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In a pickle.

I have been throwing up my pain meds every couple of days for the past month.  I have told a few people but not made a big deal of it because I have phenergen and I can usually forstall throwing up if I take it about 10 mins before I take the oxycodone with food.  There have been some days that I have been in absolute agony, feeling like I've been hit in the back of the heat with a baseball bat, because of the neck strain with throwing up, and I have just taken another dose after I throw one up and trudged on.  

So I was running low at the end of this month and made an appt with my doctor for Friday, yesterday, to talk about the problem and see what we could do.  It's also been difficult not having the muscle relaxer so I was going to see what we could do about that because I've had these terrible muscle spasms.  
In addition, my 10 year High School Reuinion is this weekend and I have been looking forward to it for months.  

Well, it turns out my appt wasn't until Monday and now I don't have enough meds to get through until then.  I decided not to go to the reunion, even though I've already paid for the main dinner in advance, because the pain from riding in the car for 4 hours usually puts me through the roof.  
've also had some terrible financial problems, where my husband, who is a contractor was supposed to be paid over a week ago and wasn't so I had to deal with water being shut off and a Sherriff coming to the door with an eviction notice.  We had the water turned back on and we will hopefully get that deposit on Tuesday to give the landlord the rent.  (All of this financial stuff is mainly a situation with another company coming to a head).

SO.  My question is, what should I do about running out of meds.  I am very afraid of going to the ER unless it is a life-or-death emergency and I know that going into withdrawls could cause me to go into an early labor.  Now due to DH's recievable payment being late, I can't afford to see my doctor until Tuesday unless I do some major pawning and borrowing to come up with the $200 doctor visit and $300 cost of meds.  Most people here know that I have had so much trouble finding this doctor, so finding another is really not an option and we always manage to come up with the money for the doctor every month.  

This is just an awful situation and I am afraid of running out and afraid of going to the ER, which is the only thing I can see as an option.  If anyone can give me some advice on what to say (I am going to be honest with them, but I'm not sure how to say it), and what to do, I would appreciate it.  I'm also really bummed about not getting to go to the Reunion and hating this CP for making me miss it!!
25 Responses
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356518 tn?1322263642
Also check with your local churches and places like the catholic social services for help with your finances:)
if you need help with this let me know.
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356518 tn?1322263642
Sorry I am late to the discussion.
I am so very glad you got some help sweetie. We have discussed the importance of you NOT running out of medications. You need to be certain this will not happen again as it puts you and the baby at risk. When you do have a problem with your medication call your Doctor as suggested above and make sure you have enough medication between appointments.
I am so sorry you had to go thru this but we are all here for you and want the best for you and the baby.
God watches over us even when we do not know He is there.
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Thank you, ladies!  I am just so relieved about the med situation I really feel like I am better able to deal with the rest of the stress.  
I wanted to mention that, although I've been kind of nauseated, I haven't thrown up at all yet, so this is good.  I noticed that the meds I recently had filled were a different brand than the ones I've had, so I am wondering if they were a formula that is particularly hard on the stomach.  I am going to talk to the doc about that.
The ER doctor was just an angel.  Even the pharmacist said, when he looked at the script "That's a brave doctor!  I have never seen anything like that before.".  I was like "Yes, he was very compassionate and he's great".  I hope he won't have any trouble over helping me out and if he did I would definetly go to bat for him.  I wonder if part of it had to do with the pregnancy and the aneurysms, both of which would be a hugely scary thing if it came to withdrawls.
I am just thanking God for the miracle of how everything went.  I know many people were praying for me.  
Thank you all for your prayers and for being there for me.
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1324871 tn?1288981706
Oh Bree I am sorry I am just coming across your post ! I am so sorry for all the stress and illness you have been going through .Thank god you got such wonderful treatment at the ER .I know it usually doesn't go that way and it makes us hesitant to go after a bad experience .Your experience just proves there are still wonderful ,caring Dr's out there .Sometimes ,it's hard to find them but there are still good Dr's around .I hope you are feeling so much better today and if you ever need someone to talk to I am always here for you .We too have been going through financial difficulties so I know how stressful that can be and you being pregnant and a CP I can't imagine how hard that is for you .Take care of yourself sweetie and don't hesitate to pm me if you ever need me .Hugs to you .
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I am delighted you were able to get what you needed.  What a frightening position to be in, over a holiday weekend no less.  I'm thrilled you wound up with a knowledgeable, compassionate doctor that treated you with respect and understood the seriousness of your situation.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, JS!!pppp
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Thank you all!  I am just so grateful that I was honest and he helped me.  It's so rare that you tell someone "I messed up" and they help you out.  
Jaybay, I generally prefer my meds from the top down, too.  But when they're going down and coming up, I think it'd take a suppository.  
Oh the fun things we have to do for paid relief! lol
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1419988 tn?1283747037
seriously wow!
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82861 tn?1333453911
WHOOO HOOOO!!!  For once there's some good news on this board, and I'm so glad it was YOU!  :-D

Seriously though, next time you see your doctor, make sure you tell him about the vomiting and ask about suppositories as a possible alternative so this doesn't happen again.  I always keep a few phenergan suppositories handy for just these kinds of situations.  Yeah, I'd prefer to have my meds go from the top down instead of the other way, but any port in a storm.  LOL!
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270405 tn?1293035621
That is amazing!  What a wondeful doctor!  I am so glad you are going to be ok!  It is always nice to hear a good story about a doctor when it comes to pain management.  So often I hear all these horror stories about how patients have been treated poorly because people don't believe them.  I'm so glad you had a wonderful experience!
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I'm SO glad that Prayers were once again answered!!!  I was so worried about you AND your Sweet Baby!!!!

That's WONDERFUL news.  ((((HUGS!!!)))).........Mama Sherry
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HI!! I'm so sorry that I didn't post earlier, but I'm so happy that it worked out for you. That's wonderful! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I went in thinking they would do nothing and preparing to suffer.  The guy at the reception desk at the ER even said he didn't think they would do anything accept give me one or two pills to make due.  
I got called back and the doctor was AMAZING.  I just told him honestly what happened.  He looked up the meds and he was more excited than I was that the oxycodone is pregnancy class "B" and safer than the phenergen.  He looked at all my records that I brought and wrote me a prescription for 30 of my regular meds plus some flexeril and a different nausea med, Reglan.  
My husband's and my jaws were on the floor.  I thanked him repeatedly for his compassion.  He was so great.
Then we went to the first Walgreens outside of the hospital and they actually had the oxycodone in stock.  That also NEVER happens.
It was seriously a miracle and I have just been continually thanking God.  Really, I wasn't expecting anything.  I was so ready to suffer or fight for the pregnancy and I didn't have to do either.  
Thank you all for being there for me.  In the future I'm going to be SO careful not to let this happen again, because I know I can't expect anyone to be so understanding ever again.
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270405 tn?1293035621
Oh, I am really worried about you!  I hope you were able to contact one of your doctors for help.  If not, I hope you went to the ER.  Stay stong!  Definately don't wait for it to get out of control.  You have to take care of this long before it becomes a problem.

I hope you are OK!
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1035252 tn?1427227833
I agree with peek I hope you've already left but I didn't notice that part of your post...

do NOT wait....please say you're already there...or rather don't say  because you're there and can't reply.

the reason you don't want to wait is you have NO idea how long it'll take to get you back to be seen and if the doctors want to call around and get authorization then they'll take even longer...

hoping to hear good news from you soon again I'm sorry you're going through this esp. while pregnant..it's awful :(
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172023 tn?1334672284

If you are in preterm labor and having contractions, its vital to get there before the labor is so far gone that they can't stop it.

Do  not wait!
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547368 tn?1440541785
Sorry I am so late to your thread Jade!! I have having terrible computer problems!!

I am sorry that you are faced with detox. As Peek said you cannot allow your body to go into w/d because you are pregnant. There is no need for me to tell you what you should have done before you got to this situation so I won't. I am so glad that you will take steps to avoid this in the future.

I wish there was some way that I could help. I know so little about pain management during pregnancy. My heart goes out to you.

As you have determined you are now faced with no other choice but to go to ER and pray that they will help you. I don't want to be gloomy but I highly doubt they are comfortable prescribing for you during a pregnancy. Maybe they will contact your PMP and get his thoughts on how to proceed.

Please do let us know. I will be concerned until I hear from you again. Please take care of yourself and your baby.

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Bree -

I'm praying for you!!!  PLEASE let us know what happens as SOON as you get back home!!

Sending you MORE PRAYERS!!...Mama Sherry
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1035252 tn?1427227833
poor thing...best of luck hon and I'm glad you're going to go and be seen...that's the best and safest thing to do. I would hope your doctor will call you back but I know what it's like to be waiting on that call...just bring your cell phone with you and head in. if you're there and they call say "I just went in to be on the safe side, what do you recommend?"
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Thank you all for your responses.  It helps to know people care, as we all know, and that's what's so great about having you all and this forum.  

I forgot to mention that my doctor's office was closed Thurs and Fri (unbeknownst to me), otherwise I would have done something to get some money and get in there even without an appt.  

I will try calling both them and the OB, but my OB's office made it clear when I was in a panic over my old PMP leaving me in the lurch that they will not prescribe pain meds and will not take care of my pain control.  And that was just with the normal situation of needing a PMP.

I normally take 4 a day, about 4 hours apart.  So I took one at 9am when I woke up this morning and then I took a nap at around noon.  I woke up at about 2:45 with strong pain in my abdomen and realized it was contractions, so I just took another pill.  I am still in a lot of pain from the spasm, though, and the contractions really freaked me out.  

I am definetly going to have to go in and I will tell them about the contractions.  I am just going to wait until the pain gets awful so that I can explain to them that I've taken my meds, the pain is bad, and not taking the meds has caused contractions.  I won't mention the crazy financial situation because, while I know the stress may be contributing to my pain, to the doctor's it doesn't have anything to do with the pain situation.  When I went there for a UTI, they sent me to the Labor and Delivery floor, I am thinking they will probably do that again as they said they do that for anyone who comes in after 24 weeks.  Hopefully they will understand there how not having the meds can cause pre-term labor.

I just hate the fact that I've gotten myself into this situation.  In the future I will make a point to call them and tell them when I am throwing up the medication and get it taken care of before it becomes a crisis.

Thank you all for your advice.  I will keep you updated as to how it goes.  I've already decided not to go to the reunion.  I am really bummed, but I think I'd have to go to the ER the minute I got there and that wouldn't be fun at all.  
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1419988 tn?1283747037
pardon for blabbing
wanted to add,
if you go to the ER, bring concrete files on what medication your taking.

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172023 tn?1334672284
To everyone:
Bree cannot go through any sort of withdrawal at this point of her pregnancy.  It can lead to preterm labor or stillbirth.  It is imperative that she continue with her meds.  

All OB's have an answering service where you can call to talk to the MD on call, even on holiday weekends.  Write down what you want to say, so that if you are in pain or nervous you won't forget anything.  
And just explain what you are on, and remind the doc that you cannot withdraw from meds being pregnant right now.  And all you are asking for is enough to get through til after the holiday weekend, not an open Rx.

But it may not work.  Some Rx's can't be phoned in.   So if you need something and he/she can't call it in, you'll have no choice but to go to the ER.  And if you do, you may have to remind them again that you are pregnant and should not go through withdrawals right now.  Some of the ER docs are not terribly familiar with OB and don't understand that very well.

What a bad situation.  You have my best and most positive thoughts and wishes heading your way.  

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1419988 tn?1283747037
where i live there's a different type of "health care system", so i just can't say much to help there.
being pregnant is a good enough reason alone, to want more help\need more,and damn good reason for a check-up.
about the pain,most tips\advice even by pain specialist, still dont fall completely (yet, and in some places) under medical treatment.
this my not help, but you should do what ever you can to understand how to take the edge off the pain, talking to someone, a calm long (nice and warm) bath\ shower. if your ck goes up youll have aches all over your body, from what i know usually treated mostly with fluids. A massage (even to your self) can elevate ck, but help relax the pain and after some time, might lower the ck altogether. keep yourself distracted when the pain peeks, any way you give a logical reason doing so, and wont put you in danger! or your baby! so yes, get more info about the "should" "could" and "DONT" as in "do not do!".
there's allot more i wish to write,but i have no idea what's going on! and even if i did, i"m just an idiot in pain, so good advice that i can give in general "before you do something,give your own thought good time,with respect to what you need, to accomplish."

i hope you find more comfort!
"CP" in any form is very difficult to deal with.
i really dont know what to say or do, except to add more hugs
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Oh Honey -

I SOOO wanted things to be getting BETTER for you!!!  I was HOPING that EVERYTHING was going to work out for you and I STILL am.  I wanted things to work out for you so MUCH!!!

Can you call you OB Doctor and let HIM know what is going on and ask what you should do since it's a Holiday week-end and you PROBABLY can't reach ANYONE until Tuesday. You said that you had an appointment on Monday BUT are you sure - it is a Holiday week-end and most offices are closed on Monday.  Check your appointment card and check the date.  

Oh Sweetie - How I wish there was SOMETHING that I could do to make things OK  for you all. It breaks my heart for you to have to face these NEW struggles and stresses. PLEASE  -  TRY and relax whenever you can.  Take some long deep breaaths and HOPE that it will relax you for enough that you can get some pain relief!!

We love you and we're here for you.  PLEASE don't forget that!!!  

You KNOW that you are in My Thoughts and PRAYERS......Mama Sherry

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1035252 tn?1427227833
I agree with Jay..call your doctor and explain what's going on. I used to be in that situation every once in awhile where I would throw up the lortabs and run out a few days early, and the thing I discovered was that the best thing to do is to call the doctor the FIRST TIME you throw them up and say "I want to note in my record that I threw up some of the meds....I'm not running low or anything but I need it to be there in case I run into problems later in the month" and every time you throw them up (say you throw up 2 doses on tuesday and 1 dose on thursday) you call on friday and say "I threw up my meds three times this week and I need it in my record so my doctor understands where I'm at with the meds. depending on your doctor they may or may not get sick of you calling but I would rather have it in my record so they understood when I needed a refill sooner.

I think because you're pregnant, you need to go to the ER sooner than later. try contacting your doctor but if you can't get through to them, BEFORE you run out you need to get to the ER. If they give you enough maybe you can still make it to the reunion....I know it seems odd to think of going to the ER for pain meds and then hoofing it to a reunion, but life goes on no matter what our CP does.

I am SO sorry for what you're going through....being pregnant and having children and going through financial problems like that is absolutely terrifying...and I know that in my experience my CP is harder to treat when my anxiety is high...I usually need more meds, higher doses, that kinda thing when my anxiety is high, because my physiological state is so unstable it affects my ability to treat the pain on a physical level.

Anyway...I would really start with contacting your doctor and being honest. Write down beforehand everything you're going to say, just as you plan to say it so you can just read it off to them when you leave a msg...that's what I did when I called my neuro and it helped a lot because I didn't leave anything out and I didn't stutter and sound like an idiot like I tend to do when having to call about my CP....I hate having to do that, I feel like such a drug bum, you know?

Anyway...take a deep breath, give them a call...and if you get to the point where you're very low on meds (within a day of running out) and your doctor hasn't gotten back to you within about 12 hours I'd say go to the ER....you know when pregnant better safe than sorry.

good luck hon *hugs* hope things get better for you soon :(
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