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Cut/tear on the inside of my vagina

During sexual foreplay, my guy scratched my vagina very badly. The cut is to the left on my vagina - quite close to the hole. It is at least an inch long and is quite deep. It really hurts to wee and i actually have to hold my vagina whilst weeing to take away the pain! I am really worried that the guy may have had dirty nails and I want to do everything to prevent an infection. Do you think I need to go to the doctors about this? Is there anything I should/shouldn't use to keep it clean? How long do you think it will take to heal? What can i do for the pain?

7 Responses
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This recently happened to my girlfriend, and it's now day 5 and she is still bleeding. The day of the incident she had a lot of blood, but now says she's not bleeding as much. I might've damaged a tissue or scratched her. How long did it take for you to heal? I'm getting worried if she doesn't stop bleeding in the next few days.
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Same thing happened me, was quite deep and bleed quite a lot, stopped now and not as sore what should I do?
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My very sore vagina with the nasty scratch has now healed! I bought a variety of medicines from the chemist which really helped me. Firstly sachets called 'URAL' which illiminate the acidity out of urine and will make it less painful to wee - especially when the wee touches the cut! Then savalon, which i put directly onto the cut - but really helped it heal quickly. If your man is tearing your vagina, try using lots of KY-Jelly, this will lubricate your vagina and make it less likely to tear. Also when ever your in the shower, use 'FEMFRESH' vagina wash - its in an orange bottle - you can buy it at coles near the tampon isle! It helps balance the PH of your vagina which will keep it clean and avoid infections... hope this helps mate.
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I have experienced MANY reoccurant vaginal infections ranging ranging from yeast to bacterial. I have one sexual partner and a very frustrating sex life. Every time we have sex I get an infection. I believe it starts with the vaginal tearing. What can I do to stop this? How can I eliminate the pain? What ointments can I use to heal the scars and avoid infections?
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dont worry....just keep it clean n keep it dry for a day...dont touch it using your nails...al shud be fine...take care..
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1611284 tn?1301980663
What Libby said. Also, tell your guy to be a little more tender or clip his nails :(
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Keep it clean and take showers to keep it clean. It should scab up within less than 24 hours if you don't pick at it. If it dosent scab up by then maybe going to the doctor would be good but it should. It may sting for while but if your healthy your body will be able to fight off any germs and won't get infected.
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