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There were a lot of discussions from people with persistent burping in 2005. I have similar symptoms. I wonder any useful treatment/remedy was reported? Please help.  

This discussion is related to burping.
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I have same issues.  Did your endoscopy turn up anything?
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I have had IBD for almost 30 years and belching is only one of the problems. The information in this blog is useful but there are many different solutions that may even change for the individual over time. Educate yourself with articles and then use that fabulous brain connected to your body to figure out what you need. My solution will not be yous and it probably will take trial and error to figure out your solution. However todady I can go out to restaurants and eat at friends houses. I have regained the 55 pounds I lost at my worst and I no longer have diarrhea very day or pain every night.

If your problem is poor digestion it could be low HCL, pancreatic deficiency or a gall bladder problem and you need to figure out which one is your problem. There is plenty of advice in this blog on HCL deficiency and I would try their advice. I prefer to take HCL after a protein meal. Enzymes work in an alkaline environment and protein digestion takes place in an acid environment. Enzymes help me some but they are not the whole solution nor is HCL. Actually grape bitters work better for me than either HCL or enzyme supplements.

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet is one of the best and the most restrictive. It just depends where you are at with your health. I currently follow the Perfect Health Diet. In any case you probably will have to figure out what foods work for you. Following the advice of Michael Pollan of don't eat too much, eat real food (not processed) and mostly vegetables is a good start. I would add on, that I follow a low carbohydrate, low protein diet that includes healthy oils like butter, coconut oil, olive oil or macadamia nut oil. Also I include goat yogurt and fermented vegetables. I an not Celiac but I eat a very low gluten diet, low lactose and low fructose diet.

Digestion issues mess up your microflora. Probiotics help but are not the total solution for me. People that have the worst cases have fecal implants. Besides a messed up microflora ones immune system seems to get involved if you are bad enough and the transport of food, peristalsis also becomes messed up and can cause strictures or blockage. Undigested food that moves too fast or too slow through ones GI tract just makes every thing worse. The advice to find a holistic or functional doctor is good advice because this can be a complex problem without easy answers. But there are answers and happy to say I found mine. But not without paying a price, I have to manage what I have every day to continue to feel good.
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continuous burping early in the morning and stops after 10 mins....is it something serious?
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I have been suffering from the symptoms described here, for the last three years. I went through all the same tests and treatments, which many of you had mentioned here, without any success.
After all this time, I came up with three things, which help me to keep the symptoms bearable. Here they are, from the most to least important:

1) Stop drinking coffee completely. Avoiding coffee had the most significant effect for me. If you want to try this, keep in mind, that effect will not come quickly. For me, it took about two months, until I felt the difference. During the coffee-less period, I tested my theory several times by drinking some coffee  (no matter what kind) and every time I have suffered badly from it. When I need the caffeine to wake up, I have an energy drink instead of coffee.

2) Do not drink anything with or close to a meal. I always wait at least half an hour after a meal before I drink anything.

3) Eat smaller meals.

4) Wine, whisky, vodka and any strong alcohol are bad. Beer is good!

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I started having digestive problems in 1997 after going through a very stressful time in my life. Since then I have been diagnosed with IBS, reflux and a hiatus hernia. I have taken Omeprazole, Lansoprazole and other PPI's all to no avail. I have extreme bloating to the point where I look like I'm pregnant and have bouts of constant burping that can last for hours at a time. I have extreme chest pains and have ended up in the emergency room on a couple of occasions thinking I was having a heart attack. The IBS gives me constant diarrhea, sometimes explosive diarrhea.

It doesn't seem to make any difference what I eat or drink or don't eat and drink. It appears to be completely random and has gotten a lot worse over the last few months or so, to the point that the attacks are more or less constant.

Stress definitely makes my symptoms worse, even a minute amount of stress causes my digestive system to go into overdrive.

I used to be a fit individual and have a flat stomach, but now any kind of exercise, especially bending or lifting and I start burping uncontrollably.

I have never known anyone else with these kinds of problems until I came here. At least I now know I'm not alone.

My symptoms have completely ruined my life to the point where I can't make plans to go out anywhere as I simply don't know how I'm going to be at any point in of the day or night.

I have noticed that making a concious effort to breath through my nose does help to control the burping somewhat.

On waking up in the mornings my bloat has all but disappeared, but once I have a drink, even if it's only water, within ten minutes or so, the bloating and burping return and another day of discomfort is upon me.

Perhaps I'm unconsciously swallowing air when I eat and drink and if that's the case, then I would love to know if there are any techniques to help avoid this.
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I had the same burping problem, but no health insurance, so no doctors or prescriptions available to me. I couldn't eat or drink anything without fear of an attack, I started getting sick from not eating and drinking enough. I tried a few over the counter things, but nothing worked. During my searches, I found references to Apple Cider Vinegar curing acid reflux. I was skeptical, but bought a bottle of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (I've used regular ACV in a pinch, but organic is better). I drank about 2 oz diluted in 8 oz of water every morning. I hated the taste and would usually feel nauseous and burp for about 5 minutes afterward, but after that I'm perfectly fine for the rest of the day. I can drink soda and alcohol and eat as much greasy food as I want. I know because I went on a little food binge after months of being afraid to eat. I stopped taking it after several months and have been fine for the past 2 months or so, but now it's back. I'll be at the local health food store in the morning to get some more ACV. I hate the taste, but it's better than being afraid to even drink water.
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3176263 tn?1344330900
Hi hopeful820,

Try to google Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome (also called sibo) and see if this rings a bell. If it does (like it did for me) go to a gastroenterologist and ask for antibiotics. I hope this helps!

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Your symptoms are very similar to mine.  Are you better today?  If yes, how did you accomplish that?
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I have been having exessive burping, especially when I first get up in the morning. I also have a pain next to my sternum on my right side. I feel it more when I am lying down. This is scaring me. My mother died from pancreatic cancer.She burped excessively and had very much swelling. I'm wondering if it could be a hernia.
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I developing excessive burping about 5 years ago after my throat swelled up 2x.  I went to two different doctors and neither could figure out why my throat swelled up but they did notice redness and prescribed antibiotics.  Ever since then I've had an issue w/ burping - loud, constant burps.  That was followed by chest and side (near ribs) pain.  The pain was so bad that taking deep breaths was not an option.  I've had chest x-rays and since seen at least 3 other doctors about the problem and all have said that either nothing is wrong or it's just gas.  However, none have helped me w/ preventative treatments.  Now my stomach gets upset often.  I'm lactose intolerant so I avoid products containing dairy and lactose and read labels like a hawk!  I'm tired of seeing doctors who either don't care or lack the required knowledge to treat symptoms.  My appetite has since change.  I used to eat...A LOT...and since I worked out constantly, I was always hungry.  Now, I don't have much of an appetite.  It's comforting to see that other people are taking active steps to trying to figure out their symptoms!
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I'm a 59 year old male. I always had a few food allergies, lots of colds, a sensitive stomach, etc. as I was growing up. In my early 30's I began to have serious digestive issues: acid reflux, abdominal cramps, bloating, occasional bouts of intense stomach pain. In my search for a medical answer, I went down many, many dead ends, including helicobacter pylori, candida, food allergies, etc., etc.
In my early 50's I began to developed large patches of psoriasis that spread over parts of my legs and abdomen. Psoriatic arthritis started to affect the left side of my body. The constant belching that everyone is mentioning here became a daily experience. Eventually, even depression raised it's ugly head.
Finally, an observant nutritionist suggested that I might have an issue with gluten. I was desperate and willing to try anything, so I eliminated most wheat, barley, rye and oats from my diet. Amazingly, I started to recover a little. For awhile, I thought that might be the end of it. At least the belching cleared up within a few weeks of getting off most gluten.
Since the psoriasis was still not clearing, about 4 months ago, I went to another nutritionist who ordered lots of blood tests, including ones for Celiac disease. Amazingly, the lab results showed I have the genetic markers for Celiac, as well as highly elevated levels of the gluten (IgA and IgG antigliadin) antibodies.
I thought I had been pretty careful to eliminate gluten, but it seems that the little bit of gluten I was getting in the toaster, the communion wafer, etc. was still causing issues.
For two months now, I have been as gluten free as I can possibly be. The wonderful news is that my gut is finally being my friend instead of my enemy, my psoriasis is clearing up, my energy is back, I feel like I've regained my life.
Celiac is considered a 'silent epidemic' in the US. If affects a little less than 1% of the population. But only about 5-10% of those who have it are diagnosed.
I know that being gluten free seems like a big hassle, but if you have Celiac, none of the other things you try will actually get you on the road to recovery. The medical community highly recommends that you get tested for Celiac before you go gluten free, because it can be difficult to diagnose when you are off gluten. But very few doctors in the US are aware of Celiac and how it masquerades as a lot of other conditions. So if you have one of these seemingly unsolvable cases, please consider Celiac. There's a ton of info about it on the Internet. Of course some of the info is awful and full of misinformation, but sites like gluten.net and celiaccentral.org have all the necessary info to help you get diagnosed.
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I developed excessvie burping about 8 months ago. I am a 23 year old Male. I have undergone many tests including X ray and Endoscopy. At first after the Xray I was told I have GERD. After the endoscopy I was told everything looks normal. This lead me to conduct my own research on why this extremely excessive burping is occuring everyday all day. I found on many medical sites from doctors that a direct cause of bloating and burping is BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH in the SMALL INTESTINE. I now strongly believe that this is my problem and many of yours. I am currently waiting to see my Gastro specialst again so we can conduct every test known to determine what kind of bacteria overgrowth it is and treat it with the appropriate anti-biotics. I STRONGLY encourage all of you with this excessive burping problem to inform your doctor that you believe it is due to BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH. You can find alot about Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine on Google. Many doctors are unaware of this condition and it is easily treatable with antibiotics. Good luck to all of you I know what a horrible burden on life this burping can be.
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It has been a good year that i have had these sypmtoms and episodes:

1. burping...lots
2. chest pain in and around my heart...so bad that i thought it was a heart attack and went to the ER.  Had stress tests and several EKGs...all normal - thank god.
3. Feel dull, numbing muscle pain on my upper back (behind my heart) and around my heart area.
4. random squeezing heart pain...lasts seconds but scary as hell and hurts.
5. random left arm tingling/numbing.

any advice? suggestions?

My doc has scheduled me to do an MRI (brain, cervics and thorasic next week).  I will keep you all updated.

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I started excessive burping almost 7 years ago.  It happens throughout the day and I too feel the pressure in the upper stomach.  And about six months ago my intestines started growling.  Now if I eat breakfast, dairy or not, they will growl all morning.  I have a computer job so sit all day long and really think this issue is somehow related or exaggerated due to having a sedentary job in a sitting position.  I find that during the weekend when I am active I don't have the growling.  I still have the burping but is lessened.  What I have found that helps is doing crunches or situps.  I have not changed my diet significantly but the situps do seem to help the pressure buildup in the rib triangle area and reduce the burping.
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My burping started 2 years ago and I couldn't understand why.  I tried hard to think what I did different then that would cause the burping and I think it was because of milk. At the time I started a new job requiring me to sit infront of a computer all day.  To get myself off the chair I would go and buy coffee at least once a day.  When my coffee drinking habit become more regular that's when my burping started.  I would burp until I gag and throw up, and it's been like this ever since.

Funny enough, I don't burp during 2 holiday trips in China and I think it was because I didn't drink coffee (not a strong coffee drinking culture over there).  My burping continues during my trips to NZ and Malaysia, and I noticed I did drink coffee during these trips.  But all this are just my suspicion... I have yet sought medical advice for confirmation.

I should really cut out my coffee (and therefore milk intake) for a period to see if the burping stops.....
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I, like everybody else here, have burping, belch issues but mine is slightly different.  I need desperately to burp at times.  This has been going on a while.  I have been on omeprazole for over a year...only because I was told anybody taking daily aspirin should be on it (didnt have acid reflux).  I would like to stop but understand it is very difficult to do.  Cant decide whether to try it right now.  I feel as if there is an obstruction between the bottom of my esophagus and stomach (I guess the LES).  Had an endoscopy a couple of weeks ago and all is fine BUT things are much worse.  Even eating small amounts leaves me with a feeling of something there.  Belching and burping help.  Carbonated beverages help me a lot as they bring on the burping.  I do not burp/belch much normally.  Can an endoscopy show if one has hiatal hernia or does one need an upper GI or barium swallow?  I have not been back to the gastrologist because he was somewhat condesending when my endoscopy was just fine...and now to go back and tell him things are worse.  Can endoscopy (btw I also had dilation) make things worse?  I, too, am worse lying down with anything in my stomach.  I am best when I am up and about but cant be all the time as have pretty bad arthritis.  I think part of it is positional...maybe a kink?  Driving bothers me, tight clothes, belts, etc.  I go around with my pants unbuttoned a lot of the time.  Think I will try the ginger as cant hurt.  Also wonder if maybe my pH is too low.  I know as one gets older the pH frequently goes down.  I'm joining the club!
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It's a bit of a relief to see that there are others who have this problem, but also frustrating to see that so many people have not found solutions, even though many doctor visits. I'm 38 and female. It started for me at the end of last year. At first it was just the heaviness (felt like I had rocks in my stomach) and the slightly odd breathing (as if you have a cold and there's a restriction). After a while, the constant burping and gas came into play. At first I thought it was because I was eating a lot better (cut out processed and canned foods and started eating more fresh and frozen veggies; I also started monitoring sodium). My doc said that those things should have made it better, not worse. With just talking to me, he said I must have GERD and prescribed Prilosec.Those actually helped me. It took it away completely, but I recently read an article about Prilosec that made me stop taking them. It also suggested that Prilosec was not intended for GERD in the first place, if that's truly the problem. Mine went away for a few months, but I could slowly feel it coming back when I stopped with the Prilosec. Today I'm back to stomach feeling like rocks, the breathing as if I have a slight cold, lower back pain, the burping, and feeling like I have gas in my stomach.

The one thing I see most from reading two of the threads on this forum is that most of us seem to have desk jobs, with a few exceptions. Even for those that exercise a lot (I exercise less when it gets really warm outside), we sit a lot during the day. Maybe that really could have something to do with it.

I read that a natural alternative to Prilosec is ginger, so I'm willing to try that to see if it works. How frustrating though. Thanks to everyone for all of your posts. As I said, it's a relief and frustrating at the same time.
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My Mom has excessive burping.  Just finished colonoscopy and endo-scopy and ultrasound.  Waiting for results.
But - she was told to stop her daily Activia yogurt.   Has anyone else heard about Activia causing burping problems?

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You need to take your child to see a gastro doctor for acid reflux diseases and if the burping/wheezing persist then she might have a congestive heart failure (CHF).  Either way this is a serious problem so go get it check out.  And watch out for doctors who just want your money!   I have to changed 3 doctors to find out.  And all of mine doctors work at the hospitals!


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My granddaughter who is eight has not been able to attend school since August. She has belly pain and burping and spiting like no body's business. She doesn't sleep half of the night due to this. We are besides ourselves we don't know what to do. If anyone has a child that has had this problem and has help please e-mail me at ***@****,  
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If you like garlic, then eat more of it.  If not then eat what you can.  The smart water has electrolyte (its more effective then drinking powerade, to me) which will help your body recoup from dehydration/fatigue.  

These are the foods I eat:

rotisserie chicken, grill fish (no skins), fry fish (no skin), steam fish, green beans, corn, mash potatoe (no gravy), oatmeal (apple cinnamon), apple sauce, jello (plain), arby's roast beef (no breads, just the beef), vetgetable soups ("victory with vegetable!"), banana, coconut milk, steam chicken, vitamins water, probiotic yogurt, steak (without the a1 or tobasco), okra, tomatoes (small amount), orange juice (small amount) etc...

Foods that gave me bloating to painful attacks:

carbonated drinks, beef jerky, mushrooms, chocolates, crackers, sunflower seeds, soy sauce, chese, bread.

People told me this method takes about 6 months or longer for the stomach to cure itself (to build up the normal flora).   Then you can go back to eat normal foods again.

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Interesting! and congratulations!

What are the ingredients in the glaceau water?

I was recently following a thread about fructose malabsorption ( look for posts by "boron") and have been leaving off foods with alot of fructose such as fruit (which we think is GOOD for us), and just sweets in general ( I have a sweet tooth a mile long), and I have had much less problems.  I did however try some nuts one day and IMMEDIATELY began the belching.  I posted previously when I thought I'd found a "cure" in leaving lactose products out of my diet, but now I wonder if it is more about the sugar in the ice cream, yogurt, and other dairies that bother me most.  

any reason why raw garlic?

Get this:  as a result of some of the stuff  I read on the fructose malabsorption, I wanted to see if I could get the "hydrogen breath tests" they suggested when I have my upcoming gastroenterologist appt.  The nurse I spoke with said she had never even heard of the tests?  I broke down and made the appt. because of a recent really bad bout I had, but after reading these posts again, I wonder if  there's any real help to be found with these doctors?

Please keep us posted on your progress/success!

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I AM CURED, NATURALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ON MY OWN)

STEP 1) Stop taking all the meds

STEP 2) Follow this diet:

Foods to Avoid

Aged cheeses, alcohol, chocolate, dried fruits, fresh fruits (I eat small amount during day time), fermented foods, soy sauce, mushrooms, vinegar, glutenous foods (wheat, rye, oats, barley), all sugars, honeys and syrups (that includes any ‘ose’, like lactose, sucrose etc), and foods that contain yeast or mold (breads, muffins, cakes, baked goods, cheese, dried fruits, melons, peanuts - although nutritional and brewer’s yeasts are not harmful, as they do not colonize in the intestines).

Foods to Eat

Vegetables (including plenty of raw garlic), protein foods (beef, chicken, eggs, fish), live yogurt cultures (both dairy and non-dairy,) FOS*, whey, acidophilus, green algae (such as spirulina and chlorella), nuts, seeds and oils, and non-glutenous grains (like millet, rice, rice bran and oat bran).  TRY TO EAT FISH AND COOKED VEGETABLE FOR DINNER.



I though I was a gonner until I went on vacation and stumbled upon this water!!!

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Hi Group,

I am so thankful to have found this post. The last 3 years have been a roller coaster of miserable burpiness that it seems only you guys understand. My issues started towards the end of my 2nd pregnancy when I felt like I couldn't breathe and thought it was asthma related. My doctor assumed it was due to my weight gain and the baby resting on my lungs. I will also state that I was very sick with nausea during both my pregnancy's which led me here as well.

After my son was born in 2006, I had an upper endoscopy done and they found a small hiatal hernia and they diagnosed me with GERD and I was put on Protonix. Initially it seemed to work but as with most things, the medicine became less effective after about a year. I was then moved to 40mg Zegerid which was increased to 2x daily about 12 months ago. For about the last year the Zegerid has only been working about 25% of the time. My biggest issue like most of you stated is that my main symptom is the excessive belching and here lately, I have a burning sensation in my throat, equal to where my neck is located, that comes and go's. I'm taking carafate 4x per day to coat the esophagus, which helps control the burning in my throat. I was recommended for Nissen fundoplication surgery (360 wrap) and was supposed to have it done yesterday 7/30/09.

I couldn't shake the fact that all this just didn't add up! So about 2 weeks ago I spoke to someone who had the surgery and after he explained his complications AND the fact that his symptoms were totally different from mine (I've never really had heartburn) I canceled the surgery...thank GOD! I am scheduled to meet with a Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr. and after reading hundreds of posts tonight, I am thinking it's related to either lactose intolerance or a small intestine issue or other suggestions to check out further. I think it's also important to note though that I did a manometry procedure (which was horrible) and it confirmed that I have an incompetent LES (lower esophageal sphincter) which I feel has been caused by this issue and I get canker sores in my mouth regularly as well (not sure if there's a link there or not).

I am going to the TCM Dr. on 8/12/09 for a full allergy test and acupuncture and I will post my findings after my 1st session. I have lifted the head of my bed, which has helped and started an elimination diet, which has helped. I then ate tacos for dinner tonight with cheese and sour cream and here it is 3:30AM and I'm still suffering with the burps...how stupid am I!!

Thanks to all of you for making me feel not so alone in this big frustrating world of burpiness! Please feel free to contact me or offer any suggestions! May God heal us all of this frustrating ailment!

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