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Tuberculosis test

About 8-9 years ,Spine specialist diagnosed Tuberclauses of lower spine, at that time treatment was not started.
Now doctor thinks that he want to rule our Tuberclauses at this stage- keeping in view present symptoms-
Growth hormones deficiency, Micro haematuria, obs sleep apnea,thyroid hypo, diabetics, hypertension,lymph nodes comes and goes ,
What is expected for TB positive?
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Well, you should see it in the Xray but a CT scan or MRI are much more sensitive to see than an Xray. So those would pick  up more things than the Xray. That is why I wonder what is going on? Did a different doctor order that test? If so I would talk to that doctor about getting a Quantiferon gold test if that is negative then I wonder about a biopsy. So, that is the direction I am thinking.
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See last posts. I also was reading about your hormones especially the LH, TSH, and FSH. So, I will explain this but I have a direct question for you and I want you to be very honest please. Do you have a eating disorder. I mean do you or have you been binging, purging, using laxatives, self starvation or any other means to try to lose weight after excessive food intake? If you have obviously this is not good for your health but It would explain why your hormones are off. This would make these three hormones above be low. You can message me if you don't want to talk on here about it. Now that I have said that what happens in general with these hormones is the LH hormone is produced in the Pituitary and works together with the FSH in Males and in the testes produces testosterone. The hypothalamus and the pituitary in the brain work together to control the amount of testosterone. If it is low or high along with a hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH is released by the hypothalamus in the brain and stimulates the pituitary to release LH. This increases testosterone. It works in a feedback loop. The normal range in men is 1.8-8.6 IU/L depending on the lab.  Diseases with low LH secretions are:
1. Kallman Syndrome-hypogonadism (small testes).
2. Hypothalamic supprosion
3. Hypopituitarism (can be caused by a birth problem and there are markers to check for this).
4. Eating disorder-Excessive eating-then food purging, etc.
5. Hypoprolacactinemia.
So, this won't explain the lung problems etc. that is a different issue. I think we need to talk about this.
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What did you think of my post on 12-20-13?
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Happy New Year to you too! Regarding the obesity. I recommend the McDougall lifestyle change. Why don't you try this first before going the lap band type of thing? Check out his website. It has recipes you can try a 10 day start plan. You can read the testimonials. Many people have lost lots of weight and have been obese and have gone down  to 150 or 120 from 300 lbs. It is not a fad diet. But you have to be serious about change. It will also make you more healthy. I have to think more about the rest of what you said. I think the article is probably right that you need to lose weight before you can reliably test the GH. So far that is my suggestion. I'll have to read more about what we have discussed. There is so much data!
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Happy New Year, may New Year bring good health and Prosperity to you.
In your opinion  does Endocrinologist is correct in ordered two stimulation tests which carry quite high levels of risks in obese patients then after getting reports blaming obesity,?
As she said this is not hypothyroidism, does she is correct? I have low on TSH and Testos with low on growth hormones and cortisol comes low in general blood work done in lab other tan stimulation testing and also come low in glucagon stimulation test , high on FSH,LH,Prolactin,
for obesity which may or may not be due to severe growth hormone deficiency may have some other reasons?
It is available in psychedelia that when no tumor is find in MRI then other testing like Ferritin and other tests should be done, but here doctors are working on double standards.
In more  please guide for Lap Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB) surgery for obesity.
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I can only get the abstract part of the paper which seems to imply that obesity gives a false positive result so you shouldn't test for it if you are obese. The false positive meaning that you are positive for growth hormone deficiency.  But that if you lose weight to get out of the obese weight range then they are implying that you can then test for the growth hormone at that time and it will be accurate. So, perhaps weight is throwing off your growth hormone and the result you have isn't accurate. According to the endocrinologist they said your pituitary was normal. So you wouldn't want to get treated until you lost weight and retested according to this paper.
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OK, I will try to see if I can get it.
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Now Endocrinologist came out with one paper - Approach to testing hormone GH secretion in obese subjects- PMID number 23650336(Pubmed-Indexed for Medline) Author- POPOVIC V.
It said that Endocrinologist should only go for stimulation test in case he/she find from physical examination,clinical and other tests in case she accepts that she will treat in case there is deficiency of GH, you can find this paper, you will better understand language.  
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See last couple of posts.
So these are what I think so far.
1.try to change your diet to the McDougall Diet and see what happens. Read about it anyway.
2. Get the Quantiferon Gold test.
3. regarding hormones. you can get the ferritin test done if too high it can interfere with the testosterone production. TB also affect Testosterone production. Obesity lowers hormones.
4. High FSH and LH can be failure of testicular function. See Urologist?
5. I ran into Sarcoidosis. It can be temporary or Chronic but goes away on its own or sometimes you need treatment. I wouldn't go with  steroids. Sarcoidosis is a chronic inflammatory disease can affect many organs. It can cause swollen lymph nodes and cause parenchyma of the lung, and increases prolactin. Some of the symptoms are dry cough, rashes, fibrosis of lung, heart problems, fatigue, lack of energy, shortness of breath, etc. . I don't know if you have this but you have some of the symptoms.You could see a pulmonologist. I would get the TB skin test first.

It is an idea. I don't know if it is what you have at all. But some of it fits. Let  me know what you think about all of this.

By the way the TSH involved in the pituitary, it is made in the Thyroid but the brain (pituitary) also regulates it. I don't know why that doctor said that the pituitary has nothing to do with it. My doctor told me that my brain had to catch up with my thyroid meds. Duh.
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ps. I don't want to say it is a diet as in you are hungry all the time. It is a change I the kinds of food you eat.
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See last post.
The diabetes type II, sleep apnea, hypertension, Cholesterol, can all be helped a lot by diet. That is why I think you should try the Mcdougall life style change diet. Dr. McDougall says you can reverse the type II diabetes and atheroschlerosis and cholesterol with his diet. I believe this is so going by our results.  It is worth trying. We have been on the diet for two years now. That would probably eventually get you off the Metformin. But it does take a while. I still think you should get the Quantiferon gold test to rule that out. If it is negative then follow up with the nodule in your lung in about 6 months to see if it has changed. I don't know how many months would be significant time but that is a guess. The next thing is figuring out why the other hormones are off.
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I am surprised that she didn't give you much direction at all. I agree that the thyroid controls the TSH level. But she didn't give any reason for the other hormones being off. I mean that is fine that the headache is from low growth hormone. But, what is the cause? Isn't that what you went to her for? The asymmetry can be normal. It stated on the MRI that it was in normal range but there is something going on or you wouldn't have all these problems. Are they going to treat you for the low T? The reason I mentioned the TSH regarding the pituitary is that when all of your hormones are off it points towards a problem with the pituitary not that the TSH is involved in the pituitary in this case. But that's ok. I can look for that article and give it to you to read. It was a PubMed article. Kind of research based but a good source of info. If you are willing to change your diet to a whole plant based no oil no meat you can lose weight. But it is a lifestyle change. Generally, exercise always helps but I think you would still lose weight. If you want to try this I can give you a link. You have to switch from no dairy no meat to whole grains and veggies and no oils. It isn't easy but you get used to it. My husband and I are on this diet. There are lot of people on this diet. You can read their testimonials. There is also a video you can buy or watch on Netflix if you have it called Forks over Knives. The Books is Called the Starch Solution by Dr. McDougall, and his website is www.drmcdougall.com it has free recipes a 10 diet start and a free discussion board etc. We got on this diet because my husband couldn't lose weight and he was 210 and he lost 30 pounds and his cholesterol was 200 and it went down to 160. So, we have done well on it. But anyway. I am going to list all the stuff you told me and write it down and take a look. I don't know if I can help but I'll give it another try or at least try to direct you to someone.
take care,
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Today appointment done with Endocrinologist, she came out with opinion that pituitary is ok and fine, she is not ready to do any of further assessment like dynamic MR or Genetic test,.
She accept that it may have tiny stuff in pituitary but without any decision. She ruled out that obesity/center weight has any link with low growth hormones at all. she is after to reduce weight, confused that how to reduce weight? non tolerance to exercise. I explained to her that in case MRI comes out with no tumor then you should do further testing like ferritin and genetic test,.
She explained that TSH is not hormone of pituitary at all. for low TSH, does such opinion is worth to accept or not.  she told that because I am taking synthyroid ,it is ok. does this can accept.
Only opinion she explained is worth to accept that due to low testosterone ,my prolactin and FSH goes high , for high LH she told she is not worried for this, for cortisol low and DHEAS low she does not have any clue.
She ruled out reason of center headache is of low growth hormones   does this is worth to believe.
Please guide with your knowledge ,I know you can do.
She told that asymmetry of pituitary is normal,
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It sounds like whatever is occurring regulates the sex hormones, thyroid and insulin hormone etc. And, it could still be related to the function of the pituitary. I read about an article where a veinous blockage affected the pituitary function which was effectively treated but they didn't say how. It was not a tumor or that sort of thing. This was rare though so I don't know how likely this is. This is beyond my scope of understanding. Hopefully, the endocrinologist can explain it to you.
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From what I see overall the result looks good. There is no tumor present. I am not sure about what the asymmetry means but they did say it was in normal limits for your age.
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MRI got released,.family doctor is waiting for endocrinologist findings, see if you can read details of report.


Family doctor explains that he will wait for Endocrinologist ,after that he can refer me to Pituitary specialist, he was explaining some like that pituitary has changed his shape, I dont know what is this ? you can guide
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Thanks, Can you guide for- My Testosterone,DHEA-S, free Androgen Index were low, Prolactin and FSH both are high -2% high then higher range.You already have details for critical low  Growth hormones   what may be underlying cause
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Ok, I will try to see results later. If not in the morning. The Red Dysmorphic red blood cells are still a bit under research, but they seem to say if you have >17% of the total number of red blood cells in the urine sediment then you may have some renal problems or > 2000/mL.  Well, you have a complicated case. I think a lot is going on. Good to ask a lot of questions to your doctors. Make a list.
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No MRI with contrast,will post latest blood work numbers in 2 hours, Nephrologist noted Red Dymorphic red blood cells, but he did not proceed further. Put me on Candesartan 8 mg, You carry super knowledge, God Gift, Our best wishes
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Good question. Since you are diabetic. How has your kidney function been? Have you had your Blood BUN and creatinine done lately? Was it normal? Usually, you wouldn't have a problem as long as you don't have renal failure or acute or chronic renal failure. The few red cells in your urine that were from the haematuria micro are not showing that severe but it would be better to see the  other tests above and a urine creatinine clearance test.  Don't the doctors tell you how your kidneys are doing? I would ask them. Tell them you are getting this MRI done with Gadolinium and you want to know if it is safe based on having diabetes and your haematuria micro results. Also, have you ever been allergic to it or anything like it? Ever had an MRI with contrast?
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Yes, waiting for report call. What do you that patient with haematuria micro carry any potential risk of Gadolinium contrast injected during MRI?
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I guess they want to be able to see more. Hope all goes well.
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MRI done in two seating- with Gadolinium, will update you with report.
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Thanks, ok
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