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peeing on my rug!!!

so venus...the spiteful vindictive kitty that she is has started to pee on my rug. i have a wipe your paws rug in front of our front door. and for whatever reason the past month she's peeing on it! i've washed it 3 times. 2x's each time. so i KNOW it was clean. the next morning it smells like kitty urine and when i pick it up there's a yellow spot on it! i don't know what her problem is lately. she's starting to be mean to me. she just attacks me. not her playful attack but attaching to my arm and tearing it up. and for no reason. the other night i had to toss her out of the bedroom just for her to stop. the weird thing is about 30 minutes after these attacks she's super sweet. i mean REALLY sweet. and i know her peeing on the rug isn't the litter box. it's the same box she's had since she was a kitten, same litter she's had for the past 11 months (we switched back to tidy cats once i had the boys and i didn't have to worry about the litter and urine) and it's scooped every night and changed once a week. in fact i just changed it yesterday. could she be going through some territorial phase? which since she is the only cat in the house (we have no other furry children. just her) i don't know why she would. her diet is the same. no new medications. no medications actually. she's utd on all shots so i know she can't have one of those diseases. she doesn't go outside or have contact with other animals. so i don't think she could have caught anything. the closest she gets to outdoors is sitting on the patio with me every now and then or sitting in front of the screen door or one of the windows. i haven't noticed her using the box more then normal and other than the out of the blue vicious attacks (and it's only me. not greg or the boys) she's been normal. well...a venus normal. i'm at a lost. her vets office is closed today so i have to wait until monday to get in contact with him. any ideas what could be wrong with my whacked out kitty?
23 Responses
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657364 tn?1261259557
I had a cat that did that to a brand-new kity-snoozer.  I was sO PO'd when she kept urinating on it for no apparent reason.  I figured out she didn't want her own bedroom, in the washroom, w/her own bed.  She wanted to continue sleeping on HER water-bed w/me & DH everynight.  Silly cat!  I washed it 3x's and gave up after that.  I threw it away.

I've never had strange cats.  I just think it's strange when they leave and don't come back.  

I've noticed my wht cats dissapear unexplainably.  They don't last more than 4-5 yrs.  
The wht cat that lasted the longest wasn't fully wht.  He was part siamese and white w/blue eyes and ashy colored siamese markings.  His name was Ashes, of course!  He and another cat of mine were run off by my sisters Tom cat.  My sis had 13 cats at the time, all blk.  The blk cats were all female but the tabby Tom cat, Harry, ruled the house.  Ashes and C.D. never returned.  We lived w/mom 4 1 yr and those 2 cats didn't like my sister's cats.  

My 13 yr. young Zsi~Zsi has been faithful throughout.  She's  a calico bodied cat w/a tabby-cat's face.  She's beautifu!  I love her & she loves me.  She always worries about me and has to know my every move.  When she is outdoors, she know I won't be leaving the house anytime soon, and if I do, she knows I'll return shortly.  When I keep her in, and don't let her out, she knows I'm leaving for a long while: all night, overnight, or over the wknd.      
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never mind...wrong post. HA.

i didn't like the rug either....i hated it but i didn't pee on it. lol. i think she does things just to make me mad. sees how far she can push mommy before mommy explodes.
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why were my other posts deleted?
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657364 tn?1261259557
Maybe she doesn't like it, or another cat peed on it first!  
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there are times i consider she may be ADHD or schizophrenic. i'm leaning towards schizo. last night i was going to bed and she was sleeping in her kitty rocker snuggling with brett's stuffed tigger. 2 minutes later it was a bombardment by venus on my bed. i think she's a mixture of cat, dog, bird and fish with a hint of hyperactivity/mental disorder. i don't think she was ever dropped on her head. the 2 weeks before i got her i don't know if she was or not, but she did live in the hay loft of a barn and my mom found her on the ground. lol. maybe she took a tumble and it scrambled her brains a bit. other than her...oddness she's completely, 100% perfectly healthy. i can honestly say i've never had another cat quiet as strange as she is.
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611067 tn?1458591483
Sounds like she's spoiled like my babies are!  LOL!!!  I have to admit I've never had a cat do that to me before.  I agree she has quite the attitude personality!  
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587315 tn?1333552783
Dang Heather, I have honestly never seen a personality like Venus' before.....EVER.  LOL  I think the little homegirl needs some bipolar or some drugs for ADHD!!  LMAO  You might need something, too-to calm your nerves down.  She's got to be driving you completely nuts.  LOL
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it did! i thought i was going to have a heart attack. scared her mommy to death! but nooo she thought it was funny. i still swear to god she was laughing at me. she is just ridiculous anymore. i was sitting on the couch this morning catching up on seasons 1 and 2 of the Tudors when she jumps up right by my head bites my nose and then runs away. she's gone crazier on me!
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587315 tn?1333552783
Miss Venus needs a serious lecture.  NOT a funny prank at all!!  WOW, that must have freaked you out!  =(
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well venus has learned a new trick. a trick i do not like. at all. she plays dead. greg and i were watching the office last night and venus way laying on the floor. well i thought she was laying to still so i went to just poke her. she wouldn't move. i couldn't tell if she was breathing or not. i actually PICKED her up and was holding her on her back. her legs just went over her head and her head flopped back. FREAKED me out! i thought she was dead! suddenly she sits up and meows at me. i SWEAR she was laughing at me!!! my cat is ridiculous sometimes.
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yeah venus is spayed. she's been fixed for about 7 1/2 months now. the stray did move on his way and we haven't had a pee incident in the past 2 days. so i guess that was her problem.

lol jade yeah hubby told me i'm ridiculous for doing that BUT...it's only way she'll eat her snacks. lol. so i just craddle her like a baby (on her back, paws in the air, head leaning over my arm and her big ol' belly sticking out) and feed her the num nums. lol. she is rather ridiculous.
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242912 tn?1660619837
Venus keeps you on your toes, I can see that, lol   Hopefully, you have found the problem and Venus will stop this once this stray is gone.  If not, you may want to use one of those products designed specifically to get rid of urine odors.  Even though you've washed whatevers been peed on, kitty may still smell it as their sense of smell is so much stronger than a human.  Just an idea in case this behaviour continues.

I am picturing you holding her like a baby and feeding her her little snackies, one by one...
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Is Venus Spade?   If not she could be in heat... and females in heat have a problem with wanting pee and spray to attract the males.  If she is spayed, have you ever let the other cat into your house?  Just because the other cat is outside, does not necessarily mean that she will mark her territory inside.

Is she an outside cat?  Do you let her outside to roam?
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we think we found the problem!!!! she's marking her territory! the "stray" cat that wonders around here has been making nightly visits to our patio door. last night greg was watching cnn (about the iran and korea **** going on) and he heard venus start to hiss and "scream" he went over to the door and there was a big, ol' orange tom cat sitting there. nose to screen staring at venus. so we THINK that may be her problem. crazy diva doesn't want another cat in HER house! lol.
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she peed on my rug away. so ...i threw it away. i couldn't get rid of the smell even after i washed it. i SCRUBBED the floors. got rid of the smell....so i'm hoping MAYBE she was peeing on it because she still smelled her urine and NOW that there is no more urine smell she'll stop. i'm still calling her vet tomorrow but so far....so good (of course i scrubbed the floors yesterday afternoon as it's still early....)
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i'm definitely going to call her vet on monday because NOW she's peeing on my kitchen mat. not the actual rugs in the house but all the mats. *sigh* that cat i swear. at least she's doing it on things i can toss in the washer. just wish she'd stop it. lol

oh she has surpassed diva status. she refuses to eat her snacks now UNLESS i am holding her like a baby and she can eat it out of my hand. *sigh* i've created a monster.
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587315 tn?1333552783
I think you're right-it doesn't sound like it's her box since you do such a good job cleaning it.  Venus really doesn't have any reason for her undiva-like behavior-peeing outside the box.  You should seriously think about getting her urine tested at the vets.  I don't think it's too expensive.  My vet in VA charges about $25.  I bet that your vet will be less expensive, since mine overcharges for everything.

HMMMMMM, you've really got a major diva on your hands.  LOL  Venus has got you at her service-hand feeding her.  =D  
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i didn't think it was her box. i'll try cleaning it twice a day. the litter gets changed once a week and her box gets scrubbed at that time to. i use dawn (have since she was a kitten) so there arn't any harsh chemicals and it's clean. i washed my rug...again...last night and so far so good. no urine smell.

which she has become even more of a diva. she will now only eat her kitty snacks if i'm holding her.....like a baby. *sigh* god that cat is so ridiculous!
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587315 tn?1333552783
Another thing that could cause her to pee outside the box is a dirty litter box.  They say to do it twice a day at the least.  I do mine once a day.  Could that be a reason?  I still say that it might be a UTI, just keep your eye on her.

Let me know how she's doing!  =D
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she does have the "puddles" in her box. so it's not little spots here and there. i haven't noticed blood but i must admit i don't really pay attention. scooping the potty box isn't really my favorite thing to do so i get it done as quickly as possible. lol.

yes.....i think she's doing it on purpose. like right now she's sitting on the comp desk glaring at me for no apparent reason. just sitting there. giving me the stink eye. i never though she could be bipolar. with her....i honestly would not be shocked. or schizophrenic. psychotic. not sure...but she is something else. i'm surprised i haven't found a dead rodent in my bed yet.....
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587315 tn?1333552783
The UTI does not always cause pain.  I didn't notice it w/ my cat.  Mine used the litter box the whole time, that's why I had no clue.  So, Venus might have a UTI, too.  It's very possible.  It's very common in cats-both males and females.  Sometimes, you'll see lots of squatting in weird places and little teeny tiny spots of urine (not the usual puddle and sometimes there will be blood in it.  My cat showed none of those signs at all.....yet I still feel guilty as "H".  =[

So, Venus is doing this on purpose????????  LOL  She does strike me as a vindictive thing.  She does have a different personality than I've ever seen in a cat.  Could she be bipolar????????  LOL  =D
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so she may not be in pain? she does still use her box. if she's not than i have fairy cat coming and going potty in it. lol. would she still use her box if she has a uti? or bladder infection? can cats get uti's? these problems never crossed my mind with her. i wouldn't be surprised is she's doing it just to give me more work to. i'm gonna call her vet on monday and make another appointment. *sigh* he's going to be so sick of seeing her. lol.
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587315 tn?1333552783
Hi Heather, if this is a new behavior issue w/ Venus peeing on the rug, it could be a bladder infection.  You cleared up a lot of issues when you said that nothing has really changed in your house-food, litter, meds, etc.  Those are common causes of cats getting upset and peeing outside the litter box.  When there is no reason, the first thing you look for is a bladder infection.  I bet that's what her deal is!  They can come up out of the blue.  In fact, I just treated mine for one about 3 wks ago.  Mine showed no sympoms!!!  The vet tested her urine as part of her routine physical and found the infection.  Poor thing.....who the "H" knows how long she'd had it!!!!  =[
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