611606 tn?1315517767

Happy Bithday to Lulu with Love

Happy Birthday to A wonderful Friend.

There are people walking in and out of our Lives
some are just passing through
Other stop and set a while.
Than there are those who pull up
an easy chair. They are the ones
you offer a room in your heart to

Lulu you now have your own room
with a comfortable easy chair
I can close my eyes and hear your
voice speaking words of wisdom
words that quiet my thoughts and
ease the pain.
Lulu there are very few people who
have been able to touch my life
the way you have.

So on this very special day when
a bright shinny light was sent from
Heaven to make the world a better
Place. Yes, Sweet Lulu I am talking
about you. You brighten every space you enter
How very Blessed  we all are to have you to brighten our days, this includes your two Families.
There's the one that is your true Family, Than there is your Family Here. You are always watching out for all of us
Never being too tired to "Check In" to see who is needing support, There you are always willing to give of yourself.
So Today I want to give you something in return;
I want to celebrate you, to offer you a full cup of Birthday wishes for today and the coming year. May each day be filled with Love, Laughter, Sun Shine, cool breezes that carry my hugs to you. may you always feel needed and that you are loved so much by so many.
Lulu My Dear Sweet Considerate Friend have the Best birthday ever as your Family gather around you to Celebrate you and The Day the world became a much better place to live in. That's right You have and always will make the world a better place.
Have a Beautiful Birthday know that I am celebrating your Day with you .....
32 Responses
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649926 tn?1297657780

  Sorry I missed your big day :(

  I am going to start blaming everything I do wrong like being late (always) on the MS.

  I hope that it was fantastic & also wanted to take this time to let you know how much you are appreciated.

You could always do what I do, I started it last year. I now celebrate and call it my Birthday Week. One day goes too fast and since we don't always feel well on command it's a good bet that at least one of the 7 days will be awesome. My family thinks it's a hoot and wish me happy birthday all week long.

Erin :)

P.S. If you do decide to go for the entire week then I am still on time, lol :)
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Lu, sorry I didn't know about your big day. Hope it was great!

Just do what I do---tell people you're 39 and 'some months.' Ain't no lie!

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867582 tn?1311627397
Lulu -

Happy Belated 55th Birthday!  I didn't know!  Actually, how do you find out when it's someone's birthday on this site????

Anyway, I hope your day was terrific!!  You are a true gem!!  And selfish??  NOT!!!

Thank God for you and your postings here which have helped so many.  May you have a year of complete remission!!


P.S.  Incidentally, based on my experience, the 50's is the greatest decade!!  Enjoy!!
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923105 tn?1341827649
And I bet you feel still like are 18 ;))))   I know I do:))


Debs xxx
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no, my name shall remain the same - it was just an alignment of the calendar and the stars  that all last year I was 54 and I was born in '54.  I am still birthed in '54, but am now 55!

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Just saw this so I am saying a belated happy birthday - um does this mean your screenname will be changing? :)

DJ you write such lovely words and express things so beautifully.

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611606 tn?1315517767
It really warms my heart to see this out pouring love for our Lulu...
Now I want all of you to have a beautiful week, and give some of this love you gave to Lulu to yourselves.
It's a Good Thing to give yourself some kindness and love..{{{{{{{~!~}}}}}}
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987762 tn?1671273328
Happy birthday Lulu, hope you eat lots and lots of yummy cake!

Thanks for all your help, you've been a god send!

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923105 tn?1341827649
Dear Laura,

Just logged in and saw this.  So i guess I'll have to shout - maybe you'll hear me, my Father used to say I have a bell in every tooth :)


Hugs and love,

Debs xxxxxx
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But, better late than never! Happy
Birthday Lulu!

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You all are too kind - it was a fun party, complete with my mom and dad lamenting that I am 55.  Never mind that makes them 86 and 87 years old.  

Honestly, I don't mind getting older.  I've always viewed the alternative of not having a birthday as a bad thing  LOL

With age we gain confidence.  The older I get, the less I am concerned about what others think; I wouldn't want to go back and redo my younger years.  I am able to enjoy the simple things that give me pleasure and have learned to live with less rather than wanting more.  

I found this earlier, but don't know who wrote it -----

"I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day. (If I feel like it)"

I hope you all can enjoy the sentiment and growing older too!

lot of love and thanks for the wishes,
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405614 tn?1329144114
Happy Birthday to Lu, Happy Birthday to Lu, Happy Birthday dear Lulu, Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!

I was very sad to see that I won't be going to the Indiana Fever season opener next year and having the opportunity to meet you in person.  I'll just have to hope that my roommate has a conference to go to somewhere around you, so I'll have an excuse to fly across the country and see you someday.

Your presence here is like presents for all of us; hope you get some great birthday ones today!



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969286 tn?1253760391
More rhymes!!  Happy birthday, again.  
ShadowSister says it all - I am so impressed with your compassion and the sureness of the support you offer to the members of this list and always look for what you have to say.
I'm pretty sure you'll have a wonderful day.  

How about an update on the kickboxing?  I've been wondering how that's going.  
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867787 tn?1318936230
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LULU!!!!!!! i hope you have a wonderful & blessed day!!
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559187 tn?1330782856
Happy Birthday!!!!!!  I wish I was quick witted and good at writing a limerich, heck what is a limerick? :)  Seriously, I hope you are enjoying your birthday doing what you want to do, eating what you want to eat (calories don't count today), and being who you want to be.  Enjioy the day and remember that you are not a year older, but a year wiser.  


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751951 tn?1406632863
Warm hugs, fellow Buckeye, but not too warm; you dx people have been told not to get too warm!
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Happy birthday, I hope you have a lovely day. You put so much effort into this forum and give so many people relief-someone to listen to their problems, hope, comfort and love, the information that can help them muddle through their symptoms etc. You always seem to be"happy" yourself and unselfishly answer and listen to others problems and of cause you must have some of your own.

I do hope that you have a fantastic day.
Best wishes,
Udkas. x
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634733 tn?1316625992
Happy Birthday to a very special person, from one of the sheep that you rounded up and brought in to this nice, warm fold.

I hope your day is filled with smiles, love, good friends and family and most of all good health.

Sending warm (((hugs)))

Pat x
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739070 tn?1338603402
Happy Birthday!!! I hope it's a day filled with special treats and loads of ice cream!


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Happy Birthday fellow buckeye!!

We are all better for having you in our lives.

May you have a day that involves all of your favorites!

Love & hugs,
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645390 tn?1338555377
Happy Birthday Lulu!!!  Have a fantastic day filled with cake, ice cream, family and friends!

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335728 tn?1331414412
Happy Birthday Lulu...hope you have a wonderful day where all your birthday wishes come true and you are treated like the angel you are!

Lots of Birthday Hugs,
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Hi Lulu, hope you are feeling well to enjoy your birthday... Are you having a special treat?? What do you like to do on your birthday?? Have a great day!! Take a break from us today...we'll be okay without you for a few hours... I think???

Take care!!

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620877 tn?1282764097
We are so blessed to have you here Lu - I hope your birthday is filled with love and happiness!

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