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red lumps under armpit

hi ,my son(2 years 7 months old) has red lumps under his armpits,belly button, back and breast.earlier we(my husband ,son and myself) were diagnosed scabies so we overcome it with KWELLEDA LOTION FOR SKIN  but after that these lumps pop up again (for my son only) every time we change the basement ,we treated him with the same lotion he recovered but this time again we r worried how can we overcome it completely .
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563773 tn?1374246539

Thanks for your kind words. I am glad that the child was relieved of the boils. Wishing him all the best and God bless.
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very thanks for ur kind reply,
i m really surprised n happy to find that the boils dissappeared at their own ,earlier i used to apply BNC(BETNOVATE NEOMYCIN) but this time i did nt apply anything as i was worried to get it diagnosed properly ,i think it is not hidradenitis suppurativa,as there is no pus n my boy is only 2 yrs,they say that this disease appear more often in the agegroup 20-40 n is common in women rather than men (i may be wrong as u r the expert in the field)
i think his boils has some relation with the environment as it appears almost 15-20 in number  when we move from one basement to another, i can end up saying that there are skin diseases very common among children in canada.
hope for the same kind gesture in future
thanks for ur reply
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563773 tn?1374246539
From the symptoms it looks like boils or hidradenitis suppurativa. Keep the area clean and apply some warm compresses and topical antiseptics. Also use an antibacterial soap or mild soap like dove. Avoid any kind of cosmetics. Topical antibiotics such as mupirocin or neomycin containing ointment are also useful. In case the symptoms persist then oral antibiotics and incision and drainage may be needed. Please consult a dermatologist in that case.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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