392548 tn?1216610779

itchy feeling and cough???

hi, i am a 16 yr old female and i swim for half the year and play water polo for half the year so im it relativly good shape...my asthma usually flairs up around once every two weeks during practice but its usually only bad once a year. i take albuturol (i cant sp it) and it usually goes away...

well lately i have been waking up with a mild cough and almost like an itchy feeling inside my chest (it feels like its on my lungs) about once a month. it doesnt go away unless i take a couple puffs of my inhaler...but when i do it will go away in about 10 minutes...

so i was wondering if anybody gets this or knows why i would wake up with my asthma bothering me(yes it has woken me up but it didnt before this started)

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Thank you for your post, I too have itchy lungs I guess due to Asthma.  I have notice that if I take my inhaler before going into my gym pool it helps me out alot I use ambuterol.  The clorine in the pool especially if it's an indoor pool makes me wheeze, itchy lungs and dry cough.  Horrible.  As far as for the other posting I've read it helps I'm not alone and that I'm crazy for thinking I want to rip my lungs out because they itch, I don't smoke or have any pets....and I still have these flare ups.
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i also have been fine i do have astma it only flairs up first of spring well this year it was all different itchy felling in my chest cough and could not sleep at night it was worse then and in the morining i wake up with my chest so tight and real congested i went to the doctor it was my astma and allergies im already taken allergy drops so it took me by suprise im on symbicort and singulair and i was already using albertoil i cant spell it but any way i hope this helps someone
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1.DEC i.e., Diethyl carbamazine (21 tablets) thrice daily(morning/noon/night)(after food){drug of choise for esinophilia}

2.Deriphyllin (7tablets) once daily...(every night)(after food)

3.Ciplox (14 tablets) twice daily...(morning/night) (after food)

4. Rantidine (14 tabs) twice daily...(morning/night) (after food)

-------this is for those who have itchy lungs..rather call it itchy feeling inside the lungs after coughing------
In broad we call this as eosinophilia...And is graded mild/moderate/severe according to your blood lab investigation...

Not to fear about it...this prescription ll definitely help patients with so called Itchy lungs...

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Has anyone really gotten a good answer to why the itchy lungs? I have it, too. Started 2 weeks ago. Got bit badly by my dog and got cellulitis with fever and flu-like symptoms. The itching and dry cough started then, and has continued ever since. Was put on Augmentin for the infection, but didn't help the lungs. Have a clear chest xray and docs can't hear anything in my lungs. They are scratching their heads: am now on another antibiotic (just in case!), albuterol inhaler, antihistimine, cough suppressant, etc. -- nothing helps! Am really feeling depressed and uncomfortable--miserable. Never a smoker, don't have asthma--what the heck is it? Never had it before. Going to make an appt with a pulmonologist.
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Thank goodness i am not the only one with itchy lungs.  I have been to the doctor a hundred times.  They said i had bronchitis so they started me on avelox.  About two weeks later, i started having trouble breathing and started running a temperature.  I was hospitalized and found out i had pleursey.  They put me on a zpack for five days.  Two weeks later, my insides are itching like crazy! My itchies are coming from the front more than anywhere else!  I, too, feel like i could rip my lungs out to give them a good scratching.  I am puzzled and dont kno what to do now!
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I am so happy to find other people with itchy lungs, I thought I was going mad.When i try to describe it to people they look at me strange,I get intense itchy feeling in my upper back and under arms  but the itch is inside, I say to people i want to put my hands in my lungs and scratch them!!! I have had nasal polyps removed before which are caused by allergies, so i am now thinking it is an allergy reaction!!!
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