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A question about prostitutes

i NEED TO KNOW ALL ABOUT WHAT STREET PROSTITUTES DO WITH CLIENT. I MEAN HE PULLS UP SHE GETS IN AND WHAT?? SHE TELLS HIM WHERE TO GO PARKING LOT STREET ALLEY WHEREVER AND WHAT DO THEY USUALLY TALK ABOUT ON WAY AND WHILE THERE IN CAR AND ON WAY BACK?? cHARGE FOR SEX AND TIME IT TAKES. i FOUND OUT MY HUSBAND OF 55YRS HAS BEEN TO YOUNG BLACK STREET PROSTITUTES. oNE TIME 2 PULLED UP AND HE GOT IN THEIR CAR WENT UNDER A BRIDGE AND ACCORDING TO HIM ( ha ha ) only 1 did sex the other got out and stood lookout. Doesnt seem true to me cause arent they out there to make money and time is money. Only 1 made money!!!!!  What do they charge and time it takes i want to know it all because i can't trust what he says. He said they come to tuuck and yell they want to do whatever and they tell him how where to wear a condome. Is that right , I thought the client told the prostitute what to do. Please help me I am broken hearted and feel i must put him out but i want to understand. Thank You   annie
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Sorry haven,t answered sooner but had to take an unexpected trip to KU. My kidney started to cause me a few problems so before it got to out ocf hand I decided to go. I told my boys it,s all because it's a male kidney. LOL
I bet it's wonderful to have a daughter. I have grand and great granddaughters and I sure enjoy them a lot. My granddaughter Sarah just had a baby boy the 16th. She has a 5yr old girl and it's going to be hard on her because she has been #1 for so long and now it will change. She told her mother the baby boy was nice but could they leave him there because he made to much noise and gave her a headache!!  Shes not wanting him right now. So funny.
I did go to my therapist and she was so kind. I do everything at KU so I saw her yesterday before I was discharged. She told me I have a good sense of humor and I'm centered so her and I will work through this. I will be just fine. I was enraged and words I can't even use here when I found out all this garbage. I don't like it at all but I know I'll be ok. I think the very worst of it was knowing he cared so little about me that he risked diseases and God only knows what else. I have no immune system and I would have been in real trouble had he given me somthing. Let me say also that he would have been in worse trouble, believe me. He has been checked and so have I. So far all is ok. GOD is so good. I will be talking to you later. For now have a good turkey day.  Annie
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You may never get a straight answer from your husband. He might not even know why he does this. That's why he needs therapy too. But, right now you have to think about you and your mental and physical health. Of course you have all of those feelings. You have every right to. I really am so glad to hear you have an appointment Friday.
That's so great that one of your sons will be staying with you. They all sound like awsome boys.
Yes, I have one daughter. She is not only my daughter but my best friend. She is the only daughter, only grand daughter and only niece in my family. My two sisters both have boys.
I think helping women in need is a great idea. They sure do need the help. It would help you with your healing too.
Did your boys really say that? Oh my gosh, that is great! Yes, you did finally did get to accompany them with a male kidney.
You have a wonderful attitude and you will make it through this.
It's really nice to talk to you too.
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I am going to see a therapist this coming Friday. He told me after the transplants. My Dr. thinks he's a sociopath. I think he knew I was trying to recover from the surgery and hoped it would either kill me, get me to leave, or someone knew something and he was afraid of being told on and decided it would look better for him if he confessed. I don't know, these are just my crazy thoughfs.
I do have 7 sons. It's been an exciting life with all 7 of them. What one didn't think of to do the others did. They have been pretty good sons all in all. One of mysons has been career military and he just retired so he's going to stay with me. All of them have always been very good to me. I am blessed.
There Dad has been trying to talk to them and explain but so far they wont listen. I kinds hope they do and find out why. I just want to know everything in detail. I wish I could walk on and not care but I am stunned, outraged, hurt, angry, all kinds of crazy thoughts. I hope the therapist can help me.
So you have a daughter. That must be wonderful. I tried several times for a daughter but to no avail.After 7 boys a girl wouldn't have a chance. We always had male dogs, cats, pets. Male, male, male. It was a joke with my boys that someday I would accompany them!!!I told them no way. When I got the kidney and woke up in icu they were all standing there smiling great big and I thought it was because I made it. Instead they said Mom you WILL accompany us now, you have a male kidney. LOL They thought that was so funny. Like I said I am blessed to have them. I am going to try to dwell on all the things I have to be grateful for. I am going to take a class or something or maby find who helps the sad street prostitutes and offer to help any way I can. I must stay busy. It's so nice to talk to you. I'll be talking to you soon. Annie
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I'm really glad you went to get tested. You should get some of the results back pretty soon. Your Dr does sound wonderful.
No, you did'nt tell me about the transplants. How awful for you! Thank goodness we live in the age we do though with all of this medical technology. He told you before or after the transplants? I wonder if the guilt was getting to him? I wish I could tell you why some men do this. There really could be so many different reasons. That's why he should get in to counseling.
When is your first appointment? I am so glad to hear you have this set up. You need help and support right now.
How many sons do you have? I think you mentioned 7 if I'm correct. I can't imagine having that many boys. I have an only child, a daughter.
Talk to you soon and take care.
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I did go to KU and get tested. I hsd aids test also. If I would have something, anything, I hope he goes away forever. I actually am going to see someone at KU that deals with this type of thing. My primary care dr. set it up..She is so good to me for many years now. Did I mention I have had a liver and kidney transplant and thats when he decided to tell me all this garbage. I wasn't sick enough and at one point I was ina coma and when I woke I didn't know anything until I had my transplant. I was so toxic I thought it was in 1800's . Well enough of that. You are right I have awsome sons. I am so grateful for them. Two sons are married and two have lost their wives. The others said there to young to get married. They range from 53 to 45. I do appreciate you talking to me. I'll be back later. Bye for now. Annie
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Your sons sound wonderful and very protective of their mother. I know a little about this from friends and such. It almost never has to do with the wife. She can be the most perfect wife in the world and the husband can do this. I hope your husband does get in to therapy soon. Have you thought about therapy for yourself? I really do think it would be a good idea. I know I mentioned this earlier, I just think it would be good for you. I pray that your tests come back fine. I'm here most everyday if you want to talk, okay.
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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
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Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.