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649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In - Jan 23, 2011

Once again, we've come to the "weigh in day"....... this is the time when we discuss our week - what went wrong, what went right, plans for the coming week, or just whatever you want to talk about.

I didn't do real great this week; I went up by a pound (from 148.4 to 149.4), but I'm okay with that because I "splurged" on both Friday and Saturday.  Friday, I went to lunch with my aunt, and while I had fish for my entree', it wasn't prepared in the most healthy manner, which is typical for restaurants.  I did have a large salad and "dippable" veggies with it, no bread, so of the menu items available, that was probably a fair choice.  Yesterday, hubby and I went out to breakfast, and again, I made sure to choose the "lesser of the evils".........

In addition, I worked 10 hour days last week, so didn't get in my daily walks; that makes a huge difference.

Last week, on Monday, I was off work, so I went to the grocery store and stocked up on fresh salad ingredients; when I got home, I proceeded to "slice and dice" my way through them, to the tune of 3 large salads (I only worked 3 days last week and had already made plans to lunch out with a friend one day).  I had them, along with small containers of dressing and a "no sugar added" fruit cup, all ready to toss in my bag in the morning; that way I didn't have to spend my evenings getting lunch ready; nor did I have to get up and do it before work, which I know I wouldn't have done, since I had to leave home at 4:15 am........ I bought more fresh ingredients yesterday, so will make more salads today, for the coming week.  I might add a sandwich a couple days this week as well.  My goal is to eliminate the need to utilize the fast food drive through.......

Since I will be back to regular 8 hr days this week, I'll be able to get in the daily walks with my neighbor; that will bring my exercise level back up.  I also have a new yoga dvd that I want to try out.  

Okay - that's MY story and I'm stickin' to it......... LOL            

Now it's your turn to let us know how you did over the week.  Someone mentioned on another thread that they don't want to post, unless it's "good".  We won't always completely reach our goal each week, but that should be okay, because we are human and no matter how hard we try, we won't always stay on track. I'm a perfect example of this.

Scale's broken?  Not to worry........most of us can tell whether we've gained or lost, by how our clothes are fitting, whether or not we feel bloated, whether or not we've been exercising/eating "bad" stuff.  

Something happen that caused you to binge?   Maybe we can help you forgive yourself, so you can move on.

Happy because you did something extra special?  Stuck with your food plan all week?  Exercised daily?   That's too awesome to keep to yourself!!  

We are here to support and try to motivate each other, so it doesn't matter whether you lost, gained or stayed the same; we can't help you, if we don't know what your needs are.  Likewise, we can't cheer you on, if we don't know your success story.  

Remember, there are no failures; only set back........
Have a great week.

9 Responses
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1536914 tn?1302701594
sorry it took so long for me to reply back.. a lot has been going on and just haven't had that much time. I am really hoping that the stress of yesterday doesn't make me gain any weight, i will be dissappointed if it does. anyway, I will join with you guys, since I am also diabetic. I did my yoga the other night until my legs where shaking, about 45 minutes. :D and I got those walk n tone shoes, and I where them to school and practically everywhere I go. :D I have been taking a healthy snack with me when I go to school so I am not tempted to buy that bag of chips that only has 1 net carb, half way through my day. :D However, I usually just get lunch at school, like the other day I had there turkey burger and took off half the bun. :) anyway, i am glad that you guys find me humarious. :D and I wish you and everyone else the best of luck for this week! :D We can do it, I know we can!
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1068689 tn?1325827206
You bet I'll take those commitments with you. I've just maid my days meals/snacks for today so on a good roll so far.
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649848 tn?1534633700
I hope you recorded the weights in your weight tracker; keep in mind that it's not unusual for weight to fluctuate. As long as you feel gassy and sore, most likely you are retaining fluid for some reason or something.  Try to stick with your program, and see what you end up with at the end of this week.
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505857 tn?1329681517
weighed myself yesterday morning i was 15stone 2lbs 8oz, weighed myself this morning Monday 24th 15stone 4lbs 0oz.  Not sure which weight to go by, last week i was 15stone 2lbs 4oz on the Sunday 16th Jan.  i'm not sure if because AF started yesterday this is why i've put weight on, i feel gassy and sore this morning.  I think i might have to go with next weeks weight when my body feels a little normal.  I'm almost stuck on what to do over this weight loss thing.  I've got 3 stone to lose in less than 2 years and i have no idea how i'm going to do this :(
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649848 tn?1534633700
I'm so happy that you decided to join us with this. Congratulations on your 3 pound loss...... that's an awesome start!!  You don't have to have a lot to report on, but you did great!!   I know how hard it is to work every day and still try to commit to some sort of exercise.  Last week, I worked 10 hr days, which made me get up at 3:00 am and to bed by 7:00 pm........ I was wiped out all week and the last thing I cared about was a workout, after working all day (I do have a physically demanding job).  

I love, too, that Krysie has her plan, but she knows when she's going to "bust out".  That's a good thing, because she's already planned for it, and seeing an old friend is worth a minor setback.........she won't be disappointed when the needle on the scale goes the wrong way for a day or so........

I know what you mean about the walking - I only do it regularly during the winter when my neighbor is here, because it's just not much fun to go alone, and like your family, my husband won't go along either, or if he does, he wants to "stroll", and while it's nice to stop and smell the roses, it does nothing to eliminate my excess poundage.... (of course, HE doesn't have a weight issue, so it's no skin off his  nose - or fat off his butt).

I do find that making sure I have food with me makes it easier, because I don't run the risk of the "dreaded drive thru"....... In addition to the salads and sandwich fixin's, I also carry along single serve packets of healthy nuts, no sugar added fruit cups, an apple or other "good for me" foods.  These keep me from hitting the nearest convenience store for the bag of chips that I crave, but certainly don't need.......

Since you are already diabetic, and I'm trying to head it off at the pass (diabetes runs rampant in my family - both type I and II), this is something else we can work on together.  

I have a treadmill at home, along with a health rider, Wii and several yoga dvd's that I love.........I just have to get over the "not wanting to do anything after work syndrome".  

You've made a commitment to work out 3 times this week; I'll join you and make a commitment to walk each day (except Friday, because I already have commitments that will take up more than a work day - exercise is not gonna happen)........

I've made a commitment to make sure I have adequate food with me when I leave home each day...... will you join me?  

One commitment at a time............

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649848 tn?1534633700
Okay, now you guys got me excited about the week.  I'm really happy to have you both here and working on this with me.  

nicky - welcome.  I'm very sorry to hear about your health issues and with 6 children (triplets??), you certainly  have a full plate.  There are a lot of good diets out there, but the problem with so many of them (Atkins, included) is that they are not diets that most people can sustain over the long haul, so once you go off them, many people tend to gain back all the weight, plus.  I find that I'm much better off to make changes in my diet that I can sustain, but even at that, I can't help falling off the wagon, once in a while, as you can see........ lol

We all need to be accountable for our actions, including what we eat.  Health issues often make losing weight much harder; I know that from my experience with thyroid issues, pernicious anemia, high cholesterol, high blood pressure - do I have reasons to lose weight? You bet, but I also have the thyroid issue that contributes a huge stumbling block........  

That said - I still have to be accountable for what I eat and my exercise.  Even though the weight came on suddenly when my thyroid "wigged", I know it's not going to go away as suddenly as it arrived; I'm going to have work at it.

Krysie -- you're doing great.  I'm glad you weighed yourself again this morning, because you are right - most of us weigh more at night than we do in the morning; EXCEPT - when I got up this morning and stepped on the scale, it said 149.4, but after I'd posted this thread, done a bit of housework, etc, I stepped back on the scale, just for kicks and giggles -- it said 148.4; so don't be discouraged if the scale doesn't always say what you think it should.

I bought some containers that hold lots of lettuce and diced veggies.  They are "sealable", so I can make the salads ahead and have them ready in the fridge.  I have some containers (maybe put out by ziplock) that I put the salad dressing into and have them ready in the fridge as well.

I don't like my sandwiches made ahead of time, so I'm going to put some bread slices into ziplock bags, then in other bags/containers, I will put meat, tuna salad, etc so whatever I think I  might want on a given day, I can toss into my bag and go.  It does keep me out of the drive thru line.  My goal is to not eat lunch at a restaurant more than 1 day per week.  

Your Guacamole Chicken Salad sounds great; do you have an actual recipe for it?  Avocados are an excellent source of "good" fat, so don't shun them, just watch the portions......

I don't believe that we should have to give up our favorite foods (unless they are really bad for us), to lose weight.  I feel that most foods can be implemented into a weight loss plan, so long as you watch portion sizes.

I do hope you enjoy seeing your friend, and don't punish yourself for it.  You do know that losing 1-2 pounds/week is safest (and easier), so don't set your goal too high.  You want that baby, but you want to be a healthy mom.  I'm up for another grandbaby!!  

Keep up with the exercise -- yay for yoga....... !!

I'd like to tell both  of you that I'm very happy to have you in this with me.  It's hard to stay motivated when there's no one to share the experience with.  

Let's get it done.......
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1068689 tn?1325827206
Thanks for your post. You are so right in that some days are going to be good and some not so good. And maybe there might be more bad days than good. But let's hope for more good days! And if I only waited for the good days to post something none of you would see me on here I think!  

Krysie, you crack me up! I like that you have a plan and ready to take examples from others yet you are truthful enough to say what and where you are going to splurge at! Funny. It's good to have a little humor in all of this.

It's just been a couple of days literally that I decided to join this thread and make a commitment. So I don't have a whole lot to report on. My work week is typically anywhere from 8 to 14 hour work days so to say I'm going to put myself on a routine is kinda a joke. I don't have much control over that so I think my best goals are going to be in healthy eating, making smart choices, and try to get in some exercise as time allows.

Like you Barb, I wish I had a neighbor or buddy to go out with and do some walking or something similar. I don't and really *****. I will admit I am very shy about getting out in public and exercising so I know that is an issue for me. I can't seem to get my wife or kids to go out and walk with me so I usually end up giving up on that idea as I don't want to go out on my own. Something I need to work on but not sure how to proceed.
So on top of all that, I am also on injections for low testosterone which really plays havoc with my energy levels. Sometimes the injections work and some weeks not.

As I am a diabetic I have to watch what I eat. Which includes not eating too much or too little. I try to keep my caloric intake to about 2200 calories a day. Seems to work the best for me to lose lbs. I also have to eat something about every 3 hrs. The only problem I have in this area is not bringing the right foods with me for work or when I'm going out for a while. I end up choosing the wrong things when I'm stuck out somewhere.

For this next week I am going to bring all the right foods with me where ever I go. That's a challenge but I want to do this. I am also going to force myself to go down to our gym at home and exercise 3 times this week. That's my goals this week. Send good thoughts my way and see if I can do this.

Finally, I'm glad to report that I did lose some weight since finding this challenge. I am now down to 353 a loss of over 3 lbs. I feel good of that although I wasn't doing any exercise.
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1536914 tn?1302701594
I am so psyched about this! I could hardly wait to get up so I could "weigh in". But first I would like to congratulate you for making your lunch to take with you. That is a wonderful idea, and I think I might have to try that.

And Nicky, it sounds like you have alot on your plate but I know you can do it. I know how much having health issues can interferre with dietings; but I have learned that counting calories and watching those carbs is healthiest way to loose weight. :D I wish you luck, I know you will do great!

So I weighed myself last night (which I know you shouldn't do) but it read 225 which means i lost 3 lbs. However since I know you weigh more at night than you do first thing in the morning, I decided to weigh myself once more today.... and  *drum roll please* ..... I weigh 223! I am soo happy!

I have increased my diet to 1600 calories on doctors recomendations, since I am trying to get pregnant. This past week, my husband made a delicious "Quacamolie Chicken Salad" You dice up some avacado's and tomato's to put in the salad, and cook up some strips of chicken in lime juice, bay leaves, and cilantro. then we put it all together and used some light ranch on top! Healthy and Delicious! I did splurge alittle on Chinese Food, but I didn't eat too awful much. I ate the cup of Wonton Soup, a small spoonful of rice, and about 8 pieces of sesame chicken. Then for dinner that night I had a bowl of homemade corn chowder. I did my yoga 4 times this last week for about 30 minutes each day, and one day I was out shopping with my grandma so that counts as my walk.

So my goal for this week: I want to loose 3 more lbs! I would love to be 220 by the end of the week. I plan on making more salads, I am planning on doing my yoga still, and I want to try to go on 2 walks. *keeping fingers crossed* I know I am kinda going to "blow it" tonight cause my friend is arriving back in town tonight, whom I haven't seen in over a  year! So we are going out to a place called Fast Eddies to have a couple of drinks and some delecious cheep food. :D

I wish everyone the best of luck!
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1179375 tn?1296662480
First of all good for you!  For putting yourself out there!  I've read your comments on a few posts and Ive decided some accountability might be just what I need! I'm a 34yr old stay-at-home Mom of 6. They are 15,11,9,9,9,and 8.  After my youngest was about 3 I went on the atkins with my sister and went from  245lbs to 145lbs, but by the next Christmas I was back to 185.(  I'm 5'8").  I've had epstein barr 3xs in the past 6 years and I'm getting over pneumonia currently. So I've been told any extreme diet could add stress on my body and bring on the epstein barr or other illnesses.  So with all that in mind I've started counting calories and stopped eating processed foods. Sooooo My Sunday weigh in is 189lbs and my goal is 145lbs.    
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