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Angular Cheilitis Cure

I recently found out that I had Angular Cheilitis and it's come back for the second time now. It is very very annoying and painful. The corners of my mouth have lesions and if I try to open my mouth too much the pain is excruciating, my lips are also severely chapped and can only be hidden for an hour or so by lip balm, and the chapping begins again. It seems that not only my lips but the area surrounding my lips are also peeling. I just want to know if there's a good cure out there, I've tried all the usual stuff and I've stumbled on a the Angular Cheilitis Foundation that guarantees some sort of miracle home remedy but charges an incredibly 67$ for it, which is pretty insanely high for a "foundation". I just want to know if there's any other way out of this horrible condition.
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Just had a bout and here's what worked for me - 3000-4500mg of l-Lysine supplement per day, 1 B-complex supplement (make sure the B12 that's included is methylated), and every night before bed I applied Curad Silver Solution to both corners of my mouth, even though only one corner was infected.  Better in 3 days, completely healed in 1 week.  Good luck!!!  (Also gargled with peroxide throughout the week).
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A dermatologist in Singapore gave me Fucicort topical cream 2x/day and during the day I should apply Uriage as lips moisturizer, especially before eating. After 2 weeks, with lots of progress, he replaced Fucicort with Protopic 1x at night and Decozol 1x in the morning. All this process took about a month to cure, still he suggest me to get a filler injection to help me with the marionette lines. Hope this can help.
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1% hydrocortisone ointment, not cream, should help the cuts heal within 24 hours. Hope this helps
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Am happy i am almost of of it now but what i have been through was horrible. for me it all started with a dry feeling of lips. i didnt paid attention and continued wearing my lipstick which were mate and hence were making my lips more dry. my lips got worse and i had to stop my lipstick because now lips were simply too dry. i was frustrated being 24 yrs old i cant wear lipstick. lips was dry, the feeling was irresistible. i had to keep it moisturised. at first the corners were getting dark. pharmacist told me buy vaseline. i went away but came back.

day by day it was getting worst. my lips were not peeling but were simply chapped and i wasnt able to open my mouth wide. i was constantly looking for info on internet and got afraid to know people have been with that for years. I was worried thinking will i have to remain a vaseline addict now? because i wasnt able to bear the dry feeling if vaseline get wiped from my lips. even if at night in sleep my lips get wiped with my pillows that dry feeling would wake me up and i had to reapply vaseline. lips got itchy by the moving days. there were tiny bumps.

i was feeling like crying looking at my situation. i went to doctor he gave me hydrocortison which did nothing. it was itchy and i rubbed my lips and guess what the bumps were now spread outside the two corners of my mouth and a little on my chin. i shouldnt have rubbed it. went to see doctor again, he now gave miconazole.

miconazole my god made it itch more. when checked on internet some people experienced same thing as it was a side effect. may be my skin was too sensitive. i had candid cream clotrimazole which was better.. i applied it on my chin and corners. the outside on my lips and chin were healed with that.thank god but my borders of my lips were still itchy and corners still cracked.

i went to see another doctor now because it was already more than 1 month i have been through and my lips were slightly swollen.  now this doctor checked my mouth and saw white lesion and told me its actually oral candiasis also known as oral thrush. it was a yeast infection.  he gave nystatin oral drops and piriton to prevent swollen lips. it cleared the white lesions but not completely. and my lips were no more swollen but still same dry.

but now i knew it was a yeast which must be affecting my lips as well.  i saw people recomending apple cider vinegar (ACV). so i decided to try it.. it burned my lips like hell and changed its color for few seconds but i endured it. i applied it in morning and apply vaseline.. the itchiness was greatly reduced by there was no great improvement. i thought ACV is not working for me because no dead skin was forming as many said it would after applying ACV. but actualy i was doing it wrong. after applying ACV i was puting vaseline which was actually not letting the dead skin to form and come out. it was keeping it moist and was again geting sticked to my lips.  when realised i stoped applying vaseline.. i applied ACV and then if i wasnt able to resist dry feeling i applied coconut oil.  coconut oil was actually letting my lips to breath unlike vaseline.  now the dead skin was formed. i was no more addicted to vaseline. i didnt removed the dead skin. i let it come out on its own..it was embarassing. and irritating while eating. i used straw to drink but i didnt pick the dead skin because that will cause your lips harm.  its true.never pick it when your lips are already irritated.  it was also protecting the skin which was forming inside.

i started to take b complex and some sargeform (vitamin c+ minerals pills) just because even if lack of vitamin b is not the cause it will help my lips to get healed somewhere. i was also geting burning sensation with floride toothpaste so i shifted to a non fluoride toothpaste and used sensodyne original one which has no fluoride.  thats because fluoride will harm a lips which has become sensitive. after the dead skin were out lips were no more excessively dry but it wasnt also moisturised. the dryness was there but very little. i continued coconut oil for that...and i let my lips to heal on it own now. slowly slowly i stoped coconut oil also and let my lips like it is. and now its almost 99% cured.  one thing during a lips treatment never use a moisturizer which is in the form of a stick thats because when you apply it get infected and this is why your lips will never heal and will worsen it.  use things that you will apply with your hands you will wash your hands after applying it.. and next time when applying you again wash your hand before applying it. the moisturizer wont get infected.

thats because my lips would have been healed within two months instead of 3. when my lips almost got healed i used my lipstick which i applied when i started with the problem. it brought back the little bumps.  just to check if my guess is right whether the lipstick was infected i applied the lipstick on my arm,and there was itchy bumps on my arm as well. i threw away the lipstick.  logically if you apply a chapstick it will get infected within the first application itself. next time you apply the same chapstick it wont help but worsen it thats why many people claimed chapstick made their situation worst.  

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I think it is an infection. Bacterial/fungal... either or. It should be treated as any other infection should be treated. To draw the infection out the best method is to use a heavy concentrated solution of epsom salts and water. This will make those little suckers die. Very warm water works best to draw infection out!

Nurse Leigh
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Hi, OMG your story is exactly like mine. It's just like I wrote it myself. Anyway, thank you very much. I really hope it would work on me too. I've been so miserable because I have to go to work and people kept looking at me. I'll come back to let everybody know the result. Thanks again.
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I just had the same problem and just saw it expanding and expanding, I only had it for a week though, I have had mild cases of angular cheilitis in the past which always subsided on their own, But this was different, it would not go away, I tried EVERYTHING I found online.. Because I wanted to solve the problem before it got the chance to become chronic. I had the typical "clown mouth" red and dry, I could barely move my lips they were so tight and dry and painful! And of course it looked absolutely ridiculous..

I started out by putting ordinary chapstick on which didn't seem to be working, I did not know that it was angular cheilitis at that time. Later I found out that it was a little more than innocent chapped lips. But that it was actually a bacterial or fungal infection. So I started reading everywhere and tried the tea tree oil first, I had that in my home, but that just stung and didn't help at all for me. Then I tried the vinegar, same story.. I put loads of nivea cream on it, that soothed the pain a little but did nothing for the infection obviously. Then I even tried the dish soap and vaseline story, that just made my lips dry out terribly and did nothing for the infection. Then I read about hydrogen peroxide and started wiping my lips with that and let it dry and then I covered my lips with vaseline and left it on for as long as it would stay on, after every meal I wiped my lips with the hydrogen peroxide and put the vaseline on it. After 3 days all the redness of the "clown mouth" is gone! And with each time I wiped my lips with hydrogen peroxide the dry skin came off, as if the HP was dissolving the bacteria/fungus. It did not hurt very much. Just a little sting but barely noticeable. After a few days (today) the redness is gone but my lips felt very tight this morning and dry but they looked very shiny, like new skin, the bacteria was "washed off" by the HP but the new skin was very sensitive and tight. So this morning I started putting udder cream on my lips and every few hours I put new udder cream on them, I recommend this instead of chap stick when you are recovering from angular cheilitis because the chapstick will dry out your lips while udder cream just soaks into your skin and is amazing, I was afraid to use it while still treating the infection because I didn't want to "over-moisturize" the infection. But afterwards I would recommend this. And to go to sleep I even put vaseline over the udder cream so it can sink into your skin and stay moisturized all night. So for me, all those highly recommended methods online (tea tree oil, vinegar, dish soap + vaseline) did not do it. just 3% hydrogen peroxide and something to keep it moisturized like a thick cream. Repeat the HP after every meal and before bed (4/a day). And afterwards for the tightness of the new lip-skin I'd try udder cream! I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me!

Before I forget.. I also started taking vitamin B-complex and Magnesium (a mineral that's good for about anything! we lose magnesium while under stress and angular cheilitis is often stress related or linkes to low immune system!!)
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The Angular Cheilitis Foundation is a hoax. No "foundation" would ever operate on a for-profit basis. People, if you are suffering from angular cheilitis or perleche, please go see your doctor or dermatologist.
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Heres a proven way to remove the angular cheilitis
Since the AC is caused by bacteria, you must remove all the bacteria out of the cuts. By this you first
1. disinfect your hands by washing it
2. Get concentrated liquid dish soap
3. Turn on your sink and rub the water gently inside the cuts
4. use a dab of dish soap and rub it in your cuts. it may stink but you know its working
5. wash out the soap and do it all over again.
6.After washing the cuts twice, use vasline and rub it all over mouth/lips up to your nose all the way down to your chin.
7. Two hours later, wash the vasline off using the method you just learned with the dish soap.
8. You could even rub a little Hydrocortisone 1% on the scars to help.
9. Do this as much as you can, and when going to bed rub neosporin on the cuts. In the morning, the AC will be on its way of healing!

Results take less then one night. Just because the cuts are healed, dont stop doing this method. The cuts can ripp open. Use this method for 2-3 weeks for proven results.

Oh and this is the method that cots 60$ :D
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Hi Vannessa, I forgot to add that the same time I got a break out on my forehead and on my thumb underneath my nails. The break out on the forehead is small scaly bumps that become dry, there is no real liquid coming out like the Cheilitis, well maybe just tiny bits now and then, but it still hasn't gone away. I have tried some anti fungal cream like the mycota for  athlete's feetwith zinc Undecenoate  athlete's feet and 1% Clottmazole Topical Cream to no affect. looks bacterial again. I am wondering if there are any home remedies or simple over the counter meds that you might recommend.....currently I am soaking both the thumb and forehead with Sea Salt..


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Hi Vannessa, It looks like I have the bacterial version of the Cheilitis as I have been struggling with it for over a Month.  It came on out of no where. I have recently started to work out (lifting weights) and I have been taking some protein supplements and Creatine to gain weight. Not sure if this has anything to do with it (I have stopped using it and have stopped working out till this is resolved) . In any case, is there some kind of home remedy that can be applied? Or is there any kind of over the counter medication available....budget is a concern lately.

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I'm not on any sort of planned diet, but I have been under some stress, although not too severe. The thing sort of just popped out of nowhere, I don't lick my lips ever because I know better. I've tried using a facial cleanser and I drink plenty of water as it is. I haven't been eating too many fruits and vegetables though (Although my parents said that lack of both was causing it and they are currently forcing me to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible)
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Angular cheilitis do have a lot of causes. It may be due to constantly licking the lips, nutritional deficiencies like vitamin B12 and iron, as well as it may be an infection caused by yeast or bacteria. Poor oral hygiene and the use of dentures may also lead to cheilitis.

The cause of this cheilitis have to be ascertained. If a fungal infection is causing this then topical antifungal gels may be used on the area. A KOH evaluation of the scales may be able to determine if a fungal infection is present. Also, a bacterial infection may be likely if the cheilitis has been present for quite some time. Oral antibiotics may help.

Drink plenty of water. Use a mild cleanser to wash the face. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Have you been under a lot of stress lately?

Are you currently on a diet?

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