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Is Atkins safe?

People keep telling me that the Atkins diet is unhealthy, but my labs tell me differently. I lose weight on this diet and for the 1st time in 20 year my triglycerides are below 200. Also my cholesterol has come back into the good range. I feel better and have more energy, so why is this diet a bad thing? Maybe I don't see the big picture, please let me know.
6 Responses
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579258 tn?1250649343
Hee He Heeeeee .. yeppers .. sure have ... guilty as charged!  Sometimes it is better to use the words of a kind and knowledgeable friend ... especially when their words are "RIGHT ON" and reflect your sentiments.

Thanks, twehner ... you are a wise and wonderful friend with much knowledge, wisdom, humor and motivation!  Thanks Sweetie .. you make a difference.
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657315 tn?1319491387
Have you been looking at MY computer...?  You will be in the corner if you aren't careful !
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579258 tn?1250649343
Welcome to the WL&D community and, as you can see, there is much information that is shared by wonderfully caring members!  

Unknowingly, I did the same as Twehner and followed an Atkins type structure in selecting more lean protein, selecting healthier fats and decreasing my carbohydrates along with switching them to complex carbs.  Although I tried Atkins twice, I was not able to adhere to that program.  I tend to like my carbs and have chosen to eat a well balanced diet .. and make much healthier food choices .. with low-fat dairy, fresh/frozen fruits and vegetables, lean meats, complex carbohydrates.

The essence of weight loss is to find a healthy plan that fits YOUR lifestyle .. one that you can follow and adhere to.  Among those I am aware of is Atkins, Weight Watchers and counting calories.  While many of the "paid food programs" do work while you are on them, South Beach, Jenny Craig and NutriSystem .. I am always concerned about the LONG TERM outcomes when you no longer pay for their food.  If you work the entire program and LEARN about your own behaviors, how to shop and read labels, etc .. then they are okay as well.

Please let us know how you are doing.  We'd love to have you share your experiences with the members of this community!

I am just not a "follow a plan" kind of person and I know this, so I had to vow off of all plans.  I actually lost weight by increasing protein, fiber, dairy and decreasing bad carbs.  Sound familiar?  OH !!!  AND I GREATLY INCREASED MY ACTIVITY LEVEL !!!  (But if Mr. Atkins knew about the bad carbs I *DO* eat sometimes, he'd roll over in his grave, so SHHH !!!)
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It's worked for me without compromising my health. I lost over 50 lbs. within a 2 year period nearly 10 years ago, utilizing the Atkin's approach. And, I've been able to maintain a healthy weight... but, only as long as I stay on some form of low carb diet.
I think that the key to success with this, and any diet system, is discipline and common-sense food choices. It's when you deviate, go to extremes or over-indulge that creates the problems.
Congratulations and good luck on your continued weight lose efforts.
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483733 tn?1326798446
Twehner's advice is good.  My husband and I did Atkins a number of years ago and because we loved the food (steak, bacon and hollandaise, who wouldn't?) and rapid weight loss on the induction phase we stayed on it.  Well, we eventually got very irritable and both got gout.  I do think if it is followed appropriately that it is fine.
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657315 tn?1319491387
Okay, so you've already done it.

What I was gonna say is that I have vowed off of ANY and ALL diets for MYSELF...BUT I have no problem with them for other people.   Some people need and want structure - GO FOR IT !

That being said, I actually kind of fashioned my weight-loss after Atkins AND, I feel that IF people don't get carried away with Atkins, it is alright.

Where Atkins gets a bad name is from people who go around bragging about eating nothing but steak and eggs and bacon, etc.  Well, we all know that isn't good for you.  A lot of people who trash Atkins have never read the book.

The other advice I give to people about Atkins is not to stay on the Induction phase longer than 2 weeks at a time, depending on their health.  If they strictly follow the plan (which is very healthy!), they will still lose weight.

I am just not a "follow a plan" kind of person and I know this, so I had to vow off of all plans.  I actually lost weight by increasing protein, fiber, dairy and decreasing bad carbs.  Sound familiar?  OH !!!  AND I GREATLY INCREASED MY ACTIVITY LEVEL !!!  (But if Mr. Atkins knew about the bad carbs I *DO* eat sometimes, he'd roll over in his grave, so SHHH !!!)
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