1301089 tn?1290666571

I'm getting the mommie cat but what to feed????

Hi!  I am going to pick up the mommy cat tomorrow.  I can keep her a couple of weeks.  I know she's not still nursing but when I saw her she looked very thin and very young.  I have on hand canned kitten food, kitten dry food and adult dry food.  I don't like wet food and my vet advises against it.  As long as there are no digestive issues and plenty of fresh water available, she think it's bad for the teeth.  

So what should I feed mommy?  I'm tempted to feed her the dry kitten food.  To help her gain some weight and I wouldn't be surprised if she's not still under a year herself.  Any thoughts?

Best Answer
874521 tn?1424116797
good for you sara!....but yeah I too thought the whole point was so she could still nurse smutty????
and I can't believe there is still a Vet that recommends dry food over wet.....I really wonder where they get their education from? suppliers? that a HUGE MYTH that wet food will rot their teeth...never!!
absolutely feed the wet and yes kitten food for mommy is okay too for a bit, its much higher in protein and calories to help her put on some weight...
21 Responses
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874521 tn?1424116797
Glad some Vets are getting on board about the benefits of wet over dry.
I've read that even the cheapest canned food is better the best dry.
However I will disagree about Friskies, it has the same ingredients as 'most' others but not all!....most (canned and dry alike) are full of carbs(grains) that cats don't utilize and grains are cheap fillers thus the higher profits for the manufacturer....also beware of meat 'by products' as opposed to meat.
That all said I would still go with canned Friskies far ahead of dry!!

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1301089 tn?1290666571
Just to let you know, my new vet has recommended WET food.  Oh well,  I guess I'll switch.  I've never been a fan of wet food, the smell.  But we must do what is best for kitty.  Also, I was rather shocked that he recommended Friskies wet food.  He said it's as good as all the others if you check the ingredients and recommends it to his clients.

I switched vet because this guy is very good and is used by all the local rescue groups.  He is much less expensive by about one half than my present vet. I like my vet but I have to watch pennies these days.

I stand corrected.  Wet food is best.
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874521 tn?1424116797
hi Judy and welcome. I would recommend you start a NEW POST by clicking the GREEN 'post a question' box at the top of this page. title it 'healthy diet' or something similar.
that way everyone will see the question, by adding a new question to someone else's post the info you are seeking is likely to get missed by everyone.

But YES YES YES. there are many healthy diets avail. and dry food is certainly NOT an option if you want to keep your cat healthy...thats MY OPINION, you will hear from others that think differently.


please read the following website and make up your own mind!!...you can follow the links on that site and read all the recommendations for very good quality food.

please keep posting and let me/us help you in anyway we can.
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Can someone tell me what a good food would be, for a mature cat with no health problems?  I have been feeding all dry food and cookies but I want to get her on a "healthy" diet.
I sure would appreciate you advice
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1303813 tn?1303159362
The Cat flu has gone away, its just the fur thing we gotta sort out now... But its all money, The kittens have homes to go too, but the one that is ill is going to my boyfriends brother and he doesnt have a house yet, my boyfriend is having one, and doesnt have a house yet we wont have one till feb, on is being swapped for a Virgin HD box.. so she is going soon.. And my mum is keeping one for the mumma cat just to keep her company.. if that makes sense?

Atm my kitten (Splosh who is coming with me and my boyf) is running round with a pair of socks and growing at everyone who goes near them... because the other kittens his his toy mouse,.. So he is getting all defensive of the Socks because he lost his mouse, Poor little guy! LOL

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740516 tn?1360942486
My girl was not weak but vet though she was quite young and small to nurse 6 ...
Btw I mean Calcium, just a mistype
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Thanks!  I'm sure this poor mommy cat need extra.  I'm feeding a mixture of dry and wet kitten food.  I'll call my vet and ask if they have it.
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740516 tn?1360942486
Loreena got kittens dried food while pregnant and nursing.I know most of you here doesnt like those very much but it was enough for her.
Kittens are almost 9mo and are still eating that.
Vet prescribed a Caciun plus vitamines oral solution for helping her nursing named CalDmix , she hated me putting in her mouth but loved the flavour :-)
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1301089 tn?1290666571
I do hope the babies get better!  Years ago, we used to breed our Goldens.  They were Championship lines and we adopted out via word of mouth.  Also required Vet or 2 personal references, which were checked!  We also had a clause that if for any reason they could not keep the dog, it would be returned to us. We did get one returned but found her a home quickly.  We tried to be as careful as we could!  But we only did it twice. I didn't want to overbreed or damage the female.  We spayed her.

Anyway, I always had a clean birthing area and nursery set up.  She had her own ideas and found a nasty place OUTSIDE!  Two puppies got infections.  One on the foot and one on the tail.  It took several Vet visits to fix it up.  She kept trying to take them back there.  Every time I opened the back door, here she'd come with babies in her mouth.  I have no idea what she was thinking!

Good luck with the babies.  I'm sure their infections will clear up.

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1303813 tn?1303159362
My mumma cat had her kittens 11 weeks ago friday, one was born with Cat flu and nearly died.. But she got better and she had to be fed through a seringe and off mumma now she is on Solids LOL...
And she might be preg again cause naturally after 8 weeks they will doo it again my 3yr old brother let her out...Atm they are playing in a Wash basket that like springs up like a play tunnel.... its so funny...
One of them, the only Long hair has a bald patch but it seems to be healing?? It looks like mould atm, but I duno, I am gonna take her to the vet when I get dosh LOL... Ive been puttin antiseptic on it like a vet suggested LOL...
But they aint meant to have them because it can get into the kittens milk or something... so we gotta wait untill everything is over and done with to sort them all  out.

Bless them!!
Another load to add to my Zoo of Animals!

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1301089 tn?1290666571
Oh, and I did put flea treatment on her (the stuff from the vet) and I cleaned her ears but they looked good.  She didn't particularly care for it.  My Golden doesn't like it either but It must be done!
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Thanks!  I've never really had to deal with the mommies.  I have dealt with 2 kittens who lost their mommies at 3 weeks.  The first I found in a dumpster covered with oil.  Got him cleaned up and vetted.  He was a wonderful cat and had a nice long life.  The one I just lost is the other and he was so sick when I got him.  So much work!!

Anyway, Smuttly the kitten only weighs just under a pound.  When he get up to 2 pounds we'll wean him and take mommy in.  Right now we're calling mommy Eris-the goddess of discord and mischief!  She is a definitely Oriental.  Now we've got 3 in the house!!  I love Orientals.  My all time favotite cat Smutty Cat was half Siamese.  His mom was an "appplehead" Siamese.  I don't know he the daddy was but I'm willing to bet he had Siamese in him.  He was definitely a black cat whoever he was.  Mom was a registered Siamese.  Why the owner let her out to breed with whatever is beyond me!  But I for one am glad she did.  She normally sold them but this one must have slipped out looking for love in all the wrong places!

Eris and Smuttly are very happy together.  Smuttly is nursing and Eris is cleaning him.  He didn't know how to bathe himself or cover his poo.  He did not take kindly to my warm cloth clean up.  Eris is doing a much better job than I could ever do.
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1303813 tn?1303159362
You cant get her Spayed whilst she is still feeding her kittens and she cant go out untill she is spayed, Naturally after having kittens and they get to 8 weeks old, the mumma cat will go out and get pregnant again straight away, So dont let her out and dont get her spayed untill she has stopped feeding. But she can have other checks just not a new flea collar or de fleaing treatment or worming treatment untill she has stopped feeding, thats what my vet advised


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1301089 tn?1290666571
UPDATE:  Mommy is home and is still NURSING!!  If I'd known that Monday, I'd have at least bought kitten milk.  I asked why in the world they'd let a kitten still nursing go up for adoption, the short answer is room at the shelter.  She is so thin!!

Right now she's more interested in finding a way out of my room!  I've got her some kitten food out but she's wasn't interested.  She'll be fine once she settles down a little.  She is very affectionate and starting to play.  She hasn't been vetted yet but I'll do that first chance financially I get.  Only $60 and I should have that in a week or two.  Can't tell hubby so I'll do while he's out of town.  I just add $20 to the grocery bill and put it on the debit.  Easy!  He'll be none the wiser .  What he doesn't know won't hurt him.  I have to do this a lot.  He's is sooooooo cheap!!!  I won't compromise on health care for the kids or the animals though.  But this one won't be staying.  So I can't justify it.  Sales are down and we depend on his commission check which is already 3 weeks overdue and not expected for another 2 weeks.  Long story.

Anyway, I think everything will work out fine for both mom and kitten.  No shelter for either.  A foster maybe, but no shelter.
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1303813 tn?1303159362
My cat is nursing and I feed her cat meat and biscuts, The only reason some cats cant eat kitten meat is because their back teeth havent developed properly and they cant digest the jelly..... Thats whats wrong with my cat anyways but he can eat everything else LOL...
I feed my mummy cat 2 times a day because she is nursing still and they need as much as possible and she could be pregnant again also... So...
But meat is good for them and it doesnt rot their teeth...

And its good what you are doing for these kittens x
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Thank you all.  If I really can't keep her (DH have fit), I will take her to the low cost spay and neuter. I will get all shots and FLV test and shots.  That should make her a little easier to adopt out or at least get a group to list in their website for me as a courtesy listing.

I just will not send this cat back to the shelter.  She'll be euthanized.  They have so many cats!!!
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203342 tn?1328737207
Could it be that she's not nursing because her milk dried up? If she is malnurished that may be what happened. It's very unusual for them to stop nursing that early.
You could try a few things. When I fostered a mama cat and kittens my vet told me to give the mama cat kitten food because she needed the extra calcium since she was nursing. It may be too late for this mother cat, though, not sure. It can't hurt, though, and like the others said, the kitten food is higher in calcium and protein so it can help her put on some weight.
The checking for worms is a good idea too, also for the kitten.

In the meantime, I'd give the mama cat a combination of wet and dry food to see if you can help her gain a litte weight. Be careful not to introduce too many new things, though, till you see how she handles it. Try just little bits at a time and gradually increase.

More and more vets are starting to see the benefits in wet food vs dry. Unlike dogs, cats need a high protein diet and they really don't need the carbohydrates that dry food has. I know the worry has been that wet food will ruin their teeth but there's just no real evidence to back that up.

I think with a little tender loving care the mama cat will come around. I hope you find her a wonderful new home! :)
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Thank you both.  No, he's not nursing but he is just too young to be away from mom.  He needs to learn a few lessons first.  Like playing (hunting behavior), not scratching and nipping.  He needs to be with mom for at least 2 more weeks.  Even if a kitten or puppy for that matter is weaned, they should stay with their mommy for at least 6 weeks and preferably 8.  I went ahead and took him as I have bottle raised kittens before.  But he doesn't need a bottle.

I've already started calling and emailing rescue groups to see if I can find her a place in one when it's time for her to go.  My husband WILL hold me to that.  No way around it.  I just really don't want to take her back to the shelter.  They already have too many cats and I'm afraid she'll be euthanized.
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134578 tn?1693250592
Be sure she is checked for worms, or has been wormed.  The skinny part is distressing.  I hope it is just from having had kittens.

I second or third the idea of feeding kittten food.  I would not be worried about the effect of canned food on her teeth at all, especially if she is also getting dry food.
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi Sara, I'm so glad you'll be fostering mama cat.  Hmm...I'm looking into the future (and see her living with you :)

Oh, she is NOT nursing?  Somehow I thought that was the whole point...to nurse the baby...okay, well, if it were me, I would feed her a can of the wet kitten food and let her graze on the dry kitten food.  

Interesting about the thoughts of your vet on wet food.  My vet says just the opposite.  It looks like everyone, including the vet's, have a different opinion :)
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