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Please help, I dont know whats wrong with me

Hello, I'm a 23 year old female and I have been ill for 5 years without a proper diagnose. In my country we dont have very good medical experts. It all started with a helicobacter pylori infection. I tried taking the triple therapy but I quit after 3 days because I was feeling bad. I then took controloc for about 3 months. After that I started to gain weight rapidly, I was constantly hungry and I experienced symptoms of hypoglycemia I had to eat every 3 hours and I only ate red meat because that was the only way to keep my blood sugar from dropping. I ate about 500 grams of meat every day for almost 3 years. I gained a lot of weight and am now obese. I cant stop eating meat because I pass out, I'm weak and I cant walk or stand up anymore. I also pass out when I get my menstruation and when I try not eating meat. I also have tachycardia and I think I have a hiatus hernia. The problem is that Im too obese to go to a hospital (I went from 58 kilos to more than 150 in 2 years) I could only have tests done at home, such as blood tests and other but I dont know from where to start. The fainting seizures are getting worse.

My symptoms are :

Muscle pain
Heart palpitations
Inability to stand up or walk
Fainting when menstrual cycle and when I move my position
I also have a constant pain in my lower back and that area is horribly swollen
Frequent urination
Painful and heavy periods
Constantly raised body temperature it is always around 37.2 or 37.5
I also have strong pulsing inside my stomach it is almost like a strong heart beat but in my stomach and the whole area around my diaphragm is swollen.
When I sit straight I cant breath
I have to eat meat every 3 hours because I get dizzy and sweaty and feel like I'm going to pass out
Mood changes
Hot flushes

8 Responses
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I hope so.. I have been ill for so long that it is hard for me to imagine, or even remember what is it like to be healthy..The weight is a huge problem, I know. Before I put on so much weight I didn't had half of the symptoms I have now..But I'm still afraid that the doctors in my country are not going to be able to help me. They are really lousy, and that is probably why I ignored my health problems for so long, even now I would do anything to avoid going to the doctors lol. And I know that they will judge me for being so young but so overweight and they will probably think I'm not right in the head because I basically wasted 5 years of my life in being ill and not trying to do anything about it..What you said calms me in a way..I really hope the damage that I  done is fixable. Thanks again, your answer is very encouraging and thanks for making me feel better emotionally. Regards, Lola.
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You didn't ruin your health completely!

I described only a fragment of the picture because it was getting too long already, but there's more. Have you noticed how every living organism on this planet does everything in it's power to survive? When you break off a branch from a tree, it heals and adapts to a life without that branch. That's exactly how it is with your body, and with every tiny individual part of it. Every cell in your body is pulling towards life like a magnet, not towards destruction. That's why when some of the mechanisms aren't working properly, the body will find alternate ways of achieving what it needs - it will do anything just to survive. We take skin regenerating capabilities for granted, but skin is not the only one with such capability...

All this regenerating and life magnetism is stronger the younger you are, and you're currently in the best physical years of your life. I'm saying that your cells will surely regenerate faster then, for example, mine.

Your main concern now should be reducing that enormous weight, as that's your biggest problem.

Ohh, one more thing, and this is murky waters: the brain plays a part in all this, but noone knows how, why or when.
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Yes, you made a lot of sense and thank you very much. I think I ruined my health completely. I'm going to do blood tests to try and see what is wrong.. Anyway thanks, you are very kind for talking with me.
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No, not off the top of my head, sorry. I only have a simplified picture in my mind of how things work in our body, and how some substances interact with it, Contorloc being one of them.

We have a staggering amount (hundreds of thousands) of finely tuned mechanisms inside of us that all work in harmony, taking care of everything the body needs to function. Detailed description of everything was written in your DNA before you were born, and if there were no errors when writing it, everything will work just as it's supposed to... until either: mechanical injury, disease, chemicals, or wear and tear prevents few or more mechanisms from functioning correctly.

When just one of these mechanisms isn't functioning the way it should, the body will automatically try to find alternate routes of accomplishing what it needs, one way or another. And it's almost never just one, because the malfunctioning one will cause all of the mechanisms that are dependant on it to also not work correctly.

I think the current consensus is that the feeling of hunger comes when blood sugar drops just slightly. It may or may not be the only mechanism responsible for that, I'm not sure. But I'm certain that if you don't eat any carbs at all, your body will gradually transition into ketogenic state, meaning it will produce the exact amount of glucose it needs by itself, not a gram more, not a gram less, keeping the blood glucose levels rock-solid at 5,5 or thereabout.

I'm 100% sure that you can't live only on protein - that's dangerous. The amount of protein in one's diet should not exceed 40%, and if you really don't eat carbs, then there's only one source of energy left: fat. And in my oppinion, animal fat is a perfect source of energy for us. We have a whole set of mechanisms for processing it (gallbladder & co.) and it's only logical that if we weren't supposed to eat fat these would of not evolved along, or at least they would be tiny, simple, and in the process of disappearing (like the tailbone for example).

Yeah, lack of stomach acid can impair the absorption of protein. The acid is also immune system's first line of defense.

Needless to say, by gaining 100 kg in two years, the strain created on your body is huge. It had to adapt to a whole new situation in quite a short time, and the process most likely took it's toll. Theoretically, if you eat only animal fat and protein, this weight gain shouldn't be possible, and that's probably the case in practice too.

I've just checked the protein thing, and there's a condition called 'rabbit starvation'. Look it up, maybe you recognise some symptoms.

Don't know if I made any sense to you...
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Ok. do you know is there any other condition that causes symptoms similar to hypoglycemia? I actually feel worse after eating carbohydrates. Only protein relieves my symptoms, but only for 3 hours. Then again I get dizzy and shaky and have to eat. Is it possible that my body cant break down proteins due to low stomach acid? Can that cause symptoms of low blood sugar? Thanks for your help.
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Maybe that's the way you feel, but no part of red meat gets converted to blood glucose in your, or anybody else's body. It's the 'law' of the nature, like gravity...
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Thank you for answering. No, I was only eating meat. No carbs. I know its strange but the only thing that helps with my hypoglycemia is meat..
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Can't help you much, but few things you're saying are not so.

Red meat contains zero carbohydrates and therefore has no effect on the blood sugar whatsoever. None.

And also you can't gain weight by eating red meat only. That's impossible because the mechanism for converting protein into body fat does not exist in us humans. You must of been eating some carbs along with the meat, bread maybe?

Controloc temporarily blocks the function of the little pump that produces gastric acid in your stomach. That's all it does. And gastric acid is really useful for digesting meat, among other things.
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