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684175 tn?1295477838

I promise I am still here

Hey everyone!!  Yes I am still here.  I haven't been able to post, but have been reading your posts as much as I can.  Things have gotten hectic with school, work, toddler, and life in general.  Started a new medication that makes me lethargic and haven't been to the gym as I should.  I have managed not to gain weight, but haven't lost either.  I am hoping to get that fire going again and kick some tail this month.  Its just nice to go shopping now and not have to go to the plus sizes.  Now if I could only grow taller I wouldn't have to hunt down petite sizes. LOL!!!!

I wish everyone here the best and to keep at it.  The struggle is definitely worth it!!!!!!

4 Responses
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579258 tn?1250649343
Ms Khendrick - So VERY HAPPY to see you back and active in the community.  YOU have been missed and it is good to see you are doing well .. albeit too busy.

Seems to be a common symptom .. being too too busy these days.  Mine is working at work, down-sizing and selling things in a garage sale and doing my best to liquidate enough assets to bring my bills current prior to my job ending .. either at the end of the month or shortly into the following month .. decision not current yet.

With my granddaughter's recent leukemia diagnosis, I have made a few poor choices with food and have gained some weight .. about 10 pounds in all.  Will be updating my weight tracker tonight.  YES ... starting a FIRE under me with a box of matches ... as I WILL continue my ultimate journey of weight loss and health - this has just been a short derailment.  

One thing I have realized is that I will periodically have times where the emotions win, however, they are fewer and farther between and each time I learn how to handle them better and implement more plans to thwart them from happening in the future.  It is all part of life's journey and I am not perfect ... I WILL Forgive myself and be kind to myself in returning to a healthy eating pattern.

Khendrick - Give yourself some EXTRA KUDDOS for holding your weight stable amidst such a busy lifestyle and for returning to the friendly support here on MedHelp !  What Awesome choices you have made and how determined and successful you are!  

Thanks for sharing with us your accomplishment of being able to shop in regular sizes; that is quite a milestone and we are all very very PROUD of YOUUUUU!!!!
Helpful - 0
684175 tn?1295477838
Thanks for not forgetting me.  Yeah life has been getting in the way lately.  I did manage to start the match though.  I went to the gym twice this week and went jogging.  Walked a mile on my lunch break.  Plan on going to the gym when I get off of work in the morning.  I think that working 7p-7a is just starting to throw me off.  The new medication isn't helping either.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Wondered where you went.  I, too, can identify with the busy part.  Work, MIL just here for a week long visit (Ugh.....) and my work hours are killing me - getting up at 3:30 am and having to go to bed by 7:30 - that's for the birds!!  

Lucinda - send those matches my way please and I think I'm going to need a whole box of them or maybe a bomb would work better.  But, whichever you send, please make sure you send a box of extra energy along with it.  lol.  

Helpful - 0
703362 tn?1427766328
Hey there!  Glad to see ya.  I'm still here too.  *Wink*  I so hear you about the busy schedule.  My husband's biz, my biz, homeschooling a junior in high school, etc., have gotten the better of my time as of late.  Hoping to start a fire of my own.....*passing around the matches*.....hope to see ya around and keep up that awesome attitude.  ; )  
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