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Please please someone put my mind at rest

A brief history of me, im 34 6' 2" a fit firefighter Male of an athletic build. Approx 10 years ago i had severe chest pains and went into the hospial, told me that i had an enlarged heart and that i had a chest infection. That was that. Then approx 5 years later a similar almost identical thing happened. Went into hospital   a & e again. And the same outcome. Then this year on the 25th August i was at work and throughout the day the pain in the left side of my chest was getting worse, and particuarly bad when i brethed in. So i went into hospital again, i had a chest x ray which showed an enlarged heart which i knew. An e c g which showed an inflamed heart lining and my blood tests both came back negative. But the pain was immense i thought i was having a heart attack. So i was prescribed with anti inflamm tablets Diclofenac and pain killers co drymol. And over the next 2 weeks or so it has not been too bad. I have been in contact with my doctor every 2 weeks,  and he think he detected a slight murmur so i am waiting for an echo on the 15th october. But the last few days have been the worst so far, i was laying on my couch watching tv and all of a sudden i went really dizzy and light headed then about 2-3 seconds later i had a sharp pain in my chest(left side). I went to bed so scared that night and couldn't sleep for hours i kept feeling a twinge and something going on near or in my heart.(difficult to explain though). Then yesterday the same thing but no chest pain just very dizzy and light headed so i went to the doctors and examined me but nothing he can do till the echo results. ANy ideas anyone, or anything similar happened to anyone.      Thankyou for your time. And please would someone respond.

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I'm a 38 yr. old male 5'10 and 180 lbs. I too was just told by my cardiologist that I have an enlarged heart. I had a Thallium Stress test which revealed the enlarged heart. Have you had a stress test ? I am waiting to get an appointment for my echocardiogram. I wish that I could give you some info but I'm pretty much in the same boat. Just hang in there until all test results are in. I get the dizziness and shortness of breath, too. The cardiologist doesn't seem to think it's my heart and wants me to see a neurologist. We will know more after the echo. He thinks it might be some sort of seizure. Good luck with your tests and let the board know how you make out.
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No havent had any stress test yet.And i will keep you informed of the outcome of echo etc. Take care.

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I am wondering why your doctor did not do anything about it 10 years ago by that I mean further follow-up like echo etc.  Do you have high blood pressure?  
If your heart is inflamed then you should receive some treatment but not before echo and thallium or stress test to see if you arteries are all open and have no stenosis of aorta.
Also do you have regular heart rhythm?
The best think to do is think positive and relax
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I was young and stupid and didn't bother going back to gp. i do not have high blood pressure normally around the 130-140 mark and between 77-85.  They say my heart is enflamed and i am on anti inflammotories for that. my heart rythem has always been up for debate. some doctors say they cannott hear a murmur, others say they can. But a few years ago i had very bad palpatations.. but nothing really since. I am trying to keep positive. Thankyou for your kind words.

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