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There were a lot of discussions from people with persistent burping in 2005. I have similar symptoms. I wonder any useful treatment/remedy was reported? Please help.  

This discussion is related to burping.
47 Responses
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198942 tn?1236316304
Here in canada and Im sure its avalible in the states Ask your Dr for Pantoloc or Pantoprazole 40 M.G It stops all that dead in its tracks especially if you had your Gall Bladder Removed.Its expensive here in canada but I have a plan as Long as I have a job Im save!! Try it and you will see a huge improvement!
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203342 tn?1328737207
I have constant burping too, from the time I get up in the morning before I've even eaten or drank anything. About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with Crohns and had a mass cut out of my small intestine. I'm supposed to be in remission now. I don't know if this is something I'll just have to live with or what, but I have almost constant nausea and burping every day. It does get old.
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i am 22 years old and everytime i wake up in the morning i have nausea and instead of vomiting i end up just burping. No heartburn or any other types of symptoms but that. I have no pains just constant nausea and burping. This usually happens when I have an empty stomach and all the symptoms seem to go away as soon as i eat something. I do smoke and I am starting to consider that this may be the main reason...being of all the air that gets sucked in.

Anything would help??????

Thank you
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Hello, I know this is an OLD thread... but I have THE exact same thing.... feel like I'm going to be sick and uncomfortable in my stomach and instead of vomiting I end up just burping! It's non-stop, did you find any answers?
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I know someone that had this burping issue all the time. Finally the docs figured out it was corn syrup.
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My husband burps all the time for 2-3 years now. It is driving us both crazy, as it is uncomfortable for him, and really annoying for me. He sometimes burps half a night, and I cannot sleep. He has no other pains or symptoms. he tried apple cider vinegar, it seems to help just a little bit. He tried digestive enzymes, also just a little better, but nothing really helps. We are at a loss. He is uncomfortable in public, and it is really annoying at home. Not sure what to do. . .
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Wow, I'm glad I'm not going crazy. I started burping about three months ago. At first it wasn't that bad but lately it's been worse. I can literally feel the gas sitting on my stomach. From the time I get up in the morning till I go to bed, I am burping but usually around sun down it would go crazy. I burp so much, it hurts to drink anything for my cotton mouth. Others times it scares me because a burp would come up but stop right at the top of my throat making it hard to breathe or even swallow it back down. I really don't want to go to the hospital especially since my mother just had her gall bladder removed.

Is there anything OTC that I can test and see if it will work for me?
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