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A question about prostitutes

i NEED TO KNOW ALL ABOUT WHAT STREET PROSTITUTES DO WITH CLIENT. I MEAN HE PULLS UP SHE GETS IN AND WHAT?? SHE TELLS HIM WHERE TO GO PARKING LOT STREET ALLEY WHEREVER AND WHAT DO THEY USUALLY TALK ABOUT ON WAY AND WHILE THERE IN CAR AND ON WAY BACK?? cHARGE FOR SEX AND TIME IT TAKES. i FOUND OUT MY HUSBAND OF 55YRS HAS BEEN TO YOUNG BLACK STREET PROSTITUTES. oNE TIME 2 PULLED UP AND HE GOT IN THEIR CAR WENT UNDER A BRIDGE AND ACCORDING TO HIM ( ha ha ) only 1 did sex the other got out and stood lookout. Doesnt seem true to me cause arent they out there to make money and time is money. Only 1 made money!!!!!  What do they charge and time it takes i want to know it all because i can't trust what he says. He said they come to tuuck and yell they want to do whatever and they tell him how where to wear a condome. Is that right , I thought the client told the prostitute what to do. Please help me I am broken hearted and feel i must put him out but i want to understand. Thank You   annie
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Thank You, I feel better just being able to tell women about this. It does make a difference. My sons have also been so supportive. I was ashamed to tell my sons but they certainly rose to the ocassion. They moved their Dad out and told him he was not to try to come back until he proves he is in intensive therapy and gets tested for everything there is that he could have contacted.  I went today to be tested. I can't believe this is happening. My doctor, a woman, was furious with my husband. All this good support, and I do so appreciate it from everyone. Again, THANK YOU
Annie Sue
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I could'nt agree with you more. You're husband needs to get in to counseling. Right now or he won't stop what he's doing. You are so right about these girls. Many are under age, on drugs, and the guys beat them and take all of their money. It is a very sad thing. Of course you're angry. How could you not be? To be married for so long and not even know your husband is doing this. I would recommend counseling for you too. It will help with your anger. We're here to help anyway we can.
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Thank You both for your answers. I talked to my sons and they put him out. They told him to get help and then we would all talk. They found out he was going to underage street prostitutes, all black. I feel like he used them like a toilet. He took a piece of their soul. He thinks it's ok because they are out there. I can't believe I married him. It's been 55 yrs. and  7 sons later. He has been doing this and other twisted, perverted activity through the whole marriage. Oh my gosh and I was so busy with kids and grandkids I did'nt see it. Everyone thinks he is just wonderful and charismatic. A church goer!! I am so sick of him. I want to go to place where people help, especially young girls, off the street and prostitution. I mean HELP THEM. They are all victims. I told him he must pay money to help whoever helps them. The men need to go to jail and have their privates cut off so they can never do it again. I feel so angry and I'm going with it because I feel better. Thank You again
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All of this varies, like the above poster said. Men go to prostitutes because they get what they want and there are no strings attached. Your husband is playing such a dangerous game though. He could get an STD, be arrested, or worse, get AIDS. Many of these young women are run a ways and on drugs. The pimp takes most or all of their money. I've watched many documentaries on this sort of thing and it's very sad. If there were no customs like your husband there would be no prostitution. Have you talked to him about getting counseling? You both need to be tested and right away. As long as he's doing this you should probably not have sex with him.  
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I know I sound crazy and I feel crazy but I must understand this mess of street prostitutes. Wherer are they? Why would an old perverted man go to them when he knows they carry disease and are on drugs. He claims they told him what to do, where to get in his car, where to go to parking lot or alley or wherever. Some insist on condom, thank God. I thought the client told the prostitute what to do, where, how and all that stuff. I am talking about Street Prostitutes in car or truck. Several times they drove up to the bad area and 4-5 were in a car together. Several times 2 got in his truck but only 1 performed according to my husband, the other sat there and watch.. I have horrible pictures in my mind of all of this.I hear horrible things they say and do to and with my husband. I cant bear this. I want to know EXACTALLY what was said and done from begining to end and why. Dont prostitutes realize the clients use them like a toilet. Take a piece of their soul. How must they feel later when they think about it all. They should cut off all men's privates that are caught and I bet that would make a low life man think twice. I am so angry and hurt over this.  I totally blame my husband, not the prostitutes. They are so sad  so harmed. Ihave been a good wife for 55yrs and raised 7 sons with this pervert. I feel I dont even know him. Please if there is a street prostitute out there reading this helpme understand this. hank You  Annie
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Prostitutes are out there to make money and their job is to make sure that the client gets whatever they pay for so everything is up for grabs. Inexperienced prostitutes might look out to make sure that they will not get arrested for their illegal activity. It depends on the person but they can charge from 50+ for simple things such as blow jobs, or with sexual activity it can range from 50+ a hour or more. Not all people wear condoms so I would get tested.

This is not from my personal experience just information I know from living close to a bad neighborhood.
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