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1268537 tn?1323629489

Seziers from Migraines?

I have been trying to find a way to post this for a little while now, I've actually sat down and written it up at least three times but I keep deleting it. So I'm just going to write it down as quickly as I can and post it before I decide it's pointless again. I'm sure I'll feel better if I just do so.

So here's the deal: I am a 23 year old mother of 1 17 month old. I have had migraines since I was 12. I never officially  had them diagnosed though but there is a strong family history of them and there was no mistaking the aura and the likes. Plus it never really affected my life too much. I went to public school and only had to go home twice because I had a migraine during the day and missed a handful of social events from migraines at night. They've followed the same pattern from night one: an aura starts showing up one-two hours before the pain consisting of subtly pulsing lights, the feeling like all sound is coming from a great distance, nausea, and lastly I see a purple horseshoe float across my vision from left to right - I can almost set a clock by how soon the pain will start after that damned horseshoe. When the pain starts I become incredibly photo-phobic (I am already a bit so on a regular basis) and I can't stand any sound or moving at all. The pain is moderate, centred just above and behind my eyes on both sides, and easily controlled by a couple of over the counter meds, and half the time I never took anything any ways, and if I can lay down right when I start noticing the aura I can usually get to sleep and stay asleep through the worst of the pain. Plus they rarely last more than 6 hours and often last as little as 4 hours. I feel drained and kind of hungover the rest of the day but all in all they've never been half as debilitating as my mother's whom I remember giving shots and being in bed for days with the pain.

I was in a bad roll-over car crash about 6 years ago which did result in a bleed. They never found the source of the bleed but as it did stop on it's own they didn't do anything about it anyway. However while I did have near constant low-level headaches my migraines actually stayed the same. Still roughly twice a month with the same aura except the addition of some vision distortion, and while they were a little sharper they still lasted the same amount of time.

Then around Christmas time I noticed there started a subtle shifting in the pattern. I went to my doctor because I started having 5+ a week with some lasting up to 12 hours in length and they were a lot stronger with more prominent auras which were almost more debilitating than the pain. I also started having the silent ones with no pain but so much pressure I thought my head would explode on a few occasions. I was put on Maxalt as a stop gap while they ran tests to find out what was going on but I had a horribly bad reaction to it and was nearly hospitalized. So it is now in my medical file to never put me on any medication in that family again.

Out of nowhere I started having these sudden migraines with no warning. For example: one day I was feeling pretty good and was walking into the kitchen to get my daughter a bottle and found myself screaming on the floor almost before I knew what was happening. I really felt like someone came at me with a sledge hammer and then what light was on in the room felt like it was stabbing me in the eyeballs with red-hot pokers. The pain receded enough for me to think pretty quickly but it continued for a while yet. I also started having what I assumed were cluster migraines? They would come on and last 1-2 hours then would disappear for an hour or so only to return with more pain than before. Sometimes it would only last for 3 repetitions and sometimes it would go on all day.

Then it just suddenly stopped. About a month ago I just suddenly stopped having the migraines, went a whole week with no headache at all! BUT I started having a bad back ache in my lower back. A stabbing/burning/pulling pain that goes from my tail-bone to just under my ribs. Sometimes the pain is so bad I almost can't breathe, and I can't stand straight nor can I lift anything. My daughter has been spending more time at my parents house than with me because I simply cannot take care of her. Even where their is no pain there is so much pressure and I'm so stiff that I can't do any house work, physically cannot do it. With this I did notice I'd have a horribly stiff neck and when I told my doctor about it I confessed that the stiff pressure in my neck extended up into my head and he thought that this all was connected to my migraines.

About two weeks ago I woke up because of a wet sensation spreading on my chest and found that I had lost bladder control and had absolutely no feeling at all from my stomach down. It was also the first time since it started that there was no pain in my back either. A few minutes later I regained feeling but I was very weak. It happened a second time before my insurance allowed my doctor to get my an MRI of my spine which showed completely clear. I also started to get this feeling during the day where it was almost like a limb (as my arms started getting involved) would go to sleep and I'd either have no sensation at all so it would feel like I had no limb or I'd feel what I did when the sensation started. So say I was making a fist when my arm would go numb, even though my hand would relax, and even if my husband would massage my hand and I could see it was open I'd still feel like I was making a fist.

By this time I did start having migraines again but only 2 or 3 a week and they were as mild as they had been to start with. Well Sunday morning I woke up around 3AM because I thought someone hit me in the head with a dodge ball - my normal auditory hallucination - so I went to get some Tylenol and since I seem to have become somewhat of an insomniac (wired all night and exhausted all day) I sat down in the chair to try and rest. I also had a really really bad back ache so I thought a semi-reclined position would be helpful to get comfortable enough to go back to sleep. Next thing I know I have a numb tingling sensation in my mouth and neck extending down through my trunk and into my left arm and both legs. I also noticed that this 'migraine' pain was in my temples which I've never felt it there before. It felt like a struggle to breath because I felt like there was a weight on me but I didn't care. I felt so high, like I was just floating out of my body and what did it matter anyway? I could move my right arm but nothing else. My mind felt so fuzzy. Then I kind of slammed back in my body and got control of my mouth so I screamed for my husband. He came out and next thing I know I was having what I assumed to be a seizer. I had no control of my legs but they were jerking all over the place. I could feel the muscles of my thighs bunching but all I felt from the knees down was a slimy slithering sensation a lot like I feel with RLS but more 'real'. As far as I know I was concious for the whole thing but my husband said he kept having to yell to get my attention and that it came in waves over the course of 20 minutes or so though I only remember roughly 2 minutes and three 'waves'. I call them that because I couldn't breath when my legs were jerking but it'd stop and I could 'catch' my breath. When it ended my backache and headache disappeared entirely. I was weak in both my legs and arm for several hours after. My husband tickled my feet and though I COULD feel it I still couldn't move for almost another half hour because I was so weak and tired feeling. I didn't move at all but I swear I could feel my reaction to kick when he did that. I know it sounds crazy but if I closed my eyes I could swear I was kicking but I wasn't.

I did go to the ER and have a CAT scan done which was 100% clear. The tentative diagnosis is 'atypical migraines'. I'm going to a neurologist to have an EEG done ASAP. I'm scared.
16 Responses
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1208699 tn?1265908360
Look into Migralepsy.  I cannot spend the time to write you what I've been going through for the past 5 years.  But it all escalated into Migralepsy a year and a half ago.  You're welcome to personally email me with your phone number, and I'd love to call you and talk with you about what I've personally been going through.  If not, I understand, just consider Migralepsy and ask your doctor.  My email is happy2b_wifen_mommy@yahoo(dot)com.  I hope you've gotten some answers since you last posted on here.  But I know how quickly weeks turn into months for a migrainuer.  I can't believe I've been going through all this for 5 years now.  It can tend to feel like a wasted life sometimes.  Without having Jesus Christ as my Saviour, I have no idea where I'd be.  All this would probably have me in major depressive problems I'm sure.  Okay, well I should go now.  Please feel free to write me.  Elsie
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1268537 tn?1323629489
I gave up driving when I had the first seizure. Thankfully I live within walking distance of the neurologist, even if it takes an hour and a half to walk there.

So even though everything came up negative the neurologist believes he can confidently diagnose epilepsy. Not necessarily linked to my migraines though, but developed from the accident separately so this will be my last post here.

I've been started on some medicine to try and get things under control while I continue to have more tests done to try and determine what is going on (the next one is an MRA) but it doesn't seem to be working yet as I've had several more mini-episodes (right now I'm dealing with an 'odd' feeling left hand and foot) plus this Wednesday/Thursday I had one migraine after the other - literally only an hour after one stopped the next started. They weren't as bad as usual pain wise but they were incredibly annoying as all I could do was lay in bed in silence and darkness.

So yeah - thank you for your help, it really has been, but it's time for me to move out of this forum.
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How are you? I hope there was no other episode aside from those that you mentioned. While waiting for the result, try to arrange for your mother to be there with you and to avoid driving on your own. The EEG result would indeed help us find the underlying cause. Your neurologist would help us rule out migraine headaches. Take care and hope to hear from you soon. Best regards.
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1268537 tn?1323629489
Well the sleep dep EEG wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be and I hope they find something this time. I now have a week to wait for the results and I'm nervous. I've had two more episodes since last time I posted and both were very scary. Worse than anything I remember.

I'll write them down so I have a record of what happened before I forget.

1) About a week ago I was playing with my daughter when a sudden brain fog descended on me, I became very very tired and all my senses seemed muted. I remember everything looked distorted, like I suddenly shrunk?, and I became very nauseous and vaguely cramp-y. Next thing I clearly remember is laying on my bed and that's when I realized something was wrong. I turned to reach for the phone in a panic to call someone for help but I couldn't move. Next thing I know I feel like I'm swimming back to myself and I hurt. Every muscle in my body hurts, every joint feels stiff, every inch of my skin feels tight and dried out, and my eyeballs burn. It hurt so much it took me a moment to realize my 18 month old daughter was jumping on my stomach and screaming 'mommy' while beating me around the chest and face with a drink coaster. It was scary because my mom had just called to check in on my not 15 minutes before and I had felt completely fine, a couple hours later I felt completely fine again; just a little tired and sore.

2) Last Tuesday evening I was preparing for the EEG I mentioned before when I got a sudden headache which morphed into a migraine. I wasn't very happy about it since my first response is to go to sleep and try to ride it out but I couldn't because of the upcoming test. So I took some generic excederine stuff and just tried to ride it out which was fine for several hours. Then my back and neck started getting stiff and sore - mostly my neck and upper back between my shoulder blades was stiff and my lower back became more and more sore. But it was NOT unbearable so I continued to ride it through. I was home alone with my daughter again so I put her down for a nap and considered calling my parents to come get her just in case. Next thing I remember I'm horizontal but I can't tell where because I couldn't see and I don't even know if it was because my eyes were closed or not (I couldn't move) and my skin felt kind of thick and tingly and I was very very hot but shivering. I was only laying there a second or two before I started getting that feeling like when you're getting a Charlie Horse. Where your limb just slowly starts to stretch out until the muscle contorts and it hurts. Well that happened except it was my whole body I could feel stretching; arms, legs, neck, back, and I couldn't control it. It got really hard to breath because it felt like I couldn't exhale - felt like my chest was going to explode out from some sore of pressure. Then everything just swam away and when I woke up my migraine and back pain was gone and again I felt super sore but actually a hell of a lot better than before.

So now I've written down how it feels and I can print this out and keep it in my files. So what do you all think? My general doctor still thinks it's all related to the migraines and I don't know WHAT my neurologist thinks right now. I'm nervous and excited about the next meeting and I really hope I have some answers which will actually lead me to something that will help.
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How are you? Indeed the normal laboratory results are something positive to hold on to . Hang on and have faith that we will soon get to the bottom of this. Continue with the sleep deprivation EEG and remember that whatever the result is means one step closer to knowing the cause. These tests are needed to rule out differentials and to determine the underlying problem. A good communication with your doctor is highly recommended so as to be informed of what is going on and the management they are planning to do.  Be patient and take care always. Best regards.
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1268537 tn?1323629489
This is driving me CRAZY! I now have an appointment to have a sleep deprivation EEG done. The MRI came back completely clear but the EEG also came back normal. He did have notes that I had a strong reaction to the breathing thing in the EEG, looked like I was having a seizure, but the test only showed a slight dip as if I was only hyperventilating.

So I'm still going through all these annoying day to day aches and pains which is ruining my life and I have nothing to show for it. All these tests and they're all negative which I guess is a good thing but I so just want to know what's happening so I can start working towards getting better. Is that really too much to ask for?
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1268537 tn?1323629489
I hadn't brought that up with the doctor but I'll try to remember to next time. He's really intense and I already get overwhelmed easily by people so I'm going to remember to write down everything.

I wont get back the results of the EEG until I have another appointment with the neurologist which probably wont happen until after the MRI. Which still isn't scheduled as my insurance (anyone else have trouble with Anthem?) is digging it's heels in. Although during the EEG I remember doing the breathing stress test and getting that tingly feeling in your fingers and toes I'm told is normal then hearing a voice in the room telling me to try to take a deep breath and try to relax and realizing I felt like I couldn't breathe, my chest just felt so tight and I kept gasping, then I remember the technician coming into the room and asking me questions. She asked me if I remembered gasping and chocking and I told her the former and everything else I remembered and how I felt like I had been hit my a semi just then. Honestly I still feel so sore even now which is annoying me.
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How was your EEG? How about you being thirsty all the time and unable to sleep? Make sure that you bring this up with your doctor to rule out endocrine issues or sleep disorders.  Its great that your new doctor is thorough and very vigilant with finding the underlying cause. Take care always and hope to hear from you soon. Best regards.
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1268537 tn?1323629489
oh - by the way my father is gearing up to sue the insurance companies (at the time we were under 3 policies) as he saved all the reports from my doctors and all the paperwork and transcripts of phone calls with the various companies.
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1268537 tn?1323629489
well I had my first appointment with the initial interview. I'll go for the EEG (that's the right one right?) tomorrow morning. In the interview he said that he believes the seizures and migraines aren't related to each other but both to the accident. So you're probably right about the post-traumatic-headache syndrome thing.

He also found evidence of muscle atrophy and partial paralysis in a fairly routine physical particularly in my tongue which I didn't even notice. Now that I know about it and look in the mirror it's pretty obvious (for my tongue) so I feel kind of stupid that I hadn't noticed. So we still don't know what's going on with the migraines and while I have some answers I now have different questions but I do have the EEG tomorrow and a head MRI as soon as possible. The CT scan showed nothing which means there are no growths but the neurologist thinks I may have actual brain damage which is what he's looking for once the insurance company approves it. See at the hospital after the accident the insurance company only approved roughly 24 hours for treatment as we had surprisingly no broken bones and no internal bleeding. However the neurologist and neurosurgeon wanted to keep me for observation for another two days as I started showing signs of shock which led them to believe I had a small bleed most likely in the frontal lobe. HOWEVER the MRI's they did showed nothing (save a few areas that were inconclusive) and since I wasn't under any treatments or had any planned surgery the insurance wouldn't cover any more time nor treatments. So this is what I'm left with.
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1268537 tn?1323629489
Grr - does it usually take this long to get an appointment? After everything I got an appointment with one neurologist through my primary doctor but not until middle of June so I contacted my mothers neurologist of 15 years and managed to get an appointment tomorrow.

Also - is it normal with my other symptoms to have weeks where you can't sleep, weeks you can't stay awake, and weeks where other than being a bit 'hung-over' after a migraine be fine sleep wise? And does it affect your appetite? I'm always thirsty but rarely hungry - if I didn't keep an eye on the clock I'd never feed myself.
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Symptoms for atypical migraine are difficult to categorize and may need further testing. Ask your doctor what was his basis for the diagnosis to help clear any doubts. Sometimes, post traumatic headache may occur for as long as several years. It is good that the  MRI of your back came clear this clears out structural problems. Do keep us posted with your EEG result. Take care and regards.
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1268537 tn?1323629489
I'm trying to learn more about atypical migraines but it's so hard to find anything. Everything I HAVE found is so vague that it doesn't really help. I'm also scheduled to get an EEG done as soon as we find a neurologist who can take me in. My GP says that some want to do their own EEG's so it would be pointless to do one now while others want to have them already done. Hopefully I'll know no later than tomorrow noon, when I'll have an EEG done in the office if the neurologist wants one first.

I had my daughter with me when the CT scan was done, the first time since she was born that I literally had no one in town to watch her for me, otherwise the hospital wanted to admit me - but because the CT was clear they let me go with the admonition to call the ambulance if I even think I'm getting another one.

Also - doesn't 'post traumatic headache' start fairly soon after a car crash? It's been 6 years since the accident.

I HAVE had an MRI done of my lower back in the case there was something physically wrong there but it was 100% clear as well. What else can be done there?
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How are you? I'm sorry to hear what you've been through for the past few months. I understand how it feels to be in the dark and not knowing the cause of these symptoms. It is good though that the CT scan result was fine. However, we really need the EEG result to rule out seizure. With your history of car crash, post traumatic headache is a possibility.It would help also to have imaging tests done on your back since there has been symptoms of back pain as well. Try not to be scared. Hang on. Learn more about atypical migraines and have an open communication with your doctor about your management plan. Take care and do keep us posted.
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1268537 tn?1323629489
ug - I shouldn't type when my head hurts - I meant a CT scan - not a CAT scan. The ER thought I might have a tumour or bleed from the severity and sudden-ness but there was absolutely NOTHING wrong. It is still often hard to think - and I've found I'm loosing time, five minute here, a half hour there, where is it going? No one else notices.
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1268537 tn?1323629489
Oh! I thought of something else - my blood pressure has always been on the bottom of normal since as long as I can remember. BUT since this started it's been all over the place. Every time it's taken it's different and once (not including after taking the Maxalt) it was way above normal. I'm also constantly switching between feeling cold and flushed even without changing the temperature.

I only thought of that because right now my hands and feet are frozen but my face and chest feel flushed plus my heart is racing.
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