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579258 tn?1250649343

Day 2 - We Are Off And Running!

Well, the challenge is off to a flying start and there's no stopping us now!!!

You’re all doing a fantastic job and the excitement is in the air!!!

I told you there is always strength is numbers and you guys are really turning it on!

Here is your link for day two and let's get moving!

Link -     http://tinyurl.com/4bofnc
18 Responses
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624274 tn?1262709753
Well, still going strong. I am losing but very slowly. I know the second week won't be much better. I've always been told the second week is always the hardest. This means that some will lose motivation. We can't do that. For most  the second week is the make or break week,  so hang in there and remember why you're doing this in the first place! You can do it! Hope everyone is doing well. -Mary
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579258 tn?1250649343
Not sure if it's sympathy pains .. but don;t think so ... and I have the bug as well.  Felt sick earlier, vomited and have been responding to posts because I am behind and could not sleep. Am getting tired now so going to go turn in.  Even chicken noodle soup hasn't sounded good, but I was able to keep water down.  Here's to us both getting better ... (((Get Well HHUUGGSSS!!!))) Miss you ... Ranae
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624274 tn?1262709753
Thanks Renae! You're very uplifting. Well, I have been doing good on the diet but today I don't feel well. I think I may have a bug. I am just fatigued and sick to my stomach. At least I don't have to watch the calories. All I'm eating is Chicken Noodle Soup. Hope everyone is doing well! -Murmmie
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579258 tn?1250649343
What GREAT Effort Everyone!!!  YEAAHHH USSSSSS!!!  

Murmmie30 - Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Murmmie .. Happy Birthday to you!!!  AND Congratulations on the accomplishment of avoiding the cake!  WoWWW .. I'm Impressed!

msgorgeous - So sorry you're not feeling well and hope you are better reallll soon!!!  Way to go on bouncing back with your eating .. you're showing us all how it's done!!

TrudieC - Congratulations on the .4 lbs and the Exercise!!!  You Rock!  And, YOU are stronger than you thought possible!!!

Red2008 - You are Amazing and absolutely "planning" for your success!  Thanks for sharing and Kuddos on your efforts.  I want to come along on the bike rides!

CharmaineZoe - So glad you like the workout .. that guy is inspiring and you will see more of him!  Clothes feeling looser is Wonderful!!!  Many times our size adjusts first before we actually see pounds.  Celebrate that success .. you're Amazing!

mirabella45 - That is indeed hard work and good for the body and the mind.  And, the apples are a lovely snack to have along the way!  I was raised on the farm and am very familiar with painting fences and cleaning the barn.  We had to clean the barn BEFORE even asking to go to the Friday night football games.  Many fond memories.  Well done .. and love your humor!

bet643 - Please be careful ... 2 hours of exercise and not eating well can lead you to starvation mode and you need to eat to keep your body from burning muscle tissue.  Please make time to eat ... some carbs before that kind of a workout and some protein after ... k?   Your humor abounds and nearly fell off my chair laughing at you and mirabella

Skailark - Thanks for being our cheerleader!  You're such a ray of sunshine.

GREAT Day 2 .. hope I haven't forgotten anyone.  Have to make the Day 3 post really quickly and get off and running ... Have 15 minutes to be dressed and out the door and I'm in my jammies ..

Have a WONDERFUL Day!!!  Many HUGGSSS .. Ranae

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483733 tn?1326798446
Well I was bad last night at my business dinner.  I hate it when they order appetizers for everyone to share and put bread on the table!!  If I'd just had the dinner I ordered I would have been OK but the wine lowered my inhibitions and I was weak.  Up a wee bit today but am working from home rest of this week and will be diligent!  

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599954 tn?1227493985
They also have the SF NF jello puddings...My dogs eat nutro
gotta get some sleep..exhausted
GOOD night
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Sounds good, I keep forgetting about the jello.  It beats science diet (dog food) Ha Ha. Besides, I would never put my shower rod through such torture.LOL
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599954 tn?1227493985
curtain rod isnt gonna do it!   HA    How about sugar free jello?  sometimes that feels pretty good..or SF applesauce with Non fat cool whip.   Just suggesting
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Yep, my dogs food bowl is looking better than those stinking carrots. Oh, I'm hanging in there alright. Just tied a rope to my shower  curtain rod. LOL  Damn Dog!
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599954 tn?1227493985
you are funny!!  I know the hurl feeling.
hang in there
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For some reason, I had a little more energy today. Cleaned like a mad woman, worked out for 1 hr. took a 30 min. walk and 30 min. on stepper . Worked up a sweat, which I was surprised since I've been feeling so cold lately. Drank lots of water. Didn't eat very much today because I was too busy and only had vegetable soup and skim milk with some fruit.. Stepped on the scale and lost a pound. I'm now starving and the water and the carrot sticks just makes me want to hurl.
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616227 tn?1251076398
We are indeed making this happen! What an inspiring team of people we have here!
Way to go guys!
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599954 tn?1227493985
Yeah..today was good.cleaned the barn..painted fence rows..And picked 5 bushel of apples...now thats a work out..bending and stretching.....gosh sounds like Im proud of a hard days work.
good luck to everyone..Eat healthy
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633471 tn?1376576249
Love the dance workout, and the video testimonial was very inspiring. Feeling very positive as I am starting to feel my clothes  getting slightly looser - which is a great incentive on its own :-)
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566103 tn?1228385767
the dance workout is a great idea. Even the kids get into it. We hit the bike trail today. I managed to walk 2 miles today.... yeah!  Also I am packing my lunch, I am not tempted at the cafe at work and also I have no hidden calories. Hope you all are doing well. Julie
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483733 tn?1326798446
Lost .4 of a lb. when I weighed in this morning.  And took a very sprightly walk for 40 minutes today at lunch.  Business dinner tonight so hoping I will hold strong.  This is working!
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419964 tn?1333301906
I have a slight cold soo im unable to do too much but i still did a lil of the excersises and i actually threw out my healthy eating this weekend not sure why i was doing really good but i can bounce back and i actually have so im glad for that :) i cant wait to  see results of this challange

good job murmmie30 resisting your own bday cake thats great keep up the good work
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624274 tn?1262709753
Well, I am so proud. My birthday was Friday and it's so hard to avoid the birthday cake and ice-cream but I did. The family ate at Shatley Springs N.C. and I did eat what I wanted, I just watched the portions. It was so good and I could have easily over done it but I held it together. I managed to stick with it and still lose 0.5 lbs over the weekend. I am so motivated now!
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