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Treatment of Vaginal Eczema

What is the best treatment for vaginal Eczema.  I have this for years now, it comes and goes.  I use Calendula gel when I have symptoms, it seems to help but not completely.  Is there something that I can use that is more effective.  It is very uncomfortable.  Burning sensation, etc.  I had a biopsy done a few years ago and results came back (SPONGIOTIC DERMATITIS)  which I been told is like ECZEMA.  

Can you please help or have any comments regarding this condition.
97 Responses
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I can't believe there are so many people dealing with the same everyday pain and discomfort as I do - here I was thinking I was all alone !! I feel for each and everyone  of you I believe I have had the condition for 4 years too long!  I also have been told there's not much they can do ! I'm sick of cream after cream nothing ever works, the itching is something that you just can't explain to anyone as they just don't get it!! The  pain can bd unbarable and you know its bad when you even scarcth in your sleep!!! im only 25yr and about to marry the man of my dreams  we haven been together for 6 years he is so patient and understanding but I just feel so upset inside because our sex life I'd almost non existent due to this horrible condition - it's not fair to us or our partners , we need a cure!!!
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I have siriasis aka really bad dandruff and i have been developing what looks like dry skin or eczema in vagina area and i have been using vagisil for it but it doesn't go away. Any ideas to help me out? Its itch and pain everyday and i work in a daycare so i move around alot which doesn't help it at all.
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myself and my daughter of only eleven have this hell so many describe. exzema/dermatitis and occassional thrush , we never can tell which is which mostly but if one gets bad the other appears. the worst is not knowing what to treat when and treatmnet for one makes the other worse...my daughter gets pain when she pees, i dont.. i will post more soon but i have to say when ours flares what helps most is a few quiet days in bed. i know that sounds nuts but after four years, doctors, miffed gynaes who tell us there is nothing to do and trying every cream etc, we have our fav creams, but taking to our beds, knicker free and just enjoying some comedy or doing creative things etc, takes away from the immense depression that comes with this, carrying on regardless made me suicidal, now i just admit it is like an illness when bad and do extreme self care, bicarb sitz baths, steroids, coconut oil and lots and lots of calm quiet times at home with no visitors. its hard, my son doesnt understand why we have boring days every now and again, but not standing or sitting really speeds the healing....i am interested in other creams people have tried. someone mentioned boz cream from autralia, im in europe so diff things available.
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Is your eczema inside your vagina? Mine is and not sure if I can actually put any steroid creams inside? What do you do?
Thanks for your response, I thought I was the only one who feels like that. Have you found any creams that help?
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I use Nystatin as needed and try to stay on a low sugar, low carb diet. I'm off gluten and try to stay off grains. I think probiotics really help immensely as I ran out and my symptoms seem worse. Stress makes my symptoms flare.  I plan to see a naturopathic physician for some homeopathic meds because Nystatin is a cortisoid as well as anti fungal. I also use Borax in my laundry as it helps to rinse irritating detergent. Since I've been on a very stressful work week, my itching and burning got worse. That's why I think handling stress really helps.
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Herpes has other symptoms that go along with it, especially for the first outbreak. I discussed it as a possibility (even though it was pretty unlikely, from growing up in the 90's sex scare era in the US) and my gynecologist said the lab did smears, etc. and their result from the biopsy was eczema.
Herpes burns and aches, sometimes with a slight cold, not so much itching so bad that the idea of using sand paper sounds comforting.
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I've been diagnosed, after a biopsy, with vaginal eczema. My Gynecologist also told me to use CALMOSEPTINE ointment. It is an over-the-counter diaper rash ointment. It contains menthol, zinc oxide and the inactive ingredients are; calamine, chlorothymol, glycerine, lanolin, phenol. sodium bicarbonate and thymol. It's very thick and light pink but it is soap and water soluble.
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Does it work for you?
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Hi guys i feel everyone of your pain! the best thing you can use is locoid ointment 0.1% , i had eczema after having my little girl and i thought it was thrush and burnt the life out of my parts before going to a gynaecologist and finding out it was eczema! please try this ointment .
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surprisingly mupirocin is what cleared it up for me.  tried all the things mentioned and the antibiotic ointment had it gone in less than 2 days after suffering a month.  hope that helps someone else.  it's the worst.  
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Yes dear, For me is exactly the same. Something that helped me a lot was lemon with water! It is like magic!!
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Lemon with water?  What do you do with it
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Yes dear, For me is exactly the same. Something that helped me a lot was lemon with water! It is like magic!!
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Polysporin Anti Itch Excema 1% helps with greatly with itching and putting an ice pack on or getting a bath with 1 cup of baking soda added.
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I have had the burning, itching and paid in my vulva about 5 years ago and it nearly drove me mad.  I had all test possible (yeast, bacteria, STD's, Pap) but nothing came up. Finally after waiting months (I live in Canada and it takes 6 to 8 months to see a specialist) I seen a Gyno and she diagnosed me with Vulvar Dermatitis.  She gave me a variety of creams and it eventually went away.  It was one of the worst experiences I have ever had.

About 3 months ago I got the symptoms again and my anxiety hit the roof as I knew what I was in for.  I tried some over the counter hydrocortisone but it did nothing to help.  I went to doctor and got prescribed Protopic 0.1 but that was awful as it burned like I was on fire for two whole days and made me worse and I had to attend a wedding in agony.  I went back and them got prescribed Clobetasol and got some Lidocaine for the pain.  The only thing that gave me relief were baths with baking soda.  The Clobetasol seemed to help but when I stopped using it it came back worst.  I tried again with the Clob but it never cured it.  I started taking Vitamin C, Omega 3 and Rephresh Probiotics to see but no relief.  I asked a nurse who did my PAP if she had any suggestions and she said to try Baby Diaper Rash Cream.  I tried Desitin and I got to say it helped a lot and it felt better than it ever felt.  I left it alone and then it came back again!  I was ready to off myself to be honest.  I went back to my GP and he gave me Elidel Cream to try and it worked great.  It cleared up and the burning subsided I would use the Desitin in between which kept it dry etc. and got baking soda baths twice a day.  I was fine for the longest time so gave up treatment and now it is back, I am so miserable.  I am trying the Elidel again and it helps but i want a cure.  I have decided to go back to my GP and demand Oral Steroids as that seems like the only choice left and ask that I see a dermatologist even though it will be a 8 month wait.  If anyone has tips I would to love hear from you!
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6361913 tn?1380725230
Gold bond works  great!  Had this about 10 years
I also us 50% alcohol when it is bad,  I just pat with a paper towel, where the itch is.  it burns for a second but the relief is worth it. It makes the itch stop and keeps condition- in check..  .
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I thought I was the only one with this problem.   I have used yogurt and that didn't help started taking a probitotic thinking I had a yeast infection and used monistat,  BUT  I have had dyhidrostic (sp?) exzema on my hands so I thought perhaps that's what I could have down there because it doesn't seem to be inside the vagina.  I wen and got some hydrocortisone cream over the counter marketed for Feminine itching and it seems to help and cools it off.Sometimes I will put alittle Benadryl cream on it as well.  Seems to be  helping.  Hope this helps someone.
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I am just reading your post? How did the Kiera dream work for you. Have you tried anything else?
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It was so helpful to read this thread as my six year old was struggling g with eczema there. my girl is a celiac n's he can not take gluten based food group
when  she eats or when  her food is contaminated with gluten the eczema is triggered
What I did  not see is most of you unable Le to find the trigger factor.
it could be food allergy or some kind of an allergy which triggers the eczema soils investigate through that  Hanney and that thing when avoided should  all the eczema.
its just a suggestion In my experience a d do try it pls
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Finally found something that works! COCONUT OIL! I've tried all sorts of creams for many years, which have soothed temporarily but never improved the dryness/condition. This is the only thing which has improved the dryness. Also, it's free of chemicals so can do no harm.
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I've had vaginal itching for months now too, after lots of tests the doctor sid i probably have ezcema and gave me steriod cream. I think it has helped the external itching but internally my vagina still itches a lot. And suggestions for internal itching?
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Something that really helps: Using a menstrual cup and cotton pads, and staying away from tampons which dry up all the moisture.
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I've had it for 9 years - it started when I was 14, I'm now 23. I use Cetraben cream (for the last 3 yrs) which the vulval dermatologist prescribed me. It relieves the itching while it's on, but no long term improvement. Does anyone know of any natural treatments? I've given up on a cure or getting better, just something to relieve the itch which is chemical free.
Also, I'm 100 x worse at night, is this the same for all of you?
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11388717 tn?1417785698
I am fed up of it, I have it and it drives you mad. I saw a dermatologist who diagnosed Eczema , I am now 62 and still got it and no idea what to use on it
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Hi Lucy,

I hope you are reading this. I had no problems in the vulvar area previously till I went for pelvic exam and a vaginal ultrasound back in July 2014. The only reason that I went for this examination is cause I never had been to a gynaecologist before (I am 34 by the way) and since I was in Greece for holidays in July I thought that would be the best time to do a general check up.

And this is where the nightmare started.... The pelvic exam and the ultrasound were normal, but I was never normal after that examination again... Immediately after the pelvic exam and ultrasound, I had severe burning sensation in the vagina, urethra (extremely painful to urinate), and skin around the anus.....

I went to endless gynaecologists (both in greece and in the uk) who prescribed me all sorts of irrelevant treatments (for fungal infection, for bacterial infetion) even though all lab tests were clear. Needless to say after taking a ton of oral antifungals, plus antibiotics, the problem persisted. There was no fungus or other pathogen present and since all lab tests were clear the doctors should have never prescribed me these things. Finally, I went privately and saw a consultant uro-gynaecologist in the UK who immediately said that this is a severe case of allergic contact dermatitis. Something from that examination form hell has caused an extreme skin reaction

She said to avoid all soap (which has actually helped) and that to see how it goes before she refers me to a dermatologist. Now it it end of September and the burning is still there but it looks like it is going a bit better overall, with the exception of a flare up yesterday afternoon which caused me to lose sleep.

I really do not know what to do to avoid flareups and from what they are caused as I am definitely not in contact with the allergen that caused this problem. I am trying to get a referral to a dermatologist specialising in vulvar problems now.

I am so scared and afraid that this will never heal. Losing days from work, sleep, cannot live like this any longer.

I hope we all find our good health soon...
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Hi Lucy,

I hope you are reading this. I had no problems in the vulvar area previously till I went for pelvic exam and a vaginal ultrasound back in July 2014. The only reason that I went for this examination is cause I never had been to a gynaecologist before (I am 34 by the way) and since I was in Greece for holidays in July I thought that would be the best time to do a general check up.

And this is where the nightmare started.... The pelvic exam and the ultrasound were normal, but I was never normal after that examination again... Immediately after the pelvic exam and ultrasound, I had severe burning sensation in the vagina, urethra (extremely painful to urinate), and skin around the anus.....

I went to endless gynaecologists (both in greece and in the uk) who prescribed me all sorts of irrelevant treatments (for fungal infection, for bacterial infetion) even though all lab tests were clear. Needless to say after taking a ton of oral antifungals, plus antibiotics, the problem persisted. There was no fungus or other pathogen present and since all lab tests were clear the doctors should have never prescribed me these things. Finally, I went privately and saw a consultant uro-gynaecologist in the UK who immediately said that this is a severe case of allergic contact dermatitis. Something from that examination form hell has caused an extreme skin reaction

She said to avoid all soap (which has actually helped) and that to see how it goes before she refers me to a dermatologist. Now it it end of September and the burning is still there but it looks like it is going a bit better overall, with the exception of a flare up yesterday afternoon which caused me to lose sleep.

I really do not know what to do to avoid flareups and since I am definitely not in contact with the allergen that caused this problem. I am trying to get a referral to a dermatologist specialising in vulvar problems now.

I am so scared and afraid that this will never heal. Losing days from work, sleep, cannot live like this any longer.

I hope we all find our good health soon...
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WOW!!! I am not alone! I am going on 5 years with this issue. I was diagnosed with HPV 20 years ago so cancer is definitely a risk factor. The Dr is no help other than to give steroid creams, nystatin triam (stopped due to side effects of thinning skin), clobetesol (currently using sparingly) and basically told me it is "lifetime" condition! (When I 1st went to my OBGYN I was diagnosed w yeast and prescribed diflucan...I AM ALLERGIC! I broke out in a horrid rash all over my body and ended up contracting MRSA because of the open sores on my body! I am a homecare provider and all my clients have one form of MRSA or another :( )  I refuse to accept the lifetime prognosis and continue to seek answers. I try each method for at least 3 months to give it a chance, in conjunction with my prescription cream...after 5 years of trial and error I continue to use the natural topicals if for no other reason than as preventive care and healing until I find a cure! I prefer natural healing methods and after trying many internal and topical combinations I have found several that do alleviate the symptoms so I use  everything in my arsenal because I bought it and I am going to use it!   I regularly/daily use aloe, echinacea, comfrey, plantain/olive oil (instant soothing), vit E, witch hazel, even eucalyptus and tea tree oils. topically off and on according to my symptoms.I am also taking Evening primrose (i am 47) vit C, acidopholis, and red raspberry tea. If I have a flare up and scratch too much I use the healing salves (to heal sores) and tea tree (for infection, it sometimes burns at first but definitely heals infection of cuts and sores! It is drying though so I use salves w coconut oil, olive oil and/or bees wax to moisturize). I do use the clobetesol cream from the Dr. because it does help but does not cure the symptoms...as soon as I stop using it my symptoms escalate. I do not want to use the clobetesol forever! i recently made a plantain and olive oil infusion and it brings instant relief! Although not a cure it does stop the itch and I can enjoy sexual activity with no flare ups :) I will continue to use the plantain and am considering trying turmeric, although that would eliminate the sexual activity when in use lol. I am currently ordering a product that is all natural called Keira feminine cream. I will let you know how effective it is. It claims to heal and alleviate symptoms from all the conditions I have been diagnosed with so I figure I will have a good chance at some relief! I think my biggest fear is that I have an inflammatory cancer and because my Dr. won't recommend a biopsy and does not feel I have "enough" symptoms I am left to research on my own. I have done a candida flush BUT the "die off symptoms" irritated the itch to the point of insanity! I have to use feminine pads for a light but unpredictable urine leak and that is also an irritant so I am careful to change frequently even when dry. I will continue to purify my diet and lose weight as well as trying to quit my big bad smoking habit! I have been so stressed and depressed because of this condition I can't even begin to figure out a way to quit! On goes the battle and I will post in the future after I receive my Kiera cream and let you all know how it works ! Hugs to all you beautiful ladies who suffer from this and don't give up!      
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