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I'm feeling terrible, I usually have quite low bloo pressure but now it's high

I usually have quite low blood pressure. systolic is usually 70-85
Diastolic 50-65 its even been in the low 40’s.

Recently I've been exhausted, nauseous, confused, severe headaches, forgetful and usually it starts around 1 pm every day. RAndomly I took my blood pressure a few weeks ago it was 143/89  I've started to check it more often, and my systolic is always between 128-148 and diastolic usually 75-110 (I haven't been paying as much attention to this one)

I feel so ill the last few months. I got bloods done last month, and my foliate was low I'm taking supplements now, but it hasn't helped how I feel.... Any ideas? I'm continually feeling ill I seem to be at the doctors everymonth... Also, I've severe endometriosis I don't know if this is linked in any way.
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