. You will be alright.
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I feel that exact way. Im scared honesty. At first i thought Iwas just execsivly tired so I slept it off but woke up feeling the same way. Its been four days now. Im so scared i dont wnt to stay like this forver.
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feel the same :$
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this is happening to me. im 15 and i had brownies at my friends house about a month ago and i was fine until this tuesday when i started school up again. i read all these and they are making me feel so much better about the situation. if i can keep calm and control my brain, ill be okay. i honestly thought that i would never get over it but im beginning to feel alot better to see that it happens to other people too
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this is happening to me. im 15 and i had brownies at my friends house about a month ago and i was fine until this tuesday when i started school up again. i read all these and they are making me feel so much better about the situation. if i can keep calm and control my brain, ill be okay. i honestly thought that i would never get over it but im beginning to feel alot better to see that it happens to other people too
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I feel you. I have a drug-induced panic disorder. The first time I had a panic attack was when I tripped acid, after I smoked about 3 bowls of weed. I thought I was having a heart attack, but now that I have been diagnosed with a panic disorder it all makes sense. I smoked weed for the past two years until about two months ago when I started having the attacks. I have  been to the hospital countless times and nothing ever shows up that's wrong with me. The first time I soberly had a panic attack was two days after I ate mushrooms. I smoked some weed to go to bed and then I started feeling like I was tripping again, but I felt like I was really scared. I then quit doing everything, drugs, drinking, caffeine, and smoking cigarettes. I have been clean for the past two months, I've been prescribed medicine, and I've been going to counselling. I still have problems sometimes, but it's not nearly as bad. I'd highly recommend seeing a psychiatrist for an evaluation. Good luck from someone that's been in the same boat as you!

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1513984 tn?1290395431
I know exactly what you're talking about. This happened to me when I was 18 and has never went away. When It first happened I thought someone was putting some drug in my cigs or food. I couldn't get to the reason why I felt so weird. I thought it was cause I smoked weed so I quit for months but the wierd feeling of being high continued so I develouped OCD (obsessive compulsive dissorder) and had panic attacks, i went to the emergency room to get tests and doctors and everything "Looked normal". well everything didnt look normal to me. Everything looks like it does when I'm high, even though I'm not. I can go months with out smoking and it stays the same. I still get scared and parinoid but I am ajusting to it cause it isnt go away. I started smoking again, and controlling my thoughts. Your mind is stronger than anything. If you control your thoughts, tell your self your okay, your body will react accordingly. Keep positive and know that It can go away. THere are lots of people who feel like this I am discovering. Once I realized I wasnt alone, I burst out crying. I thought I was the only one.
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Ohh myyyy goooodd.........ive been having this same problem for about two months now, i literally thought i was going crazy.....like its a very weird and well.......SCARY feeling.......i didnt know what was going on,i would get in like almost in a daze.....very light headed....and wasnt really aware of my surroundings,almost like my surroundings were not real,i would just start trippin out,yea ive smoked weed more that a couple times and id stay up with my buddys smoking to like 4:00am...and when i woke up and started feeling this way i was like "man that must of been some good weed cause im still stoned!!!",,,,but it was just this derealization,,,i still feel like that EVERYDAY....Thank so much everybody for explaining this.....thought i was going crazy or something.
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194555 tn?1264286923
Your not alone in this... So many of us experience the same thing!!

When i was younger i smoked weed all the time, and popped pills etc, i was a right little rebel, then one night about a month after giving birth i smoked my first joint and had my first bit of phet since i found out i was preggers, and wow bang it hit me hard.. i was so panicky i didnt know wtf was going on with me... I was then told i had anxiety and given antidepressents .. I never touched any drugs again ever!!

10 years down the line and i am still suffering with anxiety, which has got me paranoid, when i have a high feeling from my anxiety i get the same symptoms as i did that night, and i feel like i have been spiked, i am questioning myself, have i just took something, has someone spiked me, i watch my food being cooked, i am constantly paranoid now..And when i am eating if i get a panick attack, i have that feeling of impending doom!! its rediculous!!

Your so young, get into cbt to teach your mind.... I am starting asap... Fed up of it now!!

good luck to you all x x
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Look I had the same thin for a couple of months now I had no clue what it was ubtill I asked my friends way was wronq with née I just Leander to deal with it and gradually it went away it's like it faded away over time now I don't get then any more I've learned to overcome it by my self don't sweat it dude
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exactly ^
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omg, i get this exact feeling. Around 1 year ago, I smoked pot for the first time (and it was during my break at work), and I had a really bad panick attack on it. Ever since that day, It's like I feel high 24/7

I went to see a psychiatrist for this, and it seems like this is something called derealization. Derealization is a state where the person feels like nothing is real, or like you're living in a dream. According to my psychiatrist, derealization is caused by prolonged anxiety, or something who's been under a lot of stress for a long time.

The only way to treat derealization is to get rid of the anxiety first. ( im taking anxiety pills, and anti depressants for this right now), and the derealization should go away gradually by itself.

Hope this helps
hit me up on msn if u wanna talk ***@****
or by email: ***@****

also check out
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dude you don't need pills, get down to the root of it by facing your own fears, what's really going is. the only way to really get better. but you will get better. i know it.
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Hey man, I get the exact same problems that you just described, and have had problems dealing with them for like 3 years now, but over that time it wasnt as bad as it has been lately. Lately I have been tripping out on everything, it scares me a lot now because i have to go through surgery and I keep thinking that this feeling is gonna effect the way my surgery goes. I dont know what it is, but I am hoping that someone knows what it is and can help me out with it, cause it scares me to death. So anyone is this kind of thing normal or is there something wrong with me?
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there's nothing wrong with you at all, we all just have weird funks we get in, i'm in one now. i see this is in 2009, i hope you're doing good now. psycho analysis, and laying off drugs and alcohol will get in back on track. best wishes.
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dude i have this same feeling. ive smoked a couple times  ,hated it  ,last time was a year ago, this feeling used to happen once in a while.but ever since i feel high all the time. and i trip off **** like the acid in  cig thing. the worst part is my buddy just died 4 months ago at 16 of an acid trip .. so im scared 2 death of it. and it makes me think about it on things even more :(

im not shure if the feeling started when i quit.. or when he died... i though i was just in like life long shock from his death.  this new feeling scares me and makes simple things diffacult

the worst part is i skate,, and i always feel like  high. so i like cant think straight while i skate,. i think about wierd **** when i skate too,, my mind starts wondering while im riding and then i realize im skating then i trip on me trippin out and feel ever more high/ and ill bum a ciggarette of some one at the park and for a split second ill think it might be laced with sumthin or stuff like that and trip of that.  so even when i try not to think about it im thinking about it..

does any one know what this is?.. its freaking me out and making my life difficult,, all i can explain is i feel light headed , off balance, tired, and high 24/7. im starting 2 just give up and deal with it. but i want it to go away more than anything.

is there a name for this ? is it from my experiences ? or is it from sumthin else like low blood sugar?

please get back 2 me asap.. i want this **** solved before i daze off one day and an acident happnes from it..
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god is the answer man
god is the answer man
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hey man .thanks for replyin .
but i the thing that you said about the acid, ive actually thought that too. in the first week i started to get anxiety, i did know if i was going crazy or what. and i actually thought somoneof my friends tryed to pull a prank on me. or something.
but thanks for the help man.
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Yeah man, I used to be a total pothead and ever since I got anxiety I have not been able to smoke. I understand what you mean about thinking people put pot in your cigarettes. I used to get scared about things like that all the time. What really freaked me out was "what if someone doses me with acid" because, you know, acid is so small and tasteless and can be put on your skin. This really freaked me out for a while.
    You just need to realize that pot isn't a big deal. It's just pot. It can only do SO much... Just don't smoke it. If you're around people that are smoking it, just ignore it. Breathing the second-hand stuff won't do anything to you, either. Don't ever assume that it could. It just not something you should worry about.
     My advice is to get your mind right. How one should go about that? I am still in the process of learning. I like what Paxiled said, though, "When you can stop thinking like that, from what i've heard, you won't have anxiety anymore." Yes... yes...
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Pot will make you feel more intensely whatever you are already feeling.  If you're anxious, it will make you more so.  Alcohol can do this, too.  If you're horny, it'll make you more so, etc.  It doesn't create the feelings, it intensifies what you're already feeling.  I smoked when I was young and it was great, then when I got anxiety, it made me anxious and I stopped.  Simple as that.  

Feeling high is kinda normal for a panic attack.  It's disorienting, everyone experiences it a little differently, and over time if it doesn't go away, as is unfortunately my case, it changes.  I used to feel dizzy and everything looked unfamiliar when I had an attack, then I got used to it, now I feel like that again because of a bad experience with a medication for it I stopped taking.  It's just a weird disease, but don't worry about the pot two years ago -- it's your worrying about it that's making you feel like you're there now.  When you can stop thinking like that, from what I've heard, you won't have anxiety anymore.
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Smoking marijuana can exacerbate one's anxiety it a big way.  I am glad that you have decided to stop using it; its unhealthy not to mention illegal.  Panic attacks can really spiral out of control if one does not confront it in my opinion.  The worry/panic/worry cycle can be really easy to fall into and hard to get out of.  Have you ever thought of going to see a therapist about this?  If you have access to one, it can really help you understand why you are thinking the way you are...keep us posted!
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