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suddenly oily hair that won't correct

This discussion is related to suddenly oily hair that won't correct.

Question to the Dr.  

Could this be overactive sebaceous glands?  I have had sebaceous cysts in the past.  Could excessive sweating cause this to happen.  Sweating dries out the skin, therefore causing the glands to produce more oil to compensate for the loss?  When your stressed, you sweat.  During menopause, you sweat.  In the summer, you sweat.  If your febrile, you sweat.

I am a 38 year old female and also started experiencing a heavy oily area around the crown of my head about 3 1/2 weeks ago.  I asked my Dr. and  he acted as if I was crazy.  He suggested I use Neutrogena shampoo once a week, which I started yesterday.  To add to the other comments....I am extremely stressed (thought that was it).  I am going through peri-menopause.  I have not changed shampoos in 15 years (I alternate head and shoulders and Pantene).  I have never had any problems with oily skin or oily hair ever.  I wash my hair daily and condition.  I have not changed my daily regimen in 2 years

One thing I have tried was applied Shower to Shower powder to my hair before going to bed and washed out in the morning (not the sexiest looking thing at night but it helps).  It drastically reduced the oil, but came back 2 days later.  The only thing I worry about is clogging the glands that are producing the oil, so I don't do it daily...maybe once a week.  I will try the Irish Spring soap, that will not clog the glands...just dry out the hair.  Another suggestion I haven't tried was go to a good hair dresser who has shampoos that change the PH balance of your hair (If this goes on another month I will try this.  It's kinda drastic.)

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I have just noticed that the top of my head is greasy for the past few days.  I was surprised to find that this is a common problem.  I am wondering if anyone else has connected this with ulcerative colitis?   I am currently dealing with a flare of that, and the inflammation causes a lot of strange things - rashes, swollen joints, etc.  Could this be my latest UC reaction?
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14617019 tn?1435503075
Your last paragraph hit me... I have been having horrible digestive issues and recently my hair is greasy.  I wash it and the next day it's like an oil pit.  I'm 54 years old and I have oily hair.. that's a first. It's gross though and I agree, digestive disorder for sure is the root cause but figuring out what this is is a mystery.... I thought it was leaky guy syndrome or IBS but a client (I'm a hairdresser) says it sounds like  some food allergy or allergies of some sort.  She mentioned that your body can tolerate up to say 90% and then one day you tilt over to 91% allergic and your body just says ENOUGH and all sorts of things can begin to go awry!  It's really got me thinking!  
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13733480 tn?1431353170
There is an antifungal ingredient in the juice that I use for Vaping my electrical cigarettes. In fact it is used in hospitals through the air system as it dries out moisture, the cause of many a fungal infection.
]The fact that I was using this WHILE my hair developed tis grease problem tells me it hasnt anything at all to do wit a funal infection, but more likey for me and perhaps others, either hormonal OR dehydration.

I would question whether most that developed this grease problem were people that did not have a great water intake, and perhaps drank more pops and sodas, than water??!!  Perhaps coffees more than water, etc??!!

Smokers de-hydrate as so those that take up Vaping through e-cigarettes that don't amp up their water intake.
Once deyhdration sets in the body often produces oil to make up for the dehydration which is why its an area I would question for yourself, but I woudl doubt it has anyting to do with where you lay your head which city you live in or wose blowdryer you used, at least in my opinion.
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13733480 tn?1431353170
Meant to add that I was considered abnormal by all female friends for never ever having pimples at any point in my life but once I got greasy hair, I also got pimples.
I just stepped up my facial wasing routine and made sure that if I did anything that cuased me to sweat I immediately took a baby wipe type wipy thing and wiped it all over my face, especially in T-zone around  my nose, which in my case had never been oily but were a few pimples were coming up and as soon as I started doing that, even before i cut the grease on my hair, I stopped getting them.
The ones I did get may have been less of it being oil that was coming out of my skin as it might have just been fingers from hair touching face and/or hair touching my face but whatever the cause the stepped up cleansing of my face helped immensely.
This is not to suggest I was not washing my face, initially well enough for I was and it had worked all of my life but once the oil/greasy hair issue began, it needed more than my usual routine.
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13733480 tn?1431353170

Potential Reasons for Greasy Hair ( for me) who has Normal/Dry Hair/Skin

- Recent X Smoker (toxin release)

- I moved to e-Cigarettes or for those into it, Mods/Atty's that use Glycerin which can dehydrate users IF they don't drink tons of water. When a body dehydrates as it does for smokers/Vapours, it will compensate by producing oil.

-Approaching mid age, could be hormones (pre Menopausal)

- Like some others,  I had just gone trhough a drastic winter of 2014/15 and for first time felt flakes of dandruff from a dry scalp.
Used Head + Shoulders for about a month or two but then ran out and used some other nameless shampoo. Thats when problems began. Noticed at first and just thought i was not cleaning often enough, or was toxins from having quit smoking.
- Few weeks later, it no longer became clean with hair washing and felt oily hours later when dry OR within 20 hours since last shampoo.

- Saw this thread. Cant find Sauve as few sell it and ones that do, its a new "recipe" and not as good as the old original one. So I chose not to buy it but tried other Organic/Natural Apple Clairifying Shampoo from Walmart as it was the only clairfying shampoo I could find. + Listerine.

- Didnt help at all. Tried 3 days in a row.

- 4th day tried Head + Shoulders but it too did not work

- 5th day used Palmolive Dishwashing Liquid in Kitchen to gut grease on dishes.
VOILA it worked!!!!!!  Did not feel the need for Listerine although I had some and used it other days, but this time just rinsed my hair in cooler water + hair is perfectly clean again.

- Will now watch to see IF i need to do it again OR as i suspect, the grease on my hair earlier was too much for anything to cut through but the Dishwashing liquid was the fix---but it can also dry out hair with repeated use so waiting to see if that one fix, fixed it for good or a month, etc.

- I have had clothes in the past that got olive oil on them that the best laundry detergents would not get out. When this happens, I take dishwashing liquid, any brand, that is meant to cut grease and I dab on oil spot and run it back through the washer a second time, using dishwashing liquid in place of laundry powdered soap and it cuts all grease so there was every reason to think it would work on hair and it did.

- I suspect ANY well known brand of dishwashing liquid will do but I would use their original one meant for cutting grease or oil, rather than newer recipe if it were me and not an organic dish washing liquid or other trendy product.
Classic Dishwashing Liquid to cut oil or grase is all you need. Its often green in color but can sometimes be pale yellow too. I tend to buy the green one.

- Once clean DRINK TONS OF WATER especially if you are a smoker, X smoker now an e-cigarette user and I suspect large number of people noticing this greasy hair problem will end it, once the grease has been cut.

- I suspect in my case, none of the shamppos were able to cut through the amount of grease on my hair and it had coated the strands and follicles but the dishwashing liquid cut right through it all.

- It might leave your hair a bit dry to the touch but first time Id let ie be.
IF you need to use it again, u might want to lightly run har conditioner through ends of your hair but DO NOT rub it into your scalp or hair close to yur head asi t will likely contribute to the problem.

WHILE DOING THIS, make sure you soap/wash your face 2x daily as this excessive oil on hair can also help to bring pimples out on your face, which might be just due to hair rubbing on the skin OR running fingers through greasy hair or touching it to double check its still greasy, gets onto fingers and then onto ones face so amp up your cleanliness regime and DRINK TONS OF WATER TO REHYDRATE AND CLEAN SYSTEM while undergoing all of this.
Try and cut back on all junk food and/or sugars, etc!
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Thank you for this solution! I have oily hairs which are started falling these days. I found toppik hair building fibers at http://www.folica.com/hair-loss/hair-loss-concealers/toppik-hair-fibers-27-5g as the best product for gaining the hair back. I feel so good now. You can also try this!  
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Ladies I have had this issue several times and I beleive it is a ph balance issue that can occue from weather changes hormonal changes, changes in hair care routine or medications, so many things can cause it. I have been using biolage normalizing shampoo everytime this occurs which has been 3 times in my life and it works very well. I have also tried the apple cider vinegar and it seems to help as well. I dyed my hair and the result was this oily patch so I read how hair dye is alkaline and vinegar is acidic so it makes sense. The only reason I tried the vinegar was because I didnt want to spend the money on the Biolage Normalizing shampoo. However the Biolage really works so if you have 20 dollars try that first.
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try the Shielo Volume Shampoo - it alot of the oil out, but still leave moisture in your hair + it has biotin...
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This exact same problem started for me the day after I used my boyfriends Head and Shoulders shampoo and conditioner. I’ve never used it before but a sudden change in weather had both of our scalps feeling dry and itchy. It worked for him so I thought I’d try it too. Won’t make that mistake again. lol Within hours of using it, a patch about the size of an orange, formed on the top of my head close to my hair line and was soooo greasy, like I hadn’t washed my hair in weeks. But waxy too, which I had never experienced before.
So the next day, I went back to my Herbal Essence but the problem persisted. Day 3 I used lemon juice on my hair….nothing else….and the grease was STILL there. Day 4 feeling discouraged (and greasy), I grabbed the bottle of vinegar and doused my head in it. Rubbed vigorously, rinsed and repeated. It was a little better but not much. Then yesterday I read this blog. And this morning…well all I had was Original Dawn (hey, they use this stuff to gently remove oil from wildlife, it should work here) and the green Listerine. But thought…hey, it can’t get much worse. So I gave it a shot. While in the shower, I was skeptical because it wasn’t feeling any different than the days before. But here’s what I did…
Washed with Dawn
Poured 2 capfuls of Listerine on affected area. Rubbed in and let sit while I did the rest of my shower routine.
Washed with dawn one last time.
Used a tiny amount of conditioner on just the ends of my hair (I have long hair and I could feel the ends being a little on the course side whilst in the shower)
Rinsed really well.
Dried my hair as usual. Just a quick rub down with a towel and air dry it.

Result? Success!!!! Woohoo!!!! I’ve got my hair back!! So freakin’ thankful I found this blog!! I was completely discouraged when neither the lemon juice nor vinegar worked.
While the grease is 100% gone, I will do a second treatment tomorrow just to be sure then go back to Herbal Essence and hopefully the issue won’t reappear.
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oceanicah, did it ever come back?  I am dealing with this now and am concerned.
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SUCCESS! It's been over a year since I last posted in this forum and I'm happy to say my beautiful hair is back to normal! Let's back track a bit to understand why my hair suddenly became greasy and would not correct as well as massive (nearly 40%) hair loss. In 2012 I had surgery and unbeknownst to me, developed a reaction to the anesthesia, on top of this I was dealing with massive stress with a bitchy boss at work, the loss of my dad to cancer, and a revenue tax audit. And - my hormones in my body were changing due to entering peri-menopausal stage of life. Yikes! Well after much research on hair vitamins and trying various products I now have my hair 100% back to normal (see my earlier posts for details). The Nizoral worked to keep the grease to a minimum and the Nioxin 3 Shampoo and Conditioner have now become my main go-to hair products. I took massive amounts of certain vitamins, specifically for hair re-growth and health. Biotin is first and foremost.I found that the best Biotin is at GNC Health stores - it comes in 5000 mcg strength tablets and I started by taking one tablet every day for about 6 weeks and then boosted it to 2 tablets a day - one in the morning and one mid-day (that's 10000 mcg a day). I also took Iron and Vitamin C and B6 and B12. During this time I bought "Clip In" hair extension (the kind that is like a barrette and you can clip them into your hair and take them out again) I only wore my clip-ins when I was going out somewhere, other than that it was just my regular hair. I also stopped blow-drying my hair and straightening it. I now let my hair "air dry" for 40 minutes and then fluff it on a cool setting - and I only straighten on the weekends if I'm going out. I believe that the Vitamin regime and the proper hair products were key to fixing my hair, and trust me, it was not over nite, it took over a year and a half! I also de-stressed my life by applying for a position within my company to a different branch to get away from the bitchy boss (thank god!). Also I added more protein into my diet which really helped with my hair and skin and I stepped up my work out routine, which is a great stress-releaser. I can now go two full days without washing my hair and it has fully grown back in, healthier and better than before. I hope my tips help everyone else out there, because it ***** when you lose your "crowning glory" and nobody should have to be stuck with greasy hair.
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Hi greasebegone, is your hair still good?  I read that this can lead to hair loss and I am freaking out. I am just now dealing with this ofr the first time. I am 38 years old.  Is this a sign I am peri menopausal????? OMG.. I have a doctors appt with my dermatologist tomorrow...
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What do I do if this condition causes my hair to fall out? i already started noticing receding hair line? i used pantene and rogaine but neither worked. Is anyone experiencing the same problem?
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I, too, woke up one morning with waxy build up.  I'd been using Pantene shampoo and conditioner for months.  I live in Korea, and tried a Korean brand shampoo when my Pantene shampoo ran out, but still used the conditioner.  Last weekend, I used the last of the Korean brand, and happened to find Herbal Essence in the store.  After two days I woke up with that mess in my hair.  
  Being in Korea, I went to several stores and bought the only suggestions I could find:  Listerine and Tea Tree Oil shampoo.  
  Listerine did not help.  Tea Tree Oil shampoo worked a bit, but after two washes, it wasn't enough.  
  I tried vinegar.  Even lemon juice.  This helped a bit, but not nearly enough.
  Desperate, I grabbed some baking soda.  I added some water, just enough to make a paste, and starting at my scalp rubbed it on and up each strand of hair.  I then left it on for half an hour just for good measure.
  It worked!!! I'm now using the tea tree oil shampoo.  I'm too scared to use the Pantene conditioner, so I'll be relying my Korean hair treatment at the salon.

  Strangely enough, my teacher's assistant came in today saying she woke up with the same problem!!  She used baking soda like I had and it came right out.  Weird.  (She uses a Korean shampoo with Pantene conditioner.)

  Also, I am 41 and perimenapausal.  My TA is 28 and is not.  
  I hope this helps!  
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All of sudden I, too, experienced the same greasy hair in the crown area.  I am in menopause and normally have beautiful hair.  I found this blog and discovered there were several suggestions on how to get rid of the oily hair.  It just so happens that the first solution I tried WORKED.  I used ½ tsp dawn dish soap mixed with 3 Tblsp listerine.  I simply washed and rinsed my hair.  I did not let the mixture sit in my hair for any amount of time.  I also did not use conditioner.  It worked immediately and oddly enough, my hair is silky and shiny.  This process is drying out my hair a bit so I have been putting moroccan oil on the ends of my hair prior to using the blow dryer.  I am thankful to all those who have commented on this issue because I was at a loss of what to do.
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None of the suggestions here have minimized any of the effects for me.  I'm off the the Dermatologist tomorrow.

Good luck all.
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Jmoroni,  I am going to my dermatologist tomorrow - I know it's a few years later, but am curious what you found and what worked for you?
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This thread of information has saved my sanity!  

I suffered through shingles in early January, centered on the v1 and v2 nerves that cross the eyelid and extend through the scalp.  The greasy/oily sensation started at that time and I assumed it was part of the effects of the virus.  The shingles were relieved in a few weeks, but the oiliness has stayed and expanded.  

I'm trying the Suave/Listerine combination tonight and will post results.  Thanks to everyone who contributed suggestions; home remedies got me through shingles, hope it does the same here.
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I too found a horrible greasy patch in the crown of my head and had no idea why,as I have always had normal to dry hair.I checked this site and saw I was not alone.The Suave and listerene really,really works!!! I used it once and back to normal.Drs really need to start listening to women. Thank you so much...
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Just wanted to say thanks for putting up instructions on what to do with this unusual waxy, sticky, oily hair problem. My daughter 9, had this. We used the Suave clarifying shampoo with the original Listerine. Worked like a charm! =)
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NIOXIN Scalp Recovery Shampoo and Conditioner for dandruff/seborrheic dermatitis. It works wonders.

I had the same problem with the greasy spot on the crown of my head. One use of the Nioxin took it out immediately. After about a month's use, I could start using my regular shampoo and conditioner. I think the spot may be stress-related because it appeared about a month after I started graduate school. I had also developed stomach issues similar to acid reflux around the same time (also probably stress-related). Another likely explanation is hormonal, but I've been on the same birth control for a couple years.
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I have only recently had the very same problem. Woke one morning last week & noticed my hair seemed a little oily just at the top of the crown but ignored it.

Woke the very next morning, kaboom, oily/greasy hair right at the top on the crown.
It looks horrible & my normally soft shiny hair has gone.

I'm convinced it is due to a hormone imbalance (even if no one is noticing those particular symptoms!) The reason I say this is, I am approx. 25 days overdue for my period. (No, I'm not pregnant, lol.)

Hormone imbalance hadn't even occurred to me until someone mentioned it, & now I've worked out being overdue & the greasy crown - it all adds up.

Am going to go with the Listering suggestion & see if it works for me, but along with that, I'm also going to use something like a Promensil / Remifemin to straighten out my hormones a bit. (just in case!)
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Jaxagirl65,  I am dealing with this now for the first time.  I have an appt with a dermatologist tomorrow, but curious what you discovered and what helped you.
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I am so glad I found this forum! I have been having this issue for months now. I have been using Aveda products, in an attempt to go more "natural", so I know Pantene is not the culprit. Every time I mention my problem to a hairdresser, she tells me to use a clarifying shampoo once a week, but the results are always short-lived. I tried the clarifying shampoo/listerine trick yesterday and it actually worked! Thank you!

I am 41 years old and I suspect my problem is hormonal. The greasy build-up is always concentrated on the left side of my head, and it seems to get worse about a week before my period. Has anyone else noticed this sort of timing?

Anyway, I am so grateful for this forum, because now I know I am not crazy. Thank you again!
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smack667, did you ever get a solution to your hair issue?  I am dealing with this now for the first time at 38 years old. I am freaking out a bit.
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I am going through this exact scenario!  I woke up one day last week and had this problem when I got out of the shower.  I knew it felt differently, but when I blew dry it, it was horrible (greasy, waxy).  I thought perhaps I'd used too much product.

Each day it has grown progressively worse and I'm using no product aside from the shampoo/conditioner (also Pantene!) that I've always used and no other changes to routine other than I think my menstral cycle is about to return as my milk has significantly decreased from nursing my 9 mo. old.  I am figuring it has something to do with hormones, however I generally  have breaking out of skin, bloating, and so on but none of those symptoms are present (at least not yet).  So perhaps the fungus or gland issue people have been suggesting?

I, too, had contacted my hairstylist and she too was baffled but suggested I get with my Dermatologist for an answer.  I may do that if these suggestions do not work.  

I will try the suggestions here and hope for the best!

Thanks SOOO much for sharing everyone- I was beginning to think I was going crazy (I know my husband was too!!).

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Hello everyone-i had this exact problem being described after having completely normal hair the rest of my life. I tried everything possible and finally went to my dermatologist who gave me ciclopirox shampoo 1% -its prescription (i think its an antifungal shampoo maybe), and i use that now-no conditioner and works!!! Thank G-d!! You have to wash your hair with it, leave it in for 3 mins and then wash out. If i switch to another shampoo, like if i go away and forget to bring it, i am in trouble as my hair goes back to its difficult disgusting self-i really hope this helps everyone as much as it helped me!!!!! I don't know if itll work for everyone-just rly wanted to tell you all abt it cuz i know what its like to have this problem and not know what to do or where to turn.
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I have been having the same problem. I am a female in my late 30's. The only time I ever get greasy hair is right before my period and that's only for a day or two. Rest of the time I have really nice looking hair.
For no reason about three weeks ago,  it got really oily looking at the roots. Even when I washed it, I could see it was clumping and wasn't going to dry nice.
I thought it was my shampoo and changed it several times. Two expensive shampoos for coloured hair. Then a pharmacy brand. Then back to a supermarket shampoo I've used before and always suited my hair (I stopped using it because it strips the colour out). None of them worked. Getting desperate!
This is three weeks in a ponytail. Hair looking horrible, couldn't stand the greasy feel of it. Seriously thinking of cutting it all off.
Found this post, thank goodness. I went out and bought that t-gel that seems to have worked for others.
Hair so disgusting it didn't even lather first time. Second time it did. Result! Hair looks normal again.
Does really stink, though, but don't care. So glad I found this page.
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I had the same issue. I tried the banking soda and apple cider vinegar solution and it worked for me the very first time but it created another issue. The greasiness was gone on the day i used to wash my hair but my hair used to get even more oily the next day of wash so much so that I needed a wash everyday. Also I could feel more tension/pressure on my head as if someone is pulling my hair.

I found another more natural solution. 10-15 mins before going for bath put 1 whole lemon juice on your scalp and massage slowly. Now boil water and dip a towel in it. Squeeze it so there is not too much water falling from it and put it around your hair for 2 mins, then dip in the hot water again. Do this 3 times and leave the towel on head for 10 mins and then wash your hair with your normal shampoo. It did wonders for me. It's all natural and it works great.

Hope it works for you all too.
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