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Could MS actually be Lymes..I'll explain

OK, before I get FLAMED for this, I will state that I, like so many sufferers here have/had hall the symptoms of MS, Lupus, CFS, etc.  I was "pidgeonholed" and told that I had MS and my dr wanted me to start on MS medications that were only symptom relievers.  As I researched more and more, I discovered that there has been a EXPONENTIAL EXPLOSION of autoimmune diseases that really took off after the early 90's.  Doctors have no explanation for it.  Why? I asked.

After doing extensive research I started to notice that Gulf War Illness and MS, Lupus, CFS, Fibromyalgia and many AI diseases are exactly alike with overlapping symptoms.  I started interviewing soldiers and spouses that were perfectly fine before entering the service, but now soldier and spouse alike are ill, with their children ill as well. Symptoms range from head to toe ie: Chronic headaches, eye pain, ringing in ears, stiff neck, sore throat, swollen Lymph nodes, joint pain, muscle stiffness, fatigue, shooting or throbbing pain anywhere, sore knees, ankles, bowell issues, heart pallipatations/pain, stomach issues, Women usually have ovarian/uterine issues.  Brain plaques, spinal fissures and a general unwellness feeling. (Am I forgetting anything?)

  The possibility of this being an chronic intracellular bacterial infection is extremely possible considering that it has been proven there were bacterial agents causing illnesses.  Many Gulf War soldiers and their families have Myco and Mico plasmal infections; bacterial and fungal infections that are systemic.  Lymes sufferers not only have these mycoplasmas but also coinfections that are exactly alike MS, Lupus, Fibro, ALS.  Once these bacteria enter the bloodstream, they go wherever your blood goes (everywhere-affecting all organs and tissues, including brain)

  Since everyones immune system is different, would it not be conceiveable that symptoms might vary from patient to patient?  Would it also not be conceivable that a dr would rush you in and out and give you a quick diag so he could see the next patient?  If your Dr ordered a Labcorp/Quest test for lyme disease, did he tell you that the tests are virtually 90% unreliable?  Those tests were designed to look for ONE type of Borrelia bacteria(there are over 200) and ONE type of form this bacteria exists in. Borrelia exist in 3 different forms.  They are pleomorphic-shape shifters.  Mycoplasmal, spirochetal, and cystic forms.  Look at it this way.  I will use an car analagy.  the test looks for a Honda element, but it sees a Accord, or a Civic or a Element depending on when the blood test is taken. And if you are taking any meds at the time of the test, it will be neg.  make sense?  Since this infection weakens your immune function, your immune system will never (rarely) show antibodies to it.  The infection is hidden INSIDE your cells.  This bacteria is truly bizzare but has been proven to exist in all forms.

  Youtube a video of Dr Lida Mattman and her work w/ Lymes bacteria and "stealth pathogens"  She was Harvard trained, PHD, Nobel Prize Nominee in Immunology/Virology and taught for over 35 years.  researchers too cadaver brain samples from Yale and sequenced them for Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferri bacteria.  The cadavers belonged to ALS, Lupus, MS, Sjorgens, hashimotos, etc diaged patients.  75% of the brains tested pos for the Lyme bacteria.

I have more info.  Please ask any questions, but keep the flames to a min.  Thnx
44 Responses
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707563 tn?1626361905
If you all would like to discuss MS and Lymes, as they relate, that's fine.  Please keep it to that, though.  This is not the appropriate place to debate anything else.

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I guess you look at the Tuskeegee Experiment as a conspiracy theory too, huh?  Thats where the Govt in the 30's-40's opened up free clinics to blacks and infected them with Syphillis.  never treated them, just observed their decline.  Why would they do that?  

The Lyme bacteria is a spirochete, just like Syphillis but more pathonogenic.  Why was Lyme disease "discovered" across from a class 4-5 bioweapons facility in NY? Why were mosquitoes genetically altered to carry certain diseases more efficiently?  If you think this is not a possiblility and that the explosion of AI diseases might not be related, then I hope you are happy in your diag.  

.  And did you know the pres (any president) has the authority to do biological testing on the masses without their knowlege?    Just as an afterthought.....Watergate was denied too, it just took a little digging about things that didn't make sense.
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Right...conspiracy theory.  maybe the jokes on you.

Life" (11/95) featured a special report entitled: "The Tiny Victims of Desert Storm", which described in heart-rending detail (with numerous photos) how the children of our veterans are being born with horrendous disfiguring birth defects. The article was subtitled, "When our soldiers risked their lives in the Gulf, they never imagined that their children might suffer the consequences - - or that their country would turn its back on them."

In the months and years following Desert Storm, thousands of babies have been born to vets with horrible deformities (missing limbs, one eye, missing ears, incomplete or missing organs - reminiscent of the Thalidomide babies of the 1950s - but in far greater numbers. [ED. NOTE: Thalidomide was another experimental drug (administered to pregnant mothers) which went awry].

Meanwhile, the Department of Defense is working overtime to cover up the crisis with Gulf War babies, denying it exists, denying benefits or medical assistance to veterans with birth defected children, and even going so far as to censor the "Life" article cited above off of the Internet.

Dr. Douglass, a close friend of this writer, wrote in his January 1994 newsletter regarding Gulf War Illness: "The symptoms are now having serious repercussions. Half or more of the babies born to Gulf War vets since the war have had some sort of birth defect or blood disorder".

"Nation Magazine" (1/95) estimates that 67% of babies being born to Gulf War vets who are ill are having serious birth problems. Over half of the babies now being born in Iraq today have deformities or major birth defects, according to reports Dr. Garth and Nancy Nicolson have received.

According to the "Life Magazine" article: In 1975, a landmark Swedish study concluded that low-level exposure to nerve and mustard gases could cause both chronic illness and birth defects. The Pentagon denies the presence of such chemicals during the Gulf War. [ED. NOTE: Even though over 18,000 chemical alarms sounded during the Gulf War]' but the Czech and British governments say their troops detected both kinds of gas during the war. A 1994 report by the General Accounting Office says that: American soldiers were exposed to 21 potential reproductive toxicants, any of which might have harmed them or their future children.

A number of examples of babies born to Gulf War vets with devastating birth defects were cited in the "Life Magazine" article:

1) Kennedi Clark (Age 4) - Born to Darrell (an Army paratrooper in the Gulf War) and Shona Clark. Kennedi's face is grotesquely swollen sprinkled with red, knotted lumps. She was born without a thyroid. If not for daily hormone treatments, she would die. What disfigures her features, however, is another congenital condition: hemangiomas, benign tumors made of tangled red blood vessels. Since she was a few weeks old, they have been popping up all over - on her eyelids, lips, etc.

(2) Lea Arnold (Age 4) - Born to Richard and Lisa Arnold. Richard was a civilian helicopter mechanic (working for Lockheed) with the Army's 1st Cavalry Division during the Gulf War. Lea was born with spina bifida, a split in the backbone that causes paralysis and hydrocephalus (i.e. water on the brain). She needed surgery to remove three vertebrae. Today, she cannot move her legs or roll over. A shunt drains the fluid from her skull. Her upper body is so weak that she cannot push herself in a wheelchair on carpeting. To strengthen her bones, she spends hours in a contraption that holds her upright. Just about our whole world is centered around Lea, says Lisa Arnold. Huge medical bills and the unwillingness of insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions force the family to live in poverty in order to qualify for Medicaid.

(3) Casey Minns (Age 3) - Born to Army Sgt. Brad and Marilyn Minns. Casey was born with Goldenhar Syndrome, characterized by a lopsided head and spine. His left ear is missing, his digestive tract (i.e. esophagus) was disconnected. Trying to repair his damaged organs, surgeons at Walter Reed Army Medical Center damaged his vocal chords and colon, says Brad and Marilyn. His parents feed and remove his wastes through holes in his belly. His mother Marilyn, says, "Sometimes it just overwhelms me, but I try to take it one day at a time.. it's made worse by people who say that Gulf War Syndrome doesn't exist...they're turning their backs on us."

(4) Michael Ayers (Died at 5 Months of Age) - Born to Glenn (a battery commander in the Gulf War) and Melanie Ayers. Michael was born with a mitral-valve defect in his heart. He sweat constantly - until the night he woke up screaming, his arms and legs ice-cold. he died that night of congestive heart failure. As "Life Magazine" wrote: After Michael's death, Melanie sealed off his bedroom; she tried to close herself off as well. But soon she began to encounter 'a shocking number' of other parents whose post-Gulf War children had been born with abnormalities. All of them were desperate to know what had gone wrong and whether they would ever again be able to bear healthy babies. With Kim Sullivan, an artillery captain's wife whose infant son, Matthew, had died of a rare liver cancer, Melanie founded an informal network of fellow sufferers. Kim is here. So is Connie Hanson, wife of an Army sergeant - her son, Jayce, was born with multiple deformities. Army Sgt. John Mabus has brought along his babies - Zachary and Andrew - who suffer from an incomplete fusion of the skull. The people in this room have turned to one another because they can no longer rely upon the military."

(5) Cedrick Miller (Age 4) - Born to Steve (a former Army medic in the Gulf War) and Bianca Miller. Cedrick was born with his trachea and esophagus fused; despite surgery, his inability to hold down solid food has kept his weight to 20 pounds. His internal problems include hydrocephalus and a heart in the wrong place. Cedrick suffers, like Casey Minns, from Goldenhars Syndrome. The left half of his face is shrunken, with a missing ear and blind eye.

(6) Jayce Hanson (Age 4) - Born to Paul (a Gulf War vet) and Connie Hanson. Jayce was born with hands and feet attached to twisted stumps. He also had a hole in his heart, a hemophilia-like blood condition, and underdeveloped ear canals ..a cherubic, rambunctious blond, he's the unofficial poster boy of the Gulf War babies - seen by millions in "People Magazine". But since his last major public appearance, he has undergone a change. His lower legs are missing. Doctors recently amputated his legs at the knees to make it easier to fit him with prosthetics. He'll say once in a while, "My feet are gone", says his mother Connie, but he has been a real trooper.

The government (especially the Defense Department) denies that the problem exists and no government medical or financial assistance is forthcoming unless a parent is still in the military (and over 2/3 of the Gulf War vets have been separated from duty since Operation Desert Storm).

As "Life" wrote: For parents of these children, the going is grim. They are denied insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions. They are being driven into poverty. Some join the welfare line so Medicaid will help with the impossible burden. You could be a millionaire, and there is no way you could take care of one of these children, says Lisa Arnold.

Right the DoD is GREAT!  Glad you support them , I'LL support the TROOPS.
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Shell, did you know Tysabri and other human antagonistic monoclonal antibody drugs were developed by companies under the direction of the Department of Defense.  Now WHY would the DoD want to have a drug made?  They are stockpiling these drugs and Inhalation Anthrax drugs under something called Project Biosheild 1.  

Soldiers are being used as test bed subjects for these medications without their consent.  I met a woman who was AI ill as was her Husband (a soldier).  She had all the classic symptoms, even a hysterectomy.  She was diaged previously with Systemic Lupus, but "Now dosent have it"  huh?  An Army doctor gave her Benylysta, (belumamubab) which was a drug that was developed under contract for the DoD and did not have FDA approval.  I think that is odd.  If you look at the manufacturers web site, it lists "extensive human trials".  Are you allowed to have human trials before FDA approval?

Shell, I am NO scolding you.  There are some that get their diag with out any concrete proof of their illness, with varrying titres and accept their fate.  Meanwhile, the brain plaques increase, the spinal/muskuloskeletal issues get worse, cancers and other worsening symptoms emerge.  If I knew that a teset I took was seriously flawed (as is the Labcorp/Quest/Mayo/Cleveland criteria), I would look in a different avenue.  For antibiotics=getting better.  Pain modulating drugs for rest of life=get worse.  Tysarbi=rest of your life.  DNA disrupting antibiotics=6 months to a year.  I have 40 years left on me.  I'll take the accurate test and get better.

I'm not disgracing your opinion, I just handed you a winning lottery ticket.  All you have to do is see if the numbers match up and WIN.
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198419 tn?1360242356
No, I absolutely did not state I know ALL about Lyme, lol

Please don't scold me, I'm an adult.

All known mimics at the time of my diagnosis were ruled out. Thanks for your thoughts.
I have MS and I'm treating it. I respect those who choose not to.

Please, don't try to disgrace my diagnosis or my decisions through your pointed questioning. I'm here for other reasons.

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where was your lyme test done?  through who?  IGENEX, Great Smokie Labs?  if done anywhere else, it could be wrong.  And that is definative.  You get tested for Mycoplasma Fermentans Incognitus?

Can you pinpoint a date when your life was changed forever by this illness?  

  RA has been proven to be a bacterial Myco infection.   IBS/Chrone's  (a symptom of MS/Lymes) is by Heliobacter Pylori bacteria.  Yes , I have visited the Lyme forum, and the autoimmune, and several others.  A number of people have contacted me about this.

You state you all know about Lyme.  Great.  Then you should know how unreliable the Labcorp/Quest tests are.  They are about as poor as Clev Clinic and Mayo.  They use the same diagnostic criteria that the CDC and ISDA says to use.So consequently they miss 90% of the actual POS results.
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