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Can't keep eyes open but I am not tired!

for about 6 months, I started having difficulty keeping my right eye open and was squinted so badly and holding my eye open to try and drive. I went to several eye specialist and now I have a neurologists who takes care of my migraines but he thinks that have sleep apena. I am not tired and I do sleep to where I have no trouble sleeping> I just can't keep my eyes open and I have to make noises with my mouth or sing loudly to keep my eyes from shutting all the way down especially when I am driving.. I even walk and talk at work and home with my eyes completely shut. I am very scared of wrecking or hurting myself. I already hit my head by running into the corner of a walll. I even ran into a woman walking with my eyes shut. What is going on?? I don't think I have Benign Essential B.. eye problem either. spasms of the lids?!?? the eye told me!! Something is wrong. but what?
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I also have the same problem that started about 7 months ago, I recently saw a neurologists to rule out Myasthenia Gravis (he more or less said it was in my head), my GP ordered a cat scan and ecg and chest xray, all was clear except the chest xray that found a partial collapsed lung, now I am on a 9 month waiting list with the local hospital out patients to be tested for sleep apnea even though I think I sleep well.
holding your eyes open with your fingers while driving (like I also do) can be dangerouse, but I see no other way as I have no one to rely on to take me to appointments and shopping, it is also affecting my volunteer job to which Im on the verge of giving up.
I hope there is some way to find a reason and cure for this pest of a thing!!
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I am having similar problems, mine just started almost 2 weeks ago. I first was told I had pink eye. I have been taking my medicine and doing everything they told me to do. At first my eye started getting better. That following Monday when I went back to work, (Coz I stayed home for three days) my eyes kept feeling like they wanted to close like you feel when your tired and fighting your sleep. I wasn't tired at all. Plus the light affects my eyes as well. I do better in the dark. I am going back to the Dr. Today I want answers! Dont just say it's pink eye and send me away. This is affecting both my eyes, but more so on the left eye. It is also affecting my ability to work.
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Your situation sounds very similar to mine. I am only 23 and was recently told I have dry eyes and high astigmatism. Since then my eyes have given me nothing but problems.  Even typing this I'm doing it with my eyes closed. Light hurts them. The only place I find relief is in the shower. I can manage to keep my eyes open the entire time. I am constantly putting drops in my eyes, but nothing is helping. The past two days I have struggled with keeping my eyes open so I can go work and the struggle leaves my entire face muscles weak by the end of the day. I drive to work with my eyes half open, which is very dangerous, but I can't just quit my job! My family thinks I'm crazy and making this up, I can tell, so I've just quit trying to tell them what is wrong and what bothers me. Its really taking a toll on me emotionally as well bc I work a job as a teller so I work with people face to face everyday, and I can tell when people are looking at me like I'm a drug addict because I can barely hold my eyes open to assist them! It is very embarrassing. I do not have narcolepsy and I get plenty of sleep at night (I usually go to bed by 9:30 and get up a little before 6). I don't feel sleepy, I just can't keep my eyes open. :(
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I blink a lot when having face to face conversation unless I'm talking. But listening, I constantly blink or just keep them closed
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Hello. I am suffering from almost the same exact thing for years. I AM DESPERATE for some help. It is affecting my entire life. I too close my eyes while doing dishes and walking. It feels horrible. I feel like I have to lay down and close my eyes most of the day but I can't because I have school and a daughter. I am 34 years old. I have done a sleep study to rule out narcolepsy, I have a brain EEG, everything was normal. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE!!!!! At first they thought maybe depression. Anti-depressants didn't help. Before sleep study my doctor put me on provigil and when that didn't work, ritalin. that has not worked either.
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Almost 6 years of struggling to keep my eyes open.  Began I thought when I hurt my back but Dr said no relation.  Got worse I thought when husbands snoring became unbearable.  Or maybe it was due to stopping allergy injections?  Saw a couple of eye dr and they think I have dry eyes.  No vision probs.  And my eyes tear and eye drops do nothing.  I am tempting to self diagnose with PTS disorder because I feel it is sorta stress related but also fatigue related.  I sleep lots, more and more to try to cure but to no avail.  I began to take allergy shots one year ago but no help.  I shut my eyes 24:7 whenever I can.  The one room my eyes are fine in is the bathroom (no air blowing?  humid?)  When it happens I feel I can go RIGHT back to bed and fall asleep in a flash.  So dispaired for so long and no one (had mri and blood test) can figure it out!!!
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i am having the same problem i cannot keep my eyes open it helps if i keep my right eye shut then i can just about get around but i run alot and end up running into things or tripping over .  The opthalmologist suggest the same thing botox and surgery but i don't believe it is a mechanical problem i think it it brain inspired like it just can't cope with visual info any more
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