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Did a bat bite me? If not, what is this lesion?

I saw something black on my screen door on Sunday night but it was too dark to make out what it was. I was preoccupied carrying something heavy at the time so I brushed it off. When I went inside, I noticed this lesion on my back: https://imgur.com/pHUyurD

Does this look like a bat bite? If not, what could it be?
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If you are in a country that has a lot of bats or rabies I would see the doctor. The photo could be a bite. It is hard to tell when you are not "in person".  Did it have access to the house? Or how could it have bit you? If you have any doubts see a doctor.
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I live in New Orleans, Louisiana. Bats are the main vectors of rabies here. I did not see anything fly into the house.
Also did not feel anything bite me but my local state health dpt rep told me that we have very small species of bats here.
I think I would check with a doctor to see if they want to vaccinate. If you are 100% sure it didn't get in the house then that is good. But then you have a suspicious looking wound. Often you don't even know when you have been bitten by a bat. So, I would talk to a doctor to make sure you are safe.
Talked to the health dpt today, said I would have felt a bite and that I shouldn't need to get the shots. It wasn't really the answer I was looking for or expecting.
You don't always feel a bat bite. Usually you do. But there have been cases when you don't. But those were when the person was sleeping.  I don't know maybe get a second opinion with a doctor instead of health department if you can. If they say it is okay then I would go with that.
I wish the healthcare "professionals" in my city had the same common sense as you. If my GP doesn't tell me anything useful, I'm going to just get the shots. It's already going to have been 8 days by the time I see my doctor and I don't want to prolong the treatment any longer.
Well, I would say you had no exposure, but then you had a thing that looks like a bite. So what is it? So I hate to have you go through that. All I can say
is if you know it was a bat and it couldn't get inside the house then you had no exposure.  If you think it was a bat for sure and don't know and you have a bite
on you it is fishy. So, I don't know what to say.  Obviously, it is weird. Right?
Also, it is up to the doctors to decide if you were exposed. Maybe see an infectious disease doctor or get a referral to a doctor you trust. Yes it has been a long time already.
take care,
Yo dont gwt a bat vacxination thats not from a bat
Unfortunately ive been having several identical looking marks/scabs.. Im afraid whatever it is is either bacteria or fungal infection or parasites or something of that nature that we are getting from bug bites or stings.. What im suspecting are small mosquito looking flys.. Either super tiny wasps or something of that nature ... I havent difured it out yet but doctor s seem to be of no help
Whatever it is its very difficult and not common so doctors in los angelesarent familiar with it
If you check yourself out youll see a whole lot of shiny particles..on your skin.. Sometimes they look like white worms.. Like in that picture to the left you can see one... If u can see what im talking about then u will be able to spot a ton more on your body esp near scabs n stuff.. If not then i cant help
These things can be on your hair too or look like hair.. Only diff is they have spear shaped heads with a dot in it that looks like an eye.. And usually the marks look like a few of thwm put together always making what looks like 2 or 3 dots.. Sometimes looks like a smiley face..
I left a photo of one on my arm.. The shape of the scabs can be the shape of a bug sometimes... And you can see a face that almost looks like that of a gecko or something weird like that.. Very hard to explain.. Easier to point out i guess
So if you look at your "hair" they dont look like normal hair sometimes.. Look at the hair to the left of it. Doesnt it look similar to the shape of the scab? And above it is the white stuff i was talking about. Same stuff directly on top of the scab. Then look at the hair above the scab. You need to zoom in to be able to see all this but notice the scab had 3 dark red shapes inside of it very similar to one another and notice the dark dots usually in a pair or in 3s and youll also see similar looking shapes all over your skin. Have you gottwn the creepy crawly sensation under your skin yet. I get that feeling especially down my spine far too often especially at night. Also Do you use your ac alot? Have you noticed an increase in mold or black spots around the house?
No to all of your questions in the above post. I did talk to my doctor today and he said I was indeed bitten by something but he didnt know what. I'm thinking I'll just get the shots just for peace of mind at this point.
I agree you were bitten by something. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=1ZTD7ONl&id=EC13378EBBCAD5C152D885AD52CED6171698D727&thid=OIP.1ZTD7ONl1P0qvEJRh5e41QHaE0&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2f1.bp.blogspot.com%2f-utboIgTa_O4%2fVB455TjNVQI%2fAAAAAAAAD30%2f7AZYIAi7OBY%2fs1600%2fP9200019.JPG&exph=1041&expw=1600&q=bat+bite+photos+on+humans&simid=608045819618067294&selectedIndex=3&ajaxhist=0
This is a photo of a bat bite. It looks a lot like yours. So glad you are getting the injections. Although some of the bites look larger.
I guess you will have to err on the side of caution.  Sorry.
got my 1st round of shots on Monday. I have to go back tomorrow and two more times following that. They chose not to inject the HRIG into my wound because it was near my spinal so I got the HRIG in my right deltoid and the vaccine in my left
Sorry you had to go through that. Did it hurt a lot? Do you have any more shots? I guess try to make sure your house is closed off so no bats or other animals like rats can get into the house. You can have a professional seal off areas in the house. It may cost a lot though.  Take care.
2/4 vaccine shots taken, 1 HRIG, 2 more vaccine injections left. The shots didnt hurt, just left me sore for a day. No sides
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