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How long after TURP does pain last

I had a Turp 7 weeks ago and still have pain with the urge to go and ant the end of urination.  What is the time line for the pain to stop.
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Update, had significant bleeding today and some yesterday. I called and spoke to my doctor.  He said to drink plenty of fluids, take it very easy and see if it doesn't clear up in 24 hours.  The prostate forms a scab which starts to fall off normally around the two week period, where I am now.  I will let you know how this goes.  If anyone has this in the future, I wanted to document it so that it might help someone who is searching the internet for having heavy bleeding about two weeks after their TURP procedure.  It is certainly unnerving to have this happen.
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Reading the testimonials is both discouraging and confirming but most are just painful spins. I believe this person I am commenting under has the right attitude and good view on the subject, willing to pass forward his experience to help others like me. I am at day 11 and have had a carbon copy of what most people have described here. Pain, bloody urine, blood clots with lots more pain The burning seems to be just par for the course when voiding(urinating) for everyone post TURPs.
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I had my TURP on November 17th.  Today is November 27th, Thanksgiving Day.   I had a fairly eventful beginning.  I was released from the hospital the 18th.  I removed my Foley catheter on the 19th, as instructed by my surgeon.  I had plenty of blood and some clots to follow.  I had my surgery in SC where I have a home, but I live full time in NC.  On the 20th, my wife drove me back to NC. Immediately upon arriving, I could not void.  I had to go to an urgent care for a straight line catheter to be able to clear the obstruction.  I had this happen one more time.  Since then my flow has been good.  I have noticed as time has gone on, I am much more tender in the prostate area than I was and have to sit gently.  My frequency of voiding has decreased.  Constipation is a factor, but my wife has given me Metamucil and that seems to help a lot.  I still have some blood and yesterday I passed some clots.  I have read extensively online to try and get more information.  My doctor made this sound like a cakewalk, and it is anything but.  It appears from my reading, everyone has their own experience with some obviously more difficult than others.  I have remained very inactive.  I am 63, but in good shape. I am a bit fatigued for some reason.  I am down to getting up at night twice.  I now have a rush of discomfort the moment my bladder has emptied.  It feels like I need to empty my bladder more, but only some urine tinged with blood drips out.  My dad just had this done six months ago, and I have been using his recovery as my barometer.  He is 89 years old but very active.  So, to sum all this up.  Discomfort appears to be around for weeks following the TURP.  At some point in time, the blood in the urine will stop.  There is another period about 2 weeks out where the body starts sloughing the scab of the prostate.  Depending on how much of your prostate was removed would be a factor regarding your own symptoms.  It is also helpful that my dad is a retired MD, so his knowledge is both personal and professional.  I have taken very little of my pain medication and I am not taking any now.  I am sure I am like all of you in that we just want to get on with life.  It is hard to listen to people who tell you to be patient, but there is definitely a factor of patience needed.   Rest is a must, and I have been a good patient as far as that goes.  My goal is to get past the bleeding and the discomfort at the end of voiding.  I am thankful that my stream is back to what it was as a younger man and I know this too shall pass.  Good luck to all of you!
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Thank you for your clear headed, thoughtful testimonial. I am at day 11 and have pretty much all the same side affects following TURP surgery. I too agree that the recovery is pretty much downplayed by most Urologists. After two late night runs to ER to have a Foley installed and then re-installed three days later I think the TURP procedure is really all that can be done and good luck to all that are here reading and hoping for answers. The reassurance that their pain, bleeding and clot voiding in the recovery stage is shared by all, those that say it was a piece of cake are lucky, are made of brass or maybe just lifetime liars.
Patience is definitely a must.
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I had my TURP on November 17th.  Today is November 27th, Thanksgiving Day.   I had a fairly eventful beginning.  I was released from the hospital the 18th.  I removed my Foley catheter on the 19th, as instructed by my surgeon.  I had plenty of blood and some clots to follow.  I had my surgery in SC where I have a home, but I live full time in NC.  On the 20th, my wife drove me back to NC. Immediately upon arriving, I could not void.  I had to go to an urgent care for a straight line catheter to be able to clear the obstruction.  I had this happen one more time.  Since then my flow has been good.  I have noticed as time has gone on, I am much more tender in the prostate area than I was and have to sit gently.  My frequency of voiding has decreased.  Constipation is a factor, but my wife has given me Metamucil and that seems to help a lot.  I still have some blood and yesterday I passed some clots.  I have read extensively online to try and get more information.  My doctor made this sound like a cakewalk, and it is anything but.  It appears from my reading, everyone has their own experience with some obviously more difficult than others.  I have remained very inactive.  I am 63, but in good shape. I am a bit fatigued for some reason.  I am down to getting up at night twice.  I now have a rush of discomfort the moment my bladder has emptied.  It feels like I need to empty my bladder more, but only some urine tinged with blood drips out.  My dad just had this done six months ago, and I have been using his recovery as my barometer.  He is 89 years old but very active.  So, to sum all this up.  Discomfort appears to be around for weeks following the TURP.  At some point in time, the blood in the urine will stop.  There is another period about 2 weeks out where the body starts sloughing the scab of the prostate.  Depending on how much of your prostate was removed would be a factor regarding your own symptoms.  It is also helpful that my dad is a retired MD, so his knowledge is both personal and professional.  I have taken very little of my pain medication and I am not taking any now.  I am sure I am like all of you in that we just want to get on with life.  It is hard to listen to people who tell you to be patient, but there is definitely a factor of patience needed.   Rest is a must, and I have been a good patient as far as that goes.  My goal is to get past the bleeding and the discomfort at the end of voiding.  I am thankful that my stream is back to what it was as a younger man and I know this too shall pass.  Good luck to all of you!
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I had TURP on 12 June 2014 and it is now 29 August 2014.  I am still experiencing pain at the end of urination and at the end of my penis.  I've been to the emergency room 3 times for the pain (no appointments available with my urologist).  All 3 times was given medication for UTI.  2 days later after the urine is cultured, I am told it is not UTI and told to quit taking antibiotics.  If I could do it over again, I think I would have stayed on Cardura and Proscar.  The last 10+ weeks has been hell.  I sure hope it starts getting better soon!
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There is usually improvement as soon as the catheter is removed. Factors that may affect the  rate of improvement in TURP patients include: the condition of the prostate before TURP, age, and overall health status. New symptoms may appear following TURP, such as occasional blood and tissue in the urine, bladder spasms, pain when urinating, and difficulty judging when to urinate. TURP represents a major adaptation for the body and may take up to one year to heal. If this persists, it would be best to have it evaluated by your doctor for proper management.

Take care and regards.
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6 weeks out from TURBT. Having pain in penis area while urinating, which at times is sparse something I have noticed is that it seems if I have a full meal in the evening, I have more trouble with pain and urinating often at night which is like every 45 minutes or so ..... maybe there is a correlation between these two since they basicallly push and press close to each other. Just taking Tylenol, Also, every time I go infor chemo, and they give extra fluids, pain seems much better........maybe H20 more?....don't know if I can drink much more water, .......any ideas, prayers for all.
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I did TURP on the 13th of Feb and it is today the 14th of April 2016 I still have burning in the penis all the time not when urinating only. I am still taking anti-inflammatory tablets. Can someboby advise please. I am 68 yrs also and physically very fit. I am still exercising as before.
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I had my Turp surgey on April 13 2016. It is now June 10th. My problem is incontinence. I have had some embarrassing moments. Is there anyone else having this problem and what are you doing about it?
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Well, it has been some time since I was here. On December 24th, 2015 I had a second TURP!  My flow was getting gradually less.  I did fully recover from the first TURP.  I am now six weeks out from the second one and I am not bleeding, but have significant burning.  It had lessened but has been pretty persistent the last couple of weeks.  To any one reading this looking for answers, I wish you the best of luck and hopefully this will be ok for you.  I had normal ejaculation following the first one, but now have retrograde ejaculation.
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I had TURP done almost 5 weeks ago, and it is much better, but sensitive at the end of urination.  Can take up to one year my urologist says.
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I am at Day 70 nitemare after Turp burning at the end terrible bladder pain pain under ball sac feel terrible lay in bed
Most days have no energy probably mentally shot passing scabs up to day 55 two
Bladder infections damit i want to get better he told me 4-6 months possible with
My size and how much he removed damit
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I had my surgery 6 days before you, and I could literally cut-and-paste every one of your comments into a posting.  
I have gotten past the bleeding, and there are no more clots/tissue being passed, but the pain at the end of urination just won't go away.  I don't have a follow up with the urologist for another two months, but if this doesn't change in the next couple weeks, I am going to bump it up.
Overall, I am okay with the surgery and the results.  In my case my bladder had become distended and there was urine reflux affecting my kidneys.  They have fully recovered.  But the painful urination is still there.
I will follow up with a comment in a few weeks.
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Hi can you tell me if your husband recovered well, after the 9 weeks  after the turp? And how long before he felt better and pain free? I had the turp done 8 weeks ago still have teh frequency and painfull when I urinate. Thanks
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14 weeks laiter I am not much better They started me on Myrbetriq less blood now have slept as much as 4 hours but mostly 3 still hurts to pee Good luck
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I am 66 years old, this is my third day. I got my catheter removed after one day, peeing 6 -8 oz every hour or two, some pinkishness, a couple small scabs, some minor pain in penis from the over-sized catheter.  All is well enough.  I have not taken any of the pain medicine they sent me home with.
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Mine was last Saturday, a week ago now.  Worst discomfort is the penile pain as if the catheter has left raw flesh inside.   The pain produces a feeling need to urinate but I have to hang on if I want to produce a good flow.   Also a pain in the butt around the prostate area but that may be caused by constipation and the inability to release wind.  Worst nuisance is the tiredness which may be caused by the anaesthetic and the rules, don't drive, don't lift, don't don't.
I am a reasonably fit 77 year old and before the op it was taking me sometimes up to 5 minutes to empty my bladder whereas a good result now can be 5 seconds!
Hope we all get better quickly and feel good results from this procedure.
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I had my turp only 5 days ago. The pain is killing me. I am having all type of pain killer. The pain in penis is there all the time. It awake me at knight every hour, though no urination. Every doctor advice is to be patient. It is hard.I don't see any improvement apart from the blood getting less. Any advice to reduce the pain? How can convince my GP to prescribe local pain killer for instant?
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you are just beginning.
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i had turp opp 3 weeks ago to day, i am not seing eney more blood but at the end of passing urin it is so painfull i fill like im going to pass out at times. is this nomall. my doctoc as givin me some antibotics but still hurting alot.alf
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I had a TURP procedure performed on 10/17/13, and all went well. I had discomfort for some time after this procedure, but then I started feeling much better. I was able to drink coffee again, with no more discomfort until just lately.
I don't know what happened, but suddenly the discomfort returned, I am back on my prostate medication, (tamsusolin twice daily). My question is WHY?
At this point, I don't think the procedure was worth it! If I am still having discomfort, and have to take that medication (which is not working that great), why bother with TURP?
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My husband had the TURP surgery 9 weeks ago and is having bladder spasms and burning and throbbing pain in the penis.  He is on Vesicare, still taking vicadin, as well as, a anti-inflammatory .  It is painful to sit so he is
either in the recliner, lying down or standing up.  Is there any way to relieve
the pain besides what we are doing, and how long before it gets better?
My husband is 68 and was in good physical shape prior to the surgery.  We are losing patience!
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