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Remove 6 cm Hemorrhagic or wait it out?

I have had a 6cm hemorrhagic cyst for 3 months now. I just had another ultra sound and it is still the same size. I am in pain every day, have to manage it with pain meds and I was told I can not exercise. I am now getting to the point where I am frustrated and want to figure out how to best get rid of it.  I have a follow up with mhy doctor next week to chat about next steps. I almost feel like I want them to just take it out so I can move on. However, I have a demanding conference planning job and being out for a week could be difficult, though I could work from home I suppose, if necessary for a few days. For my job, it would be best if I could wait a few months to have the procedure, however for my selft, I am ready to take next steps now! My questions are:

Has anyone else had a cyst last this long and how did you pursue treatment?
How long is recovery from surgery and how long are you out of commission?
Does birth control really work in resolving the cyst?

Thanks in advance to everyone for their input and advice.
11 Responses
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Well it is elevated, it is 80 and I'm freaking out!!!!  I am scared to move now and am waiting for a surgury date.  God I'm praying they call me soon!!!
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Thanks Scarlet, I'm just praying it isn't elevated or I will become anxious and want it removed.  What were your levels?
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1376247 tn?1278888659

Do not fret, a CA125 is routine for most doctors when there is any type of growth in your uterus and surrounding areas. I had one done a year ago, and another 6 months ago just to compare levels. This was not because my Dr suspected cancer, but because early cancer detection is important.

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I phoned the gyno office today and can't get in until next Wednesday.  I guess I will just have to try put this out of my mind until I get the results.  Easier said than done!!!
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Springyes... No, my doctor has not sent me for a CA 125 test. There was no mention of this today. How did your test go? Hang in there. Keep us posted.
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Thanks for your replies.  I got a call from the gyno office on friday but missed it so I will call him on Monday.  I am a little freaked out now because he just sent me for a CA 125 blood test and I'm hoping it's not elevated.  Did anyone get sent for this test before you had yours removed?  Did they send you for this test yet Mellie?
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1376247 tn?1278888659
Hi again Mellie-

You do have a lot on your plate, but you will feel better and more empowered when this thing is behind you. You mentioned that you're not getting along with your husband; feeling emotional and physical support is important right now, during and after your surgery. Do you have any close friends or tolerable family members who can be with you?
I have to share that my partner and I were having a very stressful time the past several weeks, but he kept his promise that he would be there for me. Ever since the surgery he has been an absolute angel and my weakened state has definitely shifted my own priorities; any energy I had to partake of stressful exchanges is gone and I have temporarily shelved any major issues. I am hoping that there is the possibility that you and your husband may experience a similar plateau.

Best to you,
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1376247 tn?1278888659
hello sprynges-

I just had a 4cm cyst removed last week, along with my ovary and tube on that side. Like you, I had near constant pain through only a few times it was intense. I also had nausea and a sick feeling in my stomach. After surgery I learned that the cyst was wrapped around the ovary; I imagine this contributed to the sick feeling (like when a guy gets his testicles smashed....ouch).
Although the cyst was relatively small my OBGYN (who was also my surgeon) did not hesitate to have it removed. I have had two c-sections, including one in which my uterus rupture. I don't know how your previous surgeries factor into your doctor's decision except that there is more scar tissue to get past. Have you considered getting a second opinion? A cyst with so many symptoms sounds like a dangerous situation. Frankly, I tried to weasel my way out of getting surgery and my symptoms were minimal compared to yours but my OB said no way, we can't let this thing get bigger.
Surgery is no fun of course but the relief is immense.
I hope everything works out for you!
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HI springyes, thanks for the pointers on bed positions! I am sorry that you've been sent to different doctors, that must be frustrating. My cyst has not made my stomache feel sick, so far I have experienced really bad pain on my right side, and more loose stools too. I do think though that I am more hormonal now that you mention it. My gyno said recovery is up to a week, though it's a one day procedure. I did receive the test results from last appt. and my cyst has reamined the same size. What a bummer. I also have a smaller one on my left side, just wonderful. I have an MRI now scheduled next week so he can better see the soft tissue.  Then he mentioned I could possibly have endometriosis. Another whammy. If I were you, I would double check with your doctor on the exercise, my gyno said heavy activity can make it rupture!  I have decided to watch and wait, so unless my MRI comes back with something really bad that requires surgury now, I am going to wait to do surgery for a time when I feel more comfortable being out of the office. And, to top it off my husband and I have been having problems, so I almost feel that I can not handle going through surgery. Sounds strange, I bet. But it's just how I feel. I am taking regular pain meds which is the only thing that gets me through the day. Keep me posted, and let me know if you want any other imput. It's so comforting knowing that someone else understands....
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My gyno told me that had I not had previous surgeries that it would be a 1 day fix through laproscopy ( not sure how it is spelt).  So if you haven't had previous surgery you will be back to normal before you know it.  I would be 6 weeks with another big incisions which stinks.  I would go for it if you haven't had previous surgery.  I still might because this is no quality of life.  I am sick to my stomach every night regardless of how big the cyst is.  Do you get this kind of stomach upset?  I would really appreciate some input on your views because I never seems to get any replies and it's nice to see someone else on here with the same issues.  My gyno never said anything about exercise which I run on my treadmill when I feel up to it.  
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I feel your pain and it is very frustrating.  I have a 5 cm hemorrhagic cyst on my left ovary and a small one on my right.  I have been in pain since February.  I cannot lay on my left side because my whole bowel erupts like a volcano and I become sick to my stomach.   I have learned to lie on my back mostly and sometimes rt side.  At first my gyno told me my cysts were too small to be causing this kind of pain.  Told me I needed to see a gastroentologist.  I have had previous surgery for ulcerative colitis so my gastro did get me in as soon as he could which was 2 weeks ago.  After I see the gastro I go see the gyno and he tells me whoops your left ovary has a 5 cm hemorrhagic cyst on it which might be causing your stomach upset.  I don't reallly care that I have went to see my gastro dr because now he is sending me for a cat scan which might make me feel a little more comfortable with this situation.  My gyno was just sending me for another transvaginal and doing the watch and see, which I might add I am very sick of feeling this way.  He doesn't want to do surgery because I have had bowel surgery and a c-section.  I am very afraid and really sick of feeling sick.  Does your cyst affect you this way?  I feel very hormonal like I have constant PMS which I feel like I'm getting whip lash from my own mood swings, lol.  Does any of this sound like what you are going through?
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