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Palm of my Hand is Dry, Cracks, & Itchy

I am a healthy 28 yr old male. No medical history I am perfectly healthy aside from my right hand.

I have had a persistent dry right palm for over 3 years now, and it has recently gotten painful and extra dry. I wulod describe it as dry, rough, thickened, cracked skin on my palm. I do not have health insurance so that is why I have not been able to go get it looked at yet.

Looking closely it is dry, has cracks, itches. It makes it hard to do any type of physical work because if any dirt or debris gets in the cracks it irritates even more and hurts a bit more too.

I think it is eczema or something but I am not sure. Any suggestions on a diagnosis for this? It is on my right hand palm and on my right hand fingers in smaller areas. Please see the picture attached.  I work from my computer so it is not like I do hard physical labor to cause this.

Please please if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Althletes foot is a funal disorder.  The fungus thrives in warm and humid conditions. So it is important to dry well inbetween the toes and apply antifungal cream and/or antifungal powder.

As for your hands.  Do not use normal soaps because this soap dries the skin too much.  As well as as using the mediction that is helping (if it is not, then you may need a different one), use highly moisture creams.  You can buy cotton gloves and apply a lot of moisture cream and the gloves when you go to bed at night.

Wear gloves when you go outside to protect the skin the the weather.
When your skin cracks and splits on your fingers, put on a plaster to protect it so that it does not get dirty and infected.

Also keep a note of anything that you touch that might aggravate the condition so that yu can avoid touching it or use protective gloves before you do.  You will probably be allergic to rubber and latex too.  You can buy Nitrile gloves - these are what doctors and dentists use (and me).  

I do a lot of planting and wear the Nitrile gloves so that I do not catch any germs and bacteria through my cracked skin.  At the moment it is fine.

Bacteria can enter through the broken skin, so it is important to keep it protected.  

I have recently started to take B12, magnesium, zinc, multvitamins as well as drinking a lot of natural yogurt (may be that is helping).  

Your hands may get red with weepy spots, but this is not Rosacea.  By what you say, you suffer from eczema.  You can urticaria and these are spots that itch and weep and you can urticaria different parts of the body.

You only get Rosacea on the face and it can affect the eyes.

With the hand skin problem, you need to find the right cream that will help you.  Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated as this is important for healty skin as well as having a healthy diet.

As you dad is a herbalist he should be helping you more with your problem.  Calendula petals are very good for the skin.  

Hope you get sorted out soon so.  But remember as you have this problem now, it is likely that you may experience flare ups from time to time as you get older.
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Its gone away so far so im set. herbalists use liquid substances, so i soak my hands in the medicine. A MD has told me before that my eczema is curable(controllable) with gummy tablets that she prescribed me. but by that time my eczema when away.
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i also work out alot doing body building, that i dehydrate myself
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i have what you described as tiny itchy bumps that i ended up just pinching them off because they were very itchy and there was tiny drops of liquid or puss inside then eventually my palms got dry spots half an inch wide and the skin flakes off then it cracks in the middle if i use cream with a glove on over night for a few days it will heal but it always comes back i have had this problem for about 5 years now how do i get rid of it?
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I had been suffered from dry eczema for a couple of months and I have done everything to relieve. I have Ulcerative Colitis and am using Imuran which affects the immune system.
But I finally found the reason to my problem and how to resolve it in short and long term:
1- The problem was because of allergy to either paper or ink (I figured out that the problem happened when I dealt with hundreds of pages of print in a week).
2- I could keep it almost in the same condition (or slightly better) by keeping it wet using ointment or skin creams. But "Betaderm" ointment (needs prescription) had better results (used it for 2-3 weeks). Especially the ointment works well after bathroom when the skin is fresh.
3- I didn't know this is because of paper/ink (I thought of mouse, notebook touchpad, latex gloves, etc.) so thanks to a pharmacist in Edmonton who advised to use cotton gloves, I avoided touching almost everything at work.
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I play cards twice a week could that cause my hand problem. I have had it for a year dry itchy callous cracked no pimples no seeping
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It may be a contact dermatitis. I would try changing the computer mouse. Make sure it is all plastic. The same thing happened to me.
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