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puffy palms

you had a post regarding excessive skin wrinkling on palms when the skin is wet for only a matter of seconds.

i have this condition and have been to see specialists but no one can fathom out what the reason for this is. over the years it has got worse, the symptons include;
puffy raised white area on the palms of my hands these go after apprx half an hour of being dry
little clusters of small holes/pores that seem to follow the lines on the palms of my hand, only in the area that is raised and puffy.
this happens even when my hands sweat in the summer when driving, washing dishes, showering, bathing, cleaning.. all connected with water.
it doesn't hurt but my hands feel so dry it's uncomfortable to touch anything.
a specalist mention that it maybe a karatin deficiencey previously but this has been going on for at least 7 years so i can be sure it'snot something i've just noticed, it also gets worse if i'm stressed.
Please help, i'd love to find a cure or even a reason behind it!

This discussion is related to Puffy Skin on Palms of Hands..
73 Responses
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I have it too.  I’m sure I acquired it from over-washing.  I’ve probably wrecked my body’s ability to adequately produce skin oils on my palms.  Now I’m thinking about how much damage this has done to the skin in terms of being a barrier against toxins and parasites.  How permeable have I made this membrane by mistreating it?  Something to be conscious of.
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I went on holiday recently to Greece, and after three days swimming in the pool / sea and sunbathing the puffy waterlogged areas on my palms reduced to nothing, leaving clear healthy skin. There was a bit of white dead skin that rubbed off from the areas at the end of the week, but my skin has been fine since, and the puffiness hasn't returned as of yet.
Although obviously there are many many variables that could have affected it's disappearance, like another person suggested I wonder if it could have been from the huge vitamin D boost I must've gained from being in the sun all day.
Of course, otherwise it could be the feta/moussaka.
Hope this helps solve the puzzle!
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I've just had this for the first time after putting on some slightly dodgy nail polish. (The polish was dry when i went in the shower btw) I have barely any experience of this as of yet, but I'm wondering if it could be a nail polish ingredient triggering this, (maybe nickel like another answer suggested) as it's mostly young women that are experiencing the condition? Totally not sure about this, but I'm interested to know if it holds true to any of you.
Thanks, Evie
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Earlier i had flare all over my body due to wrong medication for which my dermatologist prescribed me sone drugs like Augumentin,Livocitrazin and stroid Prednisone starting with 40 mg and tapering 5 mg per 5 day.When i started takin 10 mg or less a weired condition developed on my palm in which as soon as i touch water it gets wrinkled.Although it gets normal within an hour or so but it burns for entire day.Have anyone developed the same condition?Is there any permanent cure of it?
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Hey there, I'm Kristie and I'm 16.

I've been having this issue for quite a while now (nearing a year in February 2017). It occurs when I take showers, wash dishes, or have gloves on/sweat. It normally takes around 4-6 minutes for it to develop a noticeable factor on my skin after exposure to water. For me particularly, it's only on the center of my right palm and a small pea-sized area on the upper right of my left palm. This problem goes away after 15-30 minutes after exposure to water, but I still notice a small rigged line around the affected area when dry (you can hardly see that though). I've gone to a dermatologist about this & I was diagnosed with AWP - I'm actually very shocked that she even knew what this was first thing, since there's hardly anything about it on the internet.

Due to the connection with CF mentioned above, I've become fairly worried about it. But due to no 'noticeable' symptoms of having Cystic Fibrosis, my doctor and dermatologist feel no need to test me for it. And though I'm 99.9% sure I don't have it, I feel there is a slight possibility it's an underlying issue connected to CF that my doctor and dermatologist just won't listen to me about. - I honestly feel sorta hopeless at this point. I've tried Drsyol, Tea Tree Oil, Castor Oil, and a bunch of other remedies and meds: all of which don't work for me. Not to mention, it takes FOREVER (normally 5-7 hours) for any oils, creams, lotions, etc to soak into my palms.

I've done some research and found that in patients who have CF, it takes around 3 to 4 minutes for symptoms of AWP to appear. In carriers of the CF gene who appear normally healthy and people who just have the weird skin mutation (cause is unknown), it takes around 7-8 minutes for symptoms to appear. What worries me though, is that it takes in between those times for me to develop this condition. And I don't really know when the condition has fully developed on me after water hits my palms, or when it's 'noticeable', because I notice it first thing even after 2-3 mins in water, while other people I've shown don't seem to see it that well. Maybe it's because I actually know what it feels like and I'm the only one who knows what I'm looking for on my skin.

From a guess point of view, I think that I may have a slight mutation of Cystic Fibrosis, which seems to go unnoticed by mostly everyone because it's so lightly there. I've had several coughs since this started (which involve mucus) and seem to not gain that much weight even when eating anything really (and also, so it's clear - I don't even exercise that much), and a bunch of other mild symptoms, that would probably seem normal to anyone as just a slight fever/cold. (Except that I've had them forever). I've heard of mild and light mutations of Cystic Fibrosis - it's not always a serious condition that's seriously life threatening. But then again, I'm not a qualified doctor who knows exactly what they're talking about. This is just from my own personal findings online and through my own experience.

Anyways, this is getting really long, so I'll stop here. But before I close this out - I remembered I was researching something online the other day. It's this program that's apparently cured all types of diabetes, cancers, etc, by people doing it. It's just fairly unknown because hospitals and disease foundations don't want anyone to know about it (since it's so much easier and healthier to do than having a huge operation on you if you have some life-threatening disease like cancer. And if more people knew about it, it'd drive away people from buying their treatments) Anywho - I'm only including this here because it cures Cystic Fibrosis and there's proof of it doing so on a huge amount of youtube videos and blogs, etc. You don't even have to have a disease to do it; it's just a program to become healthier, lose weight, get rid of bad cells in your body that are causing conditions like this one, and some other facts. You can read about it by looking up 'Dr. Schulze 30 Day Detox Program'. I'm pretty sure it'll cure AWP, since it's killed a bunch of rarely diagnosed diseases. Even if you're uncertain about doing this, I highly recommend giving Dr. Schulze's blog & articles a read. They're really interesting, not to mention life changing. This is only for anyone who is REALLY determined to getting rid of this, because it's not going to be extremely easy. I'm going to give it a go (my aunt had breast cancer at age 27 and told me about it the other day; it worked for her so that's how I knew to research about it) - after all it can't hurt. Anyways, that's all. If anyone has any other simpler suggestions than doing this, I'm willing to listen.


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Hi all, I am 24 and have had a very similar issue for the past 18 months. Along with all of the symptoms you have all mentioned (wet soggy white raised skin that is very weak and peels easily after only brief contact with water), the skin on my palms and fingers has no strength when dry now either. Any contact with anything but a keyboard pretty well now results in dry flaking or cracking skin so its an issie either way. If anyone has any ideas now that this post has been going for years, please post answers and I will post any progress myself. I live in Australia btw so if anyone is thinking its a geographical thing, surely not. I have tried all kinds of moisturisers, steroid creams and even botox to try to prevent the water soaking into the skin to no avail, and i have had a number of various tests all revealing nothing. I hope to see some progress for all of us soon. Good luck
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was it the coffee causing it in the end??? I too recently started having these hand problems! and i think it may also be related to too much coffee! i ve been trying to find a cure for it because although it doesn't hurt it is very annoying! please let me know if ur theory is true!
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Thank you, we'll give this a try!
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I developed the white skin issue and tried removing the excess skin after my hands were soaked from swimming. This helped, but I started not being able to control it that way and the inflamed numb skin underneath started happening. I have found that the excessive sweating and white skin has stopped by putting 40% zinc oxide cream on my hands with rubber gloves over top for a couple hours in the morning and afternoon. The difference has been amazing. It helped in the first day.
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My son is ten years old, and started experiencing these symptoms about a month ago.  He's generally healthy, but was borderline positive for CF as a baby -- what I mean by this is, he failed a short-term sweat test and was then given a longer term sweat test that he passed.  In the last several months, he's started to use a non-steroidal inhaler when he's in training for football or basketball, so it's possible this medication could be causing it.  He also has hyperhidrosis, which seems to be a contributing factor.  We are going to the doctor this afternoon, so needless to say, I'm praying this is nothing serious.  My thoughts and prayers are with you all.  Best of luck.  
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My daughter is 14 and her palms started wrinkling in water quite suddenly last September. The pediatrician was initially clueless, the dermatologist wanted her to do blood work for CF. Drysol did not work for her. The wrinkling was initially very painful, but it has lessened a bit now, so it is more manageable. For anyone out there worried about CF, I can add to the list of those who have this condition and have tested negative with a sweat test. Thank you for everyone who has posted here - it's very helpful to know others are experiencing this, too.
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Not sure if you can see me email. On Facebook my page is called aquagenic keratoderma . It has a picture of water. Please send me a request and I will add you to and then we can talk.
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Hi, please email me at ***@**** and we can talk. I can also add you to my face book page.
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My 5 year old son was diagnosed two days ago with Aquagenetic Wrinkling of Palms. I was lucky the pediatric dermatologist knew right away what it was. My son does not have CF. his symptoms started 3 weeks ago, and we were prescribed Drysol. Before I start with that, I'd like to find a cause. So little out there, but it appears there can be so many different reasons. My first step is stopping all medications. I'm also looking into metabolic and hormonal testing. All I can say is that from the time he was born, my husband and I have told multiple doctors that his hands and feet are constantly sweaty and clammy. He has sufferered from digestive issues since birth (reflux). He has multiple food allergies, but otherwise healthy. With so little out there it appears doctors don't have a clue and as suggested before, something needs to be done to figure out why this happens. I would welcome the opportunity to get a group together to try to convince "someone" to start looking into that.
On a side note, as a parent if a child with this who now is terrified of water, taking a shower, etc.... I'm petrified of what his quality of life will be. Any insight as to how a child can life a normal life (going to camp, participating in sports, swimming, etc)? Thank you!
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Have they tested him for Addisons Disease or an autoimmune like Polyglandular Autoimmune Syndrome Type 1?
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I am a 37 year old female and have noticed these symptoms for 4days. I live in Florida. I have a three year old boy and a three month old boy and am breastfeeding. Was anyone else breastfeeding or recently postpartum when this started ? I would like to thank lou11 for starting this post and others for replying as this has been very helpful to understanding this skin change. I see that this post has been going on for 7years. I would appreciate if some people could give updates as to how they are doing. Thanks!
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Antibiotics can sometimes trigger/worsten fungal infections. We all have a variety of fungi on our skin and in our bodies. We also have a variety of beneficial bacteria. This good bacteria works to keep the amount of fungi in check. Some antibiotics don't distinguish between the good bacteria and the bad bacteria that is making you sick -- it wipes both types out. Fungus can then grow unchecked.
A common example - women often experience vaginal yeast infections following a course of antibiotics -- vaginal yeast infections are an overgrowth of a specific fungus (Candida albicans.)
So, you may not have had a reaction to the antibiotic itself. This is just a second possibility. Worth asking your MD if it happens again.

PS. Be careful Googling about fungal infections -- diagnosing bs "Candida overgrowth" has become a sort of fad among "alternative medicine" types (quacks.) The reality is that systemic yeast infections are rare, and typically only show up in the immunocomprised (HIV patients and the like.)
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Hi, I tried rubbing wet backing soda on my palms and let it stay for about 10 min, and use a Clotrimazol cream right after that and it works so far. The puffy skin peeled off and now my condition is better. I don't get so many wrinkles on my fingertips when I emerge my hands in water. I don't know if this is a temporary solution, or it would finally help get rid of this thing. I'll update after some time.
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Hi, I am a 33y/o man and just noticed this also. Did you get anywhere with yours?
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I'm a 25 year old female and these symptoms just started tonight and really freaked me out. I got bit by a dog today on two of my fingers and my Dr. Prescribed me Augmentin. I took one dose and a few hours later during my shower I felt my palms were extremely wrinkled and hard and painful. The lines in the skin of my palms were really deep and pronounced and there were little holes of skin where it was peeling. They feel way too hard and painful to just be pruning from a ten minute shower. I read it may be a reaction to certain antibiotics and I hope that's what it is because this is painful and kind of alarming. I've been continuing to rub lotion on my palms for the past half hour and it's starting to get a little better but not normal yet. I do go to the tanning bed and take Generess Fe and Fosamax. I'll update if it goes away which hopefully it will. I'm on the antibiotic for seven days.
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I had to comment again, the glycerin thing was maybe bullsh*t, i went to the doctor, and he said that what was causing this was vitamin d deficiency. It can be true because i haven't been on the beach for years, and every where i go in the summer is in the shadow, what makes it more likely is that one time when i went on vacation on summer i didn't have this problem. So this might be it. I promise i will write again if i get better and it actually is vit d deficiency.
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Hi guys i just found this site and i was relieved that i am not the only one with this condition but also kind of scared cause i don't lnow what it really is or what is causing it. Im 26 btw and it all started 2 years ago in the summer, the doctor said it was from stress but the in fall it went away, til it got warm again in spring and it came back... Now i just tried something at home and im surprised. Let me tell you from the beginning, i recently bought glycerin to try a hair mask, but instead of moisturizing it it made my hair dry, when i read these comments tonight i thouth everything i use for washing has glycerin so maybe thet has to do something with this, so i put glycerin mixed with water in my left hand and just water in my right hand, and i let them dry by themselves. My just water hand started to wrinkle but the glycerin one did not, i put them i warm water then, and the just water hand wrinkled some more but the glycerin one Nope nope nope nothing. Guys i am going to try this every time before i shower. I will write againg but i think i found a solution i am happy really... (and sorry for writing so long english is not my firs language)
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I'm a 24 year old man and I'm glad to find out I'm not the only one experiencing this. I'm going to try the Gold Bond Medicated Cream and the Drysol that others have suggested. Hoping that helps. Not sure what else to do. The doctor I went to had never heard of anything like the symptoms I have that so many of you have described.
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I know it is very upsetting to see the kids go through it. I wish that I had it instead. My daughter has not had any tests because they don't think she has CF. She is hardly ever sick; however the medical literature does suggest that people who had this disorder may be a carrier of the gene. But that is even a long shot. Don't worry; if your daughter had CF she would have been very sick and frail. She won't have it.  I have started a FB page hoping to create a community if people who have this disorder. I was told that if enough cases are found, perhaps they could do a controlled study and we could come up with some solution. Please email me at ***@**** if you would be interested in joining this group on facebook.
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Hello everyone,
     I'm so glad I found this forum. My 15 year old daughter has just starting having the wrinkly palms after a short shower. So I found this forum a few days ago. I took her to the dr today, and he had never seen this before, I told him about my findings on AWP, and he looked it up. My daughter is healthy other than this, and he is  assuring me she doesn't have CF, because if she did she'd be frail and sickly all her life. But I am reading things that could differ from what he has said. I'm had hoped he'd send her for some tests just to rule that out, but he didn't think she needed them. Said if it wasn't bothering her too much that we'd just see if it goes away. Now I really don't know what to do, I don't even know what type of dr we'd need to see for this. I was afraid he would know nothing of it. I would really love to hear what you all have learned from the test  your girls are taking. Thanks so much!!
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