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Serious Lip Peeling Issue

Ive been having this problem for a year now, my bottom lip has been peeling and it seems as if the main skin on the lip is peeling away because the skin after that is dry, scaly and white...when i try to wet it with water it seems as if nothing can make it wet....i believe that i have an allergic reaction to something but I just want to know if the skin on my lower lip will grow back or its gone?

I you've had this problem or know someone with it and can help me out, please comment and let me know what i can/should I do?

This has been going on for to long and has affected my life in a way...so please leave comments!

47 Responses
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May want to research Sjogren’s syndrome.

Also, to the cancer patient that removed sugar from the diet that had positive benefits - I am happy this helped your lips and hope it helped your cancer. You should not have sugar if you have cancer because sugar feeds cancer. My friend has cancer and she has eliminated all sugar, including fruit, and gluten (turns to sugar in body). I think she allows certain berries, but I am not sure which ones or how often. I am not a doctor - disclaimer, so do your own research and speak to your doctor or naturopath doctor.
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I had this for 30 years, my dermatologist gave me protopic 0,1 (apply during the night and aquafor the day), and it is almost gone!
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This morning I woke up determined to rid myself of this thing... I have been using sugar and honey paste for the last two or three days ( 1tspoon sugar mixed in 1tspoon honey, with your finger just scrub it gently on your lips in circle motion ) so today I went into the shower and let the water ( hot but not burning water ) hit my lips for like 10 minutes then when I went out I used my suager/honey paste and scrubbed my lips with it, the skin starting coming out of the lips but it didn't fall off... It almost felt like if I wanted the flakes to fall off I had to pull at them ( which you should never do because it will ruin the skin and might start bleeding ) so I was like alright I'll just live with it like thos for today and try again tomorrow ( my lips literally had pieces of skin just dangling off of it like long pieces just sitting there, it looked bad ) so I decided to put some olive oil on my lips to perhaps hide the skin at least ( I thought it may make the skin moist and it would hide the pieces a bit ) but instead when I scrubbed my lips ( circle motions especially on the pieces of skin ) it started coming out, it took my like 20 minutes of scrubbing to get all the skin off and now my lips look nice! All thanks to God :D
I am looking forward to check progress on this and see what to do if the pieces come growing back up xD
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Looks like eczema
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You have systemic Candida.
Research the treatments.
Niacin/Niacinamide and Taurine also kill Candida.
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Nutritic Lip Treatment Balm helped me after suffering with severe scaling lips for almost 4 months following an allergic reaction to canned meats. scaling is gone after 1 month use although my lips still feel tender
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I had the same problem. I used vitamin supplements. (A,B and C) and I stay hydrated. I also used honey for my lips and i didn't use any cosmetics.  Just non-fragranced jelly when I had to leave the house. I also use sun screen to protect them from the sun and I stayed away from citrus fruits when my lips were peeling. Now I'm all better. I don't use harsh lip balms and i maintain a healthy diet. I hope one of those methods help.
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Had the same problem for a year now. I've found out that relaxation and meditation help the lips not to crack. Try getting more quality sleep as well and of course healthy diet goes without a question.
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My lips are always dry and most of the time is the lower lips. I peel it every times when its dry because i cant apply any lip balm  when its dry. It feel like there's a layer blocking it, but today after i peel it i ate some thing it's pain and after a while the right of my down lips swollen. What can i do??
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Last week I made my own lip balm and this is the first time in 50 years I have not had chapped lips!!! I have had chapped peeling lips my entire life. My baby pictures all show a cracked red line in the middle of the bottom lip. As a teenager I bought Blistex in the big tubes but if I ran out, the chapped lips came back. Regular ChapStick was useless... Just sat on top of peeling lips. Vaseline not much better. So for the past few years I would take a very very long shower every morning so the flakes absorb lots of water and then very gently exfoliate them off with a kessa glove. Then put on whatever lip balm I had. If I skipped this, I would have flakes all day. And in any case, by the afternoon my lip skin was hardening up. Blistex is hard to find in France where I now live so I started experimenting. I am floored...I found something that works! After fifty effing years with this problem. I do not know which ingredient is responsible for the "cure."
The cure:
I made a balm with 2 tsp beeswax, 1 tsp borage oil, 1 tsp grapeseed oil and 5 drops essential oil of ho wood.
I had done my standard long shower and deflaking and applied my new homemade balm. No more flakes. And no more hardening up of the skin! Holy moly. I still apply this balm during the day and before bed (as I had with other balms and/or Vaseline) but now when I wake up I do not have chapped lips! I no longer have to take a long shower to humidity the flakes to rub them off!I have no more flakes!
To make lip balm, melt wax and oil together in a double boiler (you can use a coffee or expresso or sake cup in a pan of water). Remove from heat. Add some drops of essential oil. I would like to test my "invention" on other chapped lip sufferers.
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How have things been since you last post? Going through something similar(peeling, hardening of lips weird line on bottm lip). Looking for a solution.
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Hello all, I had dry scaly lip problem since I was a kid 9/10 years old was always constipated.
Fast forward 42 years, yes I'm 52 now. A few  weeks ago i noticed i had dark green stools, still constipated, Anyway i did some research that led to sodium deficiencies.
Made some sole with pink himalayan  rock salt, added 1 teaspoon of sole to a glass of spring water every morning.

The result was amazing, stool turned normal after just 2 days and scaly lip problem gone in similar amount of time.

Have yourself tested for sodium deficiencies.

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I have had the same skin peeling issues on my bottom lip, as people have described here.  

My problems actually started after my cancer treatment, and I have dry skin all over my body now.

I find that using pure Almond Oil on my lips,  has helped me a great deal.  I'm not sure if this will help others, but I wanted to share this because if it can give relief to someone else, then that's wonderful.

Another thing that helps my condition generally is reducing the sugar and processed foods in my diet.  I have no idea why this helps!  These things just seem to exacerbate my condition.

I hope and pray that this will work for some of you.
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1) Try applying butter on your lips before you go to bed....

2) Brush your teeth before you go to the bed...the gems which usually forms after you sleep can damage your lips...

3) drink a liter of water in between every meal...this will cleanse your stomach in the morning...a clean stomach makes your mouth and breath fresh and reduces drying of lips...

4) don't lick your lips
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This is exfoliative cheilitis. I cleared it up using diet a few years ago. Problems came back after quitting the diet.
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Sounds like systemic candida (yeast) infection. Esp obvious for the gals who also have vaginal symptoms and those folks who find lotrimin under chapstick works. Yes men get this too. I use nystatin cream (rx), leave on for a few minutes, then wipe off extra and apply barrier of chapstick. good luck.
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I have allergies and eczema. My earliest memory of having irritated lips is from elementary school. Throughout elementary to the beginning of high school, my lips and outer mouth would become itchy (for reasons still unknown to me). It was uncontrollable even with ointments prescribed by dermatologists and doctors to decrease itching. I would end up rubbing or scratching at it, which would cause it to become inflamed, blistered and start to weep. Moisturizing it sometimes worked and sometimes did not. At one point, I was so dependent on Vaseline and applying it every 5 minutes, I would have a panic attack if I happened to misplace it or miss a scheduled reapplication. Over time, my entire outer mouth became darkened with scar tissue. I think eventually I learned to control myself because my episodes now are far less severe than from my childhood and adolescence.

Growing up with this affliction has greatly affected my self-esteem and self-worth. I was shunned and rejected by my peers during a very important time of self-exploration. I've been laughed at, gawked at, and pitied. I've been accused of having herpes or being plain ugly by relentless teenagers. I believe I may have been depressed at one point and have considered suicide, but I can't remember for sure.

I've come a long way since those days. I didn't emerge unscathed. My condition has improved substantially these couple years (I don't want to jinx the future since I still haven't found the cause). I still struggle with chapped lips that constantly shed without break regardless of how much creams, ointments, and chapsticks I use. They'll split, crack, and bleed a couple times a month. Of course this problem isn't life-threatening or as dire as other conditions, but I can see from this forum and from my own experiences that it still greatly affects people. I hope everyone finds the treatment they're looking for. Best wishes to everyone.
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I just put a little lotrimin ultra on my lips before I put on chapstick and its CURED.
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Have had the same like everyone else, started at 13 years old i think and I'm now 19, It has been hell living with this because you have to live with it every day, you always have to have it in mind that before eating something or after eating something you should going into a toilet to look so your lips look normal.

You know you can't be outside drinking soda or any other drink that contains sugar because then the lips will dry and you can feel some loose skin is on it's way so you try to hide it and then you can't act normal the rest of the evening until you find a toilet. You can't smile and laugh, you get drawn back and trying to talk as little as possible and just want the evening to end.

I rather stay home many days and say no to my friends because it pushes you down to always have to think about it, it's not pretty to remove skin everytime, i think it's gross but there is no other way, so when you're home then you can at least just act normal and don't care about it for the moment.

Noone that i know of my relatives have this problem, and no friends either.

I will go to the doctor soon and see if they say something about it, will ask for them to take a blood test against something if it's possible, I really hope there is a way to cure this. Would be nice to be able to live a little bit normal.

If anyone with the same problem or if anyone know how to cure this, be free to send a message to me
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I had peeling lips for many years. Everyone kept telling me I was dehydrated which I know I wasn't as I had been an athlete at the time and had been involved in studies for dehydration and it showed that I wasn't.

I put on PawPaw cream on my lips each night and sleep with it. I also put it on whilst I'm out exercising and both these tricks have stopped my cracked, peeling dry lips. I haven't had any problems now for over a year except when I get lazy and don't apply it.

Hope this helps.
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I'm so glad that there are people who understand the extent of this problem. I am 14 years old and have had dry, cracked, peeling lips that are raised in the corners and also split. I enter into a 3-4 day cycle of them being really sore and splitting and then peeling extensively and bleeding. This has been occuring for about a year now. I am sick of people offering me lip balm as I know it dosn't work. I have tried cortisone tablets, antibiotics, every lip balm and ointment, antihistamines and even an ear ointment that I put on my lips. NOTHING HAS WORKED! Reading everyone elses stories i can see a common factor. Most of us have allergies or imbalences and things to do with metals. This is me aswell. The past year for me has been hell in terms of my health. I was a national meadalist in swimming and started to overtrain. I got several infections in my mouth, throat, ears, eyes etc. and eventually got a blood test. The results showed that I have hypothyroidism and I am now on thyroxine to replace my hormone levels. Eventually all the infections went away but my lips were peeling at a rediculous rate. After a week of this process starting I developed an alergy to chlorine ironically, and after 20 mins of swim training I would break out in a rash all over my body. My lips got worse and worse.The condition also first occured when I got braces and so we think it is maybe the metal that is having a reaction with the chlorine. This is getting really out of control. Being a teenager my self esteem isn't exactly glowing and this condition is making it worse.I constantly think people are looking at them and they are the first thing I see when i look in the mirror. My lips also look identical to the photo that someone else posted. I mean IDENTICAL. WHAT DO I DO? ARE THERE ANY DOCTORS OUT THERE WITH A SOLUTION? Thanks to everyone who has made me feel better already :)
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I had same problem for past more then 10 years.

past three days I feel the I am able to save my lips from peeling.
With just small care that like thinking I am different from others and my lips want some extra care.

In Night if you put lip balm before going to bed and after waking up put lip balm before brusing and bath. after bath put lip balm. drink water normally.

While in day if you feel it is required put lip balm.
Take a thick balm which last for some time thats it.
I don't say that got fixed for ever but last three days I am in relief.

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My bottom lip has been peeling since May.  I too have tried every lip balm to no avail.  Two weeks ago I got a scaly patch on my top lip.  Then I was determined to find some help.  For the last five days I have been using two different lip balms that have cleared my lips up 90%!!!!!  I can't believe it...now I am even starting to go hours before I feel like I need to re apply them.  My lips aren't even dry anymore.  Try either one of these and see if they help.  Fix My Skin Healing Balm. Vanillla or
Dr. Dan's CortiBalm
They both have 1% Hydrocortisone in them.  I hope that this will help you.  I ordered both online.
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Now I know I'm not alone with this. When people look at my chapped lips, they'll advise me: drink more water girl. Too tired with their comment I'll say, it's allergy. In fact, I don't even know what I am allergy to or what vitamin minerals I didn't get enough of them.

Like you, my lips just peeled off in huge flakes, I use scissors to cut the flakes off. (Other girls put makeup and lipstick to dinner, I was there trimming my lips with scissors) however, the lips will get smooth maybe once in a week! It's like snake changing skin constantly.

Vaseline, lip balm, organic or natural, ointment, even the cream given by doctors, only cause the situation to go worse. Whenever I apply these cream, it goes perfect for the first & second day. Smooth and kissable. On 2nd or third day, starting to feel numb or somewhat painful. Smilling is difficult since i cant stretch the upper lips. Days later, it cracks, bleed, disgustingly, it swollen and have some weird discharge from the lips. This hold on for 7 days or more until it turn back to my usual non-painful flaky lips.

Doctors said I might be allergy to beeswax, some kind of glue, deficiency of vitamin B12, but I avoid and tried things, nothing helps. I'm living in malaysia, summer all year, no winter, none of a human being I know sharing a same problem.

Honestly, I can't even kiss my boyfriend. Lips go a little numb and painful later. Then start cracking. I'm 24 now, suffering from this problem since the age of.... Not sure... Elementary school? Other than lips, (but only after my 22), my skin starting to get allergy to glue, means I can not wear plaster, my genital area Get itchy and swollen everytime I'm having period. That's the time I deadly wish I'm a boy.

However, my mum had the same problem with me, nonetheless, nothing helps, she said, until the day she gave birth to me. Maybe some kind of hormone changed it cured itself with no medication needed. But I'm not going to get pregnant until I'm near 30 right, 6 more years to go and it's not guaranteed.

I know your post had been four years from now, is your lips getting any better?
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It is an allergic reaction to the metals in the foods you are eating! Trust me. My lips looked identical to yours until the dermatoligist found out I am allergic to nickel. When I eat too many foods high in nickel, (or put stupid paper clips in my mouth while busy at work!) my lips crack instantly again but they heal when I get back in control of my diet. Best of luck!
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