1460652 tn?1340248730

zoloft, anxiety and no appetite

I recently had a bad reaction to zoloft, went off of it after 3 days because it made my anxiety worse. I havent had any appetite whatsoever since i took the first dose 9 days ago. My anxiety is constant and worse than before the medication. I havent taken it in 6 days but still feel anxious with no appetite. I am literally unable to eat, anyone else ever experience this?
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480448 tn?1426948538
In 6 days since your last pill and after only 3 doses, the Zoloft is long gone out of your system.  Were you having trouble with your appetite before the Zoloft?  I thought I remembered that being one of your symptoms, along with increased anxiety?

What has your therapist been saying, and what have you discussed with your doc as a new plan to try?  I know you're in a hellish spot right now....but you REALLY need to amp up the anxiety treatment bigtime, even if it is just the therapy...otherwise your anxiety and thinking is going to try to convince yourself that the 3 Zoloft pills caused ALL of this and will never go away.

You can get through this and will get through this.  In my heart of hearts, I SINCERELY believe that many of these cases of people taking one or two pills and claiming it ruined them is more the power of our minds believing that either an allergic reaction, or intolerance to the med is something worse.  Understanding the way these meds work, it would be literally impossible for a few doses of an SSRI to cause some kind of permanent brain damage, or the like.   Many people become scared to death to every try ANY other pill again.  I don't doubt that you did horribly on the Zoloft, and it may just be taking you a little while to feel better, but as for thinking it somehow "damaged" you or is the sole cause of all of your sensations?  I don't believe that at all.  I think your anxiety was peaking, you tried the Zoloft again for that reason and had a horrible time with it.  Just like the anxious mind associating the grocery store where we had our first panic attack with the panic....your mind is trying to blame ALL of your issues on the Zoloft at this point, even if YOU consciously know that isn't true.

You have anxiety that is at horribly high levels...and when that is the case, we'll convince ourselves of anything, or worsen things in our mind.  I truly hope you find some relief soon...and find an alternative form of treating the anxiety.

While the appetite is a problem and it's hard to eat...you have to eat...even if you have to force yourself.  For obviously reasons, eating is necessary.  But also, without a decent amount of food intake, you'll feel even worse, which maybe could explain some of the rough time you're having after the Zoloft.

I wish we all had a magic wand and could make this stuff go away.  Really I do.

Very very best to you...pulling for you.
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I dont mean any disrespect. I just want to say something please. These meds change the chemicals in your brain. They effect each brain differently. The brain is extremely complex and there is no perfect science to this, and these drugs are powerful and do have a lot of side effects. Obviously the anxiety needs to be dealt with, but please dont ignore what you feel. I made that mistake once and it cost me greatly.
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480448 tn?1426948538

I agree with you about these meds not being an exact science.  Much about anxiety and other mental disorders is based on theory, as are the meds that treat them.  I don't want colleen to ignore how she's feeling, and her symptoms could very well be partly caused by the Zoloft at this point, but we also have to be careful because us anxious people are VERY good at convincing ourselves of one thing or another.

I don't mean to come accross as dismissive to the people who claim that meds have affected them drastically.  I have a harder time buying that just one or two doses could cause a permanent issue.  Possibly chronic, long term use?  That's more likely IMO. I've met a great deal of wonderful people on here who have stories of meds forever changing them in a bad way, and I respect them and believe what they say is true...unfortunately there isn't any way to prove this or find a way to fix it.  I also know that terribly scary situations (like a bad reaction to a med) can be so traumatic that our anxious minds run with it.

I wish there was a more clear cut answer, but at this point there isn't.  I just wish peace for all involved, one way or another.
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I agree with Nursegirl.  A couple of doses would not cause this downward spiral.  It certainly could have amped up the anxiety level for a couple of days.  Many people will tell you their first week or two on an SSRI was horrible.  Their anxiety was ten times worse, they were moody etc.  But for most, if you can make it through the initial period, relief does come.  I am sorry that that was not the case for you and you just couldn't continue with it.  I hope your Doctor finds an alternative treatment for you.  I know you rely on Ativan at times.  If this really helps let him know. There are other benzos out there. Good luck.  We are all pulling for you.  I know things look pretty bleak right now, but it will pass.
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1460652 tn?1340248730
Thank you for being so caring and kind i do appreciate all the good advice. It is so hard right now! I saw a crappy "intern" therapist who really worked me up by asking things like "what is your worst fear? what do you believe will happen to your daughter if you do in fact go crazy like you think you will?" i left a little shaken. i called the group right after and said i wanted someone with experience so im seeing someone tomorrow morning who has been doing it for 30 years. im willing to pay the 80 bucks a visit for someone who knows what they are doing. I did go all day until 630 without an ativan, which i consider a big victory. I had to take one because i started feeling antsy, tired,dizzy, and my bp went up to 130/90 when it is normally 115/70. this of course scared me, even though i know thats not really high. im just so tormented right now im considering trying another med. Lord help me, im trying to keep my 6 year old occupied and plastering on a smile when i just want to lock myself in the bathroom and cry. again thanks guys this forum is giving me some encouragement, i just wish i could convince myself that THIS WILL PASS and im going to be ok.pray for me:)
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480448 tn?1426948538
Colleen, I give you so much credit, you're being so strong and I applaud you for that!  I couldn't agree more that looking into a different therapist would probably be helpful.  It doesn't sound like the intern was at all the "right fit".

Keep on doing what you're doing, I really do think that you'll gradually be feeling better soon.  I think you've already had a vast improvement, but the remaining symptoms are still so bothersome.  Just remind yourself how bad you felt when you went into the hospital, and how you feel now.  I'm sure it's not as much improvement as you would like to see, but you're getting there...and you will.

Hugs...hang in there!
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I just want to echo what nursegirl said in her prior posts.  For me, when I first started taking Zoloft, I was so nervous about it, I was convinced that my anxiety was related to the medication after taking one pill.  While we do go through and adjustment period with these medications, I would venture to say many of my symptoms were from the anxiety about initially taking it.  Now that I am comfortable taking it...I have been off and on them, I know what to expect.  For me, I do notice some increased anxiety and some side effects whenever I start, adjust, or stop taking the medication (under a doc's supervision of course) but the long term benefits for me greatly outweigh the negatives for me.

Having said that, they do affect us all differently and I believe that therapy is the most important step you can take with this journey.  I also believe that you are winning this battle because you seem to have the right attitude and having that is so much in dealing with this.  

As nursegirl said, it is not a question of if you get through this, it is just a question of when....you will get through it like so many of us here have.  I know that it is scary, frightening and daunting at times, but as you gain the knowledge to confront it, you will see the progress...please keep us posted!
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The good news is you dont have to worry about going crazy. When you are crazy you dont know anything is wrong, and you are perfectly aware that you are not right. Sooo you see? You are not crazy. :)
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480448 tn?1426948538
Well said, bbxx.

That was always my biggest fear with anxiety and panic...that I was losing it and going insane.  I thought for sure that there was a white jacket somewhere with my name on it.  

It's important to remember that people who have psychotic illnesses are out of touch with reality and don't KNOW that anything is wrong.  They BELIEVE their thoughts, their voices, etc.  We fight a constant battle against intrusive thoughts, and the cycle of anxious thinking, but in the end, we always know our thoughts are irrational and unfounded in reality.  It's just a struggle to get our brains to believe it and to quit churning the constant cycle of anxious thinking that fuels the fire.
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1460652 tn?1340248730
thank you for that:) it makes sense. im not crazy, just tortured with crazy unwanted thoughts.at least that means there's hope for me? i cant stop cryin right now, my boyfriend has to stay in a hotel tonight, he works 120 hrs a week in the oilfield and is gone for days at a time. i really didnt want to be alone tonight.im so...distraught. im sorry im making this my own personal crybaby pity party but i cant help it, im coming apart! my blood pressure keeps fluctuating and i took that 1mg ativan 2 hours ago and it isnt touching this anxiety or the overwhelming sadness i feel right now.im starting to wonder if i shouldnt move back to ohio where my family is so i dont have to do this alone. texas is so far from anyone i know...ugh i sound so pitiful lol.
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480448 tn?1426948538
No you don't sound pitiful at all...just desperate for peace.  And you throw the biggest pity party you need to...it's OKAY!  We've all been there.  You're going through so much and yet you don't have your hubby there, which makes it harder.


Find something funny to watch on TV...something mindless that will help you distract yourself.  Think about how much worse you've felt and that better days are ahead.  They ARE.  It's just hard to focus on that when you're in a dark place.

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As to your blood pressure fluctuating, the cardiologist told me, we are not machines, we dont all have the same numbers, and the numbers we do have will go up and down min..by min. Try to not keep taking it. :)
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My psychiatrist told me the Zoloft made me worse because it also has dopamine in it and for ME that was not the right thing. He was upset my general practitioner gave me xanax becasue of its short half life so he put me on Klonopin. I am back on lexapro and I am 100% better> I was just like you and there is hope and it will get better> Dont be afraid to tell your doctor you wuold like to try something else!
Best Wishes
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Hang in there.  I know it's really tough.  Ativan helps you and I'm glad about that.  I took ativan when my panic attacks first started.  Problem was that I was feeding the cycle by trying not to take the ativan until my anxiety was peaking.  It would take awhile to chill out and I began being anxious about when the next attack would happen and I knew that it would.  My doctor, at the time decided the only way to break that cycle was to put me on Klonopin.  This was to prevent any further panic attacks.  Within three days my panic attacks were over.  I decided that must be the end of them and the cycle was broken.  I now take Celexa and just recently returned to Klonopin .5 two times a day, because of some breakthrough anxiety.  The wonderful thing is that I know there is something out there that can turn things around for me.  You will find the right treatment, too.  We are all different, but we can all be helped.  Best of luck.  I'm waiting for the day I read that you are feeling much better!
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1460652 tn?1340248730
I saw a great therapist today, who convinced me above all that there is hope and i will not feel this way forever. I have been feeling better since the appointment. She gave me some stress mgmnt techniques to begin with, and told me that i shouldnt be so hard on myself because EVERYONE feels anxious or depressed at some time in theyre life, and i just need the tools to cope with it. I see a psychiatrist tuesday to decide about meds, whether i will take them or not. I havent decided, im going to use this next few days as a test to see if maybe these stress mgmt techniques help at all. I am definitely still using my ativan but as far as antids go, im undecided. we will see how much anxiety i can handle i guess.
The therapist brought up a good point. I was diagnosed with panic disorder and have been dealing with anxiety and depression for 13 years. I have been on antids the whole time, and from age 21 to last year i selfmedicated with heavy drinking. All this time, i have not ever been to a counselor or therapist. She said in my case, i never really addressed the problem, i just put a bandaid on it. And now that the bandaid is gone, the "dam has busted" so to speak. i come from an alcoholic family, and she said that plays a factor as well. all in all, it was very eye opening for me. To think that the real problem could be things ive been repressing or ignoring for so long. Of course, its just as likely that its a chemical imbalance in my brain, but for the first time, im interested in WHY i feel this way, i dont just want to pop a pill so it will disappear. I believe i am on a journey to self discovery, i can only hope it will end in my happiness, one way or another. i just have to face the fact that it will be hard. but i can do it. All you guys on this forum totally ROCK and thank you for bein there for me. ill keep you all posted on my progress:)
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968908 tn?1274871115
Wow, see this is exactly what I was trying in vain to explain to u, and u have discovered the importance of seeing a therapist only after the first session with the professional therapist.  Med's will always have their place but therapy is the key to unlocking and dealing with all that is lurking within us.

I wish u every success, it is going to be one of the best and most fulfilling journeys u can ever take, self discovery is amazing, hard but amazing!

Take care and good-luck x
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Glad you are feeling more encouraged! We wish you well. :)
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1460652 tn?1340248730
thank you all so much!
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Hello everyone I'm new to this forum but I have also been suffering with anxiety on and off for about 10 years. I was actually anxiety free for about 4 years now its back and i'm experiencing different feelings. My heart palpitates and I feel so sad all the time. My doctor prescribed xanax and zoloft but I'm so afraid to take it thinking that I will only get worse and I really want to be happy and normal for my 2 yo son. After having my son 2 years ago I developed high blood pressure and was put on meds. I have lost over 30 lbs recently and about a month ago was taking off the meds and my bp for the most part is controlled without them but its seems that me worrying that my bp will spike back up has caused my anxiety to come back full force. It seems that I constantly worry about having a heart attack r stroke. I try to tell myself that i'm fine because I don't smoke r drink and I exercise and no family history of heart conditions but my mind just constantly worries that something bad is going to happen and its really causing me to be more and more depressed.
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Thanks all for this wonderful thread, just reading it brought me to tears. I feel where you are colleen and I am so grateful for all the advice everyone has shared with you, and by posting it here shared with the rest of us too.
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1663430 tn?1306162863
i'm a newby so here goes. i have heard of meds causing more problems than helping, so i was reluctent in trying them but i did and i stuck to the plan that the doctor laid out. i was ok for the first year struggling still but it numbed it enough for me to at least go to work barely. then i started getting new symptoms that i had never had before. like heart palpatations and it started the whole thing over again. I suffered 5 yrs with this. the doctor switched me four different times. started with xanax. ended up on zoloft. none of it worked. it was like it wore off and started becoming the problem. I was desperate beyond measures and i could not get relief. even thought about suicide but it was only a thought. i've always been against that and believe that is the cowardly, selfish way out. one day i had an epiphany. it was like the answer came to me. I heard a voice in my head say why do you fear what you cannot control? Are you afraid of what is to come of you? Do you not know there is life beyond this one? Doubt is what bindes you in your grief. i cried like a baby because i knew it was God speaking to me. I felt the chains of anxiety fall to the floor at that very instint. when i spoke to God i didn't listen for the reply that he gives. it's almost like i was praying in vein. there is nothing on this earth more important than being able to hear what God is saying to us. I am not judging anyone. i'm not perfect and i still struggle with things in my life just like everyone else. i just really felt the need to share this with all of you so just maybe you could hear what i heard and you could have the peace that i am experiencing. this is the answer. you just have to listen and truely believe it is him. you'll know it because it will be a wisdom beyond you and the only doctor that has the cure is Jesus.

God Bless.
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Thanks for that because I really believe that God can help us all if we just have faith. Wow I know that was God speaking thru you to let us know that we should not worry about what we cant control.
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