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Genital herpes

Hi there
I’m 31 years old single male. I had multiple sex partners, unprotected oral sex and protected anal and vaginal sex. On 6th Sept I noticed a small broken skin on my penis head I thought it just skin break but it becomes sore and grown, after 4 days I felt burning sensation on penis head and sore more moisture. I worried went to urologist, Doctor said its look likes genital herpes but he didn’t conform and sent lesion for lab test. I have to wait 3 weeks to know the result but he started the treatment: ZORAL 200(Acyclovir 200mg), ZORAL cream and WANMYCIN( Doxycycline(as HCI) BP 100mg)

I have been reading a lot about genitals herpes and its scares me, I feel guilty, total depression, spoiled my life and ruin my family even I thought to kill myself. I can’t wait to know the results what if it’s Positive!!!!

I’m in direction to get marriage, my family members are looking forward that how I’m going to manage this issue I had dream having beautiful family but I don’t think can do this. So I told my family members that I don’t want to get married and given the really reason, because it easy to transmit even if I don’t have out breaks. Yes I just destroyed my family! No others choice. They are very supportive, they say not to worried what ever happened it’s happened but they are crying.

I read the viruses are very active on sore in 48 hrs. Still waiting for my lab result, Lesions samples was taken after 6 days. What will be result???!!! I lost my hope after reading all the websites and articles.

Someone can help me.
Best Answer
101028 tn?1419603004
I removed your other post in the other posters post since it's easier to follow up here in your own post.

At this point wait for your test results to come back. if your lesion culture is negative, follow up with a type specific herpes igg blood test 3  months after the last time you  had sex.

41 Responses
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Grace and William
Thanks for your reply. I do agree and understand the circumstance that " blood test 1 out of 10". I'm going to re test again this week. I'll update the result.
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101028 tn?1419603004
even the best herpes blood tests still miss 1 out of every 10 hsv1 infections.  no easy way to know if your initial hsv1 igg blood test was the accurate one or the latest test you had was the accurate one.  since most adults do have hsv1 orally, assuming you do have it based on your previous + test isn't all that bad of an option.  

glad all your other testing was negative :)
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The blood test not accruate 100%. May be u r negative or may be u r a positive but fromur doctor before and ur symptoms and ur last partner had hsv1 so may be u r a positive too. The best bloood test for herpes still missing 1out of 10 for herpes test.

Good luck
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Hi Grace

How are you? I'm here after 3 months. I had blood test done on 7th march 2011, the results are
  Herpes Simplex Virus IgG Ab I- Negative.(It was postive on 4th Oct 2010 test)
  Herpes Simplex Virus IgG Ab II-Negative.
When I asked Doc about my previous Postive HSV 1 he said at that time my Antibody might have in higher level so its given postive. Is it possible that the antibody goes down in a period? I dont think so as per my awarness, please help me.. Now totally confused I dont know which one is false results!!!!!!! I'm thinking to re test again.

  Chlamydia PCR-Negative
  GC-PCR- Negatvie

3. Syphilis total AB EIA- Non reactive.
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Hi Petal130
I do respect her request and following. My question is there any mistake/wrong in above given ref range, I just want to know. I agree that I dont have training to do it.
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897535 tn?1295206435
It doesn't matter. Grace asks no more than that others do not interpret test results. Respect her request.

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Hi Grace
I'm sorry for that.
The following test ref range which I found in STD forum asked to Dr H. Hunter Handsfield, I thought this is right and I posted to others

HSV Type I IgG Antibody:(Negative: less than 0.90
                                Equivocal: bet 0.91 and 1.09
                                Low positive: bet 1.10 and 2.87
                                Mild positive: bet 2.88 and 4.34
                                High positive: above 4.35)

HSV Type II IgG Antibody:(Negative: less than 0.90
                                Equivocal: bet 0.91 and 1.09
                                Low positive: bet 1.10 and 1.54
                                Mild positive: bet 1.55 and 3.09
                                High positive: above 3.10)


I do understand brands may have different test ref range. Could you give the porper/averge/most accepted test ref range so I dont make the same mistake again/ misunderstood? Please help me to educated myself.
Thanks in advance
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101028 tn?1419603004
you aren't even giving the correct testing ranges.
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Thanks for your reply. I'm very much sure that I'm not commenting others test results after you asked me not to do, I gave the ref range of test only to others thinking that I'm trying to support the posters. Correct if I were wrong.
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101028 tn?1419603004
hepatitis questions belong on the hepatitis forum.

1. no way to know or not unless you get an obvious cold sore.  if you tested + for hsv1 on the blood 1 month into things no way to know if you have hsv1 genitally or not.

2. you aren't likely to contract hsv1 orally if you have it genitally.

3. no reason for protected oral in this situation ( or even protected genital sex if both partners have hsv1 )

4. you do not need tested for ebvca.  

really nothing else I can do to help you unless you get a hsv2 igg + result on your follow up testing or a + hsv1 lesion culture from a recurrence of genital symptoms. visual diagnosis of herpes is wrong 1/3 of the time so at this time you can't even assume you have genital herpes.  

also I've asked you previously not to try to interpret other posters herpes blood test results but you still are doing it. You aren't educated in how to do it and frankly I'm tired of correcting your comments on blood tests as often as I have to. Please just be supportive to posters and not try to interpret their test results. thank you.

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Hi Grace
I thought of taking hepatitis A vaccine tommorow but I just reread my result which did on 18th oct possible encounter was 11th sept.
1. Hep C Ab ( Anti-HCV IgG) - negative
2. Hep A Igm ( Anti-HAV IgM)- negative

I found this from:http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Herpes/Genital-herpes/show/1348886?personal_page_id=1791529#post_6262842

IgM anti-HAV antibodies indicate a recent infection with hepatitis A virus. IgM anti-HAV antibodies generally can be detected in the blood as early as 2 weeks after the initial HAV infection. These antibodies disappear from the blood 3 to 12 months after the infection.

IgG anti-HAV antibodies mean that you have had a hepatitis A viral infection. About 8 to 12 weeks after the initial infection with hepatitis A virus, IgG anti-HAV antibodies appear and remain in the blood for lifelong protection (immunity) against HAV.

If I have had infected by this A virus in past before 11th sept encounter and IGM test doesnt found the virus, should I take IGG test for hepatitis A? though this virus likely not pass on sex( some article says low risk by sex) My I last partner positive for hepatitis A ( just came to know 2 days before) I think I had the all symptoms exculde Jaundice but I was unaware of this virus. Can I post this in Hepatitis Forum? for more response.
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Few days ago only I came to know that the last person I had sex has Herpes virus 1 he had cold sore in childhood. Now I know from whom I got it this Herpes 1 and he said that he compeletly unaware this virus can pass on without any outbreak, its question me to trust him or not, whether he has been selfish to me. Ok Its my concern to deal with him.  

Grace could you help me out these questions?

1. I dont had/have any symptoms on mouth/face( We kissed each other while sexual active) but still might I have infectcion on face/mouth? (possible right)

2. I do know that once a person infected by this virus you cant get infected again but How about the location?( I had sore on genital area, Swab test was negative and IGG test positive for virus 1) If I kisses this person (romantic) is it posible get infect on facae/mouth?

3. Lets say we both are positive for virus1, can we have unprotected oral sex( I had sore on penis head- swab results are negative and inconculsive because I went after 5 days. He dont have any symptoms an genital or face).

4. In another post you said that EBVCA test show the past infection if its I like to consider to take EBVCA. Can you tell me what this test for/purpose/why.
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101028 tn?1419603004
I don't believe that they will do one from a specimen from another country.

I'd look online for a local herpes group in your area and find out what confirmatory options are in your area.  

Honestly it's not unusual that you are hsv1+. No blood test will tell you where it's located. really not any reason for additional testing with blood tests.

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As I don't know my test numberic value I'll test with someother clinic after 3 months, there is no westrn blot herpes test available in SIngapore. Is there any other way to take westrn blot test?
This may doesn't make sense but I just to know, possible to order western blot kit from University of washington.( I live in Singapore, I think the specimen has to reach them a over night) http://depts.washington.edu/rspvirus/herpes.htm
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I understand that its very hard to find whether I have herpes 1 on my genital area or not unless if get recurrence sore.
I just came  from clinic, Doc said coccobacilli is normal bacteria and no need of treatment.

Description: Gram stain(Urethral smear)
Report Details: Urethral smear

Pus cells:0-4  Epithelial cells:0-4 per hpf
fewgram                     +ve                       coccobacilli
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101028 tn?1419603004
no way to know if it's new or old infection 1 month into things.

if you get a recurrence of genital symptoms you can get them cultured again and typed to see if they are hsv1. Otherwise not too much you can do to figure out if your hsv1 is oral or genital if you can't recall a history of cold sores ever.
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I forgot to mention that He didn't give oral medicines! Please advice me
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Today I got the bad news
1. Herpes virus IGG Ab I-positive
2. Herpres virus IGG Ab II- Negative
Tested on 4th Oct( 4th week after exposure) I did ask the Doc about numberic value but they un able to provide. Left no choice now!  Can I assume this old infection? I need to find some other clinic where I can get numberic value.
As I have other symptoms they did penis skin Scarpe and urine test and I also asked them to test for Hep A,C IGG.

Doc  gave B Braun(0.9% sodium chloride Injection B.P(mini-Plasco) asked me to clean my penis with this and apply " Biotine ointment(Teracycline hydrochiloride 3.0%).

My doc said my urine and scarpe test was normal but after I collect my result copy I found one of my result says

Description: Gram stain(Urethral smear)
Report Details: Urethral smear

Pus cells:0-4  Epithelial cells:0-4 per hpf
few                                  gram                     +ve                       coccobacilli

Is it says positive?. I'm going to call the clinic tommorow about this test. I can't understand what its says. Help me
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Ok then I'll test again after 6 weeks for syphilis RPR. I was tested negative for hepatitis B So what should I now?
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101028 tn?1419603004
yes you should retest for syphilis later on. the majority of people will test accurately for syphilis by 6 weeks post encounter hence why we recommend it then.

you need to wait 3m onths for hsv igg blood testing. 8 weeks is still too early.

unless you were tested for hepatitis, it's not going to be reflected in other std testing.
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Hi Grace
I found this:
Syphilis: The chancre characteristic of the first stage of syphilis appears, on average, twenty one days after infection, but may appear any time between 10 to 90 days after exposure to the bacterium.

You said in other post: You need to wait 6 weeks post encounter for syphilis and 3 months for hiv and hsv testing.

I have doubt.My test RPR screening was negative on 20th sept(exposure on 10th sept). I don't think my test consists of microsope test for Syphills bacterium.

If I infected by syphills, the symptoms appeared in 10 to 21 days after infection and I got negative RPR on 10th day. Can I test RPR again? I dont mind to have Syphills but  not herpes! advice me.
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My doc said 8 weeks is enough to get test for IGG! How accuracy in 8 weeks?
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Thanks Grace.
What you mean by " If I were at high risk for hepatitis"? If i have hepatitis virus shouldn't it show in blood test?

I'm thinking to take all the test again after 4 month is sufficient period? Now I had taken Hepatitis vaccince.
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101028 tn?1419603004
your chlamydia and gonorrhea testing was fine at 10 days.

hepatitis if you were at high risk would need repeated later on.

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Popular Resources
Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.