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dry painful anus

I am a 22 year old man who has had a dry/itchy/painful anus for a couple of months now i am not gay and nothing enters my butt ever.. i went to a couple different docotors and they all said it was nutin. the skin around the anus seems like it gets really dry and starts to crack and causes me pain. someimte it looks as if there is a white film around the outside of my anus.. i don't know what to do cause it always bothers .. it does bother me more after going number 2 in the bathroom. i want to go back to the docotor since it has been months since i went to one.. it kinda control my life cause i can't do things i want to do becuase everytime i bend over or sit down i feel the discomfert.. i even wipe with soft toliet paper and i wash my my butt out in the shower to make sure it is clean down there but still no help.. what should i do and had anyone had this problem before
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I started washing myself with store-brought water. And kept the area dry. It worked. I guess the hard, chlorinated water in our shower doesn't suit my mucus membranes ( vagina, anus, lips)
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The only thing you can really do at this point is to just get your whole butt chopped off.
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My doctor gave me clobetesol cream it works great! Heals the skin from the inside out! It's expensive but it's worth it.
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Every method that works for yeast infections on other parts of the body will work on this... its a pretty common thing. A lot of men also get keratosis pilaris and general bumps on their buttocks that can contribute to the chaffing and irritation.
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\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec3 Wait, I thought I should reiterate in more detail, if you are female and have this problem you might get a yeast infection because it's a possibility of bacterial growth and the sugar in honey will feed it. If your a man, I don't know do men get yeast infections? If yes then don't do it. This method worked wonders for my anal Region but terribly for my female counter courts But the tea tree itself did amazing on my female bits, stung like hell for 30 minutes and then felt like a million dollars. Then It dried up my anal region and both my parts are mild compared to when it was one or the other. Honestly I prefer this in between.
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Try tea tree oil, it'll have a cooling sensation and then once it's dried out if it touches or rubs against anything it'll hurt but then you combat with honey. It's messy but it helps.
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I am 53 and have the same thing, and I have tried a few things; doctor said use Bacitracin; ok, but not the cure.  I tried neosporin; pretty good.  The real cure at this time seems to be Olive Oil.  Cheap, fast, easy, safe, very healthy (even if it didn't work!) But it does!   The best cure is not made any more.  I have called Johnson & Johnson, and they refuse to begin making it again - it's good old fashioned First Aid Cream!  Guaranteed to work, because it contains a little bees wax.  But they won't make it anymore, and I don't see why, because since I was a kid this stuff was a miracle for everything!   I would literally pay ten bucks a tube for that stuff.  But they won't listen.   Until then, Olive Oil works.
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I'm male and 55, a vegetarian that eats vast quantities of raw roughage, nuts, oils, low carbs. Not a perfect diet but pretty good and enough to scratch that as a cause.  I've always had some spicy food in my diet and so there would be no change there to warrant my condition.  Started having the same symptoms although not as bad (no cracks, except the one that's supposed to be there LOL). Maybe because I had some Carrington, Carrasyn Hydrogel Wound dressing (www.carringtonlabs.com) that I applied when it stated to bug me about 2 months ago.  I think it's base is aloe which is effective in penetrating the skin and healing at a deeper level.  Like you, when I stop applying the dressing the dryness comes back.  I just tried some Blue-Emu (800-432-9334), with 7% emu oil (also a good skin penetrator), Aloe, MSM and Glusosamine.  Let's see what happens with this.

I do have athletes foot and toe nail fungus so maybe the candida (yeast) could be a factor.  This makes sense since the condition comes back when I stop applying medication and my toilet paper doesn't appear to be the culprit. I'm going to start taking, again, a yeast balance support product that seemed to help with my toe nail fungus called Candidastat, by Vitanica (800-572-4712).  

I may also try a coloidal silver (seems to work with a lot of problems) and aloe mix and apply it to my toilet paper, so I can avoid a second step after going.    

Hope this helps.
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I went to the doctor yesterday and he said that he didn't see anything, which i was confused about because when i look it looks like the skin is white and dry( although i don't know what my anus looked like before this started bothering me because i never had a reason to look) he said i had no hemmoroids and nothing that he could see. He gave me some suppositories and some hydrocortizone cream and told me to use it for a week and if there is no improvement to go back. I have tried putting a hydrocortizone cream on before and it only feels better when i apply the cream , if i don't apply the cream it starts to hurt again. i guess i am going to wait a week and if it doesn't get better i am going to go back to the docotor. has anyone ever had anything like this.. i mean it itches and hurts so bad sometime that i rather loose a finger than to keep dealing with this. i was googling my symptoms and it looks like it could be and over growth of candida( yeast) but i don't want to jump to any conclusions.
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563773 tn?1374246539

Causes of itchy and dry anal rash include moisture(due to sweating or frequent washing), the abrasion caused by clothing,the pressure of sitting,chemical irritants like laundry soaps, colognes and scented toilet paper,certain food irritants,medicines like some antibiotics and laxatives,infections like STD’s and pinworms,anal abrasions and fissures and skin problems such as psoriasis, seborrhea and eczema. Sometimes hemorrhoids will start off as red rash and anal itching.

Treatment of anal itching depends on the cause of the problem. It may include self-care measures, changes to your diet, treatment of infections or, rarely, surgery to correct an underlying problem.So pls get an examination done by a surgeon to confirm the diagnosis.Till that time,try an over-the-counter (OTC) cream or ointment containing hydrocortisone (Cortaid, Preparation H),but it is to be applied sparingly to the affected area. A protective ointment that contains zinc oxide (Desitin, Balmex) also may help. If your symptoms are worse at night, pls take an antihistamine like benadryl to reduce itching until topical treatments take effect.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep us posted if you have any additional queries

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