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17551877 tn?1458481251

Worried about my cat

My cat has a gum/ teeth situation and is only drinking/eating gravy's, we went to the vet yesterday and she said he looks good, weight is good etc. In two days were going to be taking him in for his procedure , but he hasnt pooped in about two and a half days. Were thinking he's only been eating gravy for about a week now and not much solids, he hasnt had any solids at all since yesterday morning. At the same time all this was going on, he had been having a hair ball issue and had been constipated, which is actually why we thought he was being finicky. I had gotten him a hair ball gel which helped and he had a couple of normal looking poops, but since he has stopped eating solids he hasnt pooped. So my question is would just getting his calories etc from almost nothing but gravy slow down his pooping? Oh, I forgot to add I did mush up some pate and mde it gravy and also tried a little Baby food (Turkey) he had some of both earlier today . Tuesday can not come fast enough. I'm very worried.
12 Responses
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242912 tn?1660619837
Lovely post, C (I don't think you're crazy at all).  I still miss Jade so much!
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7052683 tn?1392938795
I believe the people and animals we love never leave us when they die..they are just waiting for their next "ride".

Sashi, Jade and Opus will be back for their next adventure in life...I am always on the lookout for the my Peeps and Pets!  Yes I am crazy...but it's a"GOOD" crazy!!!

Love to all here and "THERE"
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242912 tn?1660619837
Thank you for sharing your post to me, I certainly don't mind.  It's true, everywhere we look, Jade is a reminder and after a year and a half, the good memories have outweighed the pain of her last months.  So far, the good memories are still fresh; I hope they never go away either, as she was truly, like Sashi, our most sweetest and best kitty.  

Please feel to post to us whenever you feel the need.  We are here for you, always.  Hugs.  
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi Bax...I hope you and your wife are doing okay.  It takes such a long time to get over the loss of our special kitty...if we ever do.  I have an idea for you.  What I did to make myself feel better was make Jade's photos as the Desktop Background and Screen Saver.  There is something wrong with my comp, so now ALL her photos show up maybe 5 seconds or so apart when the comp is not in use.  I took a TON of photos too.  Just seeing her photos all day long really helped with my grief.  I could see the comp from my living room, and would just sit and watch her photos all day.  Jade's photos still rotate a year and a half later, and they still give me comfort.  Maybe making Sashi your Screen Saver or Desktop Background, then put it on 'Shuffle', would bring you and your wife
comfort, too.  Just a thought.  

I see from your post, you uploaded some photos of Sashi!!!  Yay!!  I have a busy day away from the house after this post, but couldn't help but take a quick peek of him.  He is an adorable, handsome boy!!!  He reminds me of Jade a little in that it looks like he might have short legs giving the impression he is a little butterball like Jade looked.  I promise to be back to look through all the photos and comment. I can't wait! :)

Thank you so much for sharing Sashi with us!  I promise to be back!  

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7052683 tn?1392938795
.....and so a New Star has been added to the night sky!!!
Sashi will now watch over you the way you watched so lovingly over him.

There is not a animal lover alive who has not been where you are, and yes at times it is a very lonely place without your best friend. Time will help and believing he is still so close to you will help you through this difficult time.

Look for the signs of Sachi's closeness to you. He will be brushing by your face from time to time to let you know he is still with you.
We here welcomed Sachi with open arms into our hearts and our Hearts are broken too.
Please come here as often as you need to, we are all here for you and Sashi. Sometime it helps to share with others who so understand your grief.
These creatures can open our hearts to so much love, but with love comes loss and profound pain.....I say we are so much better for loving these babies, don't you agree.
Sleep well sweet Sashi!
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I thought I was cried out but after reading your posts........oh well no reason to stop now. Thank you all again for helping and being there during this journey I never would happen, and didnt see coming. We had so many different names for Sashi, just play names my wife used to call him the fun cat, he played like a dog, we even had a neighbor once that introduced Sashi to his friend, she said what a beautifull cat, and the neighbor said, thats not a cat, thats a dog. He was the most mischievous cat I ever met and the most loving, in the 10 years he was with us there was not a day that he didnt make us laugh. He was such a good boy, I will miiss him so very much. I thougt I'd add part of my post from my facebook page when I told my friends, if thats ok?  Thank you everyone, means allot. Sashi will be deeply missed by us both. He was such a good little man until the very end, like Anita said, we will truly miss his daily shenanigans, I'll probably always look behind when opening kitchen cabinet doors under the sink because he would close them on my head. We'll miss his sneak attacks and rough play with Mary. But most important is his capacity for love, he would run to the door every time Mary came home from work to greet her, he would great us every morning, and even great us after taking out the garbage. After I got sick the second time he never left my side he was always there to protect, I couldnt even take a shower without him waiting next to the tub until I came out and he new I was safe. He was our guardian angel, always there for and with us. Our little force of nature,      
Thank you again everyone, I truly appreciate all you have done and I know Sashi does too. Sorry about such a long post
Just looking back at that post I could have writen it a little better, it's a little awkward to read. Thanks again
Never appologize, we love hearing these life stories. Sashi sounded like such a precious little guy, 10 years is much to short a time, I feel your pain and cry with you.
I would absolutely love to see a photo of him, that makes him imprinted in our memories too
Go to your profile page and upload as many as you'd like, we'd all love to see your beautiful boy
We all love our babies however if we are truly lucky...just once in our lifetimes comes along that really special one, I love my 4 but my special boy was Opus, he's been gone 11 years now, still thinking back often on many of his mannerism brings a smile.
Like your Sashi he too will live forever in my heart
Thank you opus, I didnt even think of adding photos to my profile, I was thinking why cant I add pictures here? I just posted some pictures. I know he would have been happy to get all of this love. He really loved being loved.
Sashi was a very handsome fella, I commented on some of the photos, thx so much for giving us a glimpse of his lovely personality
Jade sent me a very kind note and I replied to her with this, I hope she doesnt mind me sharing.

I want to say thank you once again to you and everyone else here for being there, it helped in so many ways I cant even begin to tell. Were hanging in there and starting the healing process, which is not that easy since Sashi was such a huge part of our lives, everywhere we look his is still here. I hope that feeling never goes away, just with a little less pain. Thank you all so very much...... once again
874521 tn?1424116797
I can't tell you how it saddens me to read this....the suddenness, the shock of this unexpected turn must still have you reeling. Poor little Sashi was just ready and he didn't want to put you through the anguish of anymore doubt and uncertainty.

You were there with him and held him while saying goodbye, he could feel your love and this comforted him, he is young again and no longer in pain. He will live on in your heart forever. Yes you are among many previous Medhelp babies that we are so grateful to have shared our homes and our hearts with.

RIP little Sashi, gentle journey sweet baby
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242912 tn?1660619837
I had a terrible feeling your next post was going to be telling us this.  I am so very sorry for your loss.  If it's any comfort, please know Sashi only felt your loving arms around him, and wasn't in any pain at the end.  

Like CML said earlier, Sashi is one of us now, and was welcomed by all the MedHelp kitties that went before him.  He is young again and romping and playing, and will be there to greet you when that time comes.

Again, so terribly sorry, I am crying with you.  Hugs.    
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hello there...I'm so sorry for all your dear Sashi is going through.  And you, too!  It is heartbreaking to watch our babies suffer in any way.  Please don't be sorry to cry.  I though each and every member on this forum with a sick kitty has cried at one time or another.  I know I cry FOR members.  I'm not clear whether or not you've given Sashi the Buprenorphine yet.  Whether it be Bupronorphine or Tramadol, I think I would use one just so your boy is comfortable if anything at all.  At least until you see the Holistic Vet on Monday.    

I understand the part of feeling selfish.  We lost Jade a year and a half ago.  We often wondered if we were being selfish, too.  I think that's common.  Please know you are doing every single thing you know to do to keep your Sashi comfortable.

I'm with Opus with the assist feeding.  If that's possible.  

Prayers and positive thoughts.  We are here for you.  Hugs...♥
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Thank you all for your help, kind words it has helped allot, I truly mean it. I thought I might let you know the Sashi passed away earlier this evening at around 5:15 at the vets. if there is one positive thing that came out of this, he was not in pain thanks to your suggestions, and was in my arms
Thank you very much again
874521 tn?1424116797
you're very welcome, we are all here to try and help or support as much as possible...
your Vet likely prescribed Buprenorphine? that is a common and good opiate for cats especially for dental/nerve pain...but should not be used long term that I am aware of. I've used it whenever my Sami has extractions...for a few days


Perhaps look into Tramadol which is safer for long term use...but yeah there can be side effects to anything you choose
But Sashi is no doubt having pain and hopefully you will find one that can control this with minimal s/e's


I do caution tho NOT to be talked into any NSAID's these are very dangerous for cats
I haven't heard of the product you mentioned, I will read more on it this afternoon...I have to be out for a few hours.
any immune support is the right direction, allows the body to help itself as much as possible!!!
we can talk more later...
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Hi,  yes they did give him Buprenorphine, he's been very lethargic today and keeping to himself. They also have him on ClinDrops, he's not been wanting any food today, but ate three times yesterday. I'm glad I'm at home all of the time, but this is breaking my heart, I dont think I've ever cried this much. Anyway..sorry. Um, I was just petting him and could sware his kidneys are small but I'm sure I'm fooling myself. Were seeing the Holistic bet on Monday, I hope they can help. There is a part of me that feels I an being cruel and selfish. we cant fight the cancer if he cant eat, and we cant fight the oral problems because of the cancer. Just a cruel joke. Anyway sorry about that I'll write back. thank you everyone.
It is so heartbreaking to watch them in need yet torn on just what to do and what is in their best interests. They are our babies we don't want to let go without a fair try but yet don't want to see them suffer. I hear you Bax, I've shed many tears over similar decisions myself, you are right he has to eat though, unless like I mentioned you do the 'assist' feeds, not hard just very time consuming to syringe feed every few hours, have done that often with one or the other with my own to get them over a not eating hump. Also talk to your Vet abt the possibility on inserting an NG tube, with a sore mouth this maybe the answer.
Sending prayers and wishes for that Monday appt. ❤️
7052683 tn?1392938795
Hi Bax,

Well I am not an expert like you in Homeopathic Medicine, but I did come across a website that might be of help;
It is by Dr. Jan Huntingford 1-877-633-2401 This is her help line.
Here is the website: www.petwellbeing.com/Cat-Lymphoma
They have a product to support the immune system and help to keep Sashi strong through this time.
Just a thought, but you probably know more about Homeopathic remedies then I do, but worth a try, right?
Please keep us posted on Sashi.
Thanks and all the best to Sashi....and you,
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Thanks very much for your kind messages CML. I had actually been on there site and am looking at a couple of there products, but hadnt called them. But you giving me the number prompted me, theyre very nice people and gave me allot of time, a few people I have spoken too have offered there time. were trying to get our orders together. Weve also spoken to made an apt. for Monday with Royal Treatment Veterinary Center
www.royaltreatmentveterinarycenter.com/ , they are about 25 minutes away from us, they have come highly recommended . Apparently Dr. Barbara Royal is very well known in these circles. I've spoken with them twice but cant really offer much until they see Sashi.

Also thanks for your words on my fight, my wife used to work in cancer research at one of the hospitable here and saw allot of things that led her to her conclusion, go natural, so we did. We combined a few different holistic approaches and I approached them aggressively, with almost reckless abandon. I wish I could relay this to Sashi in a way he could understand. The last couple of days he has been giving me a hard time getting him some protein so he can have the energy to fight. He has an apatite but if something hurts his teeth he gets very finicky, lately he only wants food from our fingertips. But actually I just thought of something I noticed he was chewing a little the last time I fed him, maybe he's playing me for the fool but I'd do it all day if I needed to. Guess he's still Sashi

So sorry for all your dear Sashi is enduring and bless your loving hearts for researching for ways to help her, I would suggest you may need to start assist feeding via a syringe if her appetite keeps declining. Or an NG tube, poor baby can't blame her for not wanting to eat with a sore mouth, are you giving her the pain meds?
I highly recommend you join  a wonderful holistic site devoted to cats that I have been a member of for about 4 years now, although it's greatly slowly recently due to illness and other issues, the lady named Sandi has devoted herself solely to holistic treatment of cats for years, she goes under the cover name of Booeysmom her site is called HOLISTICAT.COM there is a $10 membership fee but well worth it, lots of reading to do there.
I do want to send you the best and of course dear Sashi too, good luck with the specialist appointment. I've read good results treating with Vitamin C in the form of LIPO-C ( I believe was the term)
They also recommend a high protein good quality diet, they mostly promote raw foods but don't push it
I've made my own cat food for one of mine following Sandys recipe for 4 years now but I used the COOKED chicken not raw, his own preference and mine too!!
Keep us posted on what you find out and what you decide to do, I pray she begins to eat and is soon well enough to have some teeth removed. I have one cat with those awful painfull resoptive lesions as well, he's has surgery twice now. Do be sure when you go ahead with that to use an Oral Surgeon, they know how to remove the complete root and not just crown the tooth like regular Vets do.
We'll talk more as days go by xoxo
Sorry just realized Sashi is a He....not a she, sorry fella
Thanks very much opus88, really kind people here. We feel awful but havnt given him the pain meds yet, we found out today what the vet gave us is opioids and are very nervous to use them. He's eaten some three times today. At the moment I'm so confused on how to approach that part of this process. When the vet told us what he had in his, she only had a split second to look and said she couldnt tell how bad anything is until she had Sashi sedated and of course she never got him sedated. She couldnt tell me how many teeth would have to be pulled or even if any at all.  I'm trying desperately to build up his immune system. Thank you for the vitamon c suggestion that was actually part of the protocol I used. I also spent part of the afternoon speaking with vitalityscience.com they have a product that might be helpful - "Advanced Immune Restoration | Cat Cancer Support"  It is run by Stephen Becker, I have seen that holistic vets use there products. The person I spoke with today said that Advanced Immune Restoration may even help with the gingivitis. Just overwhelming. I will look into that website HOLISTICAT.COM tomorrow morning. Thank you again
242912 tn?1660619837
Hey there...I've been following your post.  I suppose *maybe* a cat would poop less than usual on a gravy/liquid diet, but he should most definitely be passing 'something' every couple days at least.  As of your initial post on the 11th, Sashi hadn't pooped since approx the evening of Mar 8th.  Has he passed anything yet here 5 days later?  

I see Sashi has 'Absorptive Lesions'.  Poor baby, that is so very painful, and most likely why he doesn't want to eat anything he has to chew.  
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Hi Jade59, thanks allot for your input, sorry for my slow response. I talked to the vet this morning and she said maybe not to worry to much because it sounds like Sashi hasnt had enough solid food to produce a poop yet. He's not throwing up and is urinating twice a day. I just need to try to keep him fed, tomorrow he goes in for the procedure. I'm just praying all goes as well as it can. I love this little guy so much, he has been at my side the hole time I've been sick, I need for him to know that I'm there for him. Thanks again to both of you for your responses.
Well, just thought I'd give an update. I just came back from picking Sashi up at the vets and they could not do anything with the Gums/Teeth apparently they found that he more than likely has Lymphoma, I'm betting there are posts on here about this, so I will check. They gave me some antibiotics which requested to maybe the help the gums/teeth, she couldnt do the the procedure today so she doesnt really no the extent of whats happening, so we''l try. She also gave us something for the pain, i havnt given it to him yet because he's pretty upset about his day and just wanted something to eat and to go in his cave and sleep. But surprisingly he did eat about half or maybe a little less of a can of salmon pate, with hardly any water in it. i myself fought cancer naturally and so far won, (5 years cancer free) and at this point really cant put him through chemo, only to add three or so months just so we could be selfish. But I do believe in fighting this together naturally. So if anyone has any suggestions, knows someone or a quick link on this site, any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  
Oh Bax---So very sorry to hear this. I agree with your evaluation of  further treatment of chemo.

I will look up some info on this later today and see if I can come up with anything along the lines of Homeopathis treatment.
Right now just keep loving on him, he knows you love him deeply--that is evident. All he needs right now is to be given anything he wants-and his pain meds when you feel he has calmed down.

Congratulations to you on your heroic battle with cancer. you certainly are an inspiration to others--hope you are sharing your treatment plan. Obviously you have found the magic in homeopathy.

Please, Please keep us posted on your little guy. He is now one of us and we care deeply about the outcome.
We are here for support, so please keep posting as you feel the need. We will always listen.
7052683 tn?1392938795
Hi Bax,
May I ask what procedure he is having?? Would it be Teeth Cleaning?
If so, he may need more than the teeth cleaned.  If he is having trouble eating because of teeth and gum issues , he may have a condition called Stomatitis. If this is the case he needs to see a Vetanary  Dental Specialist to have all of them removed . He needs a specialist, because a regular vet will not get all of the ROOTS and if any are left he will still be in excruciating pain. If the vet finds this to be the case the eating should resolve itself once the condition is treated. Then he should be Pooping like a champ.

Now if his teeth are not the issue , then you need to find out why he has not been eating solid foods. It is all well and good that the vet says everything looks fine, but when a cat does not want to eat and it is not teeth and gum issue, something else is in play and needs to be identified.

So the question should not be "will only eating baby food cause a cat not to poop".....but" WHY is the cat ONLY eating baby food and is not pooping"
I would have the Vet run some blood tests before he has the Proceedure and perhaps an x-ray to see if he has a bowel obstruction.

If I have taken off in a totally wrong direction, pleaselet me know what I am missing, K?

Please keep in touch with an update .
Thanks and Good Luck,
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Hi CML, thanks very much for writing, Sashi (the cat) has Gingivitis and Resorptive Lesions, the vet said they are not too bad, but doesnt know if she is going to have remove any teeth and if so how many. Sorry I should have mentioned that in my question, but I was pretty worn out and worried (he's my buddy, it kills me to see hime like this). I did finally find a way to get him to eat some protein today by finding a pate he actually likes and mixing it with some water. He was not liking the baby food at all. So I hope this gets things moving..Were lucky that down the street is a fully functioning clinic with multiple vets in staff, I just wish Tuesday was yesterday.. Thanks again for writing, your answer helped quite allot.
Sorry to keep writing KM, but I guess maybe I should have worded my initial question more to the point. If a cat is basically just wanting to eat gravy because it is hard to eat solids because of a tooth toothache, after a few days of this would he poop less than usual? Like I said I got him to eat some watered down pate yesterday afternoon and this morning, but he had a couple of days of no solid food.
Sorry, thought I should add, he's peeing normally, twice a day and does come around for some loving and being around us. Oh and some bird watching out of his window. He's probably getting pretty tired of me hovering.No vomiting, or anything wildly out of the ordinary, just a little more time by himself and wanting a mostly liquidy or very soft snack two or three times a day. For a few days only liquid

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