579258 tn?1250649343

Come join us ~ and please introduce yourself ~

If you're a new member, an old member, a regular participant or someone who is just checking out this community ...
we welcome you and would most sincerely urge you to become an active participant in the Weight Loss & Dieting community.    

Eating more nutritionally, implementing moderate exercise, losing weight and transitioning to a healthy lifestyle is better done among a caring group of like-minded friends.  We are in this together!  Let's ask questions, make friendships, share knowledge, use trackers, give support, provide motivation, encourage each other and celebrate our successes!  

Lets make this Positive, Motivational and Enlightening!!!  The joy is in the journey and the knowledge and friendships that are gained along the way. Come join us and lets make history!

Please take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us something about you and your journey.  If you have specific questions, you may want to start another post after you've said "hello" ... :]

Sunshine wishes ... you CAN do this ... and WE CAN DO THIS Together!!!  
39 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
Wow, this is a really old thread; I'm surprised either of you found it, but welcome to you both.

Countrygal - since you have hypothyroidism, it will be necessary to get your thyroid levels right "for YOU", not just in range.  Many people with thyroid issues find that losing weight isn't so hard once levels are stable. I, too, have hypothyroidism, so am old hat at this.

Drew - 50 pounds in 2 years, should be doable, if you come up with a plan and stick with.  I'm not familiar with Chiari, however, if you can give us an idea of your capabilities, maybe we can help with exercise ideas.

It would probably be best to start your own thread vs tacking onto an old one like this, in which most of those members are no longer on the forum.
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1755089 tn?1376053555
Hello. My name is Drew and I would like to lose weight at least 50 pounds in the next 2 years. I have a Chiari malformation which can make things tricky when it comes to working out. I think one of my biggest probleme is I like to eat to much when I cook, and I love cooking.  LOL

Countrygal 55: To had the trackes you check the ''Show Ticker'' under the text box when you write a comment.
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How did you all put your trackers on here. I would like to put one.
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Hello, I am new to MedHelp but not to losing weight. I am 54, going on 55 next month and have been struggling with Yo-Yo Dieting for about 34yrs. now. I had Thyroid surgery 11yrs. ago to remove my thyroids. It wasn't cancer but had large goiter. I just had surgery on my left shoulder, which is hampering my exercises right now. I am hoping to get my emotional eating under control. Good luck to you all.
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1157811 tn?1263831494
I want to give a big hello to everyone in this community, I just found this site tonight, and I think it is the greatest! I look forward to having many discussion with you all, and I welcome any new friends! If you decide to befriend me, my first journal entry tells you a bit about me, my history and my goals. I am a great listener, and am just full of advice lol. But seriously, I hope to expand my circle of friends, meet new people and share in the experiences that we all are having and will have!
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917426 tn?1243594916
Hello I am Ms. Penni....I love this iste, I feel better already knowing im not alone in my weight loss journey.  
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Just realized this thread is over a year old...  Like I said, all new here.  Maybe I have to find my way around.
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Hi, I'm new as well.
I'm 42 years old.  I'm french but I understand English very well.  
Please, don't be to harsh on my spelling *smile*.

In 2001, after a long and hard commitment with the Mincavi program, I've reached my healthy weight: 135lbs.  I've never made the maintenance program and... in 2008 I've reached 198lbs without any efforts at all, very easy.  

In July 2008, I had a gallbladder attack, it was very painful, and the doctor suggested that I loose weight before the surgery.  I bought a Wii Fit and loose a few pounds but by October my weight was stable at 188lbs.  In January 2009, I've decided to spoil myself and have all my food delivered home every day (nutrition in motion: NIM) until I get the surgery.  It worked quite well and my weight went down to 160lbs.  I had the surgery May 5th and today, is my last day with NIM.  I found another company that will deliver lunch and diner 5 days a week to help me with the transition period.  

I still have 25lbs to loose and I'm scared I wont be able to do it all by myself.  In the last 4 months with NIM I've learn about portions.  I'm eating way to much normally. So I will try to eat healthy and to have small portions. To be honest, I have no confidence at all in myself.  I'm scared that in the next months my weight will go in the wrong direction.   I did it once, I know, but I'm not sure I have the energy to reach my goal once again.

This is one of the reason I've join the group today.  Get support.  

So thank you for having me *smile*
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Hey, I'm the new kid on the block. Probably all I'll be doing is lurking.
I'm also taking levothyroxine, which has made a major difference for me in seemingly everything but weightloss. I can now sweat, and take the heat, and think sooo much better, and it seems like every year has gotten better than the year before. Its been nearly 8 years. Wacky thing was that blood work etc didnt show anything major, it was just a shot in the dark by my doctor, and I've been so thankful.
Exersize for me is totally a struggle to get more than what goes on during the day. Tutoring a 5 yr old boy with autism, and rough and tumblewith his little brothers every morning is about the extent of it, in the afternoon i head for a warehouse where I sit in front of a sander the rest of the day to help support myself, since the tutoring is volunteering. Eating his glutenfree diet with him, and staying far away from the scales is my only diet plan for now. I have about 4 more months with this job, but hope that seeing others successes will inspire me to do more once I have a different schedule.
I have an inflamed xiphoid process that makes deep breathing difficult at times.
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419964 tn?1333301906
Welcome everyone youve come to the right place :) I wish you sucess in your weight loss journey to a healthier life style
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579258 tn?1250649343
Again, welcome to the community and thank you for your patience.  

What a journey you have had and what wisdom you have gained!!!  First, CONGRATULATIONS to YOUUUU for realizing the only way to lose weight long-term is to eat healthy (and include moderate exercise).  

Thank you for allowing us to help and uphold you ... will definitely promise to help you with the motivation and encouragement part ... not only during the weak parts but to help move you forward in the good times as well.  The friendships and comeraderie shared here can absolutely be crucial to your success ... especially during the occasional plateaus that occur during weight loss.  Please let us know if and when you hit one of those and we'll be glad to help you sort it out and provide you with some ideas to get through it easier.

May I humbly ask that you divide your goals into smaller ones as they are easier to tackle then ... like 1/2 stone at a time.  Gives you more to celebrate!!!  

Soooo very happy to meet you and certainly look forward to sharing in your effort and success!!!   Teammates we all are!!!  Much better together than apart!!!  

Will be glad to help you with the ticker/weight tracker.  There are 14 pounds to a stone ... so ... 12.9 converts to 180.6 lbs.  You may want to consider 3-5 pound goals at a time.  

BTW ... one of the benefits of losing weight is that conception is easier!   Looking forward to sharing in your success there as well!!!  

HUGE HUGGSSSS .. and again, welcome, welcome, welcome ...
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579258 tn?1250649343
Glad to hear you are taking care of your rotator cuff and working within the limits of your mobility.  Please let us know how you're doing with it from time to time ... we care and would like to be here to provide you with support.  (((Gentle HUGGSS))) ~R
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579258 tn?1250649343
WoW!!!  How brave and strong you are!!!  To share so honestly and be so committed to making changes in your life to overcome a task you do not like to do .. writing .. to do so AND realizing it makes a difference!!  Guess you could say that schooling paid off because you are most wise!

Big heartfelt hugs from one who has been there; I struggled with my weight for a lifetime.  Am glad you and wonko share this, the commonalities and friendships that can be born here in MedHelp can enhance our lives so and I would encourage both of you to see what develops while also being active participants of the group as a whole!

So glad you feel at home ... we're so excited you're here and allowing us to share in your journey.  We have a special surprise coming very soon ... and believe it will help as well.  

Take care of you and please let us know any specific things we can help you with.  The members here are Awesome ... and so tickled you're in that number!!!  

Biggg hugggsss and a very warm welcome .. Ranae
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566103 tn?1228385767
Hi, I am a newbie also. I have hypothyroidsim and it is very difficult to lose weight.
I have had gastric bypass surgery and lost 120lbs. Since last year I have gained twenty pounds that I would like to take back off.
I work in health care so I know some golden rules, but support is very important if you want to reach a goal. I really do not want to be a stick figure, just want to be healthy, chemically balanced and feel comfortable in my own body.
It is a pleasure to be a part of your community. I wish every one well in their journey.
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362249 tn?1441315018
hi all!! i have only lurked around here a time or two and asked some ?'s!! im still around but weight loss is kinda stuck my dad had  a heart attack last week and i am staying with parents to help out and some other issues at my house going on as well but who knows i might just lose a few lbs now that i will be running around so much and not sitting doing nothing all day lol!! GL 2 every1!!
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616227 tn?1251076398
Hi welcome to the community!
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627833 tn?1222693590
I am new to this community, although not new to losing weight.

I have struggled with my weight, self esteem, and self acceptance since I was 12 (when I hit puberty I instantly aquired a weight issue). Gaining ten pounds might be a lot to some, especially to those who are more petite. I remember every year as a teen I would flux 30 pounds between winter and summer. Weight gain and loss has always been part of my life, and I want this 80 lb "loss" to be my final (major) one. I'm giving it all I got.

I am 22 and was at an all time high of 230.5 pounds when I decided that I need to love my body again. I am at 225 and feel like I share a lot with wonko. It seems like the stress of college was my excuse for putting my health on the back burner and now I am turning up the heat.

I hate writing in general, but I love reading. I usually have a lot to say (verbally) but cannot bring myself to write it out without messing up. That means participating in a community like this takes even more effort on my part, but I believe that this will ultimately be the difference between losing the weight and keeping it off. So worth it.

From what I have read so far I feel right at home here and I appreciate all the honesty I've read so far.
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579258 tn?1250649343
A big heartfelt welcome; we're thrilled you are here!!!  Just saw your post and am literally running out the door for work.  Will be sure to respond to you later this evening .. and we're honored to help.  Have a wonderful Monday and ... talk soon ... :]  (((Hugs))) Ranae
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483733 tn?1326798446
Just saw your question above.  For my rotator cuff I am to watch exercise around it and continue on with my massage and acupuncture or else go for physio therapy.  So nothing really different from before except to know to be careful with it.  Thanks for asking.
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626973 tn?1289297031
hi, new to this! but not new to weight loss.

i have been "dieting" since december 07 when i got a wake up call via my scales - they shouted at me that i was 17.4!!! was the worst xmas present ever.

i did well myself until feb 08 when i hit a wall after losing around a stone and a half myself and went to the doctors AGAIN about this.  i was prescribed xenical which helped me lose a little more.

i joined slimming world mid april at 15.10 and have been slowly chipping away at the pounds ever since.

i am now 12.9ish and have a long way to go to target of 10 stone but i am aware i am now going about it the wrong way and not eating well now.

so i am looking for support and fellow diet buddies for encouragement for my weak moments

i havnt quite got the hang of the ticker thing yet or converting my stones to pounds only!!

btw i am 30yrs old and have been unsucessfully trying for a baby for over 2 yrs too.
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579258 tn?1250649343
So glad you are here .. your help and assistance is most welcome and appreciated!!!  You are most welcome, msgorgeous ... and thank you too!  (((Many heartfelt hugggss)))  Ranae
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419964 tn?1333301906
Ranae & skailark

Ive very glad to have come across this forum its just what i need.. i hope to help others with motivation and reaching there goals thank you for your support :)
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579258 tn?1250649343
You, my dear, are a gift and a valued member of this community.  You are wise and knowledgeable and your posts provide a wealth of information!

2 MORE LBS ... wowww ... that is absolutely Awesome!!!  We're here to support you and to be your cheerleaders!  Can hardly wait to celebrate that milestone with you!

The bag is a wonderful motivation tool and out in plain site so you can remember!  Am going to take out a new outfit and hang it on my door.  Have vowed not to wear it until I reach 175 ... following your lead!  Painted my nails today and thought one of my next "rewards" is to get my nails done ... to pamper me.  Am reserving it for 169 .. want to get under the 170's.  

LOVE your idea about using a "time machine" analogy and wonder if you might allow me to borrow your thoughts and write an article on that.  While I've done that in my head ... thought about the milestones and where I was the last time I was at that weight ... never put it in such terms and found your analogy fascinating!

Don't you think the internal dialogues we have with ourselves is a major component that leads us to success???  Personally, had to deal with some of those issues and retrain my thought process in order to make lifestyle changes.  

So very happy to have met you and we have MedHelp to thank for allowing this forum, the trackers, the friendship and a path to lead us to success!!!

R ~
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579258 tn?1250649343
Your desire to be healthy and fit, and not focusing on a size or weight, is the very best way to participate in making and keeping a lifestyle change.  YEAHHHH YOUUUU!!!!

Can truly understand your cravings for pizza, cookies and ice cream, but would like to offer the following thoughts for your consideration ...

1.  You can have these flavors, but I would suggest it requires  a few substitutions.

     A.  Pizza - There are some frozen low-calorie pizza options.  Now, you can make
          them even more appealing by adding some additional pizza sauce, fairly low
          calorie, and some toppings like green onions, green peppers, tomatoes,
          mushrooms, a few olives, etc.  Just don't forget to add the calories.  
     B.  Pizza - You can eat 1 slice of regular pizza for a serving ... just check out
          the calories and make an informed choice ... i.e., Pizza Hut - thin and crisy,
          cheese pizza, 1 slice, 200 calories.
     C.  Ice Cream - Sugar free popsickles are a great substitution ... 15 calories each.
     D.  Ice Cream - Fudgesickles, Wells Blue Bunny ... 35 calories each.
     E.  Ice Cream - Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich, Low calorie, vanilla, vanilla &
          chocolate combo or mint - 140 calories

Motivation can be found in many ways ... staying tuned to this group on a regular and active basis provides the greatest motivation.  The friendships, the hugs, the information shared here, with people facing the same things, watching their successes and feeling the love, compassion and tips to succeed is one of the greatest motivators.  We'll be implementing some motivational techniques very soon.

Not running because of what others think, allows the control and destiny of your life to be placed in the hands of strangers.  And, if they truly think that, they're not worthy of being a friend, let alone controlling the path of your life.  Take back your control and go out there and run, walk, exercise and participate in life as a gift from you ... to you!!!  Sometimes, it is the manner that we believe others may react.

When I went to the gym to work out, I was 330 lbs and I couldn't hardly breathe.  Four minutes of exercise was excruciating and I was panting, sweating and could have reasoned that I should just quit.  However, that would have only defeated me!  What I found out was, that 95% of the people were proud of me for putting in the effort to do something about it.  The other 5%, I feel, were either not well informed or perhaps were mean-spirited.  Long and short of it ... I highly encourage you to go out there and to this for you!!!

Thank you for offering to share exercises with the group!!!  Personally, I would LOVE the opportunity to obtain this information and look forward to your active participation and sharing the exercises with us.  Would you possibly consider posting this within the community on a regular basis?  It would help soooo many people ... :D

Fantastic to have you here and so look forward to sharing your journey with you!

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