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Worried - Need good advice!

I am 52 and have been in menopause for about three years now.  About two weeks ago I started having dull but persistent pain in my low back.  This increased to the point where I called my doctor's office on Labor Day and the on-call physician instructed me to go to the emergency room at our local hospital.  There I had blood test, urinalysis, and various pokings and proddings.  I explained that the back pain was intense and radiated around to my lower abdomen, with a feeling of pressure, and that I had NOT, to my knowledge, injured my back.  They sent me home with a prescription for Vicodin (which I did not fill).  Went to my own doctor a few days later, same symptoms -- back pain pretty bad.  He saw my distress, and was concerned enough about the "abdominal" part of my complaint to send me over to the hospital for a CT scan.  They did both an abdominal CT (drinking the barium) and a venous scan (running the contrast fluid into a vein).  

Scan results, which I found out a few days later from my doctor, showed everything normal -- EXCEPT for a small fibroid on the uterus AND a small cyst on my right ovary...!  

I was (and am!) concerned about the cyst -- I said that shouldn't be happening to a woman in the third year of menopause.  He looked at the CT report again and said, well, it's obviously a simple cyst and the radiologist would have mentioned if it were complex or needed further looking into.  So it must just be a fluid-filled simple cyst.  I said WHY would I even have a fluid-filled cyst after menopause.  He all but patted me on the back and said "Well, obviously you're in PERI-menopause, and that can last for a while and you can still have functional cysts now and then." I argued that I think I know my own body, and I was well aware when "perimenopause" ended and I had settled into menopause (it was a relief from all the wacky flutters and weirdnesses of perimenopause -- all of a sudden all was calm and nice!).  He just shook his head and gave me a referral for an ultrasound in SIX WEEKS so we can check on the cyst and see if it persists.  He also gave me a referral for a colonoscopy (which, I admit, I should have done).  

He said otherwise the CT scan looked fine -- "your ovaries look fine!"  (Sure, other than the CYST that shouldn't be there!)  I said the back pain and weird abdominal stuff is still going on.  He sent me home with a prescription for amoxycillin (for possible diverticulitis, I gather, even though the scan showed no diverticulitis), a muscle relaxant and an arthritis pain pill.  I am to come back for my annual "well woman" exam in about three weeks -- nowhere in all of this was anyone concerned enough to actually give me a pelvic exam.  The ultrasound is not for six weeks.

My questions - can they really tell my ovaries "look fine" from a CT scan??  Shouldn't I be sounding the alarm and demanding further tests -- like an ultrasound NOW, perhaps a CA-125 blood test, and etc.??  

Meanwhile the symptoms go on and on.  Indigestion, lots of lower back pain and pressure, pressure feeling in my lower abdomen.  For a while I was getting the feeling of a lump or mass in my LEFT lower abdomen, but that went away with Phayzyme, so it was probably gas.  In the past few days I have also had a strong sensation of bloating and abdominal distention after meals -- like my stomach/abdomen would just swell up and feel swollen for several hours before going down.  I have NOT, however, felt fatigued, feverish or nauseaous -- in fact, I have had high energy and feel fine except for the abdomen and back symptoms.

ALL these are, of course, symptoms of ovarian cancer.  But they are also symptoms of several other things, including ovarian cyst, fibroids (both of which I have), irritable bowel and etc.  

Still, with the stakes so high, shouldn't someone besides me be alarmed and wanting more tests immediately??  I am in an HMO and so have to be referred by my main doctor to any other tests or doctors.  How can I convince him that I feel this is serious, without sounding like I am a total hypochondriac who's catastrophizing?? -- Ganieda

11 Responses
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Hi, So glad to read that you're feeling better.  Continue on your planned followup ultrasound and go from there.  I hope you get even more good news and you can rest assured that you're OK.  And, yes!  By all means come back to let us know how you are.  As Sandy said, we need people who've been through it so that you can come back here and pay it forward.

Good luck to you!
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356929 tn?1246389756
By all means come back after the ultrasound.. We need ladies that have had symptoms , had procedures and are able to help those coming on here with the same symptoms. I still check into the Ovca forum as does Trudie and a few others just in case folks look to that forum for information about cysts.. we can re direct them over here.

It really is worrisome having symptoms as vague as they symptoms of OVCA.. the difference I learned is in the severity.. The pains with ovca don't "go away'.. they get worse. The bloating isn't a short time thing, it also gets worse. The indigestion gets worse.. It isn't "off and on"..

Oh...I sent you a pm about the pain meds.. hope I didn't scare you, but you really have to be careful !

And... if that cyst is still there, I'm sure they will take the necessary steps to get rid of it or even monitor for a few months.. But , let us know how the US goes

Take care,

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Well, it's been a week and most of my symptoms are gone.  Back pain has gone away, stomach pains have gone.  So maybe my doctor was the wiser after all, and I was going overboard over a few strange symptoms that matched those of ovarian cancer (and about 10 other illnesses...or nothing at all...).  Because these things are so odd and vague, and because we constantly keep hearing that ovarian cancer is "the disease that whispers" and that we all must be hypervigilant and keep track of our ambiguous lower abdominal pains and grumblings, that makes it difficult.  How can you prove a negative -- and how can you tell if you have "the disease that whispers" without listening to the various whispers?  I still think I did the right thing going to my doctor about lower abdomenal pains, gas, back pain, and all the rest.  He probably did the right thing pulling strings to get me in for a rush CT scan, if only to do the most comprehensive thing (other than an operation) to look at the lower abdomen and see what possibly was going on.  At least I know I have a cyst and fibroids, and I still have a followup ultrasound in about 5 weeks.  Maybe the cyst is now gone, and with it my symptoms -- who knows?  Anyway, just wanted to report in.  I still have shadowy feelings of pressure in my abdomen, and if I sit or get up the wrong way I still get a twinge in my lower back, but it's 95 percent better than last week.  And that, as Martha Stewart would say, is a Good Thing.  Thank you to all -- and I'll report in again if things get bad once more, or when my ultrasound results come back. -- Ganieda
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Hi, I agree with Sandy all the way.  

You are getting your ultrasound and that will tell a lot.  Continue to journal your feelings and pain.  You can do that on here, you know?  I'm glad you're getting the endoscopy and colonoscopy, too.  I know you probably feel it's not the correct direction to take but the tests will at least either rule out or confirm things.  It's a hoop but one you should jump through.  I had to go that same route.

If your back is bothering you and you do need the pain meds try eating a little before taking them.  They can mess your stomach up, as you experienced.

Stay calm and no more googling for now!  LOL
Love the way you write.
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356929 tn?1246389756
Well, that cyst is small so you have that going for you. Cysts can indeed cause pain as can fibroids, but you may have other things going on (back problems). There was another lady just the other day who also referred to the book by Gilda Radner. I haven't read the book yet, but I did see it on TV and if I remember correctly, it wasn't just a "sensation of bloating".. she was truly bloated! Some of the patients look 7 mos pregnant.

I'll share something with you.. When I first came on this forum, there wasn't a "Cyst" forum. It was just Ovarian Cancer and all the ladies that had cysts posted on it. One thing I was told was this "Do NOT poke and fool around on the internet too much.. You will drive yourself crazy .. some of that stuff posted is old and things change all the time"  Yes, if you google Ovarian Cancer and back pain, you will see a connection. You will also see a connection with bloating. But there are many, many things that can cause either.

If I were you, I'd quit reading all these articles . I know it's so tempting, but you really are making yourself feel worse. I have a good friend that while in Med School had every disease he studied. ! I think the Dr. is following the usual course of treatment with a followup US in  6 weeks. Please try not to worry .. Just think..some of these articles evidently indicated that menopausal women didn't get simple cysts.. and that is untrue. So really , try and get that back pain gone ! .. Keep us posted and again don't worry

Take care,

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Thank you all!  You have eased my mind somewhat, although the odd symptoms just keep coming.  I decided to skip my prescribed dose of Flexeril (muscle relaxant) on Monday night, hoping my back was better, and on Tuesday I woke up in abject pain from my back, throbbing and vise-like. I could barely get out of bed.  I finally did and dragged myself in to work, hurting but determined not to mask the pain with pills, because I think the pain and where it goes and when it ends is a valuable symptom.  

I called my doctor to see if he could fit me in while I was having this back attack, and they didn’t call back till the end of the day, and he had his office assistant call to tell me if I was in that much pain I should go to the emergency room or the walk-in clinic.  Arrgh!  So I go to the walk-in clinic, and filled out all their forms and then told them that the problem was back pain that came around from my front pelvic area, and that I suspected it might be ovarian or uterine in nature.  Both nurses there told me that they couldn’t do anything for me and that I needed an ultrasound, and told me if I was in unbearable pain I should go to the emergency room.  

Feeling that this was not an "emergency" and I probably COULD bear the pain, I opted instead to go home and ice my back and take my pain pills. Slowly the Flexeril helped relax the back spasm – but I think the Feldene did a number on my stomach (this was my first time taking the Feldene, because he had marked it “take as needed”).  Because about an hour later, when I finally felt like eating (I hadn’t eaten anything all day because I’ve discovered back pain is a great appetite suppressant!) I fixed a bowl of innocuous chicken noodle soup, which was all that sounded good to me.  

I ate it, and within an hour was suffering intense burning stomach pain (mid-abdomen, right where stomach is) like an ulcer was eating away at me! Now this was an entirely new symptom – I’ve had lower abdominal pains during this thing, and sort of heartburny feelings, but this was really bad.  And it didn’t respond to ANYTHING – I took Maalox tablets, Pepto-Bismol, and Zantac to no effect at all (all of which I had on hand because I do suffer from occasional heartburn - but this was no normal heartburn; it was a deep-down pain with no reflux).   So I ended up sitting up with stomach pains till 3 in the morning, when they finally subsided enough that I could get to sleep.

I went back to MY doctor today after calling and insisting to see him, so they double-booked me in.  (I’m sure they hate that, but you know, they NEVER see me during the year when I’m feeling well, which is almost all the time.  It’s not like I’m a great sucker-upper of doctors’ resources.) He wanted to know what was going on, and I said the same symptoms as before, except now with the extra added attraction of the intense stomach pain.  And I was quite adamant that I know my own body and that all these pains seem generated from within, deep inside my pelvic area, and that I think they are ovarian or uterine pains.  He shook his head, said, “No, no, I think you’ve just strained your back.  You’re built for that.” (Looking meaningfully at my weight, I guess; sheesh.  Only doctors can get to talk like that.) I got very frustrated, and said that I’m SURE there’s something weird going on deep inside – what with the stomach problems, intestinal problems, feelings of bloating and fullness, sensation of a mass pressing inside.  These can all be symptoms of ovarian cysts or ovarian cancer, including the back pain (Google ovarian and back pain -- I did!), or, fibroids.  Or a number of other things, including UTIs, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.  I showed him an article I found that says “Back pain can be a sign of ovarian cancer!”  “You don’t have ovarian cancer – we know that from the CT scan,” he says.  “You know that for SURE from the CT scan?” I ask. “Well, nothing is ‘for sure’ unless we open you up, but yes, I’m 99.9 percent sure.”  

I think he thinks I’m catastrophizing, but honestly – it’s my body, and I am worried about it.  Gilda Radner from Saturday Night Live went round and round with many doctors trying to find out what was wrong with her, having many of the same vague but worrisome symptoms I have, and 10 months later found out it was ovarian cancer -- and by then it was too late.

He IS sending me for other tests, though – I am now referred to do an endoscopy and colonoscopy (o joy!).  But still no ultrasound for 6 weeks!  He says the CT scan was good and showed the small cyst (2.5 cm), and that he wants to wait the 6 weeks to see if the cyst disappears, so why do an ultrasound now?  He sent me home with a prescription for Pepcid (gee, the one antacid I haven’t tried – wonder if that will work any better?).  He thinks my burning stomach last night may have been a reaction to the Feldene I’d just taken an hour before eating. Could be, I guess.  

Anyway – I am feeling much better today.  The Flexeril did a good job knocking down the back pain, and although I can still feel lingering twinges, I feel 80% better.  The stomach pain is just background noise now – he’s got me on two extra-strength Pepcids a day for the next 8 weeks.

But this is all still STRANGE.  I don’t get sick like this, and I don’t get feelings of danger like I have.  Maybe it's just the weirdness of all this -- I've never experienced anything like this.  And it just popped up out of nowhere.  I’m going to start journaling all these weird symptoms and see if I can’t come up with a differential diagnosis.  I mean, no one else seems like they’re going to.  (Do I watch too much "House," I wonder??  House would just love ME...not!)

So -- off to rest and hope the pains don't come back.  THANK YOU all again for your comments and wisdom!!  -- Ganeida

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356929 tn?1246389756
O.K... just finished the rest of your post.. Perhaps this will ease your mind a little bit.. My Dr. also suggested waiting 3 months to monitor it.. I chose not to wait! She agreed to remove the ovary along with the cyst . She had to go in anyway to check on the fibroids which she said probably have been there and just never shrunk all the way. I also had some fluid in the uterus which she wanted to investigate.. They actually thought the cyst was solid which scared me to death, but found there is something called a fibroma (solid ovarian).. In any case, they did the laparoscopic procedure. Removed the ovary and cyst.. It was benign and all is fine.

Please try not to worry... Also, I did have the CA-125 test simply because of my age. The test isn't even reliable in younger women.. The test result was a 7... anything under 35 is good.. I think under 30 for postmenopausal..

Truly, I know of a number of ladies on this forum that have had the same experience and hope they check in as well. As I said, try not to worry..-- Oh.. the pelvic probably wouldnt have shown anything.. And 3 weeks isn't really that long. From the time they found mine and I had surgery, it ws about that time.. also because I had a terrible flu bug which postponed it.. The Dr. never indicated this was any kind of emergency.. So, try to relax and let us know how the appt . goes.

Take care,
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356929 tn?1246389756
I just had to write before I even finished your post. I am 69 years old.. Waaay past menopause and had a simple ovarian cyst removed last January. I also had 2 small fibroids which I'm also not supposed to have !! So, that information is obviously not accurate all the time. I think you'll find there are others on this board that the same has happened to.. Now I'll go finish your post...
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523728 tn?1264621521
Just to relay my experience re: what a CT scan can show.

I thought I had gall bladder symptoms, doc sent me for an abdominal ultrasound which showed a "mass" near the left kidney.  He downplayed it, said it was likely a cyst but sent me for a CT.  CT report was quite detailed indicating likely metastatic OVCA with nodules on the omentum.  

I would like to think your doc is trustworthy, I would also ask him to do a CA 125 just to ease your mind.

Hope this is helps!
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Hi there,
I'm not in your position but I want to comment on your situation.  I'm not sure about women in menopause getting cysts or how common that is but I do agree that you should have it checked out further.  I don't like your doctor's attitude toward you.  Usually when doctors make women wait the 4 to 6 weeks it's b/c they want to see if having a menstrual cycle will take care of the cyst.  You most likely won't be having one b/c you are already in menopause.

You didn't mention the size of your cyst.  It's good that you have an appointment for the ultrasound.  Will it be the transvaginal?  Did your doctor say anything about a CA-125 blood test?  Because you are in menopause it will be a little more reliable.

Why your doctor gave you an antibiotic is beyond me.  Did you have signs of an infection?

With an HMO you need to request (read demand) to be seen by a specialist.  If they don't give you one then go higher in the chain.  You may have to wait until you have the ultrasound, though.  That's OK, the more proof you have in hand, the better.  Please request copies of ALL your test results and doctor visits.  They cannot refuse that.

Trudie gave you good advise and info.  Most cysts are benign and you do need to be your best advocate for your health.

Take care
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483733 tn?1326798446
You will find from the experiences of many of the women here that they do get cysts in menopause but when that happens it must be investigated.  You are right that it is not a normal occurance.  When you see him insist that he rule out ovarian cancer.  Remember that even in menopause that over 95% are benign.  But do keep on advocating for your own healthcare.  I will ensure some of our other ladies who were in the same position come by and comment.  Take care and keep us posted.
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