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I'm weaning off of beta blocker-pretty nervous

Hello, me again,

I have been waiting with bated breath to come off of my beta blockers, and now that the time is nearing I am PETRIFIED.  I came down from 25 mg to 12.5 mg for the past two months, now I am taking the 12.5 every other day and I am really nervous.  I feel like if I have any skipped beats that means I need to stay on the meds, but that's crazy because I have skipped beats while on the meds too :-)  As you can see I don't know what to do.  The funny thing is I posted on here a few months ago about how I could not WAIT to come off of these things because I felt like they were making me very lethargic, etc.  Well, once I went down to 12.5 mg I felt SO much better, and like I said, that has been over the past two months.  I just don't want to be medicated for the rest of my life if I don't HAVE to.  I am rambling I know, but am I making sense to anyone out there?   It's almost like I feel deep down that this pill may be saving me from "disaster" and if I stop taking it, what will happen?  I haven't been diagnosed with anything besides PVC's and being extremely stressed out.  It's been a year since this started and since I was prescribed metoprolol, and even though the PVC's have become much more tolerable I still am a nervous nellie!!!

If anyone has been weaned off the beta blockers, please tell me your experience and give me some hope-lol.  How long did it take you and how long were you on the beta blocker to begin with?  I appreciate any responses.   Forgive my spelling errors!
15 Responses
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329449 tn?1285765402
It's heartening to know one can safely drop the dosage of Metoprolol.  I had lowered my bp using a natural supplement prescribed by my Naturopath, then it was discovered that I was having AF more frequently than I thought, and was put on the Meto, which brought everything down to normal levels.  I tolerate the Meto quite well but did feel better on the 25 mg, and the AF breaks through from time to time anyway, so I am going to do that again.  I am also increasing my magnesium intake.
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21064 tn?1309308733
Hi iamfaithful : )

Sounds like you have made wonderful progress.  I'm so happy you are feeling well despite weaning off the BB's.  HOORAY!!!  Sometimes just keeping the medicine in the cupboard is enough..lol.  I think of it like American Express - it's there if I need it : )

Keep the faith!!
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I am so appreciative of all the responses!  

ratty: I can imagine how scary that was.  I have had one VERY bad incident of tachycardia and I thought for sure that was it for me.  It was my first true panic attack and it was the scariest feeling I have EVER had.

momto3: hi there.  it seems like forever since I last talked with you.  remember how i used to bug you and dolfnlvr ALL the time-lol.  I have grown some since that time, but I still am very fearful.  I am hoping one day that they won't scare me as badly as they do now.  It's hard to believe that my life will never be the same again.  I can't believe that I may actually have to keep medication in my cupboard for the rest of my life.....ugh.  Oh well, things could always be worse and they are for many people so I will stop complaining.  I hope you are doing well!

I am taking the metorprolol for PVC's, not tachycardia.  I think someone asked that.  And yes, I am definately under the supervision of my doctor.  I am too big of a chicken to do it any other way.

rosetoes: how long has it been since you had  your ablation?  what was it for PVC's or a-fib?  

tc1414: I was only a zombie when I was at 50 mg and I was only on that for about a week or so.  The 25 mg made me feel a little out of it, but not as bad as the 50; however, I still didn't feel good.  But the 12.5 was so much better for me.  I couldn't believe the difference it made.  I feel good so far, but it hasn't even been of taking the pill every other day.  I get so nervous and the days I'm not taking it.  I look at the time time and think "wow, no bb this evening, I wonder If I will be able to sleep."  But it's been fine.  I am just trusting the Lord will bring me thru this.

You all are TRULY great and I appreciate your help.  I will let you know how I am doing.
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i recently came off of metoprolol....turns out i should have stayed on it, though, as my episodes of a-fib came back within a week of weaning completely off. i am now back on bystolic and going in for a referral next month to see if i am a candidate for a minimally invasive ablation procedure to rid me of the a-fib.
i can attest that while i was on the metoprolol, i was completely out of it. my wife said i was a completely different person. i wanted off of it so badly, and was really distraught to find that i would need to go back on it for a bit. but then my cardio recommended the bystolic, and i've felt just fine ever since being on it (about a week now). metoprolol was definitely a crazy experience, and coming off of it was very nerve-wracking. but, as long as you wean properly and keep a cool head about things, you should be just fine!
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hi to all
yesterday morning while brushing my teeth came over faint light headed and a fast Heart rate, I have never been so scared rested on a chair for a few moments it eased but then came back with a vengance, so off to the clinc as at the moment I am in Spain.
I was quickly taken in E.C.G and blood Pressure check, I was told my Heart was beating very quick and I had a weak pulse I was given Captopril under my tongue and waited 20 mins, sent home and asked to return 2 hours later where I was told all was ok.it was ventricular tacicardia dont think I spelled that right nasty experience .
I will speak to my GP on monday, as I understand it this could be a unusual side effect of Verapimil.
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21064 tn?1309308733
I agree with the others (all of them....lol).

I've been on and off of BB's several times.  Now, I can take them "as needed" which is primarily when stress is very high (daughter's wedding, travel, etc).  I also found that being off of them most days is better.  I know the PVCs are not dangerous, so living with them was much more comfortable.  The sluggish feeling is lousy.  I think you're gonna do great!  There are lots of us here for ya!  

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110220 tn?1309306861
I was on beta blockers and was taking a small dose as you are.  I stopped cold turkey 5 days prior to my ablation and didn't need to take them afterwards and I was fine.  

I don't think that you will have a problem stopping them.....if you find that you start having chest pains, etc definitely go to the doctor.  But my doctor said that my dosage was so low, it wouldn't be a problem.  I took them for SVT thought.  I do think it depends on why you are taking them as well.

Does your doctor know that you are weening off of them?  If he doesn't you may want to talk to him/her first.

Best wishes,
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I take inderal on an as is basis. I take the quick release so if I'am having a bad day I take it when the PVC's start to amp up. I think it's out of my system in a 4 to 6 hours. Some days I don't take anything, cause the PVC's are at a level I can deal with. It's there when I need a little help. I don't like the long acting stuff cause I don't need the med 24/7.
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ratty-I can understand your concern about flecanide because of the POSSIBLE side effects; but I am sure everything will be fine.  When are due to have your pacemaker put in?  You sound very calm about the whole thing which is great.

sueins-I used to be zombie like myself.  At one time my MD pushed me up to 50 mg and I felt like a space cadet-so he quickly took me back down to 25 mg.  After a while I just "felt" like I needed to be on a lower dosage.  I feel so much better being on the 12.5 mg, and then I think to myself, "is this all in my mind?"  I am just hoping and praying that weaning off slowly (yes I am under the supervision of my doctor) won't affect me and I will eventually be off these things.

dolfnlvr-HELLO there, how are ya?  I was so glad to see your response.  Yep, I remember you saying how you could take it as needed and I just couldn't believe that...thought it was great!  I am going to ask him about that at my checkup and see if I can have that security blanket.  Right now I have the Xanax for that-just incase I get too overwhelmed.  I have a brand new bottle that I haven't even opened and I have had it for a couple of months now.  I just don't want to face the fear that I may have to go back on the beta blockers in a few months.  That seems to be the experience of most that I have heard from.
And of course I picked the perfect time to wean....right after my cycyle-CRAZINESS!!1
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255722 tn?1452546541
By the way....if I ever needed to increase my dose dramatically, I'd call my cardio first, because that would be a bit scary, and I'm not THAT brave :-)
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255722 tn?1452546541
I've been on and come off of beta blockers several times.  As long as you wean yourself off of them if you've been taking them regularly for a long time there's usually no problem.  I am currently taking a 12.5mg dosage of metoprolol "as needed."  In other words, I have a bottle of them in my cupboard, and if I'm noticing an increase in PVC's and want to help ease them (esp. right near my period) I can take one a day for a few days.  Then I can come off again if I feel that I want to.  Or, I can stay on it for a long time and even increase my dosage to as much as 50mg (ick) for a short time.  My cardio has cleared me for this "as needed" approach a year ago and I've never had to go over the 12.5mg.  So, consider that if you want to have a little security blanket, you can have that bottle of beta blockers in the house for a VERY long time.  :-)

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Hi again
yes I am off beta blockers and I am now on Verapimil which which is a calcium channel blocker which supposed to try and control Not cure fibrillation  and other Heart arrhythmias but is not working for me,so it seems the next step is a Drug called Flecanide not to happy about it as it is more toxic Drug and also a Pace Maker to stop my Heart Beating to slowly funny having a Pace Maker does not bother me as much as taking Flecanide.
Well keep up the Good work coming of your Beta,s but remember try not to worry to much but if you have any concerns talk to your Doctor, I must admit I have less problems taking Verapimil than  Beta Blockers so if at some time your Doctor suggests them I think they are better
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I came off beta blockers and felt a whole lot better.  The PVC's became a bit more troublesome but preferred that to the zombie-like state I was in on Metoprolol.  I have learned that, for me, no drug completely controls the palpitations.  While it hasn't been easy at times, I have learned to live with them.  When you take away their control of your life, it's amazing how much you get back in return.  I think learning to deal with the anxiety that the condition causes is the biggest hurtle to overcome but once you do, the improvement in your quality of life will be great.

That being said, some folks who are really suffering from PVC's can benefit greatly with drug inverventions.  When the symptoms are severe, "learning to live with them" may not be an option.

You seem to have done well with the reduced dose.  Assuming you are being weaned off under a doctor's supervision, you should do well.  If the symptoms return and are intolerable, you can just go back on them.  Or maybe consider another option such as a calcium channel blocker.
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Thank you so much for your response.  It's funny because I have been doing just that.....thinking more about my skips now.  Last night was the first night that I didn't take it and then tonight of course I do take it.  I keep imagining myself going into hysterics-I even put my Xanax in my purse just incase! Oy vey, what's a girl to do.  I am going to try and be brave as this is something I asked for, so I need to be a big girl and bite the bullet.  Thanks again for encouragement.

So you have come off of the beta blockers but you haven't stayed off?  You just switch to different meds right?  Just making sure I understand.  Why did you get off of metoprolol-just curious?
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Please try not to worry to much about coming off Beta Blockers, I have been on most of them at some time and have found as long as you come off them like you are doing you will have No problems, you will be thinking more about your skipped beats and as I did worry and wait for every skip or missed beat this is normal, but you will be fine and as you say you feel better on lower doses so you should feel great without them.
I have been taken off Metoprolol  and now on Verapimil for atrial fibrillation and a slow and irregular Heart .
take care and dont worry
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