1705773 tn?1326480274


I'm getting so annoyedandupset about this derealization and depersonalization its sobad tonight the air ibreath is warm idont feel right I'm so tired I feel like I have a blurry film over my eyes it just won't go:(
15 Responses
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1705773 tn?1326480274
Hey mmy mum is phoning doctors on Monday to try get me an oppointment because imnot coping with these head pressures and head rushes constantly when I'm just sittin or lying in bed makes me feel sick x and I know I've had great advise fromu all I'm just the type of person who like to ask things and constantly talk to people that's why I always post :\  and I did make a post don't know if any of useen it but I went roller blading and have been out all this week
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370181 tn?1716862802
Nursegirl has said what a great many of us are thinking, vicky. You've been posting here for many months now, we've given you our support, our advice, our compassion and our encouragement over and over, but nothing ever changes.

I understand that it is not my place to second guess your mother, but I don't understand why she is making you wait another month to get your bloodwork done when she must know how bad you are feeling. Perhaps she is unaware of just HOW bad you feel, so maybe you should talk with her again.

I also agree with nursegirl about this doctor you've been seeing. A doctor who tells you that ANY physical symptom you are feeling is "all in your head," should, in my opinion, have his medical license revoked. It sounds to me when he looks at you, he sees an  anxious young girl whose hormones are all over the field, you're hysterical, emotionally out of control, probably due, in part, to PMS and you're just not dealing with anything in a logical way. So, in his mind, he has you diagnosed.

I strongly suggest you find another doctor. Preferrably a woman doctor who deals with young people.

I hope and trust the next time we hear from you, you will have made some effort to help yourself. We can and we will keep listening, but there isn't much more we can tell you. If we keep comforting you and offering support and sympathy, all we are doing is enabling you to remain exactly where you've been for all these months.

Someone will be here to listen to you Vicky, but persoanlly, I've given you all the advise I can, both on the public forum and many, many PMs. I am not going to keep hitting my head against a brick wall.

I wish the very best for you............but it's up to you now to make that happen.
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1705773 tn?1326480274
Because mum says to wait for another month till I get my bloods done and just go then .. and I go topsychology already but only got 2 more sessions left. And I've been getting more exercise I just still feel horrible. And ano don't worry and thankyou
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480448 tn?1426948538
We've been encouraging you for months to get a second opinion from another doctor, and you keep saying you are going to ask your Mom...why hasn't this happened yet?  You need to ask the new doctor for a referral to a psychiatrist who is familiar with anxiety disorders and how to properly treat them.  The first doctor has been no help...you need to write him off.

We can give you all of the suggestions in the world, hon, but YOU have to make things happen...it's been months.  You need to get the ball rolling, you are only wasting time and prolonging your recovery.

I don't say these things to be mean, but because I care...to be honest, it's quite frustrating to see someone continue to suffer, yet not seem to want to do what it takes to get better!!
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1705773 tn?1326480274
Ye well I will get mum toget me an oppointment soon but I just dnt even like seeing him coz he basically just laughs and its annoys me x it stared wheni had glandular fiever for about 2 and a half years and maby still have it but then had food poisioning and anemia and the lot so nt been very lucky but iwill askfor second oppinion and it might be allergies and tonight wheni had my tea after it I felt really sick tight throat and tummy and wasreally dizzy and weak so I just don't know
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Honey, if you have a Dr. that will not do a work up first, and is saying it's all in your head, then you need to see a different Dr. and get a second opinion.  I'm not saying it's not from anxiety, and "it's all in your head" makes me mad because anxiety is a real condition, but he needs to check you out first.  It could be something as simple as allergies, which causes dizziness and sick feeling.  But demand he do something.  Your paying for that Dr, and it's your body, take care of it.  Good luck.
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1705773 tn?1326480274
Heya nope he won't let me because he says its allin my head :\  and ye I'm thinking it might be my balance as I'm always dizzy and feeling sick . I'm feeling weak right now and really sick :( and thankyou
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I was just curious, have you had a good workup from your Dr.?  To make sure there there isn't anything wrong physically, like maybe, you said, your ears?  I just think it's so important to make sure that they aren't just saying it's all anxiety without doing a check up first.  I get dizzy too, and it's horrible.  I bet we all know how you feel hon.  I hope you feel better.
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1705773 tn?1326480274
Ye the cycle is bad x
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1705773 tn?1326480274
Thankyou :) illtry overcome it
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I would have to agree that there definitely is no quick fix for this, but you are going to get through it. Remember that anxiety is going to make us feel run down both physically and mentally which makes it hard to overcome in my opinion, especially when we are concerned about our physical symptoms.  The doctors tell us we are fine, but it can be hard to believe when we feel like crap. I believe that this can keep us in that worry, panic, worry cycle. So, you are going to feel different as you confront this.  This is normal in my opinion. Keep going to therapy and keep your head up. What you are doing takes courage and hard work, but success is attainable.  Keep us posted!  
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1705773 tn?1326480274
Heya and ye ano wish it was a quick fix .. ye ill give itago tonight I managedto go out rollerblading with my friend today and it felt good but I was still dizzy and extremely out of breath x
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Of course there's no quick fix for these types of things, but what I've found helps ease my anxiety is a warm shower, or relaxing with music while having a cold/damp wash rag lay on my face. It's very soothing and does wonders for me when I'm feeling the anxiety approach.
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1705773 tn?1326480274
Hi ye I go to psychology once a week but she just said that d.p and d.r are anxiety related but I can't controle it eveeryday I have it and tention inmy head so gonna see what else it could be if its my inner ear ?? As always dizzy n headaches n earaches
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I am sorry you are dealing with this right now. Anxiety can really be both extremely frightening and confusing when we first experience it, in my opinion. But you are going to get through this and become a better person for it even though that that is probably the furthest thing from your mind in my opinion. Are you able to go get help through counseling?  There is a lot of support out there and there are many ways to learn about and confront your anxiety. Keep your head up. You are going to get through this. In my opinion, we all go through what you are experiencing right now at some point. Keep us posted!  
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