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Abnormal Puberty

I have a 15 year old female that seems to be developing at an odd rate. She started her period at about 13 but she has not deveolped breasts. She has gained alot of weight in the past two years, she has gone from being active to not so active, she is tired alot, and the weight gain is mainly in her abdomen. She drinks water all the time, could this be a problem? What do I need to have checked? Is she normal?
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She may have a thyriod problem as this leads to weight gain. Is her hair thinning?! This is also a sign. My sister was diagnosised with a thyroid problem and was put on medicine and now she is working on getting back her normal weight. SOme of your daughers signs sound like my sisters. I would recommend researching this or talking to a Dr. Good Luck
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335268 tn?1195350790
you should takeher to the doctor for a checkup but I think its normal I'm fifteen myself and I get hit on by men in there 30 s because I'm fully developed and look 21 I got my period when I was 12 puberty is weird it all depends onthe person
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I've had the same problems.

Recently I found out that my issue with my breasts was due to Tubular Breast Deformity.

My periods are basically non-existant now though, once or twice a year.

Take her to a doctor, and make sure you list out all the symptoms as to not forget anything.
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Take her to the doctor.
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