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Who has burning sensations?

I am curious as to how many of us have or have had burning sensations.  This can also include tingling and other sensations like numb feelings, cold sensations etc....
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Hi all..was diagnosed with lymes 3 month ago and was given doxy for 2 weeks. My doctor said test results didnt give her much of a clue weather it was lymes or not but she diagnosed lymes with the bulls eye rash. My question is 2 months on i still feel dodgy with a burning sensation below my breast bone and dull eyes...could i still have lymes? My doctor said its in my head and 2 weeks doxy would have delt with lymes.
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Your description is me to a tee.  I was also told I have no neurologic problems.
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237053 tn?1258828426
Yes... I have numbness in feet.  I also get tingling in my arms/hands.  The numbness isn't completely numb either.  It is just an altered sensation (very hard to explain) cause I can feel it, but it's like my legs/feet aren't mine!  I also get the feeling of cold water running down my legs and occasionally on my face.  I have not yet been dx'd but find realize we all have a lot of neuro. problems.   However my neuro, told me I have no neuro disorders or problems!!    I too have been tested for MS twice... all tests normal... Am very anxious to find out what my lymes test reveals!
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I have been on doxy 200mg every 12 hours since december 20th 2008.  I am seeing an infectous disease dr who goes by ilads and not cdc for fighting this late stage lymes.  I was terribley ill and off work for 5+ weeks in dec of 2006.  Mri's , western blots, cardiogram, thyroid, etc was all checked along with mental and neuro specialist nothing but a quircky tsh of my thyroid, had to stop my levothyroxin to function part time at work again.  I wish I knew then what I knew now.  I begged to see an infectous disease dr as I could not afford one not covered by ins.  I spent alot for money for specialist to tell me something is wrong with me physically, but not what I was sent for at the time and it was up to my primary md to figure that out with tests.  The primary asked (since I work in  the medical field, I suppose) what I thought it was.  I said it has to be lymes.  So after a neg IGENEX test in june 2008, but I had + and ind bands where it mattered, the md sent me a refferal to a infectous disease dr and told me to wait to get in to him because he was the most aggresive at therapy.  So I did. At the the ID dr request another Igenex test was done in sept 2008.  Now since the time this all began I never was on anything but thyroid meds and of course a couple diff antidepresents to help with coping with the thought that I thought I had some terrrible disease.  Now off of zoloft since seeing 2 pyscologist, and their diagnosis was, "FIND a MD who will listen to you, there is something physically wrong NOT MENTALLY"  THANK GOD, I wasn't crazy or was I??? 2 years of the crazy fight yes I feel sick, DR's say well you look fine on blood tests.  SO back to my diagnosis, In december I started my fight with this disease that is so complex.  I wish I could find the right cure or answers to put an end to the maddness. What about you what is your story? I'm pretty new to this site. Since jan 2009.  But have found that what people talk about is important to our road to health.  It has helped me not to stop my anibiotics (herx every 28 days about, almost didn't make it through the first one, WOW is all I can say) but that was all my ID dr. had to hear and he said they (lymes) were running GOOD!   I see the ID dr this week and hope he doesn't say IV or he's done with me.  I would like to try flagyl and maybe some ceftin to change the battle before we start the IV's.  I would like to avoid the dangers and cost with that route.
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How long have you been on doxy?
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How long do I need to stay on doxy 200mg  twice daily before my head clears up and I stop feeling light headed?  Or should I be switched to a different antibiotic, as I have seemed to hit a plato in the last 2 weeks (lots of stress lately, I know that is bad for me to heal) Can the doxy stop working? I go to the Infectous disease dr again in a few weeks so would like some feed back.  He seems to think IV's are best for the brain clearing up, however It is a 85% chance and very $$$$$$, even with ins, GULP. Flagyl sound like the cure all for cycst.  The dr said in the medical world there is no proven text that it works like the antibiotics do.   I would love to hear how to approach this with my dr at the next visit. Thanks for all the info.  
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