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Rising blood presure, rapid heart beat

Ok! I really don't know from where to start. I'm in the hospital from almost 4 days and no one seems to know what's wrong with me and doesn't seem like they care either. 4 days ago I was at the dentist and he inject me with an anaesthetic. After about 15 minutes after that I started to shake with my whole body my blood presure went to 170/90 they called ER but before they got there I was already stabilized. So I went home and all day I felt my heart like it was a little bigger. In the morning I woked up refreshed myself and when I started to have breakfast I got a little dizzy and my heart beat went super fast. Not a while after I started to shake with my whole body( I am not cold, I just shake), so I called 911 and they put me an injection for lowering my BP it was 160 somewhere. So the same day I got into the hospital and every morning when I woke up I get this rapid heart beat, I start to shake and my blood presure is rising instantly....after the injections my blood presure is normalised 120/80, but I can get worse anytime again...however this morning was different because yesterday i got some pills and for now they seem to work because this morning I was again shaking but with less heart beat and it released me in 5 minutes, but my blood presure was 90/55 and after the shake it was 100/60 i guess it's from the pills....but still no one knows what is wrong with me and no one can give me even some suggestions. For now all I know is that the ECG shows that everything is normal and doctors tell me that is from stress which I don't believe is true. I am 20 years old, athletic type, I have a really strong and happy relationship I can't stand doing nothing all day, I go to run, fitness, i play tennis and etc. I suggested the theory that it's from the anaesthetic that the dentist put me, because all this started from there but for the doctor it's just a coincidence. Oh and I forgot to mention that sometimes my heart beats so strong that i move with the bed literally.
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I am not going to respond to all of what you said, but this caught my attention: "After about 15 minutes after that I started to shake with my whole body my blood presure went to 170/90 they called ER but before they got there I was already stabilized."
I had exactly the same symptoms after being injected with Novocaine - I couldn't even hold the magazin I had in my hands. It dropped to the floor, I was shaking so hard. The dentist said: "Oh, I am not going to do that again. Your system produces too much Adrenaline  and there is additional Epenephrine in the medication to make your body respond faster. In the furure we'll take it out". And that's all there was to it.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Was holter monitoring done. This could give info on blood pressure fluctuations and arrhythmias. What occurred at your dentists place could have been an allergic reaction to the anesthetic agent. But its unlikely to persist.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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