1524673 tn?1327841500


Yesterday I had tests done for the Upper Right Side pain I have had since the 27th of Nov.  My doctor did a Hida scan, and endoscope.  I have Ulcers, hermia, and he thinks my gallbladder isn't working well. He also did blood draws. Did not have the results from any of the test but the endoscope.  Can these things in your stomach cause diarrhea?  If I eat and manage to keep the food down it goes right through me.

What will happen now.  I am not at work yet today, felt horrible when I woke up my stomach feel raw, I taste blood and I have the pain under my right rib, going to leave for work soon.  Really would like to understand what is going on.  Have a follow up appt. after the new year but that it weeks away.  Any information will help, would rather know than not know.  Oh her also did a test for H-pylore or however it is spelled.
Best Answer
875426 tn?1325528416
Wow- you were a young mother with a daughter of 30 now!  First, it is important to find a doctor that actually cares about their patients.  You might try, as I have, interviewing patients of your perspective doctor and find out their opinion of him/her- do they take adequate time with them, listen well, order tests and willingly refer if necessary, that sort of thing.

You can type of a list of your symptoms and a list of questions, most important ones to you at the top of the list.  You can see if the doctor will read it but often they want to listen and not bother to look.  So, you can use your own list to try to be sure you don't leave out anything important that you'll wish later you remembered to mention.  Bring someone with you (your daughter would be a great choice since she is having some of the same problems) to be a second pair of ears to listen to what the doctor has to say and to take notes.  

It's good to prepare for your appointment- do some research so you can have some idea of what tests you want to request with the reasons why you are requesting them.  A good doctor will hopefully order at least some of the tests you mention and maybe some you didn't know about as well.

You may want to research the doctor first, find out when and where they graduated and if they are board certified (if the office doesn't give out that info when you call for some reason & you want to know where you can find out this info, feel free to private message me).  And you might even take a look at nurse practicioners who are experienced, because sometimes they seem to be more thorough and give you more time than a doctor in the same office would.
25 Responses
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875426 tn?1325528416
MRI of pituitary is done dynamically, with and without contrast- they are supposed to take pics as the dye is going into and emptying the pituitary I believe, and I believe it is done in smaller slice images because the pituitary is so small.  

You said you had the carotid doppler done years ago.  But now, you are 48 and probably post-menopausal, the time when not only coronary artery disease risk can go up but I imagine, plaque has had time to build up in your blood vessels if you are someone with high LDL and triglycerides.  A lot can happen in years of time, so I wouldn't want to discount that idea entirely, though it's great it was clear years ago!

Sounds like your parents lived to ripe old ages & that must have been wonderful to have their presences here on earth for such a long time!
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1524673 tn?1327841500
For a few days I couldn't get on my computer, reading hurt me. I had to at work but by the time I got home I was just done.  I can't print at home but will talk to the doctor about the above mentioned tests.  I know I need MRI and MRA of spine and Brain. Not sure what separate dyamic method is but will ask.  I had a doppler on my coratid years ago and they were clear.  My mom started having strokes at 42, but she was raised in England with poor nutrition in war time.  She lived until she was in her mid 80, she passes at home as was her request from congestive heart failure.  I took care of her for a bit over a year.  My dad was 92 perfect health, he fell down the stairs and died of a head injury, a year and a half before my mom.  Funny how I wish they were here with me today.  Miss them very much.  I am a very lucky person, my parents were very loving and wonderful.  Anyway we are in the middle of another snow storm.  Have to head out.  Once again I thank you for everything, Talking to you keeps my panic down.
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875426 tn?1325528416
I plan to pray for you tonight.  I am listening to you.  And what I hear tells me you need to be taken to the emergency room.  If you don't want your family to know, ask a friend to take you & tell your family you are going somewhere with your friend.  Print a copy of this thread to take with you so they can see your symptoms listed here.  Please listen to me and don't just pass this off as nothing out of the ordinary... your lack of balance, your vision problems, the numbness in your face.  I'm sure those you love don't want to lose you or lose a part of you due to lack of or delay in care.  

Hopefully they will work, given your extensive medical problems to try to stabilize your condition, because you sound very medically unstable.  Perhaps you will got on a fast track to that endocrinologist if nothing else!  

I hope they will do a full neurological exam and MRI of the brain, pituitary (separate dyamic method with and without contrast for pituitary then general brain MRI) and MRA/MRV of the blood vessels in your head.  Also, a doppler of your carotid arteries, as well as a complete blood count to check for anemia.  It'd be nice if shortly after the ER visit, you could get your ferritin checked too to see if you have iron deficiency from GI bleeding and anything else the ER doesn't order for you.
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1524673 tn?1327841500
Apollo is wonderful!  Best thing in the world I could of done for my son!  They are like brothers already!  Our puppy is smart.  We have taught him to: sit, stay, come, shake, down, and he listens to everything we tell him.  Most loveable puppy I have ever met. Timid, but that's Ok as he will grow to be close to 200 lbs.  Happies little guy ever.  He is trying to get Miranda my kitty to play with him, they are starting to make friends, she is still a bit nervous around him.

Today is a really bad day for me.  I couldn't go to work which is really something I don;t ever do, I Love my Job!  Woke this morning is a pool of sweat, balance was off, eye sight in left eye was like looking thru a fun house mirror.  Pain left side from my head to my toes. Had to call my neighbor to come help me with morning tasks.  I have been getting Hives, since I colored my hair, same stuff I have been using forever!  This Saturday almost passed out again, this time thank goodness I was home.  Layed down until the feeling passed, happened this morning also.  That's why I didn't drive to work!  Travel almost 100 miles a day round trip. My face in numb on the left side but this is normal for me, been happening for years.  Also numbness in left arm from baby finger to middle finger.  Pain still acute in shoulder area.  Moltrin helps that.  Crap I am falling apart!

This time in my life is the best in years!  My son is doing better, I am in Love with a wonderful man.  My daughter are doing great!  Work is going well!  I have stress but not like before, Stress usually brings on these problems.  

Appointment with Endo on the 8th.  Praying they can figure this out.  For the past 20 years I have been told I have autoammune issues.  Urgent Care doc, ect...  Only go when things get so bad it stops me in my tracks.  As I told you single mom, no child support, worked two jobs until 2 1/2 years ago.  Had to stop because of swelling in all of my joints. I would come home after a 20 hour day and couldn't move.  Sometimes couldn't even remove my clothing, until after I slept.  Huge lumps in groin, wrists, knees, ancles, finger, shoulders, ect ...   Took a few days to get like this,  Working 20 hours, Wed, Thurs, Fri, then had to rest Sat, Sun.  The swelling would go down and I could do it all over again.  Never told anyone about this.  Took Moltrin, and Perkacet when needed, it didn't make the pain go away but it help to get thru it.  

Today scared me!  I feel better now and can actually see to write to you.  Oh, a few years ago after working tons of shifts I had an arithama, ending up in the hospital for two days.  Docs could not figure it out.  That time I ended up passed out on the bathroom floor and my kids found me there, called 911, When I came too I tried to send them away. Told them I had to work in a couple of hours.  One of them told me if I could stand up they would leave.  I tried to stand, the next time I came to I was already in the hospital.  That was 6 years ago.

As I told you my daughter who is 30 is starting to have the same problems.  Mine evolved over the years.  I don't want her to go through what I am going through.  Hope this doctor can figure it out.  Thanks for listening.  I don't want to tell my family as they will just worry.

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875426 tn?1325528416
I'm so sorry you had that awful experience at the pet store!  I hope you will enjoy your new puppy.  They can be good therapy!  I know from experience that low blood sugar can cause a migraine, but have never passed out.  

I'm concerned that your vision was impaired afterward and think you really ought to be getting an MRA/MRV and brain scan to take a look at your blood vessels and brain!  Also, it wouldn't hurt to have them take a look at your shoulder and decide if they should be taking some pictures of it!  

Also, besides possible low blood sugar, have you had your ferritin, iron and complete blood count checked lately?  With blood loss from ulcers, I feel these ought to be monitored closely.  And with your scant eating, they may want to do an electrolyte check as well to see if you are low in essential things like sodium.  And altered eating can be hard on your heart as well.  How soon were you able to get the appointment with the endocrinologist?  
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1524673 tn?1327841500
Hi, Remembered yesterday my girlfriend works for an Endo in Syracuse NY.  Called her and she will be able to get me an appt.  Ended up passing out in a pet store yesterday. Very uncomfortable feeing, first the physical feelings and second the embarrisment.  Happened quickly, I get very hot, then I started to sweat, my body was shaking and my leg wouldn't hold me up.  My boyfriend got my to the floor, I could sort of hear him from a long way away, but couldn't respong to him for awhile.  This lasted for about 8-10 minutes.  When I came back to myself I was a bit confused, shaky, tired, had a horrible headache and shoulder pain.  I hadn't eaten, it was 2 in the afternoon, so I'm thinking my blood sugar dropped which triggered a migraine.  Do you think this is possible?  Ended up sleeping for most of the day, after eating some eggs.  Feel the ghost of a headache this morning my shoulder is sore but nothing like yesterday.

My good news is I pick up my puppy today, 13 week old English Mastiff, his name is Apollo Luna.  I will post his picks.  Right now I am about 3 hours from work so I have to get moving. Driving was out of the question yesterday.  Vision was impaired.  Today not so much, just left eye, which is the norm.  

I did talk to my sister, she is an MD and knows my history, she was not happy but agreed that staying home as long as no other symptoms accured was OK.  She has seen me worse.  Could autoammune cause something like this to happen?  I can usually go for many hours without eating, I know this is not healthy and have for the most part broken this bad habit.  Because of my stomace I have been eating little meals every few hours since Thanksgiving.  Kind of scared me yesterday.  Mostly I was embarrised.  Any thoughts woudl be helpful?
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1524673 tn?1327841500
Thats kind of the problem, Because the surgeon has not been able to find a Endo there has been no further steps taken.  I am sitting in limbo, not I will do as you suggested and go on cancellation lists ect.....  Thank you.

It the pervious endo they wanted me to see, just can't go there again.  I will contact my doctor tomorrow and talk to him about options.  Have a great weekend!
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875426 tn?1325528416
I know it must be very frustrating for you.  How did your auto-immune tests come out?  Did your thyroid function tests come out okay?  Thyroiditis have pain and fever listed as symptoms.  

Also, since you've had the fever, have they done a differential white blood cell count on you?  

Regarding the disliked endocrinologist who has appointments- this may be why he had appointments available.  If there is another one whose schedule is way out there, you may try to get an appointment with them (after researching their schooling and experience- PM me if you want a more info on how) and get put on their cancellation list.  Meanwhile, what has the doctor said who ordered your records from your previous endo?
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1524673 tn?1327841500
    Good Morning,  Problem:  The only Endo that has available appts. is the one I do not trust or like very much.  Second appt with him, he came into the exam room yelling about the labs, saying they couldn't be correct.  He called the hospital to see if they had cooled the sample or whatever and he was really upset.  He told me I would have to take steriods for the rest of my life at that point.  Really didn't say to much else.  When I tried to talk to him he just ignored me basically.  At the point in my life of these appts. I was pretty shut down,  My son had been home from rehab for a short time, money was tight, balancing work, care for my son, ect was a bit overwhelming, I just didn't have the energy to be firm with this doctor or use any of my life tools to calm him and get answers.

First appt he told me I was fat:  I am 5ft 3" tall, weight 132 pounds and am in pretty good shape for 48.  He also told me my ability to move was impared, like I was 70 years old.  I had just told him I had a spinal injury and it was acting up but he must of forgotten.  Some days are better than others with my back and leg pain.  He was certian I was a diabetic, I told him that was impossible.  I am correct by the way he did the tests. My mom was and I took care of her, so I know a bit about the disease.  

Last appt with him, I asked if there was something other than the steriods that we could try, he said no.  I told him what was happening to me, he said deal with it, I told him I valued quality of life.  He said he wouldn't treat me anymore if I didn't take them.

I have been feeling terrible, want a treatment or resolution, got any suggestions?  Sorry to pour my heart out.  This morning woke up and every joint I have hurts, even hips, and the top on my legs, I had a hard time climbing the stairs.  Had to take motrin, this should be just wonderful for my stomach.  Starting to feel like my back is against the wall.  Oh and I also have a low grade fever, don't know how this plays into it.  Have had one for a few days. My stomach is still much the same, nothing acute thank goodness. Horrible if I try to eat beef, but if I am very careful I can keep the pain under control with diet. The bloating is not fun, or the gas, but some of  the other symptioms have calmed.
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875426 tn?1325528416
Yes, hope is a very good thing to have!
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1524673 tn?1327841500
Yes he is sending me for testing, by now he has contacted my last Endo for my records, copies of by blood tests ect. These I am sure will follow me to the new doctor.  Maybe this time I will get some answers, and I will feel better.  One can hope.  
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875426 tn?1325528416
Did he order blood testing for auto-immune problems, like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis?
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1524673 tn?1327841500
Hi SurgiMenopause

I don't have H.pylori, and no more blood taste.  The surgeon was amazing!  He is sending me to and Endo before he does anything to have my adrinal checked.  Hyda scan came back boarder line.  Still having problems eating, but not accute if I eat little bits and watch what I eat.  When I overdue then I suffer, still have the runs which is the opposite of what I usually deal with.  No more vomiting.  So all is well.

Having really bad problems with my joints in my hands and wrists.  Almost everyday they are swollen red and very painful.  All I can say is this is weird and I would just like to feel like me again.  Off to fight the snow,  Have a good day.  
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875426 tn?1325528416
Well, consulting a surgeon does not always mean you will actually get the surgery- they can recommend, but you're the one who decides whether or not to sign a consent form.  But before you even go there, you need to have someone not just say they think your gallbladder isn't working properly, you need to get diagnostic testing to try to find out, if possible, with a HIDA scan, including ejection fraction or MRI or at least an abdominal ultrasound if there truly is a gall bladder problem.  A surgeon is just one kind of doctor that can order that test for you- I would think an internest or a GI doc could do it for you too.

   I think it would be a mistake not to tell them about your adrenal situation.  I don't know of any substitute for steroids, but you might consult a licensed Chinese herbalist or wholistic health practicioner to see if there are any natural products out there that can simulate them.

Regarding the ulcers- have you gotten the test results back yet for the H. pylori?  Because that needs to be one of your priorities!  Has the blood taste stopped yet?  
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1524673 tn?1327841500
A bit scared about seeing a surgen, my adrial gland does not work correctly, I know that I could possible go into an adrial storm when my body is under a lot of stress.  I do not take the medication the doctor prescribed as steriods and I do not get along.  Anyway how do I talk to this new doctor about this? If I say nothing will they look after me well enough to catch on to the signs of an adrial storm if I say nothing?  I do not want anyone to give me steriods, ever again. Isn't there anything else that can be taken instead?  This is truly scaring me.
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1524673 tn?1327841500
Thanks for the information above.  You made me smile.  My daughter is amazing and yes I had her before my 19th birthday.  She is now VP on her company, I put her thru Ithaca college in NY, where she graduated top in her class.  Have a 25 year old daughter ( symptoms also) she is in nursing school.  My son is 23, he now suffer with a TBI but was a Pipe Fitter.  Worked at University Hospital in Syracuse when they built the Childrens Hospital before his injury.  Wonderful children. Raised them alone for 22 years.  Very proud of them

Anyway, I am going to ask the Gastro doctor I am seeing Friday to refer me to the other doc you mentioned.  Woke this morning with Joint in hands and wrists swollen, red and very painful.  Want to take moltrin but scared because of my stomach which is still not behaving.  Couldn't life to coffee pot. and Typing hurts. So I truly have to find out what is happening.  You have been very kind.  Thank you
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1524673 tn?1327841500
Thanks I will talk to my doctor and set up an appt with a rheumatologist.  One sister has sarcodosis, another has graves, all but one have problems with thyroid, as do our children now.  Weird stuff. No MS ever in our family unil now cousin with MS and RA she lived right across from the plant.  My father brought my mother here from England after WW2.  Then he got sponsers and brought her sisters and brothers because of the devistation in England at the time.  We all lived near eachother. Only the children born in the area are effected by weird things.  My oldest daughter is effected which scares me as her symptoms follow closely to mine, she is now 30.  How do you talk to a doctor and have them hear you, truly listen.  I have avoided them for many years and now I can't because things have gone to far.  Also, I am hoping if the doctors find out what is going on with me it will help my daughter.  So I will take you advice and make the appts.  Thanks for the encouragement.  
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875426 tn?1325528416
If you go to the rheumatologist, I recommend mentioning where you grew up (near a chemical plant)!  

I know how it can be frustrating with taking pills.  It used to be gyn docs would try to push birth control pills for female hormone issues but I didn't want to take them because it gave me more migraines, fear of side effects and that sort of thing.  

But it sounds like you need someone who is willing to work with you about your situation- if you don't have an endocrinologist close by willing to work with you on the steroid thing so you don't have untolerable side effects, have you tried holistic, nutritional or prescribed herbal supplements or acupuncture- is there anything else you can try since you simply cannot seem to tolerate the steroids?

And you said blood taste has slowed- so that means not stopped I take it?  This is very serious and you need to get treatment ASAP!
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1524673 tn?1327841500
Thank you both for the information, I will talk to my doctor about the adrenal problem, never thought to mention it to him.  I am supposted to take corticosteroids everyday which I can not do.  Asked if there was a different med or supplement and was told no.  Have been on and off steriods all my life they totally mess me up.  I do have headaches, treat with topamax, and maxalt when needed. Even small doses of steriods cause, facial hair growth, vaginal bleeding, weight gain, and I get depressed on them.  Last time I took them I thought I was going out of my mind, so I stopped taking them and the specialist I was seeing will not see me anymore.  I have 6 sisters all but 1 have autoammune disorders, weird, we grew up near a chemical plant, I blame it on that.  My joints thankfully have gone down now, until the next time.  Have been able to eat a bit more as long as I am careful.  Lost 9 pounds in the last few weeks which I didn't need to do will work on putting some weight back on.  Thanks for the insight.  Hope you both had a lovely Holiday, have a safe and happy New Year,
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If you do not have functioning adrenal glands, your symptoms can vary, but nausea and vomiting are pretty standard. Some do get the runs, others headaches. Fatigue is very common. Being nauseous all the time points to that you need the replacements that you are not taking.

The steroids you would be taking would be corticosteroids and if your doctor managed it correctly, it should be hydrocortisone which should have little if no impact on your stomach (you can always eat with it) and it is a replacement to what your body does not make, not a dose like people with asthma take that is large - so it should be small, taken several times a day (bulk in morning) and should help you to feel better.

Swelling joints sound like something else - like an auto-immune disease. Have you seen a rheumy?
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875426 tn?1325528416
I think a lot can depend on what doctor you get at the ER as to what kind of experience you have.  

I went to a PCP and got referred to a surgeon.  I saw two different ones.  The first one ordered a HIDA scan with ejection fraction to look for gallbladder and bile duct issues.  I also have gotten MRIs of my liver after an abdominal ultrasound revealed lesions on my liver.  One of them is a hemiangioma and the other one we're not sure yet what it is because it is small.

Yes, if you had recently drank, a test for blood alcohol would have revealed it.  I have never drank any alcohol, so drinking doesn't have to be the only criteria to have something going on with a person's liver!

Re: your adrenal question- adrenal insufficiency can cause diarrhea and nausea.  
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1524673 tn?1327841500
I am clear of all STD's, do not know about H pylori yet.  Doc did give me Nexium, which seems to be helping me eat a bit better.  Can still eat only tiny bits of food.  The pain and pressure is still a constant under my right rib but the pain is under control as long as I do not eat anything large, like a whole sandwitch,  Their office did call but I didn't get the call due to my job and received the voice mail after hours.  I will follow up on Monday.  Blood taste has slowed ~ Thank Goodness, didn't go to our ER because I went when this was accute and the DR. asked if I was a drinker, I am not.  He was convinced I was,  I was dehydrated and in so much pain that night or I never would of gone.  He gave me an IV and I left feeling just as bad and when I went in after 8 hours there.  Won't make that mistake again.  In the past 6 months I have had a glass of wine at Thanksgiving, and an Irish coffee when I went out dinner.  He had my blood and urine so couldn't he tell from that ~ not a drinker?  Praying follow up with the Gastro will give plan of action.  Losing weight, Diarrhea but not as bad, Nausous all the time.  Also, weird as this sounds, for months the joints in my hands, wrists, and other small joints swell and become red and really painful.  Have had a doc in the past tell me my Adrenial glad is not working properly, I can't take the steriod he want me on for the rest of my life so I don't.  Can this play a roll in what is going on now? If it is then I am in trouble because Steriods make me ill and would rather suffer as I am now.
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the MedHelp forum!
Since you have diarrhea, you could be suffering from an inflammatory bowel condition such as Celiac Disease/Ulcerative Colitis/Irritable Bowel Syndrome/ Crohn’s disease. Parasites in the gut like threadworm, tape worm, giardiasis etc can behave this way. Hence a stool test is a must. Problems of gall bladder and liver or that of pancreas too cannot be ignored. Possibility of H pylori infection should be looked into by carbon urea breath test.
Malabsorption syndromes as seen in intestinal tuberculosis, HIV, tropical sprue, parasites in stool and Whipple’s Disease or diabetes too can be the cause.
Since I cannot examine you and know other related conditions you may be having, nor is a detailed history possible on net, I have listed the various possibilities that should be looked into. Please consult your PCP for primary examination followed by proper referral. Take care!

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