672379 tn?1229134609

Home from the hospital

I just got home from the hospital! :-)

I had my laparotomy yesterday afternoon.  I was scheduled for surgery at 2:30, but the doctor was running late, so we didn't start until 3:30.  They brought me back for prep at 12:30, got me into a gown that hooks up to a heater, so I was able to control my temperature.  It was so nice and warm.  They covered me up, and called my family in to be with me.  We watched the food network and waited...  and waited.  Finally they came in a put my iv in.  I was starting to think they forgot me and finally the doctor came in.  After that they wheeled me down to surgery, and I remember them strapping my arms down and the next thing I know I am in recovery.  Didn't have too much pain, and even cracked some jokes with the recovery nurse.

After they hooked me up to my pain med machine they took me up to my room.  The nurses that I had during the evening were so nice, and kept checking on me and my family to see if we needed anything.  I was so hungry since I wasn't able to eat anything before my surgery so after asking the nurse, my mom and daughter went to the deli and got me a couple croissants.  They tasted so good!  After eating I took the pain meds and slept.  They left my catheder in overnight, and I was glad they did so I didn't have to get up. (I was very worried about this).  My mom took my daughter home, but my husband stayed with me the entire time.

Around 9:00 I started to get tired so I had the lights dimmed and tried to get some sleep.  Every time I would just get to sleep the nurse would come in and wake me up.  She kept asking me to give her a number from 1-10 on where my pain was (10 being worst I have ever experienced).  I started with my pain number being around 4 or 5.  After getting some rest, about 2:00 am I told her my pain was a 2.  She was a bit shocked by this... she asked me if I was sure.  Then at 4:00 I told her I didn't have any.  Well she had me roll on my side and then messed around a bit and by then I had some pain so I used my pain med machine.  I think I used it about 4 times all night.  

By 6:00 I was up and walking around.  They took out my catheder and unhooked the oxygen machine.  I really didn't want to get back in the bed so I sat in the chair.  I had some breakfast and finally the doctor came in to see me.  He told me I could go home and he didn't want to see me for 6 weeks.  Then it took the nurse an hour to get around to me and she unhooked everything from me so I could get up and walk around.  I went to the bathroom (which they said I had to do to go home) and they told me I could get dressed and go home.  So now I am at home and feeling good.  

I think the reason I feel so good is that I was in so much pain the last few weeks that I actually feel better now.  I am tired and have some pain when I walk around, but overall I feel really good.  They gave me painkillers but I don't like to feel dopey so I am only taking Tylenol which seems to be working.  My incision looks a bit nasty but I am sure it will get better.  My loving husband is a photographer so while I was in the surgery prep he took pictures of me in my lovely gown and then he took one of my incision after I got into my room so I could see it without bending down.  But I'll forgive him since he slept in a recliner next to my bed holding my hand all night long.
8 Responses
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483733 tn?1326798446
Welcome back!  Wow, they sure do it different in the US.  They kept me in the hospital for 5 days after mine.  So glad you are feeling good.  Do force yourself to do nothing except rest and walk a bit for the first couple of weeks.  And then follow the no lifting or twisting rule until you are at 8 weeks.  Thanks for the update and keep us posted on how you are doing.  Did they say anything about how things looked or what they took out?
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672379 tn?1229134609
My doctor was not available to see me today, I saw his partner instead.  But yesterday he told my husband that it didn't look like cancer but he would call on Monday when he got the pathology report.  I already have a list of questions to ask him when he calls.  I still don't know what kind of cyst it was, how big it was when they took it out, or how much it weighed.  I am just curious to know these things.

I think in the US it is all about insurance.  My insurance company would only pay for 2 days in the hospital.  I could have stayed until tomorrow, the doctor left it up to me, but I really just wanted to be at home.  
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654396 tn?1237508912
Thank God!!  I'm so happy that everything went good.  Sound like you're on your way to recovery.  That's awesome!!  Get some rest.  :)
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187666 tn?1331173345
It's good to be back  home, huh? I remember that heated gown business. At first I thought it was odd but because I was rather stressed out, I felt chilled and shivery. So the warmth helped me relax.

Do walk around a bit now and then during the day to get all your insides back in place and don't be afraid to use the stool softeners. The sooner you can get things moving along, the less bloated you'll feel.

Happy to hear it went so well.
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Best wishes for a speedy recovery and a good path result on Monday. I had to wait three and a half weeks for mine!
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661941 tn?1297447355
I have been checking in for your "I'm back home" post!   :)  So glad that you did so well. It sounds like the waiting and worrying were the worst part for you, which is usually the case for most of us. Take care of yourself and try not to overdo it too quickly. BTW, your husband sounds like a real gem!  :)
God bless...
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672379 tn?1229134609
My husband is great, I don't know what I would do without him.  He has been waiting on me and it is so nice.  My mom went home today, but I still have my husband and daughter to take care of me.  I noticed that my pain is a little worse now then it was when I posted earlier, but it is because my pain meds from the hospital wore off and all I have taken is Tylenol.  I did have the oxycodone filled an plan on taking that before bed.  It is really hard for me to sit around and not do anything, but I am giving it a shot!
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356929 tn?1246389756
Hi ,
    So glad the worst is over for you and sounds like you're coming along great ! Just don't get too chipper and try to do too much too soon. I hated those pain meds as they gave me a brutal.. I mean brutal headache . so like you, I ended up with xstrength tylenol . Don't forget also to drink plenty of fluids and maybe prunes, etc. so you don't get tied up ("Yes, Mother").. but it is important.
    Your husband sounds like a winner for sure !! You take care and let us know when you hear of the path report, but I'm sure all will be o.k. I think the Drs. have sort of "a feel" for these things. Keep us posted and rest..
Feel better,
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