1903798 tn?1333905288

Just For Fun

I am tired of all the things that now hurt or I can't do...
Yes I want to ride my bike, dive off a diving board, ride a roller coaster!
That is not who I am anymore so I am going to work on finding new things I like.
What do you like that you can do? (or are going to try to do)

I am not artistic but I just signed up with friends for a private paintng class/party byob
I'm sending out the invites so we will see who comes lol.
We will learn how to paint a sunset with birds on a wire...I have been coveting a painting like it or a while.
So my painting may stink...yet it will be fun...with a glass of wine...and the activit won't hurt me lol
49 Responses
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3060676 tn?1440702944
This is something I'm struggling with too! My fiance' and I used to hunt together, but as I'm only 5 months post-op, I can't shoot a gun yet. We have been looking at crossbows as they are quiet and do not kick back (well, just a little!) so we can enjoy something together again! We used to spear fish and I can longer handle the boat ride. I was trying to find a way to adjust it so that we don't have to sell the boat, so we now have some marie bean bag chairs that take the impact out of the ride! I'm not ready to try them out just yet!
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620923 tn?1452915648

  Hi Mel.....acceptance the final stage...yeah u made it....lol... we all get here at one point or another....

I know u saw my paintings, and crochet work and all and I love doing all of it, my problem is doing it all alone...no one around here to do it with.....

My issue is also this house , where it is located I can not go out, or open windows...so I am in a closed up box..yuck

If I could move to where I could spend more time outside I would be happier doing the things I love, painting, sewing, crocheting and then I may even have a garden again...elevated this time tho...lol...no bending : )
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1903798 tn?1333905288

:) I haven't knitted in a few years... Might have to revisit that one
Yeah it's harder than one would think taking care of the flowers...I have to convince my kids to climb around the koi pond because my EDS just done not cooperate with trying to climb from rock to rock.

Selma move down the street from me!  
They haven't told me not to drive....yet lol
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620923 tn?1452915648

  I have been on a do not drive for 3 yrs bcuz of my drop attacks, and depth perception issues and my night vision is really bad, I can not stand the lights...never could but that is worse now....and bcuz I have the TC and disk issue, not sure if /when I have more surgery that would change .
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3427791 tn?1347338052
Hello RheaAnn! I am new on this forum. I am so glad to have found others that can relate to what I am going through. My friends try to understand, but they just don't get it. I have been dealing with the same issues. I would love to do all those things too. It has been quite a challenge to find things to do. I love to karaoke, but don't like the bars. I have been thinking about learning how to scrapbook. I wish you the best. Erica
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1827123 tn?1383865276
I love the painting with a byob!  What a fun idea. I have always wanted to paint, I have 10 family members that either draw or paint and I always think how great it would be to decorate my walls with my own art...stick figures arent appreiciated like I thought they would be!  But the byob would be scary for me...two sips in and I'd be calling a cab!  Maybe I can find something like this around here, desperately need to find something to do!
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620923 tn?1452915648

  Well I hope u all post pics of ur art so we can all see what u r doing.
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1306714 tn?1327257080
Wow painting is an awesome idea.  We do have to alter our lives some of us after having surgery.  I still crochet, and I have a rug and sit on my behind to do my gardening.  It takes a little more time, but I don't know what I would do if I couldn't dig in the dirt LOL.....I love to sew too, but I find bending my headdown to long brings on a HA so sewing is done in moderation.  Have fun with the painting glass and also watch out for the wine.  You birds will probably be on the fence at the end of your painting LOL...Enjoy.  Happy you found something you will enjoy and with friends.
Linda :)
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1903798 tn?1333905288
I have no art skills...vision is weird...wine will complicate it but I'm still excited haha
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1903798 tn?1333905288
I wish I would have planned this outing first!  This month I chose a dueling piano bar and I'm nervous the noise may give me problems...
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620923 tn?1452915648

  Hey Mel......have u ever seen a Monet...it is beautiful, but looks like  a blind person or partially blind  person may have painted it.... u can do it...lol...
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1679858 tn?1346765181
Haha Selma,  I was just going to say the same thing, lol.

Folk art painting really isn't that hard. Your lack of skill, weird vision and wine is just going to make it all so much more interesting!  Have fun!
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1903798 tn?1333905288
:) haha thanks guys
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3060676 tn?1440702944
Erica, I think many people are like us in that they want to continue to do the things they love. Without those things, it's almost like a piece of yourself- your former self- has gone. I have gone to some lengths to try to do the things that I really love and do not want to give up. I may be in denial or I may be stubborn!

I went to the ENT office and had some ear molds done (the kind that they do for children with PE tubes). So now I can go to dinner, the movies and anywhere that is noisy. You can hear through them, but it takes the intensity out!

Mel- You may want to try some. Drug stores sell the foam kinds that you just roll up and stick in your ears. Just a thought! :)
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1903798 tn?1333905288
I have used plugs for indoor soccer:) Thank you for the reminder I may take some with me.
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3427791 tn?1347338052
You are so right. I don't want to lose myself, because of my disorder. I know my limitations and try to stay within my limits. I don't like hurting, but I want to enjoy life. You must be just as stubborn as I am...lol! :)
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1903798 tn?1333905288
To clarify I as well did not want to give up many things.  I wanted to sky dive too never got to.  Some things are to dangerous post chiari surgery and some things because of my EDS and chiari my body can no longer do.  I have found pushing through the pain causes horrible results...  So stubborn as I am (went back to work FT at 8 weeks post op) I have to accept the new me too.  
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1827123 tn?1383865276
how did it go Mel?  Will you post pics of your painting?  
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1903798 tn?1333905288
Painting is in October...piano bar next week:)
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Things I plan to do before I'm 40: (I'm almost 36)
Skydive Or bungee jump (chiari be darned)
Travel to at least one other continent.
Learn to play the cello.
Redo my kitchen.
Own a brand new car.
Take a full year off from work and enjoy my time.
Have a tattoo removed.
Get a new tattoo.
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1903798 tn?1333905288
Oh lazy I want a tattoo removed too!  But that's not fun lol.  I'm post op and was told no...also have empheseyma from EDS so plminary dr said no...to skydiving.  I would be scared of the jerk on the bungee cord but it sounds like we share a desire for adventure.  Ah travel :) where too?
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Rylanesmom- I want to go just about everywhere. I want to see Ireland, Italy, Tanzania, Fiji, Mt Fuji, the Caribbean, Belize, Peru.... anywhere with an ancient history or a natural adventure calls to me. I've never made it off this continent.

I promised my son, now age 7, that I'd take him skydiving. I know he can't for another ten years or so, but I'm going to keep my promise.
I gave up rollercoasters a long time ago, but I made one exception for him this summer. The newer rides are a hundred times smoother than all the old ones. I didn't even have a headache that day.that in itself is unusual..
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1903798 tn?1333905288
Yeah my kids and I lived at the amusement park last summer but I have had surgery and NS said no...it's the force and speed too not just the jerky.  I think I will eventually do Hot Air balloon instead of skydive.  The only time I went overseas was Saint Lucia it was amazing!  I would love to travel too.
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620923 tn?1452915648

  Ok ladies if u r going to talk travel I want in on the convo as I also love travel...I have been to a few places...but have a few more I would love to see.....

Peru is one...Ireland another....and I would love to go back to a few of the places I already was....

But I never had the inclination to sky dive....lol....I do like being out on a boat whale watching,....that is adventurous for me : P
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