193609 tn?1292180293

Getting Discouraged!

I am getting discouraged....I run my first 5k this saturday. However, I am not a very fast runner. My FASTEST time for a 5k is 38 minutes and that just is NOT good. I was really confident, saying that my only goal was to FINISH! However, now I feel like I am going to look like a huge slow idiot!!! Ugh! I had a bad workout week last week and this week is not looking good either, so I am just DOWN right now :-( Wish me luck ladies, I am going to need it.
14 Responses
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730826 tn?1317943334
Thats good that you are pushing yourself and saying you want more than to finish but make good time. Just dont feel bad about your time, just look at it like you are the one doing this, no ones making you, so you're doing great!
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193609 tn?1292180293
Thank you SOOOO much for sharing that story! It really made me feel a lot better :-) I just read on the race site that a 5K should take 40 minutes MAX...and that really freaked me out!
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184342 tn?1282588750
a 12 min mile is NOT all that bad!  

Let me tell you a little story-  in college I ran cross country-  Drexel had a track team and they had some great sprinters on scholarship for track-  well,  my 2nd or 3rd year they cut the track program-  so there was this guy who came over to run cross country-  he was about 6'5", tall, muscular, lean, black man-  beautiful runner-  perfect runners body-  for a sprinter...  he could kill anyone on a track-  he COULD NOT RUN DISTANCE!  it was so funny!  he was our secret weapon-  we'd get to the meets, and there'd be about 200 runners on the line from various schools and this sprinter on our team (I can't remember what his name was) would go out hard and fast when the gun would go off-  so all the other guys from other schools would get freaked out because you typically don't go out at a full out sprint for a 10 K (what guys run in college)---  but they wouldn't know what to do,  so they'd think "look at this guy, he's going to keep this up for the entire race" and they'd try to hang with him-  it would make them more tired then they should be and after the first 1/2 mile he'd die out, because he couldn't keep that pace very long, and he'd come in like 20 mins behind everyone else at the end!  he didn't care-  he was just out there having fun, and he'd just finish the race!  So imagine what people would think when they'd see him, in all his beautiful glory, coming in dead last...  and trust me-  I have run lot of open 5K races,  you will not come in last with a time of 38 mins!  (unless there is only 20 peope running the race and the rest of them are all professional runners)....  

just have fun, and be proud of what you are doing!  the rest of us are proud of you!
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193609 tn?1292180293
Thank you SOOO much Ranae!!! You always seem to put things in perspective for me and it really helps! I would cheer that person on, instead of judging...so it is only right for me to cheer on myself :-) I am going to run and make MYSELF proud! I told Mike that if he does not get a picture of me crossing the finish line, I was going to hurt him lol I can't wait to post it on medhelp, so you can all see me finish!
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579258 tn?1250649343
Cheyenne ... You are doing amazingly well and you have the love and support of the entire community!  Setting a goal to run your first 5K is a HUGE accomplishment and YOU are doing it!  No matter if it takes you all day long .. you are seizing the opportunity to live your life to the fullest ... just look at what you've done and give yourself the credit you deserve!

Now .. the tough questions .. in the most caring and loving way I can.  You say you feel you are going to look like a "huge slow idiot"?  Hmmm .. you may want to consider why you describe yourself in that manner.  If you saw another runner, let's say 220 lbs, out there running and sweating with fat jiggling running dead last an hour behind everyone else ... would you look at them and think that "huge slow idiot"?  Or, would you look at them and see a person who is willing and able to change their life and who is taking the steps necessary to do so.  A person who is determined to be the best they can be and will do so no matter what.  A person who is strong in spirit and wouldn't you be so proud of them and encouraging?  Then, my dearest Cheyenne, please treat YOU with the same loving, kind acceptance and encouragement you would a stranger.  This is one of the hardest things to learn and yet one of the most important with long-term success in ANYTHING we choose to accomplish in life.

Take care of you and know we all love you and support you.  Enjoy YOUR day to Shine!   YOU ROCK!  

Many heartfelt hugsssss for support and encouragement .. have FUN!!!!


“It is impossible to win the race unless you venture to run, impossible to win the victory unless you dare to battle.”  Richard M. DeVos

“Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.”  Louis L'Amour

“In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves...self-discipline with all of them came first.”  Harry S Truman

“Regardless of how you feel inside, always try to look like a winner. Even if you are behind, a sustained look of control and confidence can give you a mental edge that results in victory.” Arthur Ashe

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676912 tn?1332812551
Wow, 38 minutes is a good time for a 5k to me. I ran 2 miles, best time 1810. I'm in the army and for my age, 23, I have to run it in under 1957 or 56...I'm a really slow runner too, so you go girl!!! Try to increase your stride, you may not run faster, but you'll cover more distance with each step, it really works your calves!
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172023 tn?1334672284
Rock it out, girl.  Just do your best!  
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193609 tn?1292180293
Thanks guys! After this race I am going to work towards my next goal, which will include finishing in the top 3 for my age division! But one goal at a time.....step over that finish line :-)
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758161 tn?1234168016
Go for it, the main thing for you is to achieve your goal of completing, why worry now about the time. We all will be supportive of your achievement what ever the time.

Be proud of your 1st goal and you can then set others accordingly.

Hope all goes well, (you can do it)
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284738 tn?1283106819
Cheyenne ... you should be so proud of yourself!  You achieved a very hard goal ... who cares what everyone thinks all the matters is that you know you can do it and you know you will do it! I wish you all the best :)
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193609 tn?1292180293
Thank you Trudie! My goal was to complete a 5K by the end of the year, and I set that goal 2 months ago! So, I have TOTALLY kicked that goals butt!!!! I am going to hold my head high and run that race as if I was the only one in the world there!! I can run 3.1 miles and I am PROUD!!

Thanks for the pick-me-up!
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483733 tn?1326798446
Wonko is so right.  Treat yourself at least as well as you would others.  Your parents are going to be proud of you no matter what you do.  My butt is still on the couch and look at what you are doing!  You go girl!
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193609 tn?1292180293
Thank you. My parents are coming down to watch the face (a 4 hr drive) because it is such a HUGE accomplishment for me :-) I know I need to be proud that I can even finish the race, so I am going to try and keep a positive attitude!
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428506 tn?1296557399
My first (and to date only) 5 K time in May was 44 minutes.  I can do a bit better on the treadmill, but there were hills on the outdoor course.  I didn't feel like a huge, slow idiot; to the contrary I was proud.

Would you talk to others the way that you are talking to yourself?  Be nice to yourself, and be proud of your accomplishment.
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