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1243047 tn?1321975636

Brain Spots??

I am 23 years old and went to the neuro. because my left hand and fingers were going numb.My other symptoms are headaches every 1-2 days, bright patches in my vision, blurred vision, dizziness and lightheadedness, and some memory loss. She sent me in for an MRI and I was told that I have spots on my brain. I have no idea what this is. Instead of them checking it out, she's just going to let it go. She said that the initial reason i went in was my hand and this wasn't causin my hand numbness, so they won't do anything. I am very worried, she didn't explain any of this to me can someone tell me what spots on the brain are and if they can\are causing some of my problems???

24 Responses
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875426 tn?1325528416
For a doctor to say you are having blood pressure spikes, causing your headaches and not to make sure you don't have pheochromocytoma, rare though it may be, sounds negligent to me.   Both high spikes in blood pressure and headache can be symptoms of that kind of tumor. A

nd if she really felt you have blood pressure spikes causing your headaches, she should have gotten you on medication, in my opinion, to try to get the blood pressure on a more even keel, without the spikes and to try to prevent those headaches!   And even if she did that, she should be following you up to see how you are faring with the medicine.
I agree with Rumpled- you need to find yourself another doctor.  
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Time to find another doctor!
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1243047 tn?1321975636
No she hasn't! She said after the spinal tap came back clear that that's what was causing it, and I was fine. No more testing or any of that. She didn't even let me make a follow up with her she said there was no reason for it.
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875426 tn?1325528416
With what your doctor feels are spikes in blood pressure, has she ruled out pheochromocytoma with the what's considered to be the most sensitive test for that rare kind of tumor (usually found on an adrenal gland, which can intermittantly emit high levels of catecholamines, causing blood pressure spikes)?  It's a fasting blood test called plasma free metanephrines.
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Bhramari Pranayama is a very simple pranayama technique , in which you make humming  (om) sound while exhaling and keep your ears closed with thumb . A detailed description is widely available on the net . you could also consult any Local Yoga practitioner for proper guidance,

Its very easy and you could pick up this yourself as well

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1243047 tn?1321975636
I'm not sure what those are, can u please explain them to me. I'll try almost anything if it will help!
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I believe there are two non invasive options you have which you may consider. Pranayama (Bhramari) and other option is Homeopathy..both are non invasive procedures and you may get the results in within 3-4 weeks .

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1243047 tn?1321975636
I plan on it
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So go now and see a good eye doc for the eye issues. And keep on top of the blood pressure too.
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1243047 tn?1321975636
I got my spinal results. She said they were clear, everything looked good. I don't have MS, which i'm thankful for. She said the spots look like they r caused by the headaches, and she thinks my blood pressure has something to do with causing the headaches. She thinks my blood pressure is spiking and dropping, causing the headaches. I hope she's right! So we are going to try some meds for that and see where it goes from there.
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I would think the cotton wooly spots are retina fatigue and those go away as those are just temporary from the light.

These white spots are showing up on an MRI and are tiny points of scar tissue caused by so many things that the doctor really has to determine why - as it can be headaches all the way up to MS with many things in between.
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1334305 tn?1275526782
I have watched your comments with much interest in that I am a 67 year-old-woman with similar symptoms but am just beginning the search to find out what is causing this problem.  You discuss white spots on the brain.  Are these the same as the "cotton wolly spots" that appear when one receives an eye exam?  

Thanks for your reply.  Carol
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1243047 tn?1321975636
Thank you very much your answer helped a lot.
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1260255 tn?1288654564
I agree with others to make sure that you get copies of all of your test results, including discs from any MRIs. With the LP, it can take several weeks for you to get the test results back.

You might also want to keep a timeline of your symptoms. The MS forum has some good information in terms of how to keep a timeline. You might want to keep one for yourself and another more brief version for the doctor.

Depending on the size and location of the lesions, they may have something to do with your symptoms. You are young to have white matter spots, unless you have specific risks, such as migraine headaches. It is worth pursuing this, yet it can be a long a frustrating journey. The key is to find a good neurologist that you trust and will listen to you and answer your questions.

Have you had extensive blood work done or MRIs of the spine? The doctor really needs to put together a comprehensive picture of what is going on in your body as there are many different types of conditions that can cause both your symptoms and result in brain lesions.

I looked at your location and it seems that there are not many neurologists close to you. Unless your brain lesions are punctuate (pin size) and few in number, I would recommend trying to find someone who specializes in demyelnating disease or MS. I am in no way suggesting that you might have MS, but these neuros tend to have a bigger picture approach towards tests and taking into possibility differentail diagnosis before diagnosing MS. It look like there is one practice out of Kansas City that works with a hospital not too far from you.

I have had issues for 8 years that include balance, lightheadedness, hyperreflexia, numbness and tingling, blurred/double vision and the list goes on. I've been to 4 neuro's over 8 years and just started with a nuero who specializes in demylinating disease/MS. After a battery of tests, she has ruled out B-12 deficiency, Lupus, Sarcoidosis and is fairly confident that I do not have MS. Right now she feel that I am having neurological issues due to degenerative disc disease, which explains balance problems, numbness and tingling, weakness and hyperreflexia. The brain lesions may be caused by a genetic mutation which causes my blood to clot, along with erratic blood pressure and smoking. These lesions may explain balance problems (again) as well as memory problems, speech problems and other coginitive issues.

I wish you luck and don't mean to scare you, but rather help to educate you so that you can work with a doctor to help understand what things could or could not be.

I also advise patience during this whole process...it can take some time. If a doctor is dismissive of your questions, find a new one. You know your body and when something is or is not right and you deserve the best from the medical community.

Hang in there, try not to worry, and hope you get some information soon

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1243047 tn?1321975636
I don't know yet. I called them today and had to leave a message. I really hope I find something out soon.
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What happened? What are the results?
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1243047 tn?1321975636
I finally got the spinal tap done. The first time they tried I went into the docs office. She stuck the needle in 3 different times, hit nerves twice, and never got any fluid. So they sent me to the hospital to do it. They gave me a sedative to relax me and got it the first time. I didn't realize how quickly they did it until they told me I could lay back now. I am happy that it's done, but now comes the wait for the results.
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It is to rule out things that the white spots may or may not indicate.

Don't think about the needle. It is not the most fun test, but as you said you need it and you need to be calm for the kids. If you convince yourself that it is going to be horrible, it will be. Ask for someone to take you and if your doc will give you a pill to calm you. You will have to lay flat after for a while.

Hang in there.
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1243047 tn?1321975636
Well, now they want to do a spinal tap on me and I'm a little scared. I am not good with big needles especially in my back. I wouldn't even get an epidural when I had my kids cuz there is always a slight chance something could go wrong. Now in order for me to find out what's wrong I have to have it done.  I just want to know how bad it hurts so I can be somewhat prepared for it.
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Work on it as you can. It does take time to work the system but at least now you are in line. Get your records straight and take others (trusted others) to appointments if you can. It helps to have support.
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1243047 tn?1321975636
No i'm still trying to get in to one. All the places that accept my insurance are full.
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It could be for various reasons. The doctor only read the summary, The doctor has not a clue. The doc read the wrong file. The doctor is losing his license (and if you find out something, I would report him to the state medical board),

As I said before, white matter spots are very non-specific - can be caused from migraines up to MS - so there is not one thing that it can be. And you don't know yet if that is really what it says, I am guessing. The location, number etc. and what the radiologist said may have made the doc think all is ok.

I still would get a copy of everything (always do, BTW) and get to a competent doc, and be persistent.  Have you seen an eye doc?
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1243047 tn?1321975636
I'm working on getting the cd with all of the info on it. I don't understand why this doctor wouldn't want to follow up on this.
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Get a copy of the report yourself - and the MRI on CD.  You can do that by calling where you went, and asking, and you should be able to pick up a copy within a day.

Once you have a copy, go see another doctor. A neurologist.

You can tell us what is in the report - it could be "white matter spots" which are very non-specific, but the doctor should follow up and see if there is a cause since you are only 23.
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