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Did I contract mycoplasma genitalium or some other infection?

I'm a 40 year old male. In November of last year I made the mistake of receiving oral sex with a condom from a sex worker. She stroked my shaft and also rubbed the space between my scrotum and anus. Later that evening without a shower, I masturbated with anal play, using a condom covered handle of a large wooden spoon to try to stimulate my prostate. The following evening I began feeling pain in my left testicle. I had gonorrhea in the past and remembered the sensation was similar. I immediately went to the pharmacy, and took 500g of Cipro and 2g of Azythromycin. (I live in a developing country with poor medical services and easy access to antibiotics) The pain subsided for a day but retuned. I then took a 1g IM shot of ceftriaxone. I also found a lab to test for Chlaydia and Gonorrhea. Results came up negative.  Then I was concerned that it was an anal infection and would not come up in the uretha swab. I took 10 days of 100g of doxycycline for 10 days.  No change. Since only the Azythromycin relieved the symptoms, I switch back to that for 10 days. Then I read that Azythromycin. The pain retuned after I stopped the medication. Finally I decided to trust a urologist here as I started having pain in my kidneys and bladder. He said I have a UTI and treated me with 12 days of cefixme, I think it was and sent me for an ultrasound of my kidneys and bladder and a urinalysis and urine culture.  The ultrasound doctor looked at my prostate and noted sequalea from a previous infection. Also that I was not emptying my bladder when I peed.Kidneys looked fine. No pathogens isolated in the culture, but mixed bacteria and lymphocytes in the urinalysis. The urologist then started me on three months of Bactrim DS once a day. I don't trust the medical services here. The urologist never examined my prostate and never gave me an official diagnosis for what I think is acute or chronic bacterial prostatitis. Shouldn't I be taking this medication twice a day? I know I'm not that young, but aren't I too young for prostate issues?  Is it possible that I contracted mycoplasm from the sex worker by having her saliva on my perenium for a few hours then unwittingly pushing that into my anus? If not, did I trigger some sort of prostatitis by trying anal play? I am about 12 days into the three month treatment and feel some relief, but symptoms are worse at night. Can I pass on an infection toy partner?
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD.
Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated.
Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious.
Get the facts about this disease that affects more than 240,000 men each year.