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Help!!! Chronic testicle, groin, lower back pain!! :'(

I'm a 20 year old male suffering!!!

It's very difficult to describe my symptoms because they always change.  But basically, my right testicle has this very uncomfortable feeling to it.  It isn't a pain but like an achy, dull feeling to it.  It’s like a constant reminder that something is there and out of the norm. When I physically touch it, it isn't painful except for the bottom part of it where I assume is where the epididymis and testicle connect.  It's a very unbearable discomfort since it's chronic and unmanageable.  However, I do have actual pain in my right groin.  After doing my own research, I would call this my spermatic cord or my inguinal canal.  The pain is usually dull but I do have some sudden sharp pains that quickly come and go.  The other main source of discomfort is my lower right back on my pelvis area right above the buttocks.  It feels like this ache that I need to constantly massage to make it feel better.  I feel little rubbery nodules when I do massage this area.  I also feel a tender spot on my actual lower spine.

These symptoms are chronic/persistent.  However, periodically I get the same feeling on my left testicle/groin/lower back.  When it happens on my left side, it doesn't last a very long time.  But there is times when both testicles ache for almost a whole day.

Occasionally, this discomfort/pain radiates down my right butt cheek or down into my thigh or the tendons right above my knee.  When it radiates into these areas, it's only for a short period of time.  However, this referred pain never happens on the left side. Recently, I also began having some discomfort in my perineum area as well but I don’t know if this is related.

This problem first started when I was 18 years old.  During this time, I was checked for STD's and given ultrasounds of my scrotum and kidneys.  I didn't have any STD's nor kidney stones.  But the scrotum ultrasound only diagnosed me for Vericocele.  The Urologist I saw at this time told me it wasn't a big deal and prescribed Naproxen.  I didn't find that any NSAID's helped me.  However, the discomfort ended up suppressing itself for the next two years to a point where I could do my daily activities and not worry about it.

Two years later, or about three months ago, the discomfort came back much worse and persistant.  I went to see my doctor, where after a negative urinalysis; I was given Doxycycline for Epidytimitis.  Didn't help.  I was then told it was Prostatitis.  After having my prostate checked for normal results, I was still put on Levaquin and Flomax just in case.  Didn't help.  I then got a CT scan on my pelvis area where everything came back normal except for scattered lymph nodes in the retroperitoneum and the mesentery that were ignored because they didn’t meet CT criteria for enlarged lymph nodes.

Then I was told it could be my genitofemoral nerve, which runs from my back to my scrotum along my groin.  I was then placed on anti-inflammatory steroid tablets, methylprednisolone.  Up to this point, it was VERY difficult for me to roll out of my bed to do my daily tasks as if it was a simple headache.  After taking the methylpredisolone, I felt as if God was giving me a break. This medication has been the only thing that has helped.  It didn't completely go away but it got to a point where I was no longer climbing up the walls in misery.

After telling my doctor about this, he wanted to send me to a Neurologist to get a steroid shot in my spine since taking oral steroids can't be a long term solution.  However, before being referred, the neurologist suggested to make sure it wasn't a hernia.  So then I was then sent to a general surgeon where he said it wasn't a hernia and that I should get a second opinion from an Urologist.  So then I go to the Urologist where after a negative physical exam on my scrotum, I was told he couldn't help me, but a visit to a Neurologist was his recommendation.   Along with his recommendation, he also believed that it can't be my genitofermal nerve since the location of this nerve is too high and deep compared to the area of discomfort in my lower back.   He also said he would think it's a bulging disc in my spine if the pain is bilateral.  But since the discomfort is chronic on my right side and periodic on my left, I don't know if this would be considered bilateral.

Besides everything else mentioned above, I also tried visiting a chiropractor and trying acupuncture.  After a few visits to both with little to no improvements, I stopped going because I couldn’t keep affording it, especially when I wasn’t seeing improvements.   Now since all arrows are pointing to a Neurologist, I got my referral to see one.
At my initial appointment, I was given a few physical exams and was sent to get an MRI on my lower back region where results were normal.  I found this as a bitter/sweet feeling since my hunt still continued. After following up with the Neurologist, he ordered a second MRI, this time on my pelvis, which also came back normal.
I have hit a dead end and I no longer know what to do. Can anybody help me???? :(

Every time I see a new doctor, I try to have hope that I will find a solution to my agony.  But after being turned down so many times and having so many possible diagnostic solutions fail, I have a fear that I'm going to just have to life with this.  I’m always simply told to take NSAID’s which don’t even touch the problem.  Regardless if I’m laying down, sitting, or standing up, it’s STILL there. Neither sneezing nor coughing tends to make it worse.  Urinating and ejaculation is normal and painless. I can’t find any sorts of trends with this. Sleeping has become very difficult.  I also have feelings of emotional distress, anger, and tension build up since I feel so helpless.

I'm 20 years old and this pain has pretty much taken over my life. I’m now on anti-depressants to stop all the negative thinking that's caused by this (unseen cancer, chronic pain that won't ever be cured or diagnosed). I really wouldn't want to go to an extreme of getting an orchiectomy but I really can't live like this for the rest of my life.
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You likely have multiple conditions/injuries. The pelvic region is complex. There is a solution, but it's nearly impossible. I wore out my hip by the age of 27. Yet, I didn't know I had a hip deformation and labral tears.and continued working hard and playing hard. Then one day, the day after a new work out plan, I got pain in both sperm cords, then just the right cord, followed by intense pain in my navel. The navel detached, along with other tissues throughout my pelvis. I've been diagnosed with osteitis pubis, sports hernia, testicular torsion, SI joint dysfunction, and myofascial pain syndrome, I spend so much time rubbing my right hip, leg, stomach, pelvic, penis and testicle that I've gotten carpel tunnel. The best way I can describe it to people is that it's like tendinitis of the whole pelvis/torso. I got a shot of cortisone in the sperm cord, which helped a little temporarily with testicular pain, but its no real fix. I had arthroscopic surgery on the hip, which worsened the other conditions. I've been laid up for 3 months since surgery. I try to do PT for the hip, but then my testicle and abdomen painfully tighten. So, I've developed my own forms of therapy.

So what's the solution? I'm quite intelligent and resourceful. I'm a successful entrepreneur that started with only $3k to my name. I've tried everything and I can tell you there is no simple solution. Tendons and ligaments take a long time to heal. All the little ones throughout the pelvis get very little oxygen and blood flow. They also tug on one another, and there are a bunch of them that connect at the small pubis bone. So they never get the rest they need to heal. For instance: If you have tendinitis in your shoulder then you stop using it and get some treatment to increase oxygen and blood flow, and it always gets better. The pelvis/hips/abs never rests, unless you stay in bed for months in will never heal. With every step you can put 1,000 pounds of pressure through the hip/pelvis. Driving is the worst for recovery.

If I were to write a script it would say: Do absolutely nothing for 6 months. Have someone give you full body massage, myofascial releases, and lingam massages, 7 hours a week. Get chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture once a month. Go on an alkaline diet to reduce stress to the abdomen and load your body with nutrients to repair the damaged tissues. Drink nothing but lemon water to flush and hydrate, some herbal tea is nice too. Take a mild pain killer like tramadol  as needed, maybe one pill a day. Marijuana may help with nerve conductivity and works as an anti-inflammatory, but can constrict blood vessels so it shouldn't be abused. Take Ibuprofen as needed, maybe once a day. Avoiding excessive stomach acid forming foods is the best anti-inflammatory, thus the alkaline diet. Get a shot of cortisone in the sperm cord three times, three months apart. Lastly, masturbate every other day, but don't just masturbate... massage your penis. Turn it into a therapy session. Use a heating pad to warm the whole area. Massage the whole area while keeping your penis erect the whole time. Use the stimulated blood flow to bring blood and oxygen to the whole region. Use coconut oil. Massage the prostate, abdomen, butt, and groin. Put pillows under your knees. pull your legs up and stretch. Don't rush to ejaculate, make it a 30-1hr session. Use a pocket p***y  to make it easier to stimulate the penis and finish at the end. Make sure to focus on your breathing. Like during a workout, take deep breathes. Force yourself to smile too, instead of the concentrated face we all usually make during sex. Enjoy the experience, for those of us suffering with this, it is one of the only joys in our life. This is an improved lingam massage, so if you have someone to do this for you it would be much better. After your done and rested for a little while, then ice the area. Freeze a Styrofoam cup of water, tear off some of the foam at the top so you can use it like a roller. Role it over the whole area for 20-30 minutes, not directly on the testicle or penis, mostly on the inguinal ligament, abdomen, butt, taint, and groin. After a few months you can start doing some basic PT for the core, which uses similar muscles as sex/masturbation. Remember it takes a long time to heal, so don't push it.

So, that's my solution, but good luck finding someone to wait on you hand and foot. I never got a chance to rest like I need. My wife never helped me and then left me before I went in for hip surgery, she never believed the severity of the injuries because doctors don't understand or have any solutions. I haven't been able to work a full time job in almost 2 years. I had to move in with my mom for help after surgery, who also pushes me to do too much. I've been more than depressed, but there are better times ahead. I still dream that I will find the woman who can help me recover, I will cherish her and owe her my life.
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I have this exact same problem that just occured severly out of nowhere, I found out that it started to build up since I've been driving my mother in law's van. I wear a belt with my pants 24/7 and the seat belt of the car pushes my belt into my pubic region. It's now a week into this pain, and i notice the less I wear pants, the more my pain goes down. Also, during the day right after I wake up when my food starts really moving through intestines I get sharp quick pains in my testicles. Even the waist band on sweatpants pushes in too hard and continues the pain/swelling.
My problem my be less severe but I really feel like I'm healing myself without medical help by relaxing at home naked, I wake up almost perfectly  healed everyday, because I wear no kind of pants at home, and when I'm out I wear jeans that are too big for me and I just hold them up with my hands.
My stepfather said they always told him to never wear your belt where you bend your body or the muscles inside will chronically Tighten, I think this pain is cramped muscles around the lymph nodes trying to resist any belt/waistband I wear.
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I've been having the exact same pains,mine started a month ago after having sex. Prior to encounter I had never had any of these problems and been perfectly healthy.
However now I have a dull ache in the testes, sometimes in one or even in both, penis pain, pain in the lower back near the right buttocks and have also been getting what feel like hot flashes on my legs and thighs.
It isn't an std but it happened after some form of strenuous activity, is this the case for all of us?
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I want to help those with testicle pain telling my husband's success story. He suffered with testicle pain for about 6 years, mild and not often in the beginning, increasing intensity and frequency. He had been to several doctors, all kinds of exams and they found absolutely nothing. He took antibiotics and pain killers and nothing helped. Last year he had excrutiating pain in tests, but also had some back pain, sometimes sciatica pain and some right side pain under the rib cage, which we never thought would be linked. He was afraid of some serious disease and we searched the net like crazy when I found a biologist who links those problems with hormones. My husband had a vasectomy and this Dr says that the vasectomy makes the tests stop to produce progesterone. When he started to take 1 drop of natural progesterone a day all these issues stopped. I want to emphasize that those symptoms may be related to estrogen dominance, not necessarily affecting only those vasectomized men. I would like to tell those who had all other diseases ruled out and nothing was found, it may be a route to explore! Good luck
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My boyfriend has been battling about 80% of these same symptoms for several days now. We initially thought it was caused by heavy lifting, since we had been moving furniture the day before. We looked up every symptom, every possible cause, every possible solution, nothing helped us. Even avoiding physical labor didn't help for long, seeing as the pain returned anyway. The one thing we finally noticed after the fourth day is that whenever he sat at a certain angle for too long, he began to experience the pain. Making sure his lower back, the lumbar, just around his tailbone area is supported by something such as a body pillow, he starts to feel better and the pain subsides. Laying flat helped him as well. NSAIDs did nothing to help relieve the pain, but a massage to the area of his back just above the buttocks but below the tailbone on the side where the pain is also helped tremendously. He believes it may be due to a disk pressing or pinching a nerve. But definitely supporting his lower back when sitting and not sitting for too long are two things that help prevent his pain. I hope this helps - it sounds like you guys are going through hell!
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I have had these symptoms for the past three months and my doctors are clueless. did you ever sort it out or find a solution?
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